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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 532x363, fdnfmdsnfodsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3485441 No.3485441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

Laurie Penny just confirmed she'd be willing to do a Q&A on here!

>> No.3485445

bump for queen of /lit/

>> No.3485449
File: 80 KB, 364x500, leonardcohen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy god damn

>> No.3485452

Blech. Take this lame idea to r.eddit

>> No.3485455

Our first AMA since Tao Lin!

>> No.3485463
File: 40 KB, 380x583, johann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Johann Hari has disappeared from the face of the earth

>> No.3485464

Can't wait, she's a delusional communist public school girl, she need to be told how fucking stupid she is

>> No.3485466

I read some of her writing and found it to be below average, and she's insufferable in real life from what I've seen of her on talks.
It'll be fun to see her leave in a huff after the first offensive question.

>> No.3485467

Sup David Starkey

>> No.3485468


>> No.3485473


When is she coming on?

>> No.3485475

Well I for one would be interested to see her interaction with /lit/.

OP please explain to her how to trip.

>> No.3485481

She hasn't replied yet

Should I recommend she come on later on when the Americans are on as well and the board picks up?

And yeah good idea I ddn't think of tripping

>> No.3485489

>Privet Pro/lit/ariat! It's your comrade Laurie Penny
H..hi Laurie..d..down with bourgeois
>I agree comrade, capitalism is a pyramid scheme
y..yes mistress

If you want your leftie circle jerk take it elsewhere, /lit/ isn't for 14 year olds and shit tier writers

>> No.3485485

inb4 she sees this thread and decides not to come.

>> No.3485486

Just get her to come on whenever she has time, it doesn't matter. Fuck the Americans.

>> No.3485491

Go away David, a lot of like her

>> No.3485492

>Should I recommend she come on later on when the Americans are on

No, the Murricans have to be sleeping when she comes on. You know how horrible they are.

>> No.3485496




>> No.3485500

Based Laurie Penny.

I'm actually reading Penny Red right now. I'd love to have a chat with her about student protests.

>> No.3485501

In fact this might even be a set up so she will get something to write about. So she'll get proof of the net hatred.

>> No.3485502

a lot of us*

>> No.3485503


good luck with having 5 active posters then

>> No.3485506

What are you reading?

I'm intrigued and want to get into her writing but don't know where to start

>> No.3485507

Chill the fuck out and take your caps off. I think it's a great idea to get an author to come to /lit/, and we don't have to invite /pol/.

>> No.3485508

No one really likes her here, that's why it might be fun.

Nice. Maybe that'll make us stop coming back to this shithole.

>> No.3485509

Sage for fucking cancer.

>> No.3485510

Nobody cares about Laurie Penny except that retard trying to epically foce her on this board fuck off
lel we so mad

>> No.3485511

>No one really likes her here

You must be new here

>> No.3485513

For what? her writing is fucking awful and her 'political philosophy' is the same Pinko Communist nonsense you hear at any Autism rally

>> No.3485519
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>What are you reading?

>> No.3485520
File: 15 KB, 225x300, laurie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never defeat the patriarchy alongside Laurie and live out your lives together free of the oppressive gender binary


>> No.3485522
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The amount of samefag in this thread
I'm starting to think the loser pushing this ignorant child 'writer' on /lit/ is none other than Laurie herself

>> No.3485523
File: 442 KB, 1108x499, fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pinko Communist nonsense

>> No.3485524

No one even knew her here two weeks ago. You fail at sarcasm if you think people really like her here.

>> No.3485527

She's one of the leading voices of the British left and writes for one of Britian's best left-leaning newspapers.

The fact that she's willing to take time out to come over here is pretty cool

>> No.3485531

It just screams 'i have never had a job in my life' 'why doesn't daddy love me?'

>> No.3485532

No, you must be.

Laurie Penny was originally brought over here by /pol/ during their usual weekend raids. There's one tryhard faggot that likes her. No one else around here does. She's a bourgeois 24 year old privileged white girl that doesn't know the first fucking thing about class struggle. The true leftists around here detest her.

Go read Eagleton instead, you fuck.

>> No.3485537

>She's constantly pushed on the toilet rag that is the guardian, noone who isn't a 13 year old communist even knows her
Fixed, why don't we get Alex Jones on here? He's pretty famous, oh wait it's because he's a delusional retard

>> No.3485540

But Eagleton's dead, he can't do a q&a

>> No.3485543

Why not get any public schooled idiot to do a Q&A?

>> No.3485545

And that is why he's better.

Stop advertising this laurie penny shit now.

And please /pol/ did not bring that girl her. She was spammed on all boards./pol/ doesn'tgive a fuck about /lit/. We are simply too small.

>> No.3485549

Because despite your delusion, Laurie's an influential member of the British left and writes weekly articles for the New Statesman, which is a great paper

>> No.3485551

Eagleton isn't dead, you dumbass.

/pol/ invades us every weekend. Lurk moar faggot.

>> No.3485553



>> No.3485555
File: 104 KB, 720x482, laugh with Alyssa C..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great Paper
>Pinko Communist swill

>> No.3485559

You don't the New Statesman is a great paper?

I'm not even a leftie but still recognize it as a great news outlet

>> No.3485569

Are you joking? It's the most perverse journalistic circlejerkery in the business, the fucking Daily Mail is less obvious

>> No.3485573

Oh come on you're embarrasing yourself now.

>> No.3485574

Oh man, we're going to embarrass ourselves again, aren't we?

>> No.3485579

We've already had Tao Lin on here a bunch of times, it's not as if we're not used to speaking with famous people

>> No.3485580

/pol/ does not raid us, a few e/lit/ists just happen to also be /pol/tards.

>> No.3485581

I am almost convinced you are Laurie, or at least a journalist on the paper, it's fucking laughably bad, i refuse to believe any rational adult actually takes it seriously

>> No.3485586

Well then you're severely misinformed.

Christopher Hitchens and far too many other respected journalists either began or workedfor a long time at that paper, dismissing it as being like the Daily Mail is pretty childish

>> No.3485591

This. She's a pretty good writer too. Hopefully we can get a mod like that Andrew W.K Q&A thread on /mu/ to ban all the shitposters and misogyny comments that will inevitably show up.

