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3485358 No.3485358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How so I stop being depressed and actually have enthusiasm toward life again?

>> No.3485362

Realize life is pretty short brah, and this infinitesimal short existence and consciousness is so unique that you might as well make something of it. (and hence not waste it in a gym, lel)

>> No.3485370

Magnify the good things in life.

most depression comes from magnifying negative things.

>> No.3485379

Actually--not OP, by the way--I think life is too long, and not short enough.

>> No.3485385

Have you tried not browsing 4chan?

>> No.3485387

>most depression comes from magnifying negative things.

Yes, that's totally how depression works.
Just magnify flowers and vaginas, and you will be fulfilled and your existential angst will vanish like fucking magic.

The amount of fucking idiots on this board is staggering.


captcha: supid fucking idiot

>> No.3485389

Well there's an easy way out then

>> No.3485393

too much edge in this thread

>> No.3485396 [DELETED] 


The advice isn't harmful.

If you're the OP, you could try better prioritizing your concerns so as to not overreact to the minutia of your day.

If you're not, you're kind of a silly willy walnut head.

>> No.3485399

Man shit like this just makes me feel guilty for wasting it

Yeah but I really have no idea what to waste my time with instead

>> No.3485400


The advice isn't harmful.

If you're the OP, you could try better prioritizing your concerns so as to not overreact to the minutia of your day.

If not, you're kind of a silly willy walnut head.

>> No.3485402

good diet & work out

it's that simple

>> No.3485406

I'm hoping English is his second language

>> No.3485407

how the fuck is life short?

>> No.3485413

>achieving spritual fulfillment through vapid and vacuous narcissism

This is what /fit/ actually believes

>> No.3485420

I do both of these, actually. I no longer spend every waking moment of my life wanting to kill myself but it really hasn't improved the anhedonia
Basically what I'm looking for is ways to improve my negative, lazy thought process which is why I'm asking this board

>> No.3485421

enjoy your depression then

>> No.3485422

>creative outlet
>social life
>a good pussy to pound

>> No.3485425


Seriously, I wouldn't give this advise irl but whenever I do nofap I get a much more drive to do stuff.

>> No.3485426
File: 156 KB, 960x699, howtofocus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do positively without thinking, OP. Exercise. Help a neighbor. Do something good for someone without telling them. Muster up the strength to call up that one friend you haven't talked to in a while because you're a self-absorbed and anxious little fuck.

Find a high surface, like a bureau, and use your laptop from there, forcing you to stand up instead of sit down.

>> No.3485427

I have 4/5 lel
do u even depression

>> No.3485429


>> No.3485430

In relation to the infinity, I'd argue that 75 years is pretty short

>implying you're conscious of time when you're dead

I didn't say that, but life is pretty special no matter how you look at it. This kind of consciousness is so unique that you'd be hard pressed not to feel even somewhat priveleged by the ephemeral and ethereal nature of it. If you don't see it like that, you can always commit suicide.

>> No.3485431

Depression is a certain mental state, primary triggered by experiences and/or by a neuronal dysfuntion. This implies a Case differentiation:

(1) Psychologic and (2) Somatogen

For (1): You have certain thoughts, which you can't escape. Try to analyse which thoughts are constructive and which are destructive. Try to think without an emotional response to the thoughts and if, try to realise and analyse those thoughts (Why, since when, in which context doese it apply,...) Try to seperate emotions from rational thinking. This is the hardest part but from there it gets better. Good training: read a book, be as autistic, sceptical, analytic as possible about it. Applie this to your own thoughts (writing them down might help).

For (2): Many reasons, everything that effects your body effects your mind (even if only slightly) Doing sports, eating healthy, or even develop some habits (go for a walk) that include physical activity.
Another issue are drugs. Leave them out, no matter what, no matter where. See if it helps a lot to do so. Is it does, there you go.
Maybe you are just seasonaly depressed? Happens to many people due to shorter days meaning less sunlight, which makes happy. There are special lamps (full lightspectrum of the sun, high performance) for those cases.

This are some experiences I have made with the downs. They are common and everyone gets them frome time to time, you are not alone. Just don't give up and think of Sysiphos as a happy person!Alber camus

>> No.3485432


>> No.3485433

then you need the pussy

>> No.3485435 [DELETED] 


The OP isn't asking about spiritual fulfillment, though.

He's asking how to stop feeling bad and regain motivation, which can be greatly aided by becoming more healthy.

Could you explain your determination of "vacuous narcissism" from "good diet and workout?"

