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/lit/ - Literature

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3469595 No.3469595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post four or five of your favorite books, assume things about other people based on theirs.

>> No.3469598
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The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Fahrenheit 451, Frankenstein, Perfume

>> No.3469611

Crime and Punishment, War and Peace, Infinite Jest, Othello (I know it is a play, but I just love it), Doctor Zhivago.

>> No.3469614
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The Third Policeman, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Catch-22, Moby Dick.

>> No.3469615


I'd say you're patient and introverted. Second one is kind of a given, I guess.

>> No.3469618


Intelligent, gentle but incurious.

>> No.3469620

tryhard. I hate you.

>> No.3469622


Cool as fuck and full of surprises. Inb4 samefag, I'm >>3469598

>> No.3469623

Homosexual male, aged 18.

>> No.3469627


That's not really tryhard, those are the majot I READ NOVELS novels.Plus Othello and Zhivago, and Othello is the tits.

>> No.3469630

The Book of Disquiet
Runaway Horses
Under the Volcano
Infinite Jest
The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3469633

>The Catcher in the Rye


>> No.3469631


Well that's insulting. Where's you even get homo from, K&C? It's just a great fucking book man...

>> No.3469634
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The Magus - Fowles
Le Grand Meaulnes - Fournier
Le Rouge et le Noir - Stendhal
Tarr - Wyndham-Lewis
This Side of Paradise - Fitzgerald

You said 'books', I limited it to novels, for the sake of simplicity.

>> No.3469637

Brothers Karamazov, Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest, Breakfast of Champions, Hamlet (and King Lear), American Psycho, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72, Don Quixote, As I Lay Dying

I realize that's 10 but I really can't narrow it down, and depending on my mood I could call each of them my "favorite book."

>> No.3469640

Fun person to be around
serious person, kind of an asshole
Awesome dude with great taste

At Swim-Two-Birds, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Trout Fishing in America, Tender is the Night, Labyrinths

>> No.3469643


I meant novels really anyway, so thanks. I'd assume things, but I haven't read any of those...hard person to have a conversation with?

>> No.3469645

Well I guess the introverted is a given and you need be patient to go through W&P and IJ.

I feel rather flattered by that, thank you. Not sure how to go about the incurious though.

Why tryhard? Let me explain why I choose these books in particular:

C&P was the first classical novel I had read and it extended my horizon a lot. I am big fan of 'life stories' if you want, the change in characters over the course of time.
So far War and Peace and Doctor Zhivago are the best books I have read in those terms and the writing in these novels is brilliant.
I choose Othello mainly cause of Iago. Call it juvenille, but I have always been interested in the antagonists in dramas. King Lear was a very close second, but I think Iago is superior and the better villian compared to Edward.
IJ was another lenghty novel, but I have to say I never got bored by it. The book was damn funny, very interesting and crazy at times. It was great fun. And I think there has to be something to a book, if you don't get bored in nearly 1100 pages, right?

>> No.3469663


You sound like a pretty normal guy. I mean you have better taste than most people but you'd be someone you could have a drink with.

>> No.3469671

>I choose Othello mainly cause of Iago.

mah nigga

Who is your favorite character in Romeo and Juliet? Mine is Tybalt, no one understands.

>> No.3469687


>> No.3469680
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Watership Down, White Fang, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Finishing the Hat

>> No.3469681

Infinite Jest
In Search of Lost Time
War and Peace
Notes from the Underground
Cat's Cradle

>> No.3469686

Oh yeah, and if plays are included, add A Midsummer Night's Dream and Arcadia.

>> No.3469689

I seriously have to say that I am not a big fan of Romeo and Juliet. I reread most of Shakespears dramas a year or so ago, but R&J wasn't one of them. I don't know why, but somehow I never got to enjoy it.

>> No.3469692
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>Le Grand Meaulnes
Excellent taste, 10/10, would have coffee and macarons with.

