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/lit/ - Literature

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3483117 No.3483117 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have as good taste in music as you do in books /lit/?

>Top 3 Books/Authors

>Top 3 Albums/Artists

>> No.3483129

Go to bed /mu/

anco and death grips are shite get over it fags.

>> No.3483132

>Vonnegut, Bukowski, Orwell

>Built to Spill, Don Caballero, Grails

>> No.3483136

Books and authors go separate? As do albums and artists? If not, this is the list:

1. George Orwell - 1984
2. Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones
3. Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5

1. Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
2. The Doors - The Doors
3. The Decemberists - The Hazards Of Love

>> No.3483148

Thomas Mann

Bela Bartok
Igor Stravinsky
Captain Beefheart

pls don't kill me

>> No.3483152
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>Don Caballero

>> No.3483154

1. Luis E. Navia - Classical Cynicism
2. Luis E. Navia - Diogenes the Cynic
3. William Desmond - Cynics

1. Johnny Hobo
2. Weedeater
3. Seasick Steve

>> No.3483157


>> No.3483161
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>Top 3 Books/Authors
The Luzhin Defense (Nabokov)
2001 A Space Odyssey (Clarke)
The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky)

>Top 3 Albums/Artists
The Dark Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd)
Amnesiac (Radiohead)
Apollo (Brian Eno)

(Also, AMOK is fucking great. AOTY.)

>> No.3483168

pls ban all americans from 4chan

>> No.3483175

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political
Julius Evola - Metaphysics of War: Battle, Victory and Death in the World of Tradition

Von Thronstahl - Pessoa/Cioran
Burzum - Filosofem
Triarii - Muse in Arms

>> No.3483188

>IT, The Hunt for Red October, Harry Potter

>Townes Van Zandt, Joanna Newsome, The Velvet Underground

Yeah, I have shit tastes, sue me faggots.

>> No.3483189

James Joyce
Flann O'Brien
Jorge Luis Borges

Joanna Newsom
The Microphones
Brian Eno

>> No.3483197


Tom Waits

>> No.3483208


Creedence Clearwater Revival
Jefferson Airplane
Bob Dylan

>> No.3483213
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Richard Ford
Cormac McCarthy
Don Delillo

This Bike is a Pipe bomb

>> No.3483221

American Psycho/Bret Easton Ellis
Edgar Allan Poe

Poets of the Fall
Daft Punk

>> No.3483228

I don't even know what to answer.


>> No.3483232
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1) The Ring Cycle
2) Tristan und Isolde
3) Tannhauser

1) Tannhauser
2) The Ring Cycle
3) Tristan und Isolde

Everything else is worthless to the illusions of redeeming Wagner


>> No.3483242

Kafka, Joyce, Dostoevsky

Beethoven, John Cage, Zappa

>> No.3483243

T S Eliot (Waste Land and Prufrock)
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Great Gatsby and his short stories)
Albert Camus (The Stranger)

Kind of Blue - Davis (Midnight Blue - Kenny Burrell jostles for this spot as well)
Eingya - Helios
Animals as Leaders - s/t

>> No.3483249

The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
East of Eden

I dont listen to music but I guess I tend to like folk stuff like bob dylan and such

>> No.3483254

Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, the list goes on...

>> No.3483260
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Towards the Creative Nothing
Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum
Les Chants de Maldoror

Three 6 Mafia

>> No.3483263

i think the more you read/listen to music, the less prone you are to have a favorite.

>> No.3483277

>Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises
>Faulkner's As I Lay Dying
>Hesse's Steppenwolf

>Neutral Milk Hotel's In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
>Nick Drake's Pink Moon
>Misophone's Where has it gone, all the beautiful music of our grandparents? It died with them, that's where it went.

boringoldman/10 etc

>> No.3483278

You're on the path to good taste, you just need to realize the shortcomings of what is currently your top 3's. But you're getting there.

>> No.3483281

Might be.

>> No.3483282


>> No.3483283
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Ada (Nabokov)
The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov)
The Trial (Kafka)

Rock Bottom (Wyatt)
The Goldberg Variations (Bach; Gould, 1955)
Geek the Girl (Germano)

>> No.3483284
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>Rock Bottom (Wyatt)

>> No.3483290

Go to bed, Piero.