Perhaps you know better than I do, but the latter doesn't qualify any of the criteria of the former.

>> No.3485436

compared to anything you ever do, life is longer

and your second paragraph is laughable

>> No.3485438

I don't even have a sex drive any more; I no longer have interest in anything beyond carousing with my partner
Dang I like this, thanks

>> No.3485442


The OP isn't asking about spiritual fulfillment, though.

He's asking how to stop feeling bad and regain motivation, which can be greatly aided by becoming more healthy.

Could you explain your determination of "vacuous narcissism" from "good diet and workout?"

Perhaps you know better than I do, but his suggestion doesn't seem to meet the criteria of your accusation.

>> No.3485448

babby's first existential crisis

>> No.3485453


>> No.3485454

Naw actually I am looking for spiritual fulfillment
I already work out 5 days a week and I have a fantastic diet (food is like the only thing I give a shit about)

>> No.3485457

fuck off already kid

>> No.3485458

1. Stop over thinking everything. This is the cause of so much problems it's unreal.
2. Stop reading philosophy (if it's not making you happier it's not worth bothering with).
3. Stop worrying.
4. Stop going on the internet.

>> No.3485460


>> No.3485462

also eat lots of fish and nuts. That always skyrockets my mood for some reason

>> No.3485470

Its the omega-3s

>> No.3485474


I'll assume that's in response to number 2. I stick by it. If trying to solve problems philosophically isn't making you happier then you should fuck it off and go with the flow. Unless you have some objective criteria with which to disagree?

I doubt that sincerely so stop shitposting.

>> No.3485480

no, it was in response to all of your /b/ tier advice

>> No.3485488

>when things are uncomfortable, just surrender yourself to vulgar everyday bourgeois existence

>> No.3485497

man you sound lamer than that dude giving advice

>> No.3485498

Don't worry, be happy!

Thanks man!!!!

>> No.3485515

Smoke a lot of weed and listen to Bob Marley and Dave Matthews Band and assorted Jam Bands. Also be a naive collegiate.

Cap: mscotch happily

>> No.3485525

It's hard to compete with your axiom of abnegating philosophical thinking in favor of mindless hedonism

>> No.3485528


Basically. It sounds like deluded hippy advice but if you try and let go of all the pretense you have about life in general you'll be a lot happier. I'm not telling you to not try anything here - I'm just saying don't become attacked to the outcome.


You sound like a fairly pretentious person. How's that working out for you?

>> No.3485533

One of the better infographics on 4chan. Kudos!

>> No.3485534

>not being a Marxist

>> No.3485535

1. stop tjhinken
2. get jackked
3. fuk bitchiz
4. man up

>> No.3485538

You're still not intellectual breh

>> No.3485539

stop samefagging to bump your shitty image

>> No.3485544


Why would I want to be a marxist?
In terms of politics I'd call myself a technocrat - though it hardly matters.

>> No.3485547

Enough to get you to entertain the thought, though

>> No.3485548

Did you actually read it? It's pretty helpful

>> No.3485552
File: 438 KB, 500x281, strange2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote >>3485426, both my identical twin brother and I have ADHD-PI and seasonal affective disorder. Cardio exercise really is extremely helpful, if it's not helping that means you need to push yourself harder. Depression has been correlated with low body temperature, greater-than-normal inflammation, reduced levels of endorphins and high levels of glucocorticoids; consistent (but not excessive) exercise can help reverse all these symptoms.

Antidepressants are also very effective, but rarely do much in the long-term on their own. It's best to think of them as merely a starting place, where they can relieve the depression/stabilize you for a long enough time so that you can then make behavioral modifications to your life that will then prevent you from falling back into the depression again.

Behavioral modifications (such as the ones I suggested, or cognitive behavioral therapy) will eventually induce plastic changes which will prevent further depressio>>3485539
n and anhedonia in the future. These plastic changes can occur even if your depression is mostly hereditary.


That's not me... and I would never write "kudos".

>> No.3485556

yeah, it' useless shit. anyone who isn't a hopeless retard thought about every idea depicted in that picture when they were 15

>> No.3485562

This shit is what I mean
Your puffed up grad student rhetoric means nothing when all you have to say is "LOL I H8 PLEBS IM SMART XD"

>> No.3485565

Aww, you think I'm a grad student. I appreciate the compliment, bro.

>> No.3485567


I'm the guy who wrote that list - you've been talking to someone else for a while now. Just so you know.

