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File: 78 KB, 550x434, 1345095907004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3477646 No.3477646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Most people on this board actually like Zizek and Chomsky.
>Most people actually like "intellectuals" who will mean nothing a century from now.

>> No.3477649

In 1992, Chomsky was named the eigth most cited human being in history, behind men like Marx, Freud and Plato. I'm pretty sure people will be remembering him and his work long past his death.

As for Zizek? Well, his legacy is up for debate..

>> No.3477650

No one cares who chomsky is now. He stopped being edgy ages ago, now his ideas are just what everyone thinks. No one cares.

>> No.3477651

Furthermore I've never met anyone that has actually sat down and read most of Chomsky's work and come out of it still disagreeing with him. Try it some time OP.

>> No.3477653

Christopher Hitchens will be forgotten.

>> No.3477654

Since when is very plainly telling the truth edgy? And since when are his ideas what everyone thinks now? If that were even remotely the case, people in this country would stop consuming mass media like it's going out of style.

>> No.3477660

>"Liberal democrat"

Your retardedness is showing OP. Go back to reading Hitchens you faggot.

>> No.3477662

Why does it matter what the future will think? They are important now; we enjoy the debate and Zizek and Chomsky are part of some really vibrant and important global debates we have concerning the future of american hegemony, liberal democracy, consumer capitalism etc.

>> No.3477665 [DELETED] 

Hitchens was a Marxist, retard.

>> No.3477669


No he wasn't.

>> No.3477673

He's a self described "conservative marxist."

Also, I chose the image at random.

>> No.3477674



>> No.3477675
File: 31 KB, 331x473, 1357562666954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a socialist and have never read Chomsky and don't even know who Zizek is

>> No.3477676 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 1360419291958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitchens, as recently as 2009, again referred to himself as "a Marxist". Hitchens continued to affirm his respect for Marxist theory, including his 2009 article for The Atlantic entitled "The Revenge of Karl Marx". There he explains how Marx's economic analysis in Das Kapital has predicted many of the failures of the U. S. economy, including the late-2000s recession. In a June 2010 interview with The New York Times, he stated that "I still think like a Marxist in many ways. I think the materialist conception of history is valid. I consider myself a very conservative Marxist". He continued to regard both Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky as great men, and the Bolsheviks' October Revolution as a necessary event in the modernization of Russia.

Trotsky and Lenin were both conservative Marxists as well. Please educate yourself before posting on /lit/ again, thanks.

>> No.3477679

He was a "Marxist" only to the extent that he believed that the materialist conception of history is valid. Other than that he was neoconservative through and through.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.3477680 [DELETED] 

Wrong, he was a right-wing Marxist just like Trotsky.

>> No.3477681

>regarding soviet mass murderers as great men
>not a staunch marxist in every sense.

>> No.3477688

Leftist intellectuals:
Chomsky, Hedges, Zizek, Albert, Zinn, Herman, Foucault, West, Ellsberg, etc

Right intellectuals:

Stay mad, OP.

>> No.3477691

Not true, they have Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly

>> No.3477692 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3477695


>he was a Marxist only in the extent that he believed in the validity of Marxist theory

Okay, that's what a Marxist is, m8.


Referring to Lenin or Trotsky simply as being just mass murderers displays an enormous ignorance of their lives and what they did and tried to do. Calling Stalin a mass murderer is cool, but those two, not so much, even if you do count Kronstadt.

>> No.3477697

>he was neoconservative

why? guess he isn't all that smart

>> No.3477698

>Leftist intellectuals
>innumerous insignificant hacks born after 1920

>Right intellectuals
>everyone born before then.

>> No.3477700 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that leftism has been responsible for the majority of mass-murderers in the last century.

>> No.3477701 [DELETED] 

>he disagrees with me
>he must be dumb

Let me guess, an aggressive foreign policy hits you right in the "feels"?

>> No.3477703

leik the right is soooo stupid cause society tells me so!!! I m tottaly not brainwashed XD

>> No.3477705

Go to bed, you're not impressing anyone.

>> No.3477706

The whole "waaaah it hurts my feelings" line of argumentation in the face of someone that does not support aggressive hegemony is just about the height of stupidity. Stop it already, you dunce.

>> No.3477708

fuck Kissinger even though we are fellow jews

>> No.3477709 [DELETED] 

"I don't like X because it hurts my feelings" is the height of anti-intellectual emotional arguments.