>> No.3483299

How do you even have good taste in music? Music is clearly one of the plebiest forms of entertainment ahead of only vidya

>> No.3483303

Literature > Music > Film > Watching your mother get gang fucked by pit bulls > TV > Vidya

>> No.3483309

By liking 'cool' bands or obscure bands in 'cool' genres or 'critically acclaimed' bands (by the right critics of course)

>> No.3483316



>> No.3483319


>music > film

>> No.3483324

Well we know you don't have good taste in books.

>> No.3483326

>not sure if troll or soulmate

>> No.3483339

Infinite Jest
Finnegans Wake
Gravity's Rainbow

My Bloody Bullet for My Valentine

>> No.3483341

Catch 22
The Old Man and the Sea
Crime and Punishment

Alice in Chains
Elliott Smith
The Pogues

>> No.3483344

how to spot a pleb. An art form that is a century old is better than one of the most basic forms of human expression. Kill yourself

>> No.3483345

emil amos, das my nigga

>Schulz, Kafka, Pynchon

>Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Unwound, Bomb the Music Industry

>> No.3483346

Hearing myself in Music/Literature/Film/Vidya >Touching myself in sportingly dancing activities > Looking at myself with my blind eyes in painting/sculptures/ > eating myself in plebby cuisine > smelling myself in perfumes > not knowing myself in Metaphysics/Aesthetics/Ethics.

>> No.3483349

I usually try to not post in survey threads but this is a little tempting.

Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis
John Cheever - The Stories Of
Victor Hugo - Les Miserables

Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
Death from Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
Howlin' Wolf - The Rocking Chair Album

You will be my friend.

>> No.3483351
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Well, I'm not a troll so...

>> No.3483360

1984, American Gods, Dracula

Joy Division, King Crimson, Weezer.

>> No.3483367

So...you guys want to hang out sometime? I think we'd all be friends.

>> No.3483373

Dude, you are a breath of fresh air. Your tastes are simple and well-understood, zero posturing included, which is more than one can say for most of us on /lit/ myself included

>> No.3483374

Ulysses by James Joyce
The Sorrows of Satan by Marie Corelli
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

Ufomammut - Opus Primum
Takeshi Terauchi and The Bunnys - Self Titled
Pretend You're Happy - The Grand Joyful Rebellion

>> No.3483375

Dostoevsky, David Foster Wallace, Jane Austen

Animal Collective, Sufjan Stevens, Franz Liszt

>> No.3483377

I'll fuck you up, nerd.

>> No.3483379


>> No.3483381


The Replacements
Guided By Voices
Tom Waits

>> No.3483382

the fuck you say to me?

>> No.3483384
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>> No.3483390

The Elementary Particles
For Whom the Bell Tolls
American Gods

Tame Impala
The Nigger Collective

>> No.3483392
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n e r d

What are you gonna do about it?

>pic related, it's me and my bitch

>> No.3483395

stfu grill

>> No.3483398

Well, thanks. I just like fantasy, horror and rock music.

>> No.3483401

Cormac McCarthy
Salman Rushdie
John Steinbeck

Circa Survive
The Dear Hunter
Local Natives

>> No.3483414
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Y-you... y-you... you're just a big bully

>> No.3483421

How do you synthesise Cynicism and Stirnerism? Or is the picture just a random thing?

>> No.3483427

New Moon
Eclipse (and we can guess what comes forth :))

Avril Lavigne
Taylor Swift
Kelly Clarkson

>> No.3483433

But Eclipse is shit, even compared to the other three.

>> No.3483449 [DELETED] 

The Book of Ebenezer Le Page
Don Quixote
To the Lighthouse

Bill Evans
Stars of the Lid
The Pixies

>> No.3483459



>> No.3483462

William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
Frank Herbert - Dune
James Joyce - Ulysses

Faust - s/t
Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance
Yo La Tengo - I Can Hear the Heart Beating as On

>> No.3483463


>> No.3483466


Ouch, yeah my bad.
If it's any consolation I just woke up..

>> No.3483467


I like you

>> No.3483473


>Yo La Tengo

bro levels off the charts

>> No.3483482

Pynchon's V.
Roth's Goodbye Columbus
And probably either Mathews' Tlooth or Walser's Jakob Von Gunten.

