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/lit/ - Literature

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3483609 No.3483609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be doing AP Physics homework
>realize I hate STEM
>realize only class I enjoy is English
>realize want to major in a humanity
>realize no jobs other than business and law

I'm sure there are humanities majors out there; do any of you have other career plans?

>> No.3483618

Well I am going to do some English certificates (non native speaker here) and I am going to major in English literature / language and philosophy.

The plan is actually to try getting a job as a freelance translator while still doing my major. Another goal would be to continue with my writing and try putting out a town of short stories and some longer stuff. If non of those work, I might go into teaching at university.

>> No.3483626

I'm going to be an ascetic and a vagrant. Not a 2deep4u one or anything, just out of necessity, because I'm going to be poor as shit, probably couch-surfing across the country, living off the means of my sure-to-be successful high school friends.

>> No.3483633


Whenever I say it I sound edgy as fuck and like a woman, but I honestly don't see the point in studying something to get a job out of it. At the end of the day, what everyone wants in life is happiness, and I find it difficult to believe that somebody who follows a career path in profit will find enjoyment out of it. That being said I'm sure entrepreneurs and businessmen probably do, but only for the fact that their exact jon IS to make money.

>> No.3483635


>> No.3483637

go to bed taylor

>> No.3483638

I know engineers that are pretty fucking pleased with their piles of money and miserable-as-shit lit-majors who end up hairdressing.

>> No.3483642

Or rather, only go to a T14 law school. Otherwise, don't fucking bother.

>> No.3483644


Are these engineers people who enjoy physics and engineering?

>> No.3483650

No. It's a job. Many people do jobs they do not enjoy.

>> No.3483651

>Get an A* in a-level maths, A's in physics and further maths
>Realise that I couldn't deal with a soulless maths job and decline all my uni offers to sit a history degree next year

>> No.3483654


I have a cousin who became a lawyer, graduated 200k in debt from NYU and had to take a job doing the bitch work at a law firm for 110 hours a week just to pay the bills. Unless you're willing to give up 10 years of your life to rise in the ranks to a point where you have a decent amount of respect you're fucked

>> No.3483655


Nope. I go to a T6. Avoid it altogether

>> No.3483661

>Ivy League business school
>Join the 1%

>> No.3483663


Yes, this is true, but it doesn't mean that it's wrong to aspire to, and work towards a job that they really enjoy. And it seems clear to me that most 'miserable-as-shit lit-majors' don't have any clear direction or goal. I don't believe that anybody who has a clear goal that they aspire to can be 'miserable' if they are working toward it.


Is it only like this in america?

>> No.3483666
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>tfw a guy studied law and plays smart on Facebook

If you are so smart why don't you get a job.

>> No.3483683
File: 13 KB, 289x292, 1311530018857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw best friend going to top tier 1% business school
>tfw going to ride his momentum and get $$$ while doing something i actually like

>> No.3483687

I feel you, OP, but I like math and chemistry at least. Physics is obviously interesting later on, but mechanics is boring as fuck. If you're not doing a physics program, you likely only have to take two physics classes in a STEM program.

But, yeah,

>you will never get to surprise a professor with your amazing essays again

STEM feels.

>> No.3483689

>I don't believe that anybody who has a clear goal that they aspire to can be 'miserable' if they are working toward it.

Let's get le edgy DFW going on here, if you put that much weight into your goals and you fail (Or even succeed) you can burn out or find nothing at the zenith of the mountain that justified the climb. A good-paying job can bring you that focused goal and even a decent paying job allows you to actually enjoy other stuff. Engineer works fucking hard 3 months on 3 months off at an oil rig and between those enjoys travelling the world with cash in his pocket.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to say, but if you work hard at a university you can get your engineering degree at 4/5 years, firms will snap you up and pay you well to do challenging work. You study literature your dreams are pretty slim odds-wise.

>> No.3483697

Just remember: In series, the voltages add up, and in parallel the currents add up.

>> No.3483703

Yeah I like biology but no money or jobs in that either.

>> No.3483704

What fucking engineer works a 3 month on/off split at an oil rig? No seriously, I want that job.

>> No.3483707

I had a specific person in mind there, he works 3 months on a rig as an EE managing the little robots they use for probing then takes three off.

I don't even know what country he lives in any more, that's the fantastic thing about his job, he travels the world wealthy as part of his job.

>> No.3483714


So what, you think that 3 months of doing something you could potentially hate, is justified by 3 months doing what you like?