>> No.3477710

can you really expect any different from these people.

They have been conditioned from the start to view one side as "the problem" and continue to uphold the same cognitive dissonance.

>> No.3477712

So you're telling me that these supposed right intellectuals born before 1920 are more significant than the left intellectuals born after 1920? Huh?

I'll give the right Evola. That's about it. Unfortunately most dumbfuck right wingers in America have absolutely no idea who he even is.

>> No.3477713

what's with this ironic ultra-conservative shit? is this some sort of new hipster thing among young adult males? i've seen people here freaking out about "race mixing"

what the fuck

this isn't the kind of traditionalism i wanted

>> No.3477714

intellectualism is overrated

Neocons are stupid sociopaths and are why the US is failing.

>> No.3477717 [DELETED] 

It's incredible that you actually believe one side(the one you disagree with) is stupid and your team is smart.

Pretty delusional.

>> No.3477718

>we are fellow jews
It's funny how Jews are the ones who push for white guilt yet uphold tribal extremism.

>> No.3477720
File: 27 KB, 259x400, The-Washington-Connection-and-Third-World-Fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you truly think the extent of argumentation coming from leftist intellectuals against hegemony is "it hurts my feelings" then you're quite plainly fucking inept. Go read this book, you chucklefuck.

>> No.3477721 [DELETED] 


So in other words, they do whats logical and disregard "feels"? Thanks for proving my point. If anything, neoconservatives are ultra-logical and the left is the party of "because my emotions say so".

>> No.3477722

Its a dangerous cocktail of anonymity and misanthropy which surfaces here. Throw in some garbled, completely biased statistics and you've got the majority of what constitutes a victory in an argument on 4chan ever.

>> No.3477725 [DELETED] 

Why is fascism wrong? Besides from "it hurts my feelings"?

>> No.3477727

This whole emotions thing. Just because you say someone does it, doesn't mean that they do.

Just a heads up.

>> No.3477729

Why is communism wrong? Besides from "it hurts my feelings"?

>see, this argument technique is awful. Cut it out already.

>> No.3477732

The majority of nobel prize winners are jews.

so much for "white master race"
also nordics for most of history were a bunch of savages

>> No.3477733 [DELETED] 

The point is that your only argument is that they are sociopathic and disregard feelings when making judgments. You're pretty much proving my point.

Who said it was wrong?

>> No.3477737 [DELETED] 

You know what? fuck logic, fuck logic and everything it stands for. Wait till we start revving up those bombing campaign you little bitch. How logical are you going to be when your entire lower body is blown off you fucking nut case?

>> No.3477738


It's standard /pol/ rhetoric, it's really reeeeally easy to slip into, so people do it on /lit/ as lazy shitposting to troll. This thread is a completely tragic abomination.

>> No.3477739
File: 17 KB, 200x200, stfu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's a good share of trolling in this thread, but I'm seriously considering leaving this board for good right now. A bunch of pent up undergraduates bitching and moaning about other peoples opinions, while not bothering to actually put together a coherent argument for your own position. You people are such small-minded, self-important douchebags. I wish canceer upon you all.

>> No.3477740 [DELETED] 

I'll slit your throat and not even feel a thing. I have no emotion.

>> No.3477743

Heil hitler!

>> No.3477744

I didn't do any of those things you're referring to, I'm just commenting as an observer.

>> No.3477746 [DELETED] 

>wow the right is so dumb and anti-intellectual xD!!!


It's amusing how liberals internally justify their beliefs via mental gymnastics.

>> No.3477754

Please slouch on back to /pol/.

>> No.3477747

Then please name some contemporary right wing intellectuals on par with Zizek, Chomsky and Hedges.

You can't.

>> No.3477748



>> No.3477751

Do you not think its bad when people die?

>> No.3477752

kill the right wing

blow them up

hunt every single one down and kill them

>> No.3477753

>one side is objectively wrong and every constituite of that side is dumb.

you know what, I'm done. You people don't want a fucking conversation because you fear the very thought of losing your established beliefs. The beliefs that you or someone else has pounded in your head to be objectively true.

To avoid some one liner ad hominem, no I'm not a Neocon, I just really fucking hate you.

>> No.3477755 [DELETED] 

I'm saying you're accusing the other team of being illogical but then putting your feelings head of logic when it suits your argument.