Funny and social person. Very conceited
Please assume things about me:

Memoires of Hadrian - Marguerite Yourcenar
L'assomoir - Emile Zola
La nausée - Jean-Paul Sartre
Shalimar the clown - Salman Rushdie
City - Alessandro Baricco

>> No.3469697

The Brothers Karamazov
The Trial
The Great Gatsby

>> No.3469699

Finnegan's Wake
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3469700
File: 94 KB, 473x700, how-not-to-be-a-dick-when-you-grow-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime and Punishment
The Trial
Infinite Jest
Picture of Dorian Gray
Lucky Jim

>> No.3469704


Good sense of humor, sentimental.

>> No.3469710

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Borstal Boy
The Road
The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.3469712

Uninteresting needs to read more, ideally away from the "100 greatest novel" lists

>> No.3469714

>La nausée

>> No.3469715



Ah well. Only Shakespeare plays I didn't enjoy were the Histories. The Tempest and Hamlet are probably my favs, but I have a lot of love for R&J, Midsummer, and Twelfth Night.

>> No.3469718

The Book of the Long Sun, Gene Wolfe
Blow-Up and Other Stories, Julio Cortazar
The Passion According to G. H., Clarice Lispector
Godel, Escher, Bach, Douglas Hofstadter
The Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson

>> No.3469719

>The Trial
>The Great Gatsby


OP here, add all those to mine, fuck my four or five rule.

>> No.3469721

Faggot? You're just a worthless pleb.

>> No.3469733


Being this mean spirited and self-important I can only assume you're >>3469692

>> No.3469734

You seem to have good varied taste and don't just adhere to what /lit/ or college would tell you to read 8/10

>> No.3469735

I bet you haven't even read Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.3469728

I done care why you chose which book - I just stick to the subject, that is, we judge each other based on our favourite books. You made a statement and I judged you. Just like in real life, I don't wanna hear lengthy explanations if it's not the subject at hand

>> No.3469729

Yeah, you seem like a pretty awful guy.

>> No.3469736

Like I said, I have no idea why, maybe I should reread it soon to see what I think about it now.
The Histories were alright I guess, not my favorite part of Shakespears stuff. The Tempest is great indeed, so is Midsummer.
Hamlet is kinda tricky for me. While it is a great play, I didn't really understand the whole hype about it. Everywhere I heard it was Shakespears greatest play and the greatest play ever. Then I read it and was like 'Well ok... that was good, but not THAT good.' You know what I mean?
My favorites by him are King Lear and Othello. Macbeth comes pretty close though.

>> No.3469737


Brooding, secretly optimistic.

>> No.3469738
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I'll make room in my schedule for that coffee.

>> No.3469739

1. Bible
2. Of Mice and men
3. Cannery Row
4. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
5. The Road

>> No.3469740

interesting human being

>> No.3469745
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>1. Bible

pic related is my assumption about you

>> No.3469748

Haven't posted a list actually, sorry but you've had a big old swing and missed :)

>> No.3469749

not bad actually, more like: brooding and cynical sense of humor, secretly optimistic.

I find the absurdly depressing comical

>> No.3469756

El Aleph - Borges
Kokoro - Sôseki
Germinal - Zola
War and Piece - Tolstoy
Journey to the End of the Night - Céline

>> No.3469757

>Haven't posted a list actually

Even worse. no need to apologize, you didn't judge me, I don't think.

>> No.3469760

>war and piece

>> No.3469761

>El Aleph - Borges

I need to read this so fucking bad

>> No.3469763


Masculinist. Counter-cultural. Lonely.

>> No.3469764
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>War and Piece

>> No.3469769

The Tale of Genji
Zazie on the Metro
The Master and Margarita
USA Trilogy (counting it as my copy has all three novels in the same book)

>> No.3469770


Not sure, probably right


Not deliberately but it seems to end up that way


oh god you nailed it

>> No.3469772

Lonely would work for every poster on /lit/ to some extent

>> No.3469774

Jane Eyre
The Story of an African Farm
The Short Fiction of Kafka
Slow Learner

>> No.3469781

my heart aches so much sometimes i cry into my popcorn kernels and the popcorn tastes like tears when i take it out of the microwave

>> No.3469782


lonely is like a free bingo square you retard

>> No.3469783

>warm hand piece

>> No.3469787


Valentine's Day might be a huge joke, but you should know that today's just not the time to be making jokes about our loneliness. God, I just want someone to hold.