Slowdive's Pygmalion
Silver Jews' American Water
And probably either The Flaming Lips' The Soft Bulletin or Cocteau Twins' Heaven or Las Vegas.

>> No.3483489


In 1984 I was hospitalized for approaching perfection.

>> No.3483500

David Lindsay - A Voyage to Arcturus
Mervyn Peake - Gormenghast
Zhuangzi - Nanhua Zhenjing

Skullflower - Form Destroyer
Sun Araw - Heavy Deeds
Locrian - Drenched Lands

>> No.3483519

I don't, like most here (I'm pretty certain) I just admire his spirit. He reminds me of Stirner a bit though in his rejecting human conventions, emphasis on 'freeing his mind', etc.

>> No.3483526

>The Stranger by Albert Camus
>Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

>Animals as Leaders - Animals as Leaders
>Neutral Milk Hotel- In the Aeroplane over the Sea
>Animal Collective- Sung Tungs

>> No.3483529


This post is extremely good. I almost didn't get it, actually. Animals as Leaders was what tipped me off.

>> No.3483541

Off the top of my head
>The Master and Margarita, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, 100 Years of Solitude

>Jay-Z, Wu-Tang, Nujabes

>> No.3483550

Infinite Jest
The Annotated Alice in Wonderland

Animal Collective
Modest Mouse

>> No.3483552

Everyone down! It looks like we've got ourselves a school shooter on our hands.

>> No.3483560


>> No.3483565

Oh look, I gave out my last fuck a few hours ago. You'll have to do without.

>> No.3483566

>Do you have as good taste in music as you do in books

I have neither.

>> No.3483571

I see. I think Cynicism and Stirnernism are in general very compatible though, since the whole "things you own end up owning you" relates to spooks as accompanying material possessions. Also, Stirner was austere as fuck.

>> No.3483579
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Well, currently, and to be changed at any time for both categories (though Bach stays at the top):

Plato as a favourite author,
Dostoyevski as a favourite author,
Das Parfum as a favourite novel

1. Bach
2. Mozart
and Beatles, to name something from other genre.

>> No.3483593

That retort really was cringe-worthy

>> No.3483595
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1. Anthem by Ayn Rand
2. I,Robot by Isaac Asimov
3. The Eragon series, but simply because i enjoy the fantasy.

1. Self-titled by Gorillaz
2. Judgement by VNV Nation
3. Issues by KoRn for nostalgic reasons.

>> No.3483596


so was that post

>> No.3483607

Johnny Got His Gun
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Sophie's World

Death from Above 1979

>> No.3483612

I'm not a regular here but would I be right in assuming the joke is that he picked all the typical beginner level 'patrician' choices?

>> No.3483617


>> No.3483621


Basically, yes. ITAOTS and Camus are baseline patrician, but beyond that the poster faces a struggle to differentiate "his" taste from that of other patricians. Note how cautiously he chooses - not the famous Animal Collective album (MPP) nor yet the one with the reputation of being "better than MPP" (Strawberry Jam). Dostoevsky and Vonnegut are self-consciously critically aware choices, of course, so Animals As Leaders, as hilarious djent for teenagers, is the ultimate punchline (all the more so because it's immediately followed by two more "patrician" offerings.)

>> No.3483622

I need to read more on cynicism, honestly. I've always avoided it beyond Diogenes for reasons that'd make me look like a fag. Good to know.
>Also, Stirner was austere as fuck.
Was he? I have a biography of him downloaded that I plan on reading soon. That's interesting.

>> No.3483623
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You likes the Maestro of the Fugues?
And him being Illogical to study him the most?
Whilst the Amadeus is a dancer with a little less logic, but a lot more spazz of Freud!
And the Thoven is attempting to balance both, though he is no God of the Fugue. Play every Key like a God in it's Well Temper-Clavier.

The Bach doesn't really tell stories like Amadeus and Beethoven - he just wrote the most studied of the Lot, due to it being the least Logical in balancing out how one is to transition each Key and how other Keys in other clefts are to accompany the first one.


>> No.3483631
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Although I generally dislike the word "best" I shall play this game.