>> No.3485570

Life is meaningless. If you accept that, you'll be able to move past existential conflict and see life for what it is. Then, you can learn to love it.

>> No.3485572

Hey man, yours is the only advice in this thread that I found remotely helpful. I'll keep all this in mind

>> No.3485583

I just read Nietzsche xD

>> No.3485585

>How do I into existentialism?

>> No.3485594

>hasn't read Nietzsche

>> No.3485619

>Asking this on 4chan.


>> No.3485708
File: 28 KB, 450x338, vikingofdissaproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't my image you asshat.

>> No.3485719

>anyone who isn't a hopeless retard

So it's perfect for 4chan. Go scrub your throat with a bundle of bleeding cocks negative nancy.

>> No.3486573

Read Kerouac, go out drinking.

>> No.3486594

There have been a lot of these "I'm depressed help me" threads lately.

>> No.3486630


the dude who said that isn't entirely wrong, focusing on the negative shit in your life and wallowing in it does tend to make people less happy.

realising that everyone has got shit wrong, and everyone is sad but that not everyone is prevented from living cuz of it does add to happiness.

there's always good shit even in a bad situation. shit i've been in plenty of fucked situations before, been suicidal, and deal with depression and even i can see that.

>> No.3486645

>and everyone is sad
yup, let's lie ourselves to make us feel better

>> No.3486650


it isn't vapid narcissism, eating better and working out have been proven to help people lead happier lives.

eating good food will make you feel better, and working out actually helps your brain increase the production of feel good chemicals.

it won't make everything in your life better, but it'll help.

plus looking good does make people feel better, it might seem narcissistic but most people who are fat, out of shape, and ugly are depressed. and being those 3 things isn't exactly helping them getting over their depression.

>> No.3486671


it's the truth, everyone's got shit wrong with them and bad shit in their lives. i've never met a single person who wasn't fucked up or sad about something when i really got to know them.

if all you look at is the surface then yeah some people will appear happier than others, but get past that and you'll see it.

there's always balance, everyone's got good shit and bad shit the trick is to not let the bad shit eat you alive cuz just like the good shit in life it passes.

>> No.3486672

>most people who are fat, out of shape, and ugly are depressed.
{{citation needed}}

>> No.3486675

i'm not sad

>> No.3486692


go to /r9k/, ask them about their weight/looks and whether or not they're happy. ask them how much their looks depress them.

or fuck just look at how much money plastic surgeons make, or weight loss programs, and how many people think their lives would be improved if their physical defects were cured (and then listen to how many people say that it has improved since those changes)

it's pretty fucking basic.

people who are fat and out of shape can't do as many things as someone who isn't. people who are ugly tend to have a harder time when it comes to finding someone to be with and friends... both of which improve life quality.

>> No.3486707

oh so you were making up stats from your arse

surprise surprise

>> No.3486710


ill give you my number to call me if you find an answer

>> No.3486719


google the link between being overweight and depression then get back to me. or better yet have a few conversations with people. i'm sorry i'm not autistic enough to have a fuckton of websites for you where other people are saying "being fat makes you depressed" and instead prefer to rely on my life experience and just having been around people.

i've never met a genuinely happy fat person, actually most of them have been the most depressed whiny bitches i've ever come into contact with.

>> No.3486736
File: 56 KB, 359x589, bion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going on welfare best day of my life. I've been happy ever since.

>> No.3486747

there's no need to reply anymore if you can't come up with your source

>> No.3486756
File: 132 KB, 398x500, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've never met a genuinely happy fat person, actually most of them have been the most depressed whiny bitches i've ever come into contact with.
Some of the most cheerful people I've met had pretty impressive guts. I guess there's a difference between depressed cheeseburger fat and jolly innkeeper fat though.

>> No.3486763

>i've never met a genuinely happy fat person
that's bc of fat shaming

>> No.3486769


my source is life, are you incapable of observing people in every day life and making connections? do you really need a website to tell you everything because you lack common sense?

i'm guessing you're probably fat, enjoy trying to find happiness at the bottom of a bag of potato chips

>> No.3486800


then i'd love to meet the fat people you've met cuz the ones i've met have been fucking awful.


oh please, fat people need to grow thicker skin. everyone gets teased about something at one point or another, and them being fat is fucking unhealthy and gross to look at past a certain point. they'd probably be happier if they were capable of moving around, and fitting into chairs that normal people can fit into and on rides at amusement parks that aren't meant for people who are morbidly obese.

that whole "fat acceptance" bullshit just makes me sick, it's like people want everyone to pretend that it's ok and attractive to shovel tons of food down your face and test your bodies mobility limits.