I don't share this view, the fact is that just because you are spending 3 months, off, travelling, doing what you want, doesn't mean you'll be enjoying yourself. What do you do if you decide that you don't like your life outside of your work then? Resign yourself to a life of doing something you hate, only pausing to return to a life that you also hate?

>> No.3483720

Beats doing something you hate round-the-clock because you had no job-goals.

>> No.3483728


Not necessarily, I might have to do a nine to 5 job every day to earn a living, but if I've got a qualification in an area that I like, and I spend my spare time searching for a job in that area, and practicing my interest in that area, I cant imagine that, if I like it enough that I wouldn't be happy.

>> No.3483749

That sounds fine, they're both perfectly valid approaches towards university and higher education. But be sure to keep it up.

>> No.3483753


Ooh what a lovely resolution to a discussion, thankyou anon. Didn't even get called a faggot.

>> No.3483752

To clarify what I was going for rather than the condescension that that post seems to read as, don't slam job-oriented students and don't take shit from them either. I think the miserableness comes from deluding yourself.

>> No.3483767

You have ruined the moment.

>> No.3483769

we are all anonymoose

(Who are you?)

>> No.3483771

I'm anon.

>> No.3483851

>tfw you are double majoring in both literature and engineering

>> No.3483856

I don't get that? Why stress yourself out with having papers to write the same week you have three STEM exams, etc. when you can just get whatever education a lit degree can offer on your own time/taking a class or two as an elective?

>> No.3483879

>majored in English
>plans for law school
>work at law office
>quit to study for lsat
>give up on lsat
>unemployed with a useless degree and no drive for law school
>all classmates unemployed/masters program

Do what you want

>> No.3483884

classics major ----> (student) naval aviator

works for me

>> No.3483938

>>realize no jobs other than business and law

Aren't those the only jobs that have ever mattered?

>> No.3483965

I'm doing some shady, shady copywriting for a reputation management company. It's booming, and they need constantly need content. Poke around online and you'll find someone who will give you money for writing -- right now i'm averaging about $24/hr. I also have to write 1000 solid words in that hour to do it, but it's paying the bills and the loans off.

>> No.3483979

>it's paying the bills and the loans off.

I have been a NEET for the past 9 months. But I was fortunate enough to graduate university with zero debt.

I am grateful that I am not in your situation.

>> No.3484030

Interesting. I guess hearing all those -$250,000 horror stories has skewered collective understanding of personal finance.
My shit is paid off in two years, at which point I'll have built up good credit and faith. Open up a bar and live the 'alcoholic writer' dream.
Debt is an investment, don't let idiots taking out too much convince you otherwise

>> No.3484075

If you are happy, then I am happy for you.

However, this worries me.

> Open up a bar and live the 'alcoholic writer' dream.

I hope that you find reason again and realize this is the wrong path.

>> No.3484090

Find beauty in all things, or close your eyes, OP.

And never let the more tedious elements of a field distract you from the beauty that lies at its core. One can be driven to despise literature while muddling through the mire of psycho-analytic post-structuralist literary babble bullshit, just as one can be driven to despise mathematics through a barrage of seemingly meaningless and difficult numerical problems.

>> No.3484104

> Ethical arbitration very probably based on ideological notions of value and worth
> 2013

>> No.3484313

>>realize only class I enjoy is English
Learning has nothing to do with enjoyment, fucktard.

No pain, no gain. It applies to training your mind just as much as to training your body.

>> No.3484321

This post is so inflammatory I couldn't help but reply.

10/10 trolling

>> No.3484359

Is this nigga serious?

>> No.3484365

Maieutics can certainly be a form of torture.
Still pretty dumb though.

>> No.3484368


While it's surely possible to enjoy learning, I sympathize with this nigga's opinion that learning possesses virtue over, above, and potentially contrary to its hedonistic value.

>> No.3484406

>Is this nigga serious?
Of course.
>I sympathize with this nigga's opinion that learning possesses virtue over, above, and potentially contrary to its hedonistic value.
Indeed. Where the fuck did it all go wrong that now everybody seriously thinks that learning is all about 'having fun'?

Fuck this world, fuck it to hell.

>> No.3484428

> Lashing out at straw dogs and imagined, universalized critical nemeses

Where did it all go wrong indeed.

>> No.3484682

Trade school, faggot. Fix pipes during day and write during night, like a salt of earth literary batman.