>> No.3469792

how so you retard

>> No.3469795

>not lonely

pick one

>> No.3469797

get a dog and some peanut butter

>> No.3469793

intelligent, melancholy, dark sense of humor.

>> No.3469798
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Harry Potter and the prisonner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
The God delusion

>> No.3469800

House on the Borderland
Catch 22
Flow my tears, the policeman said

>> No.3469804

wears his atheism with pride, enthusiastic about anal plugs

>> No.3469805
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>> No.3469813


Patrician. Confident, outgoing, Not a virgin. Intelligent.

>> No.3469815


you're my friend is what you are.

>> No.3469818

>implying you wouldn't do it

>> No.3469820

Contemplative about life/death and the meaning of, empathetic and caring but isolated, more interested in the abstract and ideas than in sorting out your actual life.

>> No.3469821

>horrified tobey maguire
>tobey maguire

ok no I see what's going on here.

>> No.3469835


are you trying to spoil my clever ruse

>> No.3469840

Collected Kafka
The Sun Also Rises
Ada or Ardor
Berlin Alexanderplatz
How Should a Person Be?

>> No.3469854
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The Quran - Allah
Sahih Muslim - Imam Muslim
Sahih Al-Bukhari- Imam Bukhari
Fiqh al Jihad - Yusuf Al Qaradawi
Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

Don't even bother I don't need the approbation of infidels.

>> No.3469858

Infinite Jest
The Recognitions
The Brothers Karamazov
Of Human Bondage
The Third Policeman

>> No.3469861

> cube worship
> 1434

>> No.3469864

foundation trilogy,pop.1280,les miserables,heart of darkness,jefferson bible.

>> No.3469871


Quixotic. Legalistic. Individualist.

>> No.3469874

Johann Wolfgang Goethe - The Sorrows of Young Werther
Jack London - Martin Eden
Dante - Divine Comedy

>> No.3469876


>> No.3469877

eugene onegin
goodbye to berlin
inherent vice

i only have four

>> No.3469884


Refined, particular, wanky.

>> No.3469885

The Man Who Was Thursday
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
The Sea, the Sea
Swann's Way
The Book of the New Sun

>> No.3469887

Naked Lunch, Kafka on the Shore, Lolita, Flow My Tears the Policeman Said

>> No.3469892

Lord of the Flies
Pride and Prejudice
Borstal Boy
The Day of the Jackal

>> No.3469899


You feel in touch with nature and long to be close with it. You prefer the universal over the particular, and go through moods of extreme morbidity.

>> No.3469903

Not easily satisfied, or rather not satisfied by most things. Politely distant with strangers, very sociable but laconic with friends. Imaginative.

>> No.3469904

You eat lots of sandwiches and love the game tennis.

>> No.3469906
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what, you're not familiar with the Kindle Store's bestseller 'War and Piece'?

[Nah, that was pretty retarded of me. I even bothered in writing the stupid Jap accent.]

>> No.3469907


You're an extrovert, and don't see the point in reading if it doesn't benefit your daily life. However, you're slightly naive, unknowingly gullible.

>> No.3469908
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>Borstal Boy

Wicked film m8.

>> No.3469910

Not him, but it's an absolutely fantastic book. Behan is a brilliant writer.

>> No.3469911


Decent sounding guy, not easily classified, marches to the beat of his own drum.

>> No.3469915


You have a balanced personality, and a peculiar sense of humour.

>> No.3469921

The world confuses, amazes, and terrifies you all at once and you don't know how to deal with it, but you manage to muddle through tolerably well.

>> No.3469922


I've done four. Someone do me now please.

>> No.3469926

i love these threads
Somewhat awkward, maybe nerdy. Not a particularly social person, a few friends max. Maybe interested in RPG and/or fantasy games.
As for me

The Metamorphosis
Our Lady of the Flowers
The Poetry of Frank O'Hara
The Stories of John Cheever

>> No.3469928


Contemplative, relaxed.