>> No.3485593

You should do this on le ddit instead. No one except trolls will gain anything from having a Q&A session with Laurie Penny on 4chan. We will make ourselves look dumb and she will probably have her feelings hurt.

>> No.3485599

Are there mods on /lit/?

Mods please stop fapping and make yourself aware if you're here

>> No.3485600

Christopher Hitchens was politically retarded, he was a very intelligent philosopher when he applied his trade to religion, and some of his books are very readable, but he was a delusional self confessed Marxist, just google him on youtube and you'll see his fandom 'the HITCHSLAP LOL SHE JUST GOT DAWKINSED THE ATHEISTS ARE DE SMARTEST'

>> No.3485601

But reddi.t isn't /lit/ :(

>> No.3485608

Tao Lin on /lit/

What's different about the chatter on the /lit/ board than some other board? Is it all trollish or is there actually interesting commentary?

[long pause]. I like the tone more, usually.

Is it interesting because it comes from outside a media elite world?

[long pause] I think it's more of a joke. That's what I like reading.

Do you think of yourself as a meme on 4chan?


Do people Photoshop you?

They take images and write stuff on it. There's an image of me and my dad and it says, like, some stereotypical Asian thing about a dad being disappointed in his son. I like that one.

Why do you think you became a known entity on the /lit/ board?

Some of it...some of it's probably because I would write about it on Twitter. Probably cuz of that.

Do you think it has anything to do with some of the information on the internet about you that they might perceive as antagonistic or prankish?

Yeah. I think a lot of what I do is easy to talk about. To make jokes out of. Like almost everything I do that isn't a book is [long pause] has that in mind, to be interesting in that way. So it's just easy for them to talk about me.

>> No.3485603

Author =/= fanbase

>implying Hitch wasn't a neoliberal in the years before his death

>> No.3485605


This. Seriously, what could this possibly add to the board?

>> No.3485607
File: 58 KB, 300x200, miltonprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really love to debate her on communism and the oppressive shackles of enforced equality. Please make this happen.

>> No.3485610

Out of all the scholarly British leftists that you can pay attention to (Eagleton, Williams, Harvey, Graeber) you pick a poorly educated 24 year old girl with pink hair.

This board is a fucking joke.

>> No.3485611

What could iut take away?

So it might bump a twilight troll thread to page 2, so what?

>> No.3485615

It's not pink stoopid

>> No.3485617
File: 99 KB, 500x500, ayn_rand_sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would really love to debate her on communism and the oppressive shackles of enforced equality.

Me too.

#objectivism #libertarianism #YOLO

>> No.3485618

Aw, now I feel sad. It ain't easy bein' free

>> No.3485620
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1250, 1358510891337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to convert her to anarcho-capitalism, I'm so fr*ggin excited!

>> No.3485624

>you pick a poorly educated 24 year old girl
26yo with an English degree from Oxford.

>> No.3485625

OP here, I've explained how to go about posting a thread to her, I don't want to pester her though

What do?

>> No.3485626

In his last interview with Paxman he said he had reverted to Marxism.

You'll have a ball Milton, she actually believes int he labor theory of value

>> No.3485627

If I am not around when this happens will someone ask her this on my behalf?

"Miss Penny, I picked up a copy of Meat Market Female Flesh Under Capitalism, thinking that it was going to be a more... romantic novel. Having read several pages of it now, I feel duped and was wondering if you could give me a refund. I will of course pay you for the pages read. (which is approximately 10)"

>> No.3485628


we need some order if she's going to come here to stop spamfags from /pol/

>> No.3485630

>I don't want to pester her

Kill yourself betalord.

>> No.3485631

>I can't wait to convert her to anarcho-capitalism
You don't think much of your labour value then?

>> No.3485632
File: 929 KB, 264x320, 1353318985321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she actually believes int he labor theory of value

>> No.3485641

>OP here, I've explained how to go about posting a thread to her
That's not how it works. You go and get Moot to confirm it, he will set up a dedicated thread and have a mod there to remove shitposters. You need to make it in a months time or so, under these conditions, or that poor little girl will try to start a thread and have the neckbeards tear her apart.

>> No.3485644

You mean posting cp in /b/, right?

>> No.3485639

Not even once. They're all fighting CP in /b/.

>> No.3485645

Send dat bitch a picture of yo dick.

Actually I mite do that if she makes a thread here.

>> No.3485646

> he will set up a dedicated thread and have a mod there to remove shitposters.

Why don't you just go to reddit if you want a nice PC AMA you fucking faggot?

>> No.3485648
File: 22 KB, 300x331, LAURIECHAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are mods here, I've been banned before on here

>> No.3485654


Every day, is a Tao Lin day

Never forget

>> No.3485655

I don't think a communist would appreciate being called the queen of anything.

>> No.3485656

Same. Usually for very minor infractions, too.

He accidentally posted with his trip in a Stephen King thread the other day.

>> No.3485658

AMA's on 4chan...

right, because we are so civilized and intelligent, right?

Sorry, there's too many retards and people who want to ruin it here for that to work well.

>> No.3485661

Can we try to get Tao Lin and Laurie Penny in the same thread?

>> No.3485663

Ok, I just told her that we'll need time to set this up

Should we post on /q/ about it so moot will find out?

>> No.3485664
File: 25 KB, 200x345, laurie-penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she actually believes in the labor theory of value

"Owing to the extensive use of machinery and to division of labour, the work of the proletarians has lost all individual character, and consequently, all charm for the workman. He becomes an appendage of the machine, and it is only the most simple, most monotonous, and most easily acquired knack, that is required of him. Hence, the cost of production of a workman is restricted, almost entirely, to the means of subsistence that he requires for his maintenance, and for the propagation of his race. But the price of a commodity, and therefore also of labour, is equal to its cost of production. In proportion therefore, as the repulsiveness of the work increases, the wage decreases."

>> No.3485666

Fuck off.


>> No.3485667


let's make them go on a date and fuck and get married and have the literal worst babies in the world

>> No.3485668


UNLESS you have a mod who keeps things clean, of course.



>> No.3485672

that will just alert all the /pol/lutants.

>> No.3485674


Yeah, here we go.

God, I hate you. You're fucking retarded, seriously.