> The Illuminatus Trilogy- Robert Anton Wilson
>Timequake-Kurt Vonnegut
>The Silmarillion- Tolkien

>Pink Floyd- Animals Or DSOTM
>Aphrodite's Child- 666
> Explosions in the Sky- The Earth is not a cold dead place or Those who tell the truth shall live forever

>> No.3483636
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>Dostoevsky, Hesse, Salinger
>Radical Face, The Books, Godspeed! You Black Emperor

>> No.3483656

calvino, wittgenstein, gurdjieff

(as of this morning): dufay, bartok, jarrett

>> No.3483657

Books: Cat's Cradle, Street of Crocodiles, 2666
Albums: Bee Thousand, Person Pitch, Emergency & I

>> No.3483724
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I never saw Mozart as illogical, merely unpredictable, yet sensible.

>> No.3483776

Proper words you have; more succinct and clear than my leading to a little bit more open to interpretation.
Well I didn't mean to interpret my text as the Stoic Logician or Apollo being Bach and Amadeus being Dionysus. And Beethoven trying to balance the two extremes; deviating to deafness isn't the God of music.

>> No.3483782
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Step aside, plebs.

>> No.3483789
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The Stranger- Camus
Perfume- Patrick Susskind
Brave New World- Huxley

Paul's Boutique- Beastie Boys
Kid A- Radiohead
Reign In Blood- Slayer

>> No.3483813

>Hakim Bey, Raoul Vaneigem, DFW
>Aenima, ITAOTS, RATM (Self Titled)

>> No.3483861


>in the aeroplane over the sea
>the lonesome crowded west

>> No.3483865

i can't believe how many of you honestly like that neutral milk hotel trash. and you have the gall to call others peasants and plebs. oh the irony.

>> No.3483917

>Gravity's Rainbow
>The Brothers Karamazov

>Kid A

>> No.3483929


gah, grow up.

>> No.3483941



>> No.3483956

1. Dostoyevsky
2. Vonnegut
3. Hemingway/Fitzgerald

1. Frank Zappa
2. Radiohead
3. Dead Kennedys

>> No.3483967


All I can say is that I'm thankful I found the album before this site was made and it was continually bitched about by edgy shitposters like you.

Shame the mentality that meme brought out around it ruined a lot of people out of giving it a fair chance. Oh well.

>> No.3483995

>The Iliad
>Jitterbug Perfume
>Interview with the Vampire

>Live Through This (Hole)
>Automatic for the People (R.E.M.)
>The Smiths

>> No.3484002
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>Gravity's Rainbow
Mah Nigga

>> No.3484017

Mishima, Dostoevsky,Meryvn

Radiohead, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus.


>> No.3484025

please. it's an awful, meandering whiny shitfest with artistic reach. the lyrics are offensively bad and the melodies are mundane as fuck. it's literally the most arbitrary and bizarre choice of an album to get hyped up by little shitidiots like you.

its music for people who don't listen to music.

>> No.3484027

u r a fagget

>> No.3484028

1. The Game
2. Lolita
3. How to Make Your Dreams a Reality

>> No.3484029

*no artistic reach.

btw, i heard the album when it came out. the /mu/ obsession has nothing to do with my opinion.

>> No.3484031

Supposed to be Mervyn Peake, bloke who did Gormenghast series.

>> No.3484032
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>Jitterbug Perfume

>> No.3484037


Good choice. I can't think of another writer like him.

>> No.3484043
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Or another writer so sexy.

>> No.3484044


>thinks I'm going to debate subjective opinion, especially over lyrics so taken to creative abstration as these

Not a chance.

>> No.3484045
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1. The Crying of Lot 49
2. Gravity's Rainbow
3. 2666

1. Radiohead
2. Queens of the Stone Age
2. Aphex Twin

>> No.3484047


Are you a woman and will you marry me?

>> No.3484048

I'm actually surprised they haven't tried to turn Gormenghast into the next big trend like they did with LOTR,Harry Potter,etc. I know BBC adapted it but I haven't seen their version yet.

>> No.3484055


theres nothing in it that could be trendified. it has no romance, action, or horror worth noting, and the reason why it's so fucking good is because of its ridiculous prose. it loses 100% of what is worthwhile or interesting about it in adaptation. also everyone in it is an asshole. there is zero chance that it will ever become the next big thing.

