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/lit/ - Literature

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3491407 No.3491407 [Reply] [Original]

What's the video game version of this

>> No.3491409

and by video game I mean literature

>> No.3491419

We've already tried it a few times, but it's going to be too subjective. Most of /lit/ doesn't want anything too "obscure" on the list. It would just be a list with the same two dozen authors that are already on all the other tier lists /lit/ has produced.

in short: there isn't one.

>> No.3491430

>Most of /lit/ doesn't want anything too "obscure" on the list.
why? that's part of the point. It's not like anyone knows who the fuck "PMA Azeez" is

>> No.3491443

Haneke needs to be moved up, I'd say. I know plenty of people who are aware of his name who aren't cinephiles.

>> No.3491444

It kind of implies that films that are less accessible are better, which is pretty absurd for the most part.

And we probably wouldn't have much beyond level 4, because who the fuck still reads intensely experimental literature.

>> No.3491445

Where the hell is Bergman?


>> No.3491447

Examples of intensely experimental literature?

>> No.3491452

>It kind of implies that films that are less accessible are better
It actually explicitly denies that, top right

>> No.3491453

Finnegans Wake. It's not very obscure, but it's experimental, alright.

>> No.3491456

not hardcore enough

>> No.3491461

See, this is what I meant by no one wanting anything too obscure. Very few people on /lit/ read anything outside top 100 authors anyway. The number who read experimental authors who'd be beyond level 4 is likely less than a dozen.

Urmuz, Gellu Naum, Konrad Bayer, H. C. Artmann.

>> No.3491463

Finnegans Wake would probably fit. There are a lot of books from the 60s and 70s like that (that I can't recall at the moment) that mess with style and form to an extreme measure and are unreadable for the most part.

I think most of our great literature would fit somewhere between levels 1 and 4, and in general, there really isn't much of a correlation between how accessible it is and how good it is.. Even something 'out there' like Gravity's Rainbow isn't that inaccessible.

>> No.3491465

gravity's rainbow? dunno about intense

>> No.3491468

first comment meant at >>3491444

>> No.3491473

Oh, whoops. In my defense, it was pretty small.

>> No.3491474

level 1 and 0 is mostly shit though
Even LotR, popular as anything ever, would be level 2 because the way it was written.

>> No.3491484

I forgot the name of the author and name of the book but the book he wrote has a cover of some sort of tree-person in a weird "alchemical" style.

also he is german i think

>> No.3491488

Vivian Girls would probably crack the upper tiers.

>> No.3491497
File: 1.16 MB, 1697x2599, surreal literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a good few off of this

>> No.3491499

I'd say a good amount of foreign stuff would be past level 4 for English speakers.

>> No.3491507

The Kalevipoeg. I can't find a single full copy of it in Estonian, let alone English (to be fair, I haven't searched the Estonian net, because I can't read a word of Estonian) anywhere, off- or on-line

>> No.3491515

Upper as in deep or upper as in notdeep?

>> No.3491528

Upper as in 'deep,' though it's primarily there because of its oddness and obscurity, as opposed to actual depth. It was written by a seventy-year old curator with Asperger's, for Christ's sake.

>> No.3491534

I think the guy is sort of well known though, for being weird as shit

>> No.3491537

He's fairly well-known to people who care about random books, but mention him to someone on the street and they'll have no clue.
And good luck finding anyone who's read it.

>> No.3491540

requesting this

>> No.3491545

As we appear to just be discussing experimental or obscure literature for the more 'advanced' tiers, I'd put the Four Great Classical Novels ranging from tier three to five.

>> No.3491549

>Four Great Classical Novels
care to explain?

>> No.3491552

They're essentially the Chinese canon.

>> No.3491555

which is

>> No.3491556

Voynich Manuscript
That would be level infinity for sure

>> No.3491557

you can use Google, guy


>> No.3491558

Dream of the Red Chamber
Water Margin
Journey to the West
Romance of the Three Kingdoms

>> No.3491559

nope, it was published in the 20th century

>> No.3491560


>> No.3491561

close, but no cigar

>> No.3491564

was it intentionally weird for like, novelty value like that one? Or was it a crazy guy, or surreal/artistic aspirations?

>> No.3491569

>surreal/artistic aspirations?

this i think

i remember discovering it on a troll tier list on here

author is european, has a "tree-man" on the cove

>> No.3491571


>> No.3491572

I am interested now

>> No.3491574

also just remembered the troll image is by quentin

>> No.3491576

Well it has to be a popular book then, relatively. He never put anything too obscure on his images.

>> No.3491582

The Brown Bunny was shit.

>> No.3491587


>> No.3491597

So, the brown bunny is an allegory for feces?

>> No.3491602

going by the wiki, one of the goals was to make you feel like a kid reading an encyclopedia that was way over your level of understanding, but you knew that adults could understand it

>> No.3491604

wait so you know what it's called?

>> No.3491607

but buffalo 66 was great. it balances out.