>> No.3485675
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1349237266950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the price of a commodity, and therefore also of labour, is equal to its cost of production.


>> No.3485676

>Christopher Hitchens ... was a very intelligent philosopher when he applied his trade to religion
3/10. You won't get more than a 4 for "only pretending to be retarded".

>> No.3485682

I went to that page but all I saw was inane comments.

Saddest day of my life.

>> No.3485679

She will probably take one look at the front page of /lit/ and think "Fuck this."

Nothing will happen.

>> No.3485681

>Sorry, there's too many retards and people who want to ruin it here for that to work well.
Did you see the Andrew W.K thread on /mu/? That went pretty well. They set up a thread with a lot of notice, and set aside a few mods to police the thread and weed out the trolls.

>> No.3485684

I think she might be looking at it now and regret saying she'd do it. I hope not though

>> No.3485685

I love how commie trash ramble incoherently and then through out unjustified opinions as facts to draw a conclusion.

Classic non sequitur.

>> No.3485687

I expect, after OP tweeted her, she came straight here to investigate and is reading this thread right now.

>> No.3485689

If you want a AWK style thread, OP should contact m00t and/or get Laurie to contact him to arrange it.

>> No.3485690


Yeah. See: >>3485668

>> No.3485691


>> No.3485692

Laurie Penny is a more divisive figure than Andrew WK, though. She is virtually a meme.

>> No.3485694
File: 96 KB, 241x228, sweatytoadface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord

>> No.3485695

Who is Laurie Penny?

>> No.3485696

/q/ is flooded by /pol/ right now because someone JEWS no doubt made a "delete /pol/" thread.

>> No.3485697

She's the second hottest writer for New Statesman.

>> No.3485698

That feel when my pixie waifu might be reading my shitposts right now.

>> No.3485702

Who's first?

>> No.3485705

What? Andrew WK had that Party Hard hit in like 1999 then faded into obscurity. The few people who had heard of him had forgotten who he was, and the younger posters had to google him.

>> No.3485706

>As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
Check the red text at the top of the main page sometime. MOOTCHAT is probably the best thing for this.

>> No.3485707

I don't have AIM or anything

>> No.3485711
File: 71 KB, 257x346, 1325524175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when my pixie waifu
Laurie Penny gives no fucks about being a pixie waifu.

>> No.3485712

wonder if she listens to The Smiths

>> No.3485715

make one

>> No.3485716

I think she did an article about her favourite music before, can't remember The Smiths being on there, think she mentioned Billy Bragg

>> No.3485717

Yeah but he's hardly prime troll fodder, is he? Just some no mark.

You really don't see how a Q&A with a prominent feminist on 4chan will quickly turn into a disaster area?

>> No.3485720

She seems more Ramonesy to me.

>> No.3485722

Hence mods

>> No.3485723

As every good waifu should.

>> No.3485724

this is asking for trouble

>> No.3485727

They would have to delete like nine out of every ten posts!

>> No.3485728

>sucking mod cock

Why don't you just go to redshit if you want a regulated website where people don't hurt your "feels"?

>> No.3485729

How prominent is she really? I might be in a bubble but I've only ever heard about her on /lit/.

>> No.3485730

Nope. As long as the mods wake up and moot confirms it then it should be a pretty enjoyable experience

>> No.3485733

i bet she goes to savages gigs.

>> No.3485734

She's as famous as Johann Hari, she writes for the New Statesman and other respected newspapers, as well as keeping an award-winning blog.

She often appears on debates on the BBC

>> No.3485735

This thread already is a hilarious foretaste and I want to see a Q&A and its effects.

I expect way more porn/loli spam, though.

>> No.3485737

That's subjective. I currently think Kate Mossman, though it may change over time. Inevitably though, it is impossible for Laurie to be viewed as either the hottest or any less hot than second hottest for as long as she works for the New Statesman.

>> No.3485739

She gets around on the debating circuit and writes for major publications. Think she has a relatively big online presence as well.

>> No.3485740

Nope, as long as the mods are there to ban that stuff (on a yotsuba board)

>> No.3485742

>think she mentioned Billy Bragg

"Oi dun't want t' change der world
Oim not lookin' for a new England
Oim jus lookin' for anuvva geerl"
-Billy Bragg

>> No.3485743

I can't wait to ask her why she believes children shouldn't be allowed to do what they want with their own bodies, aka consent to sex. Aside from "it really hurts my feelings when people make choices I don't like".

>> No.3485745

No one cares about that shit. This is the fucking point with anonymous. Your opinion is judged by merit. If she comes here she can come here and be anonymous by everyone else. She isn't good because she debates bbc, or writes here or there or that she call herself the voice of a generation. No one cares.

Now stop the advertisement.You literally spam the same messages in every thread, with little nuance.

>> No.3485747
File: 41 KB, 595x328, pennyred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds bretty kwl

>> No.3485750

Yeah, what's with those weirdoes who want to keep an age of consent? They're the most perverted minority around.

>> No.3485752

Here is the proof of you being a newfag. You think mods actualy can stem the tide of cp and gore. People would line up 100 accounts ready to get banned. Stop advertising. We're done here.

>> No.3485753

Paedophobes are just paedos in denial.

>> No.3485754

>no argument

I'm waiting. By the way "it might hurt their bodies"(unless you believe there should be a Bureau of vaginal depth that will issue a license allowing you to have sex) and "they might make choices that I don't believe are correct" aren't arguments.

>> No.3485757
File: 9 KB, 251x151, 1283301578158s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too obvious.

>> No.3485758

>I expect way more porn/loli spam

Probably shooped Virginia Wolf and Simone De Beauvoir pics, shackled to a bed and being sodomised by lumberjacks and dinosaurs.

>> No.3485762

>People would line up 100 accounts ready to get banned.
>on /lit/
Gb2 >>>/pol/

>> No.3485768

i'm amazed that any figure in serious political dialogue would be willing to publicly associate with 4chan

>> No.3485770

>Seriously considering this
I will personally flood /pol/ with the thread, i will reset my router and continuously show this hack for what she is

>> No.3485771

>implying he disagreed with you
>Implying anyone feels like discussing this right now

>> No.3485772

To anybody complaining that mods will ruin it

They'll only be there to kick spammers and rule violations, not to protect muh feelings

>> No.3485774

More kudos to her I say

>> No.3485775


Typical /pol/ user.