>> No.3486803

>ending with confirmation bias, anecdotal evidence and ad hominem
great show anon

>> No.3486815


i didn't throw out statistics or make claims, i said straight up most of the people i've met who have been fat and fat people i've spoken to are also depressed.

if you want to do research go ahead and do it yourself, or better yet try actually talking to the masses of miserable fat people there are in america.

>> No.3486819
File: 96 KB, 463x94, Rbfish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for not being pretenious, not drailing the thread, not being a troll or bullshit preacher.

>> No.3486821

>then i'd love to meet the fat people you've met cuz the ones i've met have been fucking awful.
Go to a Bavarian biergarten or something. Or some Provençal café where the old people get started on pastis at the end of the morning or a Tuscan restaurant. Go somewhere European where people like traditional cuisine and the good life. Not that there's a lot of fat people there, but the ones that are fat are usually so because they can into enjoyment too much.

>> No.3486823


yeah i'm from brooklyn, and only ever around american fat people.

>> No.3486827

>i didn't throw out statistics or make claims, i said straight up most of the people i've met who have been fat and fat people i've spoken to are also depressed.
>most people who are fat, out of shape, and ugly are depressed.

>> No.3486833


and most of the ones i've met are. if you've never had more than a handful of fat ugly chicks crying at you about how depressed they are and trying to get hugs then great for you cuz you aren't missing out. but i've never met a happy fat person.

>> No.3486846

How fat are we talking?

>> No.3486856


when i say fat i'm talking morbidly obese not a little extra weight. i'm talking landwhales.

>> No.3486859
File: 108 KB, 560x840, ok4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon. It's a cultural thing I guess.

>> No.3486860

End Alienation

>> No.3486869

Eat a pudding.
This is my advice everytime, but I find it best.
Think all day about how you're going to treat yourself and how awesome the pudding cup is going to taste.

I think the trick is to train yourself into liking small, insignificant things.
I get the feeling people convince themselves that enjoying little things is childish and misplaced, and it just evolves from there.

>> No.3486911
File: 78 KB, 580x580, kerouac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw laying in bed at night listening to the rain thinking about the coming breakfast, happily looking forward to it, almost smelling the coffee, falling asleep gently and smiling in quiet anticipation for the coming day

>> No.3486917

Maybe you're just an asshole

>> No.3486938

Start discovering something new. You know nothing of the world.

>> No.3487005


maybe, but i doubt that's what makes all those fat people miserable to be around.

and if you're talking about the "fat shaming" shit i look at it like this: i've gotten shit for having tattoos, long hair, piercings, smoking, drugs, etc. from plenty of people. i don't bitch about it or get all hurt and upset over it and tell people they're "shaming" me for my personal choices. i understand that not everyone is gonna like the way i look or the things i do and that there are going to be people who have shit to say about it. so do i feel bad for people who are overweight and eat themselves into that by choice? nah, they're choosing to stuff that shit in their faces and choosing to be fat. and if you're choosing to do something to yourself/look a certain way (and let's face it fat people do choose to be fat and eat the way they do) then there's no reason to bitch and cry about the way people treat you/look at you cuz of it.

>> No.3487037

I agree with this dude. We shouldn't treat fat people badly, but we can't say it's fine to be fat.
Being fat is bad, if you're fat you need to do something about it.
I spent years pretending that I wasn't fat, it took people calling me fat for me to make a change about it.

>> No.3487047

>i've gotten shit for having tattoos, long hair, piercings, smoking, drugs
>implying these aren't usually considered cool among people of your age

>> No.3487048

>tfw laying in bed at night listening to the rain thinking about the coming breakfast, happily looking forward to it, almost smelling the coffee, falling asleep gently and smiling in quiet anticipation for the coming day
I want to feel that feel.

>> No.3487056

Think about what you do that prevents your happiness. Then make the necessary changes.

>> No.3487064


and you assume i treat people poorly for being fat based on me sharing my opinion on a forum?

i don't treat people like shit based on their appearance, but i don't pity people who are fat either.

what this started from was me saying that fat people tend to have depression issues that are related to their fat, at least all the ones i've met...and that having a good diet and working out tends to make people happier rather than it just being a matter of narcissism.



>> No.3487116

By realizing yourself instead of asking what to do on an imageboard?