I'll take that as a concession of defeat. Official tally:

Right-wing: 1
Left-wing: 0

>> No.3477756

sageing nerds!

>> No.3477759

When my fascist institution is propped up, I will make sure you have a hellish life at the bottom of the hierarchy.

>> No.3477761

Stop assuming you're only arguing against one person, this is the second time in this thread you've assumed I'm someone else. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Heres something that might shake your little right-wing world: other people exist.

>> No.3477762

Hello, left-wing, right-wing retards!

I am the middle-wing master race.

>> No.3477763

Your question should be restated as "Why is it wrong for a country that is supposedly against fascism to turn around and support it in third world countries?"

>> No.3477767

Pick a side, faggot.

>> No.3477768

Wow. Day ignorance.

>> No.3477769 [DELETED] 

Two more posts devoid of coherent arguments. Official tally:

Right-wing: 3
Left-wing: 0

>against fascism

Are you fucking kidding me? Mussolini was regarded, before the war, as the Italian Roosevelt.

>> No.3477770


I feel the same. You can't leave, because then it will be worse.

>> No.3477771

You're right. Roosevelt systematically assassinated working class activists too.

>> No.3477772

>I am totally not a brainwashed retard who is limiting himself intellectually by following a sect which encourages me to limit myself intellectually.

You are what the higher up calls a useful idiot.

>> No.3477774

What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.3477775

I watch video of KGB man on youtube and now i am an educated!

>> No.3477778

Fuck gender roles.

I want my girlfriend to be dominate my asshole, fuck you right-wing you hateful misogynists

>> No.3477779

Look at this petit-bourgeois faggot, thinking he knows what's best for everyone else.

Please fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.3477780 [DELETED] 

Jesus, you can't even read. It's not my opinions, it was what was printed in the New York Times.

Along with letters from Roosevelt to Mussolini himself.

>President Franklin Roosevelt expressed admiration for the Italian leader, and sent him cordial letters. In June 1933, Roosevelt praised Mussolini in a letter to an American envoy: “... I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.” In another letter a few weeks later, the President wrote: “I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with the admirable Italian gentleman.”

>> No.3477782

fuck hitler

take a cyanide pill, follow your leader

die nazi scum

i am german btw and more "white" than any of you right-wing morons

>> No.3477783

So you're taking the opinion of one bourgeois politician about another. How fucking credible.

>> No.3477784

Abandon thread, troll level critical. Signal to noise ratio of posts unbearable. So many posts being posted, still nothing is being said.

>> No.3477786

I have no clue who that is.

culture is anti-intellectual. I am reffering to the culture of the status-quo. Those who will prosper in the coming days are those who reject both sides as they currently stand.

>> No.3477788

who gives a shit
fuck that little fat itltian facist

we need naother world war to crush facists

fuck george bush

fuck you athiest logic machine

>> No.3477789 [DELETED] 

>g-go back to X(place I don't like)

No, I was proving you wrong once again. Don't blame me for your ignorance.

Official tally:

Right-wing: 4
Left-wing: 0

>> No.3477790

i fuckewd your dad's autsitic asshole and thne out came u

>> No.3477791

No, you're citing a primary source and advancing a specious analysis—primarily through over generalisation.

You speak shit through rotten teeth.

>> No.3477792

Jonah Goldberg? Is that you?

>> No.3477794

>hey, you always dress so skimpy, do you just want the attention or do you want to have sex? i am more than willing to have sex with you. you do have a sex drive, don't you?

ended up getting slapped and beaten up by her brother and his friends

>> No.3477796


You said it. I'm out.

>> No.3477797 [DELETED] 

I said that Mussolini was regarded, before the war, as the Italian Roosevelt, both by Roosevelt himself and the largest newspapers at the time. You disagreed and I proved you wrong.

I don't want to add another point to Right-wing over the same argument, but your display of ignorance is tempting.

>> No.3477798

i swear if evoluton fuck it i iaint gonna blevie n dopresign shit reiagidng fuckign bigoiyl why cant u rightwing tards be christian then so i can respect u soy usud youstupid fucks no evo support no evo psych fuckign dawkins fuck bibogicla roles there are none and will use force to prove that no wone forece me do anythign therefore fuck facists

>> No.3477799

Zizek is super fun to read, and it's pretty hard to believe he's a leftist for most of his books. When he talks about politics he's frequently criticizing liberals and it's almost funny (because it sounds fake) when he starts talking about the positive potential of revolutionary violence and so on and so forth, it's totally unrelated to the rest of his 'philosophy'.