Rational, intelligent discourse is impossible.

>> No.3485776

>think she mentioned Billy Bragg
She did an interview with Billy Bragg.


>> No.3485779
File: 22 KB, 491x224, laughter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminist and a communist who lives in a bubble and never hears opinions that aren't controlled opposition coming to 4chan

>> No.3485781

She probably isn't aware of what it is.

>> No.3485782

My waifu on /lit/?


>> No.3485785

She isn't in serious political dialogue. As a West Midlandsfag and not an American 'lel my pixie fu', i can tell you 99% of British people have no fucking clue who she is, 4chan is more famous than Laurie Penny will ever be, those that do know her either regard her as a 'Fellow le comrade! Down with the patriarchy and le capitalism!' Or yet another pinko-commie liberal arts major who thinks she knows anything about Economics or Political ideology

>> No.3485787

Don't be a dick. Spamming the thread will be entirely less amusing than actually engaging her in a debate, anyway.

>> No.3485789
File: 78 KB, 391x505, hht112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LP thread? On my /lit/? What a marvellous day this is shaping up to be.

>> No.3485792

>i can tell you 99% of British people have no fucking clue who she is
99% of British people don't know very much though. We are the 1%.

>> No.3485790

But that's not true.

She's one of the most ingluential voices on the british left, especially among the anti-cuts and student movements

>> No.3485798


this is your hero /lit/? edgy as fuck. what is it that is attractive? her social inability?

fags. i'll be there to destroy your little love in. feminazi filth.

>> No.3485799


>> No.3485801

/pol/ plz go

>> No.3485804

>She isn't in serious political dialogue.
She's not a politician, but she has political debates.
Just watch this, as she savagely turns on a Tory MP who's supposed to be her teammate. It's beautiful.


>> No.3485805

>pinko-commie liberal arts major
and this is why it won't work, 4chan is sufficiently vehemently rightist that an opposing ideology can be casually dismissed

>> No.3485807

She really, really isn't. Of the extremely few who has any idea who she is The real left think she's a middle class ignorant child, the right think she's a fucking nut.

>> No.3485808

Hey /pol/, thanks for stopping by.
LP is just a /lit/ meme.
The video you posted is what started the meme.

Goodbye now.

>> No.3485810

then stand up for what you believe in, and shout back. louder.

>> No.3485812

>Because socialism is a valid theory

>> No.3485813

The telegraph named her as the 55th most influential voice of hte left in Britain

>> No.3485814

Are you saying that she's not good enough for 4chan? lol

I want to ask her about the Mantel/Middleton controversy.

>> No.3485816

maybe /lit/ shouldn't get involved in politics then? this is our domain.

i'll just practice my freedom of speech, which evidently she doesn't support. in the debate above she just bellows "RACIST RAYYYYCISSSSS" to quell freedom of speech.

>> No.3485819
File: 16 KB, 200x285, alan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isn't

>> No.3485820

Hitler felt it was.

>> No.3485822

shes got one those faces where shes semi doable from the front but once you see her from a profile angle you realize that she has the jawbone of a fucking russian mine worker (seemingly plausible explanation for supporting those deformed tranny freaks...she's almost one herself) 7/10 would bang while reshaping her ideological core through my penetrative patriarchal dogmadick, teach that stupid little girl that if she dropped those silly ideas and realized her place within the universe she'd be more wary about crossing the street like some careless blind cunt,ironically her futile stand against gender essentialism would seem less inane if watched where she was fucking going instead of running into traffic like the typical squirrel brained bitch that she and all women are...when is she coming i cant wait

>> No.3485823

you guys are all fags

>> No.3485824
File: 59 KB, 350x490, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)haroldbloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is sufficiently vehemently rightist
Why don't you lurk all these moar?

>> No.3485825

>4chan is sufficiently vehemently rightist
No it's not. There are a few crazies on /pol/ and gun nuts on /k/, but 4chan is a healthy mix of right and left, and people who are too young to know anything.

>> No.3485826

>omg someone marginally famous might acknowledge my existence omg omg

>> No.3485831

55th? I can barely name 20 influential voices of the left of Britain, i can guarantee you the rest of the population can't name 3

>> No.3485832

Na, I think I'll stick around. I'm intrigued now. I want to know what you narcassistic self-indulgent intellectuals espouse.

>> No.3485835
File: 175 KB, 462x435, 1357240414718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but once you see her from a profile angle you realize that she has the jawbone of a fucking russian mine worker (seemingly plausible explanation for supporting those deformed tranny freaks

>> No.3485836

>getting mad at the truth

Most of us are libertarians, outside of your /lit/ leftist echo chamber.

>> No.3485837

>maybe /lit/ shouldn't get involved in politics then?

>Implying /pol/ actually knows anything about politics.
I have waded through threads many times on /pol/, but the only decent conversations about political ideologies have been on /lit/.

>> No.3485841

That doesn't mean squat. I know several people who are currently studying English at Oxford. Sure one or two of them are freakishly clever, but the majority are just puffed up rich kids who have made the most of daddies money.
Anyone can learn to write well, it just takes time. Having something useful to say is much rarer. "A silk stocking filled with shit" comes to mind.

>> No.3485842
File: 47 KB, 500x333, tumblr_ltzcuhDMrz1qam0yp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but once you see her from a profile angle

>> No.3485843
File: 20 KB, 366x368, 1285623147490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an incredible specimen of randian superman you must be! I swooned so hard I fell over and now my fragile feminine body has exploded in to a cloud of pink feminine gasses which are floating desperately in your direction on the off chance that you might ravage them. You stud.

>> No.3485844
File: 16 KB, 300x400, 1330056763874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to know what you narcassistic self-indulgent intellectuals espouse.

>> No.3485845

dat qt

>> No.3485849

This is what socialists actually beleive

>> No.3485851

>Most of us are libertarians
That has nothing to do with left vs right.

>> No.3485852

To put it in some context: You yourself probably fall somewhere between 10,000,000th and 20,000,000th in terms of your influence in British politics. Being ranked just outside the top 50 by a major newspaper is a pretty big deal.