>> No.3469929

It's Valentine's M8 I'll do anyone

>> No.3469932



>> No.3469940


>> No.3469944

I'm no good at psychoanalysing people but I dig your taste.

- regards, other guy who included a Gene Wolfe book

>> No.3469949


You like to surprise people. Maybe a practical joker. Unpredictable.

>> No.3469956


Loquacious: no
Impetuous: used to be, now I'm really predictable
Female: no

>> No.3469957

>get fun, gay and teen

This went worse than expected. I've enjoyed assuming things about you guys though, I think I'm fairly good at gauging people.

>> No.3469973

-20,000 Leagues
-Most Hemmingway
-The Iliad
-Brothers K
-Robinson Crusoe
-Treasure Island
-Dune 1-3

Come at me.

>> No.3469975


>> No.3469977

Damn, I thought I had women vibes

>> No.3469980


Duplicitous, vain, homophobic.

>> No.3469981


You can put on an agreeable facade when you socialize but you prefer being alone in your room where you can enjoy your hobbies, of which there are many.

>> No.3469982

Bros Karamazov
Dance Dance Dance - Murakami
2666 - Bolano
Dead Souls

>> No.3469989

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Waste Land
Voyage au bout de la nuit
Les Fleurs du mal
The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3469990



>> No.3469991


Introverted, asocial, literate

>> No.3469988


A doer more than a thinker. Learns by trial and error. A taste for adventure.

>> No.3469995

Atlas Shrugged
Finnegan's Wake
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby

>> No.3469997


I think "literate" is one of those things that you don't have to state in this thread.

>> No.3470002

Infinite Jest, Sophie's Choice, Gravity's Rainbow, The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3470007

You likely masturbate furiously while writing fan fiction about DFW and Pynchon having rough, non-consensual sex.

>> No.3470008

You got it opposite, although what you said is what I wish was true...

>> No.3470012

meant for

>> No.3470015

Boarding school type, but never got along with his peer group.

>> No.3470018

But who would dominate? WHO WOULD DOMINATE?

>> No.3470019


>> No.3470022

Is this the beginning of the post-post modern?

>> No.3470024


Well, you win some, you lose some. Do you read for inspiration rather than "to relate" to the characters then?

>> No.3470030

Driven by something you don't really understand yourself. Maybe the wish to analyse life itself. Obsessed with details.
Filled with the ambition to be a sophisticated member of society and blessed with the willpower to become that.
Fascinated by the ways a human being can perceive his surroundings and reality in general.

Now mine - not the best books I've ever read, but my personal favorites that have a special place in my heart.

The Last Unicorn
Looking for Alaska
The Trial
Lunar Park

>> No.3470032

meh, you're probably annoying
meh + 1, you're probably effeminate
gay fag w/ nice taste
shoot yourself
you don't read

>> No.3470033

I meant literate in the sense that he's well-read and knowledgeable when it comes to literature, not that he's simply able to read and write. Based on some of the posts, there are people on here I wouldn't describe as literate.

>> No.3470039


>>3470002 here, why do you say that I don't read?

>> No.3470040


In their youth, DFW would. In the ripeness of age, Pynchon would

>> No.3470045

I read to escape.
My life is too boring.

When I was younger I used to have a taste for adventure but now I just got agoraphobic and social anxiety.

>> No.3470056

Mother Night, Brothers Karamazov, No Longer Human, Titus Groan and Sound and the Fury.

>> No.3470061


I didn't give you the benefit of the doubt that you were using the word in that sense because the other two words you used are synonyms of each other. So I apologize.

>> No.3470063





you are all sheeple

>> No.3470071

>tfw no comments

>> No.3470073

Because listing a couple more wouldn't hurt. The Odyssey, Salem's Lot, House Of Leaves, Confesseions by Rousseau.

>> No.3470079

>a couple

>> No.3470080

The Catcher in the Rye
Death of a Salesman
The Things They Carried
Animal Farm

>> No.3470093

Still in high school.