Chomsky is incredibly stupid, the fact he's called an intellectual is nothing but sad. Jameson, Badiou, Eagleton are way better.

As for rightist intellectuals, try Voegelin, Strauss, Oakeshott and followers.

>> No.3477801

Yes, before the war.


>> No.3477803

left or right thinker does not mean liberal or conservative

>> No.3477804 [DELETED] 

Which is what I said. The point being, we didn't get into the war because we didn't like Fascism.

Reminder that National Socialism is not Fascism, as Fascism is not racist or anti-semitic.

>> No.3477805

You generalise from
>Mussolini was regarded as the Italian Roosevelt
to this being of any fucking significance.

I regard myself as the greatest suckhole artiste ever. Guess what that means?

Roosevelt and Mussolini both killed working class activists on a systematic basis. Instead you're attempting to segue Mussolini's socialist roots, and Americans misunderstandings of Roosevelets relationship to US capitalism into an argument that Mussolini wasn't a right wing fuck bag.

Please, put your balls in a blender for your children's sake.

>> No.3477808

Who's "we"?

>> No.3477810

How is logic inherently objectively superior to emotion?

>> No.3477811 [DELETED] 

I simply proved that Roosevelt thought highly of Mussolini's policies and so did the major newspapers at the time. That's some cute revisionism, but do you not remember that Roosevelt put Japanese Americans into concentration camps?

America, which is what this argument started with. >>3477720

>> No.3477813

Mohammad bin Abdullah al Muttailib al Quraish, son of Abdullah bin Ali al Muttailib al Quraish and Amina binti Wahab, inherited his Judaism from his father who was a Jew and was circumcised because of that.

He belonged to the bani al Quraish Jewish Tribe. The Adnani Arabs are descendants of the 12 Tribes of Ishmael and were originally Jews.

>> No.3477814

i am gaylord -u

>> No.3477815

Many Fascisms, from Horthy's onwards, have been anti-semetic. In the European concept of racial nationalism, and Mussolini's culturalism is a racialism, the easiest way to unite the national community around exterminationalist raciality is through anti-semetism. However, you raise the very important point about the difference between Horthy and Mussolini's cultural racialism compared to Hitler or Franco's blood racialism. What is race in fascism when such a variety of meanings of race are present? What is racialism when volkish racialism was even more vehement than most of the NSDAP in the East and South?

>> No.3477816 [DELETED] 

>the right is anti-intellectual! why can't those idiots think with logical?!!?? FUCKING IGNORANT RETARDS!!

>How is logical inherently superior to emotion?(when it suits my argument)

>> No.3477817

Why do you feel that way?

>> No.3477818 [DELETED] 

Jews were over-represented in Mussolini's Fascist party before Hitler took over and started running Italy.

"Race! It is a feeling, not a reality: ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. [...] National pride has no need of the delirium of race. Only a revolution and a decisive leader can improve a race, even if this is more a sentiment than a reality. But I repeat that a race can change itself and improve itself. I say that it is possible to change not only the somatic lines, the height, but really also the character. Influence of moral pressure can act deterministically also in the biological sense.

—Benito Mussolini, 1932

>> No.3477820

Yeah, who gives a shit about sandpeople on the other side of the world.

bomb and rape their children! good goy!

>> No.3477823 [DELETED] 

See >>3477746

>> No.3477824

mussolini needs to stick a suaage up his aspie faicsit b utt

>> No.3477826

You sure would be complaining if it was you.

Do you blindly accept everything the government says?

>> No.3477827

The amount of 1edgy6me going on in this thread is too much to handle.

>> No.3477833 [DELETED] 

>calls the "other team" illogical and anti-intellectual
>then turns around and calls the "other team" edgy and sociopathic for not thinking with their feels

Liberals in a nutshell.

>> No.3477832

When Islamo-Fascism is extremely widespread in 20+ years I'm sure he'll be singing a much different tune.

>> No.3477835

Good goy.

>> No.3477837

false dichotomy

>> No.3477840

Bomb those sandpeople to hell and back! We need moar oil!

>> No.3477841 [DELETED] 

This is another paradox. Liberals tell you to go back to /pol/, but then parrot anti-semitic /pol/ "epic maymays".