>> No.3485853

This is how /pol/ actually engages in debate!

>> No.3485854

ew gross

>> No.3485856
File: 94 KB, 452x452, okabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penetrative patriarchal dogmadick

>> No.3485857
File: 23 KB, 512x348, 257887-laurie-penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Laurie Penny song:


>> No.3485858

There's no such thing as a left libertarian. You either believe in freedom or you don't.

>> No.3485859


As far as a political spectrum is concerned, I'd say most of 4chan falls somewhere in between Stan's kind of nazism and modest libertarianism.
The liberals here are a marginal minority at best

>> No.3485860

DSIDF detected

>> No.3485861

Maybe if it was like in a real country. But that's just a tiny island full of silly inbred people with nothing better to do.

>> No.3485863

*clap clap clap*

>> No.3485864

>There's no such thing as a things I don't like.
Denial is a real thing, and you are experiencing it right now.

>> No.3485865
File: 2.68 MB, 400x225, 1355086591554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to wade through the shit but you find a few diamonds. I was in an excellent thread this morning abut globalization.

>> No.3485868

Ah American /lit/, at last!

>> No.3485869


>> No.3485870

Does pol have a weekly meeting to decide what other boards they are going to shit up this week?

>> No.3485873

You're the one in denial. Most of 4chan is full of right-libertarians, not left-"libertarians" and their social justice nonsense.

I recommend r3ddit for people who think similar to you.

>> No.3485874

>Trying to insult me
I don't try to be influential buddy, the point stands, she is a nobody

>> No.3485875

If they added a 365 day ban to that, I imagine it'd pretty much fix the board and kill /pol/ at the same time.

>> No.3485877

>Obligatory Laurie Penny song:

You got the wrong song, champ.


>> No.3485879

You're right, shitposters cannot get around bans.

>> No.3485882

>thinks he believes in freedom
>not an anarchist
Enjoy your pleb fantasy

>> No.3485883
File: 36 KB, 950x260, the_problem_with_boards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, it's just you being unable to accept that there are people browsing /lit/ that don't share your opinion.

>> No.3485884

They're the only board I know of aside from /mlp/ that still have "raid threads".

>> No.3485885

Nah, people from /pol/ aka poor white trash usually have dsl which means dynamic IP which means evading a ban is as simple as turning the modem off and on again.

>> No.3485888
File: 1.30 MB, 778x900, 1351410900692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an anarcho-capitalist, the only true form on anarchism. "Anarcho"-communists hate the state yet want to force people to live by their ideology.

>> No.3485889

This Q&A is a ploy by Laurie Penny to ban every /pol/ poster and every misogynist in retaliation to the abuse and trolling she's received at the hands of /pol/.

>> No.3485890

It's not really that, they are just the only people I see consistently taking their "message" and trolling to other boards. It's not like you see stallman copypasta on /lit/ or jeff mangum references on /sci/

>> No.3485891

It is literally just the Stormfags, and 9 times out of ten they raid /b/ to 'redpill' them about the holocaust

>> No.3485894

DSL can still be blocked by a range block.

>> No.3485897

I agree but moot doesn't have the balls to ban the whole trailer park.

>> No.3485899

You've obviously never been to /pol/, you're just associating them with places you don't like as a strawman. I'm assuming it's because I've intellectually humiliated you in a couple dozen arguments already.

>> No.3485901

Politics is /pol/'s domain the same way that food is America's domain: You consume a lot and discharge a lot, but you're still obese McDonalds-obsessed fucks.

>> No.3485902

>217 posts and 30 image replies omitted.
>In an hour and a half.
>On /lit/

>> No.3485904

I thought he was trying to defend /pol/ why are you going on the offensive?

>> No.3485906

Doesn't change the fact that you're taking away my freedom to murder people with your privatized police force. Freedom for you but not for others, sounds familiar...

>> No.3485908

Firstly i have no idea who you are, you are anonymous, unless you've forgotten to turn you trip on? Secondly, i saw your post and responded, it's funny how you have delusions of grandeur about 'intellectually humiliating' anyone

I think this is for you

>> No.3485910
File: 60 KB, 447x307, britishteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good show, chappy!

>> No.3485913

we have reach /mu/ levels

rip /li/

>> No.3485919

Wait, isn't that the idiot who got saved by an actor and then said that he's no hero and people should stop talking about it?

>> No.3485920
File: 56 KB, 386x464, Sakjonne_ES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy, just wait for the actual Q&A.

>> No.3485921
File: 1.64 MB, 394x394, 1340579940137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A police force that murdered others for no reason wouldn't get very many customers and thus would make no money.

>> No.3485916

>Murdering people with a private police force
My my the fantasies and strawmen of the left are so very amusing

>> No.3485917

That was a different anon replying to you. I am the one you replied to and I said this.

>> No.3485918
File: 73 KB, 306x584, AnarchistGurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with /mu/

It's my favourite board

>> No.3485923

Let me rephrase, I want to murder people.

Your police force wills top me from doing that.

You are limiting my freedom.

>> No.3485924

I would hire them to murder you.

>> No.3485929

it became pleb as fuck recently.

>> No.3485933

Yes, she said Driver was not An Real Human Being and an real hero for saving her stupid ass when she dragged her gaping vagina across a busy road muttering 'muh patriarchy..m..muh proletariat!'

>> No.3485936

Most of 4chan aren't anything apart from either porn obsessed or waifu obsessed. If you went to /k/ or /diy/ you'd probably think the majority of 4chan want to go innawoods, and while it can seem that way that doesn't make it the case.

>> No.3485927
File: 35 KB, 500x333, TonyFattano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, Lurie still hasn't replied, I've explained how we'd go about setting this up etc

I've emailed moot to see what he thinks.

>> No.3485928
File: 78 KB, 627x654, 1360512983303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ hero

>> No.3485944

Not forgetting rival police firms would stop them, show themselves to be heroes, and take all their market share

>> No.3485945

How does getting business become losing business in your mind?

>> No.3485937
File: 52 KB, 696x785, 1340785976489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each community creates its own laws. You're free to start a community with others who wish to be free to murder.

Why would they accept and thus lose business? I wouldn't use a police force that took bribes to murder others.