>> No.3487128

Strive for ataraxia/apatheia

>> No.3487176

>Moody with extreme up moods and extreme down moods
>Wonder if depression causes both
>Yep it does/can
>Don't trust therapists
>Afraid of drugs

Welp. Time for video games.

I wonder if I would be happier if I was more ignorant about the world.

>> No.3487200

>(and hence not waste it in a gym, lel)

/lit/ =!= /fit/

>> No.3487203
File: 85 KB, 580x480, karelin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that?

>> No.3487204

People say don't waste your life in a gym, but honestly, what else are you going to do. Unless you're the busiest man alive, most people have got about 5 hours of free time. Surely you can spend at least an hour working out. Especially in this day and age, where our work no longer physically challenges us.

>> No.3487221
File: 152 KB, 359x354, jg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the practical imperative for doing stuff again. You're probably going to need more money to sustain your living than any previous generation so I'd start with that. Good luck (genuinely)

>> No.3487306

That pic makes me lol. What kind of job is going to give you a 20 minute break for every 50 minutes of work?

>> No.3487316

>1. Stop over thinking everything. This is the cause of so much problems it's unreal.

But then you're just living vapidly and hedonistically. Is there any point to that?

>> No.3487330

>focusing on the negative shit in your life and wallowing in it does tend to make people less happy.

Yes - because this is what depressive people voluntarily do.

>muh serotonin receptors!

>> No.3487339

How do you avoid focusing on negative shit when you're forced into it for 8 hours a day if you want to eat?

>> No.3487344

Do shit, just keep doing shit till you die or start to enjoy it

>> No.3487365

Happiness is selfish and conformist
just suffer for something thats worth it

>> No.3487402

>people actually believe and preach this kind of thing

>> No.3487428

You like vapidity and hedonism?

>> No.3487477

I may be 18, and thus not so wise, but I've had enough experience to tell you that depression isn't merely a result of 'focusing on the bad'. If that's the cause of your melancholia, you may just have a mild case of the sads and in a few days or even hours you'll be fine again for a long period of time.

Depression, on the other hand, creeps up out of seemingly nowhere. You can be sitting on the computer on one otherwise fine Saturday morning when you feel it. No reason, nothing ostensibly triggered it. You just feel bleak, alone, and alienated. Its in a way indescribable, the dread or emptiness or whatever. Some things do compound it though, for instance lurking the Twitter of an unrequited love and seeing her post about her new love...that was about 30 minutes ago and I felt like a huge, invisible weight was on me. I know, first world problems. I felt like a train hit

>> No.3487512

Bring this shit to /r9k/ or /adv/ for fucks sake. This is a board to discuss literature!

>> No.3487807

>tfw people act snooty for making the world a better place instead of indulging in pleasure
>tfw once the world is a better place people will have nothing to do but indulge in pleasure anyway
from evictsin

>> No.3488307

>Don't focus on negative things

This is good advice you depressed piece of shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.3488366



>> No.3488430

Who doesn't like hedonism?

>> No.3488447

usually it's not about finding what you are interested in, but finding out what you are interested in. outside of solving obvious obstacles to your life goals, you could try change of scenery, travel etc. get new experience will give you material that sitting in your chair can never will.

>> No.3488452

best way i found was to try and become at peace with your surroundings. accept what happens, happens. you got a shitty job? fuckit, girlfriend fucking another bloke? fuckit. Moaning ain't doing nothing, thinking about how to stop being depressed will only make your more depressed. try and do things if your like most on 4chan and sit and watch tranny sex all day no wonder why your feeling down

>> No.3488454


also, becoming obsessed with success, materialistic goods, or what you consider success in something (chess? fuck knows) isn't gonna help. try and take everything in, theres a shit tonne you won't realise, and when you do, you love the shit out of life (....drugs)

>> No.3488460

yes there is. lol my happiness>your lack of

>> No.3488479

buy a gun (for best results, choose revolver)
lay in bed
pick up gun
browse 4chan


call your grand parents
always bring a gift
stop trying, just do

>> No.3488489


simple question op.

whats your stance on the right to bear arms?

>> No.3488544

>have a great job
>live in one of the best countries in the world
>earning more money than like 99% of people in the world
>feel completely depressed
>everything feels pointless
>acknowledging these feelings makes me feel guilty since I "should" consider myself lucky
>contemplate suicide every day but too pussy to go through with it
Such is life. I honestly wish I would just die in a freak accident; at least then my family wouldn't know the truth.

>> No.3489687

But you won't be able to discover potentially greater happiness by revealing the secrets of the universe to yourself somehow by living like that.