Point out where I outlined an emotion-logic dichotomy. Protip: You can't. I am merely pointing out that liberals justify their beliefs via "logic" when it suits them, and talso "because my feelings say so" when it suits them.

>> No.3477844

>Stuck in a false "left/right opposing team us vs. them" dichotomy

Edgy teenage Nieztschean/Randian anti-intellectuals in a nutshell.

And in the interest of clarity, there's edginess from all spectra going on in this thread, not just yours. But hey, thanks for calling yourself out dumbass.

>> No.3477845

>if they don't agree with me then they are a liberal!

> justify their beliefs via "logic" when it suits them, and talso "because my feelings say so" when it suits them.
nothing wrong with that, anybody who doesn't have any "feels" over bombing innocent sandpeople is a sociopath

>> No.3477847 [DELETED] 

Leave it to a liberal to not understand the irony I intended to display with the quotation marks around "other team".

Right-wing: 6
Left-wing: 0

>y-yeah well you're a X(thing I don't like) for having different opinions!!!

>> No.3477849

"Y-you didn't understand w-what I m-meant! I w-was being ironic!"

Fuck off, twit.

>> No.3477851

Who gives a shit about your opinion. I do not give one shit about your life and have absolutely no respect for you.

Go roll around like a pig for a minute and then die.

>> No.3477854

Roosevelt put workers into labour camps before that.

I think you'll find that the "jews" in the Fascists were assimilated just as much as Primo Levi. SImilarly with Horthy's government.

>> No.3477855 [DELETED] 

That was the intention of the quotation marks. I'm sorry you're not bright enough to notice obvious irony.

You're not a very good ruseman.

>> No.3477856


>> No.3477859

stuff it, bitch

>> No.3477861


>> No.3477863
File: 17 KB, 245x378, 060109lf-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: a faggot from /pol/ read this book and decided to (successfully) troll /lit/ because of it

Come on guys, stop falling for this shit. /pol/ trolls us every weekend, and every weekend you continue to fall for it.

On the bright side, at least this isn't a Laurie Penny thread. I'll give kudos to OP for that.

>> No.3477865 [DELETED] 

>people with a different opinions than me are trolls from places I don't like

Let's face it, the left is the side of big government nowadays. Hitler has much more in common with the Democrats than he does the Tea Party.

>> No.3477870 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3477868

i shit out a hitler stache every morning

it also lands on ur mums face bitch boy

>> No.3477873
File: 6 KB, 222x227, itsyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting links to shitty meta youtube videos about trolling
>said videos include references to anime

You really are a despicable human being. Please leave and never come back.

>> No.3477874


We're just reacting as any normal human would when presented with these really, really irritating posts churned out with no thought whatsoever. The problem is it's not hard to troll like the "right wingers: 7 libs: 0" guy, it's really easy and takes no effort whatsoever, which means there's no point reading it, it's just like scum that builds up and makes it harder and harder to read actual posts with content.


Hey man, what is your opinion on 1848? I value your posts and input and want to know your stance on this.

>> No.3477876
File: 20 KB, 483x361, 1360489700813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1/10. Not even mad.

>> No.3477878

If you don't realise that the reference is to the prior poster's "tsundere" expressions in English then you are under read in intertextuality and in anime. I pity your access to the proletarian rhyzome of late capitalism (and so on and so on) and simultaneously your lack of desire to pee in Nyanner's butt.


>> No.3477880




>> No.3477881

If you believe that chap has an opinion on 1848 then you are both more naïve and less mannered than I was led to expect by your posting on an anonymous image board on a site known as a method pedophiles use to send encoded images of children being raped to each other.

>> No.3477882 [DELETED] 

The French Revolution embodied everything the New Right, not to be confused with neoconservatism or libertarianism, is against.

>> No.3477886

Socialism requires worker ownership and control of the means of production. In Nazi Germany, private capitalist individuals owned the means of production, and they in turn were frequently controlled by the Nazi party and state. True socialism does not advocate such economic dictatorship — it can only be democratic. Hitler’s other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right. He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church even though he was an atheist.

In short, Hitler was not a leftist and if you believe so you're a poorly educated dolt.

>> No.3477891 [DELETED] 

>Universal healthcare
>Heavily regulated economy
>Gun control
>Most aggressive and first anti-smoking campaign in history
>Powerful, centralized state

They were just racist leftists.

>> No.3477892

Anime is for forever alone manchildren.

Also, it's spelled "rhizome" you fucking idiot.