>> No.3485946

Until I hire them too. I am the richest man in capitalist land. And it's good to be the king.

>> No.3485952

He believes in some kind of mysterious force whereby a group that does something continues to do something in some kind of universal manner forever, e.g. murdering people in general, and not every so often taking out certain people.

>> No.3485947

what are you idiots doing with your time. leave the dumb broad alone and start reading some of those books you wish you read.

>> No.3485948
File: 167 KB, 800x521, PsychologySet1Picture03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-pls respond Penny

>> No.3485951

So I am not free to live wherever I want?

Sounds like tyranny to me.

>> No.3485953
File: 2.29 MB, 480x270, 1344104900536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they take a bribe to do something the community doesn't approve of, people would take their business elsewhere. The police force that made the most people satisfied would make the most dosh.

>> No.3485954

please take this to another thread or to /pol/

>> No.3485955

>The police force that made the most people satisfied would make the most dosh.

>> No.3485956

>claims to want freedom
>too much of a faggot to deal with dem criminals
Enjoy your centralized powers. You deserve everything they do to you.

>> No.3485958

And the community is somehow aligned with your arbitrary views of right and wrong? I posit that there is a huge and untapped market for hired killers and in a lawless state or lack of state that niche would be filled.

>> No.3485960



lel no

and let's not try to get ahead of ourselves. the twofaced bad faith of your sarcastic mewlings aren't even convincing you let alone us who are finely tuned into the godhead and order of things. there are natural laws which must be followed here. any resistance shall serve as not much other than a necessary reactionary bolt within the self-enforcing patriarchal mechanism. the more you resist, the more obvious the towering truth of male dominance is made, in the same way that the value of a prize steed is pronounced when placed near a crippled donkey, so is the value of the normal natural order of things pronounced before the comical sham of your freakshow theories, and deep down you you would not even have it any other way.. im convinced that the entirety of the feminist movement is nothing but an elaborate "negging technique" designed to seduce us...its not working so please stop being silly.

>> No.3485963
File: 308 KB, 851x450, 1347209845437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're free to do what you want, just like I'm free to stop you.

The same reason Walmart makes money by satisfying the largest customer base as possible.

>> No.3485969

>I posit that there is a huge and untapped market for hired killers and in a lawless state or lack of state that niche would be filled.
I posit this already exists even with a state.

>> No.3485970
File: 49 KB, 258x247, 1349371445236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but without the state everyone would kill each other!!!
>implying the state isn't just one big mass of hired killers

>> No.3485971

I started reading this but then my eyes rolled so hard that I could see my own brain. It was crying tears of blood. Now I'm having an aneurysm. Thanks a lot.

>> No.3485975

>OP here, Laurie still hasn't replied
You gave her a direct link to /lit/, OP, of course she hasn't replied. She's obviously come here and witnessed this seething pit of hatred, misogyny, and infantile grasp of politics first hand.

What's worse is that there is now a direct link to /lit/ at the top of her twitter feed and she has sixty thousand communist and feminist followers.

>> No.3485976

This is the liveliest thread I've seen in a while

>> No.3485977

>i can't refute him
>i better greentext something that i wish he had said instead!

>> No.3485979

No, you're not free to stop me. If we have the freedom to limit freedom we might as well bring the state back into the picture, and no one wants that.

>> No.3485980

>The same reason Walmart makes money by satisfying the largest customer base as possible.
I think there's a difference between "being most satisfied" and "most people being satisfied". I also don't see that either has anything to do with the success of Walmart.

>> No.3485982

Aint capitalism grand?

>> No.3485983


I can never fucking tell when you're being serious or not.

>> No.3485987

>I posit that there is a huge and untapped market for hired killers and in a lawless state or lack of state that niche would be filled.

The state is whats filling the demand for hired killers. Ever hear of soldiers?

Yes, I am. That's what freedom is. But it is unlikely that the majority of people would be willing to directly pay to restrict your right to do something that doesn't effect them.

>> No.3485988

Yeah, but I can't hire soldiers to kill you personally. Unless I go on craigslist or something.

>> No.3485995

So what is stopping someone from organizing a state which conquers and oppresses all the other communities? If you support the limitation of freedom we slip right back to where we are now.

>> No.3485996

Hi 4chan,

Thank you for inviting me here, but I'm afraid your community isn't really the ideal environment for me to have a Q&A session. You seem like a genuinely interesting (though slightly strange) bunch of people, yet I don't think my presence here would be beneficial to anyone.

LP x.

>> No.3485999

>So what is stopping someone from organizing a state which conquers and oppresses all the other communities?
Something has to occur that would render that pointless. Exactly what that would be is up for debate.

>> No.3486000
File: 160 KB, 437x597, 1351289414680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama has already killed an America citizen with a drone, not to mention all the hundreds of brown kids he murdered. By supporting laws laid out by the government, you're approving the use of force against people who do things you don't like. The severity rangers from time in a cage to death.

What if a community decided to form a group and try to oppress every other community? They would get their shit stomped. It would be in the interest of the neighboring communities to pool resources as nobody wants to live near tyrants who want to conquer free individuals.

>> No.3486001


>> No.3486002
File: 64 KB, 435x325, 1282862603733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we're your biggest fans!

>> No.3486003

can i touch you breasts

>> No.3486007

Hi 4chan,

Thank you for inviting me here, but I'm afraid your community isn't really the ideal environment for me to have a Q&A session. You seem like a genuinely interesting (though slightly strange) bunch of people, yet I don't think my presence here would be beneficial to anyone.

TL x.

>> No.3486008

Yes. Killing people I don't know or like sits well with me. Why are you running away from the fact that I just want to pay someone money to kill you, and that in your ideal stateless society I would be able to do that?

>> No.3486010

Fuck off Penny. Don't ever return. We do not want your fucking antics here. Attention whore.

>> No.3486013
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1357440178612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would have to get past my private security force.

>> No.3486014

If this is Laurie then well done for working out tripcodes so quickly

>> No.3486016

So much indentured servitude going on.

>> No.3486017

And when I can afford to hire more and better killers? You're in favor of financial tyranny. Governments are not the only bullies.

>> No.3486018

all you have to do is put in a password whats so difficult

>> No.3486021

Hasn't it changed from before?