>> No.3484060


lil b
kitty pryde
riff raff

>> No.3484061

Quo Vadis? - Henryk Sienkiewicz
The Accursed Kings - Maurice Druon
The girl with the dragon tattoo - Stieg Larsson (inb4 im a faggot)

The Cranberries
Linkin Park

>> No.3484066

>lyrics so taken to creative abstration

Get the fuck off of this board.

>> No.3484069

the little prince
cat's cradle

gogol bordello

>> No.3484073


i like your first two choices in each... vonnegut and built to spill (saw them for free at sirenfest a few years back, pretty good show)

>> No.3484084


>ayn rand

im dying

>> No.3484093


Calm down little sperglet.

>> No.3484097

Those books are awful.
But Townes Van Zandt my nigga

>> No.3484099

Charles Dickens
Richard Wright
David Foster Wallace

Powder! Go Away
Vashti Bunyan

>> No.3484183

it's pretty good bro

>> No.3484191

>lyrics so taken to creative abstraction

I don't think you get to call anybody a sperg.

>> No.3484206


Immaculate taste right here.

HLTO is the best Burzum album though.

>> No.3484220


- The Glass Bead Game, Hesse
- Collected Fictions, Borges
- Pan, Hamsun


- Pink Flag, Wire
- Entertainment, Gang of Four
- More Songs About Buildings and Food, Talking Heads

>> No.3484222

Chairs Missing > Pink Flag

>> No.3484254

>Vonnegut, Bradbury, Joyce
>Autechre, Black Sabbath, Bright Eyes

my favorites are always changing, these are my current favorites.

>> No.3484265

1) Queer by William Burroughs
2) Crime and Punishment
3) The Broom of the System
1) The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner by Ben Folds
2) There's Nothing Wrong with Love by Built to Spill
3) The Wall by Pink Floyd

>> No.3484273


different strokes tho. HLTO is more fun but Filosofem better to smoke to.

>> No.3486715

>HLTO is the best Burzum
If you smoke weed you are not allowed to listen to Burzum.

>> No.3486761

I'll play

Musical artists:
Kate Bush
The Police

>> No.3486810

>GK Chesterton - Napoleon of Notting Hill
>Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot
>Joseph Heller - Something Happened

>Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells
>Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Deja Vu
>The Beta Band - The Three EPs

>> No.3486813

Burzum is best when high, bro.

>> No.3486832


Shit, swap out Something Happens for The Third Policeman ...

>> No.3486837

>Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
>The Road by Cormac McCarthy

>LCD Soundsystem
>Death from Above 1979

>> No.3486839

1. Herman Melville - Moby Dick
2. Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse
3. James Joyce - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

1. Tom Waits
2. Bill Evans
3. Frederic Chopin

>> No.3486840

The Autobiography of Malcom X
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Nigger (Nas album)
The Downward Spiral

>> No.3486863



>> No.3486877

Siddhartha by Hesse
Catcher in the Rye
House on the Borderland
Pink Floyd

>> No.3486905
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Top Books/Authors
>All of them

Top Albums/Artists
>Pic Related

>> No.3486913

William Golding The Inheritors
Russel Hoban Riddley Walker
The Cave of Time Edward Packard

Abbey Road The Beatles
Take Five Dave Brubeck Quartet
Highway 61 Revisited Bob Dylan

But who can pick, really?

>> No.3486921

I have a bigger music library and I don't even listen to music

>> No.3486928


Yeah, they're close. You might be right.

>> No.3486931


My inbox is 36gb.

I'm particular about what goes in my library.

>> No.3486979
File: 55 KB, 136x181, xx420_BLUNT_SMOKERxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People like you are the reason I stopped smoking weed.

People like you act as though weed is some mystical substance that transforms music into a religious experience. You act as though you can only enjoy certain music when you get high because "DUDE ITS SOOOO TRIPPPYY"

Grow up, "bro"

>> No.3487009

Varg would burn your house.

>> No.3487031

No one who has smoked weed says trippy surely? Don't they know that weed isn't tripping?

Now music on mushrooms or acid is trippy. You can see it. It's beatifully disturbing.

>> No.3487084

>babbies first erowid visit