>> No.3477894 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1349237266950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftwing automatically means socialist xDDDDD
>implying the Democrats are leftwing

>> No.3477898


Nazis were not leftists. Please go read a book outside of your echo chamber of idiocy.

>> No.3477902 [DELETED] 

He is much closer to the modern Democratic Party than he is to the Tea Partiers.


>> No.3477903

Your suggestion that the majority of historians are an echo chamber paints you for what you are: a crank whose ideas are beyond fringe science and are merely hokum.

>> No.3477905 [DELETED] 
File: 471 KB, 1000x1414, 1360946743696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a conservative right-wing socialist.

>> No.3477906

Who the fuck even said that Hitler's ideology matches the ideology of Tea Partiers?

Your strawmans are fucking exhausting, bro.

>> No.3477907

>Anime is for forever alone manchildren.

Welcome to late capitalism, you can leave your Marcuse at the door.

>Also, it's spelled "rhizome" you fucking idiot.

Prescriptivism, 2014, meme arrows, etc.

>> No.3477909

Nazism used elements of the far-right racist Völkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture which fought against the communists in post-World War I Germany. It was designed to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism. Major elements of Nazism have been described as far-right, such as allowing domination of society by people deemed racially superior, while purging society of people declared inferior which were said to be a threat to national survival.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.3477910


Okay, but that was half a century before 1848. Also, when you say this.. what things specifically do you mean? Does the New Right reject liberty, fraternity and equality? I'm not quite sure what you mean here.

>> No.3477911

Cut the babby's first Jameson bullshit. I'm happy you've read the Wiki article on him, but you aren't impressing anyone.

>> No.3477919

We're in a thread where a Nazi troll is spouting sociology's timecube, and you're pulling me up on a standard post-Western Marxist cultural relativism argument because you don't want to piss in a trap's arsehole? GJ!



>> No.3477922 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 534x950, 1360300272981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does the New Right reject liberty, fraternity and equality?

The New right is opposed to laissez-faire economics, equality, individualism, and bourgeois decadence.


>> No.3477929

The new right, as a pre-fascist movement, rejects liberty, fraternity and equality in favour of property. Just like every pre- proto- and fascist movement has since Napoleon III captured the nation for a non-reactionary reactionary politics.

>> No.3477935

>sense of humor cell
>inside smarter than thou tumor
everything was pretty awful and unsurprising, but that made me lol.

>> No.3477951

I really hate resorting to this, but I thought I had better fight back.


I'm sorry you all had to see this.

>> No.3478012

>positing Marx as a vulgar materialist

Seriously bro, read any of the critiques of dialectical materialism and the need for the historicisation of method, particularly the historicisation of method as "men make their own history, but they do not choose the circumstances in which they make it"

>> No.3478028

I do not consider myself a liberal democrat and still can't say that I disagree much with Zizek.

He seems rather pragmatic and realistic to me. Unlike a shit ton of leftists and activists.

Haven't read anything from Chomsky though.
Only had to learn some of his theoretical works in the CS degree.

>> No.3478043
File: 61 KB, 484x550, gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized that lately /lit/ is very... let's call it anit-academic.

As if the board was filled with a ton of college/university dropouts.

However the sort which majored in philosophy and couldn't even handle that.

>> No.3478066 [DELETED] 

Being intelligent implies being anti-academic. You only succeed in academia by regurgitating beliefs already accepted by popular culture, anything outside the mainstream will get you blacklisted.

>> No.3478080


>they failed me because I said the holocaust didn't happen ;_;

>> No.3478087

You succeed in academia by publishing volume in highly regarded outlets. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.3478098 [DELETED] 

It wouldn't be highly regarded if it had opinions that the people reading it didn't like. Thus it becomes an echo chamber.

>> No.3478115

Well, somebody doesn't know what to do with their doctorate in Philosophy

>> No.3478142


Edgy 17 year old just got his rejection letters from the Ivy league.

>> No.3478145 [DELETED] 

>butthurt community college students who got rused into entering a degree factory devoid of actual knowledge

>> No.3478187

lol so much MAD

>> No.3478196

kids with big ideas, if you can't tell your idea's relevance to academic philosophy, chances are it's not very good.