I'm pretty sure it was harder to do a hwile back

>> No.3486023
File: 28 KB, 598x398, 9-Laughing-Dogs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit.

Knights of the Told Republic

I've never read Penny until today, but this video makes her seem like a massive idiotic cunt.

>> No.3486024

Not really when you consider that of that 20,000,000 that 19,999,000 probably aren't trying to become "the influence of politics in Britian" or whatever rubbish title they are handing out for some newspaper circlejerk award.

>> No.3486025
File: 27 KB, 460x276, James-Howson-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can confirm that. Was banned for asking why they put a nigger in Wuthering Heights.

>> No.3486026

Interestingly having now watched her speak, I'm inclined to believe she is one of the intelligent few. I'm entirely supportive of her views on wealth distribution and the abhorrent gutting of the higher education system in Britain.

>> No.3486028

Hi Tao Lin,

I tried reading Richard Yates, but it was complete and utter shit. Your prose is insufferable and you have no discernible talent. I honestly hope Taipei isn't the same autistic realism for the facebook generation.

Warm regards,

LP x

>> No.3486029


That seems like a reasonable question, excepting the n word of course (although Heathcliff is described as swarthy)

>> No.3486033

>implying that isn't a twitter hashtag

>> No.3486034
File: 26 KB, 437x471, 1350734417655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can hire people to kill others right now, even with a state. There's no reason a private company couldn't track down killers and try them in court like the state does, except they would be 100 times more efficient.

>And when I can afford to hire more and better killers?

If I was a violent thug, why would I go into business as a hired assassin when there's a much bigger market share in defending the masses rather than doing hits for a minority of people?

>> No.3486035

Hi Laurie Penny,

If you have gmail chat maybe we could go on there and discuss things better. I had a good day today. it was sunny but not too warm. i like the sun but not the warmth,

TL x

>> No.3486041

>If I was a violent thug, why would I go into business as a hired assassin when there's a much bigger market share in defending the masses rather than doing hits for a minority of people?
Supply and demand. There's also no reason not to do both.

>> No.3486042

On the second bit:
Wouldn't an organized militia have a distinct advantage?
If such a group was formed slowly ("let's end murder, now robbery, now rape, let's throw a tax in there etc") it will be too powerful by the time it sprouts up, no? Isn't this how governments were formed in the first place?

You need to discourage any and all forms of oppression lest it grows like a weed.

>> No.3486043

Because the wealthy minority pays better, you prattering dolt. And a corporation that hires hitmen now opens itself up to a world of legal shit. Efficiency is not the modern ideal, justice is.

>> No.3486047

Her accent is adorable.

>> No.3486050
File: 52 KB, 300x300, 1353329937315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's also no reason not to do both.

Why would I look to a company for defense that kills innocent people in their spare time?


Read some Hume, "justice" is arbitrary. Each community forms its own idea of justice, and that is what decides the law of the land.

>> No.3486051
File: 30 KB, 892x916, 99percentfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never share a bag of chips with Laurie on Brighton promenade in early winter

>> No.3486048

>Laurie Penny

>> No.3486052

Sorry our community is too big for you.

>> No.3486053

From /pol/ I never come on this board, you guys don't seriously like her, right?

>> No.3486054


>‘He shall have his share of my hand, if I catch him downstairs till dark,’ cried Hindley. ‘Begone, you vagabond! What! you are attempting the coxcomb, are you? Wait till I get hold of those elegant locks—see if I won’t pull them a bit longer!’

>implying niggers have locks of hair

And I don't care if I get banned again for using 'nigger'. I personally believe that it should be destigmatised by frequent usage, much like how it is on /b/ and such.

>> No.3486056

>What's worse is that there is now a direct link to /lit/ at the top of her twitter feed and she has sixty thousand communist and feminist followers.

lol, this could be funny.

>> No.3486057

She's the queen of /lit/

>> No.3486058

Nope it's a meme. I'm a lib, too.

>> No.3486059

y-you too

>> No.3486060

You can't say that /lit/ isn't in dire need of some new users

>> No.3486061


Ah, I see.

>> No.3486064

is she here yet?!

>> No.3486065
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1357528483587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's far too centralized to accurately depict the specialized will of small communities. You could look at anarcho-capitalism as a completely decentralized state that competes with other tiny decentralized states to provide the best service to their respective communities.

>> No.3486069

/pol/ fags are telling her on twitter to go to /pol/ now because she'd be more appreciated there

>> No.3486071

>Why would I look to a company for defense that kills innocent people in their spare time?
Why wouldn't you look at the services of all defence companies? Maybe part of a defence strategy involves the killing and/or maiming of others.

>> No.3486073

Oscar Wilde will always be the true queen.

>> No.3486074


>mfw lefties invade /lit/
>mfw /pol/ disapproves
>mfw great shitstorm between /lit/ and /pol/

/lit/ will never be the same again.

>> No.3486076

Yeah, but like wal mart it is the most successful because it satisfies the most needs.

>> No.3486077

It's happening!

>> No.3486078

Fuck. save her.

>> No.3486079

She was flattened by a bus on the way.

>> No.3486081

I will not be lectured to by some trumped up public school girl like her

>> No.3486082
File: 47 KB, 570x383, o-F-SCOTT-FITZGERALD-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F. Scott is the true queen of /lit/

>> No.3486083


well the thread was started by a trap and considering that it takes two samefagging traps (and trust me budd, there are at least two/three traps on /lit/) to provide the illusion of support i can see why you would say that but, no. now piss off back to your intellectual deadzone

>> No.3486084

DSIDF plz go

>> No.3486086
File: 403 KB, 600x847, 1358520579250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why wouldn't you look at the services of all defence companies?

I would, and that's exactly why I would prefer the services of the company that didn't do things I considered "immoral" in their spare time.

It also lobbies Washington for favorable legislation to keep the competition out. Big business and big government are best friends.


>> No.3486090


>> No.3486094
File: 12 KB, 343x357, 1356052336392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3486098

/pol/ is to /lit/ what the JIDF is to /pol/

>> No.3486097


/pol/ is already here newfriend.

>> No.3486099

Penny, pls go

>> No.3486102
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 1338811584881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now piss off back to your intellectual deadzone

>thinking /lit/ isn't an intellectual deadzone

>> No.3486105


But /pol/ doesn't want to destroy /lit/.