>> No.3470097


Just haven't had a chance to read in a while.

>> No.3470107

why didnt you link to your post ?

>> No.3470108

A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast For Crows, a Dance for Dragons.

>> No.3470111

Because freshman year is so busy?

>> No.3470113

Pretty good.

>> No.3470114

You eat too much eel pie, have no work ethic, and have an obsession with Nubian beauties.

>> No.3470119

You (well thats at least the literal translation from german)
The Catcher in the Rye
Dead Witch walking
The Lord of the Rings
The City of dreaming books

>> No.3470127
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East of Eden by Steinbeck (All-time favorite)
Song of Fire and Ice series by GRRM
Musashi by Yoshikawa
Islands in the Stream by Hemingway
Moby Dick by Melville


>> No.3470130


No, I have to work to pay rent to provide for myself and my girlfriend along with cook, clean, etc.

>> No.3470138

Lolita, Sirens of Titan, Icelander, Duncan the Wonderdog, Azkaban

>> No.3470143

You live with your gf, pay full rent, "provide for her" and cook and clean? Holy shit you are beta max.

>> No.3470145

in the heart of the heart of the country
under the volcano
les illuminations
le hussard bleu
blood meridian

>> No.3470147

To the Lighthouse
The Dream Songs
A Scanner Darkly

>> No.3470153

Does she do anything?

>> No.3470163

she puts out

>> No.3470166

Finds life overwhelmingly boring. Lazy, but a kind soul.

>> No.3470168


Of course, but we both have to work.

>> No.3470169

So you have an expensive hooker

>> No.3470177

Alice in Wonderland
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Viaje al Reino de los Deseos (not sure if there's an english translation)
The Call of Cthulhu (not sure if qualifies as a book)
The End of Eternity
Ham on Rye

>> No.3470184

got right on the gayness. thanks for the other compliment.

>> No.3470224

Franz Kafka - The Trial; The Castle
Pearl S. Buck - The Good Earth
Stefan Zweig - The Royal Game
Bertolt Brecht - The Caucasian Chalk Circle

>> No.3470226

The Red and the Black
The Ambassadors
The Wings of the Dove
The Man Without Qualities
The Rings of Saturn

>> No.3470234

This thread is shallow but the people who make a mockery of it aren't making this board any less shallow.

>> No.3470238


Impeccable taste and incredibly intelligent. Gets too caught up in patterns to be authentic and original though.

>> No.3470250

You're concerned with the hopelessness of trying to make the world a better place.

>> No.3470253

The Sound and the Fury
Don Quixote
Gulliver's Travels
Blood Meridian

>> No.3470255


ironically ironic, or cynically manipulative of consensus to gain leverage?

>> No.3470252

>Lucky Jim
>'He felt bad'
Makes me laugh every time.

>> No.3470258

Is currently trying to write a novel but can't get past the first chapter because he is such a perfectionist and dwells on each word and every sentence

>> No.3470261

Stuffy and pedantic. Likes to suckly on wolf titties.

>> No.3470272
File: 90 KB, 400x133, danielquinnbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (series)
the Ishmael trilogy
Catch 22
The Poisonwood Bible
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.3470276
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>> No.3470286

they've all been mentioned many enough times but anyway

Darknessa at Noon
Fathers and Sons
The Brothers K
The Egyptian
Farewell to Arms

>> No.3470320
File: 36 KB, 326x450, espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ego and Its Own
Towards the Creative Nothing
Beyond Good and Evil
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Immoralist

Inb4 people try to point out these works and their authors are immoderately opinionated and therefore they are to be dismissed as "edgy" because having middle of the road opinions and sensibilities is clearly superior for reasons that are not mentioned but are mostly related to the lack of passion and careful tolerance associated with old age and therefore with wisdom, relating to the fallacy that people become of increasing authority simply by hanging around enough and being weighed down by the burden of toil and responsibilities they sentence themselves to.

>> No.3470326


>> No.3470330

You like to write run-on sentences.

