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File: 967 KB, 818x1787, Skip straight to the letters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3480724 No.3480724 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ lets make some of these.

>> No.3480785
File: 92 KB, 536x696, kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dat filename

>> No.3480835
File: 374 KB, 818x1166, Because I hate myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I know how much you guys <3 him

>> No.3480913

it'd be better if people asked for specific ones, i think

>> No.3480946

Is there a DFW one floating around anywhere?

>> No.3480955

>Ulysses after Finnegans Wake
Joyce is best read chronologically.

>> No.3480956

>I want to try and pick up English majors
>I want to try and pick up
>try and pick up


>> No.3480977
File: 1016 KB, 818x1787, Skip straight to the letters 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never actually read any DFW so I can't help you there. Perhaps some other anon can throw one together.


They were meant to be joke options

>> No.3480992

I can't be bothered to make a chart but start with Brief Interviews then A Supposedly Fun Thing then Infinite Jest. Save The Pale King for later.

>> No.3480995


What about his short stories and non-fiction? Are they worth reading?

>> No.3481000


What about his short-stories and non-fiction? Are they worth reading?

>> No.3481004

That's Brief Interviews.
>and non-fiction
That's A Supposedly Fun Thing.

>> No.3481007

/You should include all of his works.

>> No.3481008

I enjoy them, though they can be hit and miss. Good Old Neon (which is in Oblivion) is just as good as his longer stuff and if I had to recommend a particular short to start with it'd be that.

>> No.3481021

Girl with the curious hair is the only thing worth a shit he's done. At least recommend it for shorts

>> No.3481067

>tfw I actually like Tao Lin, not ironically or out of spite because /lit/ doesn't like him

>> No.3482191

bumping for more charts

>> No.3482208

It's odd that no one ever mentions the play he wrote or the book of poetry he published. I haven't read either, but I still think they should be included somewhere in his chronology.

>> No.3482256
File: 1.08 MB, 3672x1220, beckett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3482272

The poetry sucks.

>> No.3482276

Why haven't we made one of these for philosophy?

>> No.3482285

As mentioned, the poetry is bad. The play is worse. But the chart should include Stephen Hero (the posthumously published autobiography) and the Ellman bio as a supplement.

>> No.3482287

it would be incredibly long if it were gonna be any good.

>> No.3482294

We could boil down each one's principles into their simplest forms.

>> No.3482308

but Richard Yates is awful, people should start with Eeeee Eee Eeee

>> No.3482313

Yeah don't start with Richard Yates, that's his least accessible book.

>> No.3482314
File: 443 KB, 2468x1252, 1348693401719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3482344

Dubliners was boring as fuck.

>> No.3482359

Good Old Neon was fantastic. I think by far probably the worst thing in Oblivion, though, was either Oblivion itself (the others were quite funny, but Oblivion was genuinely sort of a slog listening to someone talk about his "sleep issues") or perhaps Another Pioneer, which was pretty heavy-handed with its message and not very engaging. I actually liked Mister Squishy and The Suffering Channel a lot, even if they were perhaps just a little too long.

>> No.3482393
File: 988 KB, 1284x1324, DFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about this

>> No.3482408

I actually thought "Another Pioneer" was one of the strongest in the collection, behind "Good Old Neon" (obviously) and "The Suffering Channel". "Incarnations of Burned Children" is incredibly striking and robust for something so short, too.

"Mister Squishy" I don't think I got. It was a brave choice to make it the first story in the book, because in my opinion it's one of the least reader friendly things DFW wrote.

>> No.3482422

Seems about right, mate. Though _Both Flesh and Not_ should probably be reserved for fanboys who are truly determined to read everything he ever published, as it's not very good.

>> No.3482427


IJ should be read before TPK

>> No.3482433

It is. TPK is the end of that line, just after "why did this genius have to die so young?"

>> No.3482441

After reading up on some of those letters, I am not sure if I will be able to read Joyce with a straight face again.

>> No.3482444

personally i'm not sure if my penis will ever be flaccid again

>> No.3482446


>> No.3482459


oh ok I see it now. my fault

>> No.3482460


Can't believe someone wasted their time to make this

>> No.3482465

keep in mind its not that much of a waste relative to what /lit/izens mostly use their time for.

>> No.3482466

Should I really follow this image?

>joke options

Really? I don't know what to believe

>> No.3482489


Follow this one >>3480977

>> No.3482490
File: 288 KB, 1300x2200, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My version. 1 million hours in GIMP.

>> No.3482499


What's wrong with Paint?

>> No.3482506

I've only read 'Supposedly fun thing...'

Am i ready for IJ now?

>> No.3482509

Thanks, looking forward to some good reading.

>> No.3482511

Is this a good chart? Didn't know where to go from Godot. Are all the ones here plays?

>> No.3482513

Just start reading the book if you are interested in it. I noticed that the book always gets posted on /lit/ and one day I simply bought a copy of it and started reading it. It is a great book and I can highly recommand it.

>> No.3482521

If you enjoy his style, sure. Infinite Jest is not that difficult, just polarising -- which is why I always suggest sampling his short stories or essays before diving into it head first.

>> No.3482531


I find reading his shorts a really bad idea (just sayin') because they're so much more fixated on being technical than his novels or non-fiction.

I think each strand of Wallace's writing is actually pretty unique (in terms of how he wrote).

His "best" stuff is in his novels, his most flashy stuff is in his shorts, and his non-fiction is somewhere in between.

>> No.3482551
File: 162 KB, 600x916, 978-0-300-10409-7-frontcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this. Maybe good?

>> No.3482579

Not made by myself, but it was posted on /lit/ before I think. Looks pretty good to me.

It is only western philosophy tough.


>> No.3482760
File: 366 KB, 1908x2000, soseki_optim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more OC

>> No.3482807

can't read shit

>> No.3482871

It's the cover of a book.

>> No.3482982


Good, but would think someone, as an intro, should read Botchan ahead of Sanshiro.