>> No.3486106

>>mfw great shitstorm between /lit/ and /pol/

/pol can go fuck itself with a 'JIDF' dildo. They're a bunch of whining, basement-dwelling, kids, who wouldn't know the first thing about politics if it marched in wearing jackboots.

>> No.3486107


So... you mean a real threat?

>> No.3486110

>I would, and that's exactly why I would prefer the services of the company that didn't do things I considered "immoral" in their spare time.
>justice is subjective
>why would groups offer things I find immoral, I wouldn't buy that!
I think as you've begun to realize, not everyone views these things the same. I doubt you can even say you always have and will deem killing others immoral.

>> No.3486111


as an ardent /pol/ster, I can confirm this.


>> No.3486114


seriously though i've never seen a bigger concentration of retards than on /pol/, you guys make /b/ look good

>> No.3486115

In what sense do the JIDF constitute a real threat to /pol/ ?

>> No.3486117


>> No.3486119

JIDF detected

>> No.3486122
File: 256 KB, 693x887, somalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Somalia now offers some of the most technologically advanced and competitively priced telecommunications and Internet services in the world.

The invisible hand, mang.

>> No.3486123
File: 157 KB, 394x583, 1342122984178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think as you've begun to realize, not everyone views these things the same.

That's why a decentralized polycentric legal system is ideal, communities of likeminded people would form who have the same ideas as to what constitutes moral and immoral. If a business in my community did something the majority thought was immoral, it wouldn't get business.

But if I was in a community that didn't consider murder to be illegal, then a company that murdered could surely thrive, but only because their customers allow that to be so.

>> No.3486125


fuckin rekt

>> No.3486127


It's too late, you should have listened.


>only the dead can know peace from this happening

>> No.3486129

What? I don't even see how my asking could imply I am one.

>> No.3486130

Get the fuck off our board.

>> No.3486132


You need to take your vitamins bruh. Be sure not to skip the red one.

>> No.3486134
File: 335 KB, 500x500, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need an invitation

>> No.3486136


But /pol/ is destroying /lit/ through their self-righteous uniformed intellectual misanthropy

>> No.3486137


>gt teh fuk of are bord

learn to fucking spell, mate. I thought this board was about literature.

>> No.3486140
File: 164 KB, 1024x681, 1337546755630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This will be the death of 4chan, just hope the leftistcancer keeps itself restricted to /lit/. dear god.

>> No.3486141

I hate this bitch.

She's the epitome of champaign socialism.

>> No.3486143


/pol/ aren't misanthropes, either. They love white people.

>> No.3486144


>uses big words to sound smart

I have a big word for you. Malapropism.

>> No.3486146

I'm sorry, I'm not from /pol/ so I haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about. Could you at least explain why you think I'm JIDF for asking how the JIDF could be an actual threat to /pol/ or is it just an aspect of your paranoid psychosis somehow?

>> No.3486151
File: 307 KB, 603x741, 1358374299216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that a vote in favor of Laurie Penny is a vote against 4chan

>> No.3486152
File: 90 KB, 1024x576, avatarCoronelQuote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one think she will to harm to /lit/ in general. But that's just like my opinion, ans i'm not a fan of her.

>> No.3486153

huehuehue. We know your game

>> No.3486154

>implying we aren't already here
>implying we'd let an ultra-lefty "muh benefits" feminist come to 4chan without being here

>> No.3486155

try looking it up lol, cuz there was no malapropism in that post

>> No.3486156
File: 701 KB, 549x991, Please, there is a reason they call us the Twin Pussy Slayers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that a vote for Laurie Penny is a vote against freedom.

>> No.3486157

>she will to harm


>> No.3486160
File: 498 KB, 489x695, Please, you think being the token black guy doesn't garuntee me pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that a vote for Laurie Penny is a vote in favor of /pol/ taking over /lit/ for good.

>> No.3486161

Someone tell this poor girl it's a trap.

>> No.3486163


He's obviously joking.

>> No.3486165
File: 83 KB, 498x376, 1361220151597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would that work?

I'm sexist as fuck, what do you think how it is going to work? I better not see the thread.

>> No.3486167
File: 538 KB, 684x834, 1358371287163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is that a nig??

Yes it is. /pol/ loves everyone equally.

Also, daily reminder that a vote for Laurie Penny is a vote in favor of the murder of innocent children.

>> No.3486169


>intellectual misanthropy

>> No.3486171
File: 92 KB, 1000x847, phpvmhTlWAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3486176

interest in/concern with political thought is indicative of hope/faith in man. /lit/ is pretty much the opposite

>> No.3486177

How long?

What work of hers shall I quickly look at before I destroy her economics?

/pol/ here btw, you didn't really think you could hide this from us did you /lit/?

>> No.3486183

Do you? I'm glad one of us does. I'd hate to think you were just imagining enemies or some sort conspiracy against you. That would be an obvious symptom of a serious mental disorder.

We know more than you think, btw.

>> No.3486186

Starkey was rude as hell. He shouldn't be allowed into any kind of debates or even a casual conversation.

>> No.3486187

A man wills to power. Womyn will to harm.

>> No.3486190


JIDF are the minions of Satan. They march under the banner of the Hexagram (pic related) and scour the internet spreading disinformation and lies and trying to keep the people (read:goyim) from knowing the truth of their evil.

All major wars in the 20th century have Jews at their root, and many more are caused by Israel.

>inb4 WWI and WWII happened before Israel was even a state!!!!!

Research my friend.

Knowledge is power. who wrote that? You should know.


I can only show you the way. You must take the first step.

>> No.3486191

>uniformed intellectual misanthropy
Sounds like a noise band fronted by Goebbels or something. I like it.

>> No.3486192

>being this rumpravaged

He put that brat in her place.

>> No.3486193


uh... who is Harold Shakespeare?

>> No.3486194


>many spies with many eyes

>> No.3486203

I know who they are, I'm capable of using Google. I just don't see how they pose a threat to an imageboard.
That's quite clearly what I asked, not who they are. It's so rare to get a straight answer out of one of you /pol/tards, even when you're trying to you don't seem to understand.