>> No.3478205

>muh holocaust

Alfred Nobel’s Will (the founding document of the prestigious Nobel Prize) requests
“…that in awarding the prizes no consideration be given to the nationality of the candidates,
but that the most worthy shall receive the prize …” This expressed wish is largely ignored by
the Nobel Foundation, who award excessive numbers of Prizes to Jewish scientists (who
traditionally belong to “One Nation” even if they live in different countries around the
World), thus creating the large Jewish-Bias (J-bias). They award the Prize to 137 times
more frequently to Jewish candidates worldwide, and 26 times more frequently to those in
America, than would be expected from the size of the Jewish population. The proportion of
Jewish laureates more than doubled (2.3-fold increase) after the Second World War owing
to the explosion of Prizes shared between Jews and Gentiles (8.8-fold increase). H

>> No.3478211 [DELETED] 

>academic philosophy

>> No.3478213
File: 1.03 MB, 248x193, jCJxd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3478225

interesting, may I ask the source?

>> No.3478231


>> No.3478232 [DELETED] 

Stormfront. The website gets much hate but it's actually a great source for information outside of the politically correct mainstream.

>> No.3478236
File: 6 KB, 155x202, 1358813277562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's actually a great source for information

>> No.3478237

Maybe the Jews who recieved the prizes were more worthy?

>> No.3478245

Just read the article, it confirms a J-bias but still acknowledge the fact that Jews have overrepresentatioin.

>> No.3478267

I didn't read the thread, I just felt to comment on the absurd quote.

>> No.3478502

There are a few typical racist-extremist /pol/ rejects that arrived here recently and spew their anti-intellectualism in nearly every non-book thread here. /lit/ used to be decent...

>> No.3478505 [DELETED] 

Egalitarianism is anti-intellectual. Sorry to pop your little bubble.

>> No.3478536

how can they have nanny state and free everything? personally my brain is pretty much entirely free everything and smarter than thou.

>> No.3478541

>Bill O'Reilly

uh huh

>> No.3478542

>Egalitarianism is anti-intellectual.

>> No.3478557 [DELETED] 

Yes, preferring mediocrity over genius is the trademark of egalitarian thought.

>> No.3478606

>mediocrity over genius is the trademark of egalitarian thought.

You got to be joking... Try not speaking about things you learn in the Television next time.

>> No.3478634 [DELETED] 

I'll interpret your post as an intellectual white flag. Where there are extraordinary people, there will never be complete equality.

>> No.3478659

Is this a joke? Are you trying to say that he's playing a character, or are you genuinely implying that Bill O'Reilly is smart?
Even if you agree with EVERYTHING he says, you would have a hard time perceiving him as anything but intellectually bankrupt.

>> No.3478713
File: 414 KB, 900x1009, Antifa_Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going.

>> No.3478734

lol'd, please his political opinions might not be on the "right" side, but he's hardly a stupid man, and probably a lot more smarter and hard working than you.

>> No.3478747
File: 173 KB, 500x455, tumblr_lv8epr5gTD1r70qzto1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is not a troll I'll feel compelled to descent into a new level of absurdism to cope

>> No.3478751

Explain the Tides then! Tide goes in, Tide goes out! How does it happen!
Looks really smart

>> No.3478797


You seem to be using the English language. You seem to be regurgitating symbols and beliefs (via your use of idioms) that you have no responsibility for. Why don't you critically engage your own language and create a better one? You must be unintelligent, because you're being rather academic in that respect.

Also, would you care to take a gander at the history of science? The most intelligent persons were still working in the framework of existing intellectual ideas and concepts. You literally can't name a case that doesn't fall in line with that claim, because it's not possible. It's how human knowledge works.

But I find your self-pride to be cute. You must just be misunderstood and no one can grasp the truth of your self-invented genius ideas!

Why are conservatives so goddamn angsty?

>> No.3478805
File: 13 KB, 208x199, Mel Gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ plebs leaking into /lit/
Please take your strawmen elsewhere, and your non sequitur talking points too.

>> No.3479169

Wow... you're edgy AND fucking stupid.

That's nice.

Not really.

>> No.3479207

>butthurt english/philosophy/women studies major detected who realized his degree isn't worth shit

The actual academic community already laughed about you before you dropped out.

>> No.3479231

you know what an automata and a grammar is, or do you still live in the stone age?

>> No.3479254

>liberals = small personal responsibility node
>conservatives = no way we cant tax inheritances!!

no compute

>> No.3479280

We fed the trolls, they know we are weak. Soon they shall return in greater numbers... we've brought this upon ourselves.