>> No.3470334

nova trilogy by burroughs
sprawl trilogy by gibson
anna karenina by tolstory (obvs)
point counter point by huxley (doors of perception almost went here)
bed by tao lin

>> No.3470341

What are your five favorite works of fiction my dear?

>> No.3470345

Mrs Dalloway
Less than zero
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3470350

you did too many drugs

>> No.3470353


cyborg drug addict

>> No.3470359

Is there a book on the art of cold reading that anyone can recommend?

>> No.3470361

i'm off drugs now but close enough :)

>> No.3470363
File: 106 KB, 473x599, blast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of those is fiction and I was doubtful about that one. I'm not sure I could name five favourite works of fiction. The problem with most well written fiction is that they are written by sort of mentally diseased, life slandering authors. I've been trying to put myself on a healthy intellectual diet and one of my problems that most fiction is just sort of artful complaining and slandering or otherwise sappy praises of life that almost makes you want to be a pessimist to spite them. I'm prudently looking for fiction that would be likely to leave me better of after having read it, but I can't find anything. The closest thing I can think of now is getting back to (Henry) Miller for a bit of a jolly distraction. Maybe Genet, but I'm not sure.

>> No.3470366

tell me about it

>> No.3470372

animal farm
all quiet on the western front
ender's game
the gay sciene

>> No.3470375

grow up

>> No.3470378
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>the gay science

you haven't figured out that ruling a society through fear is economically unsustainable yet

>> No.3470381

You go to a state school or something of similar rank.

>> No.3470382

>doesn't know what gay means

>> No.3470391
File: 489 KB, 350x505, treason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1st),
Machine of Death
A Light Fantastic
Black (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blac(novel) )

These are just off the top of my head. I based my selection on those books that captivated my imagination or made me laugh throughout, so my list may seem infantile. don't even care.

>> No.3470392

The Forever War
The Alloy of Law- Mistborn
Dresden Files
Johannes Cabal

>> No.3470397

Please elaborate, is this supposed to be an insult in countries without a proper welfare state?

>> No.3470400

STEM major?

>> No.3470419

Nope. I haven't been to college, though I plan to get a Computer Science degree if I do, so you're right on the money.

>> No.3470422

I believe they mean you seem very bland

>> No.3470434

Forbidden Colors: Yukio Mishima
Metropole (Epepe): Ferenc Karinthy
Closely Watched Trains: Bohumil Hrabal
Dead Souls: Nikolai Gogol
Confederacy of Dunces: John Kennedy Toole
Naomi: Junichiro Tanizaki
How I Became a Nun: Cesar Aira

>The Third Policeman
>Le Grand Meaulnes - Fournier
>At Swim-Two-Birds
>Memoires of Hadrian - Marguerite Yourcenar
>The Passion According to G. H., Clarice Lispector
>The Man Without Qualities
>The Rings of Saturn

>> No.3470482

for whom the bell tolls
the autobiography of malcolm x
homage to catalonia
the grapes of wrath

>> No.3470496


That list also serves as a decent poem.

>> No.3470502

The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Grapes of Wrath
ASOIAF get at me
The Road
The Scarlet Letter
Taming of the Shrew

>> No.3470506

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Absalom, Absalom!
Blood Meridian
The Blind Assassin


>> No.3470544
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>hipster fuck

>> No.3470546
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>Infinite Jest

>> No.3470553


You masturbate with sand paper you kinky fuck.

>> No.3470555

Nietzsche and Gides both loved selected works of fiction to bits; a common hero of theirs is Stendhal; Nietzsche said that his discovery of Stendhal of was among the "most beautiful strokes of fortune in my life" and Gides named The Charterhouse of Parma as the greatest of all French novels. What do you make of these facts?

>> No.3470572

Novel With Cocaine
Mother Night
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Teatro Grottesco

>> No.3470578

Slaughterhouse 5
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Third Policeman
Post Office

>> No.3470585

one hundred years of solitude
to kill a mockingbird
The Old Man and the Sea
Dom Casmurro

>> No.3470589

Senior in high school.

>> No.3470590

>Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises
>Faulkner's As I Lay Dying
>Hesse's Steppenwolf
>Whitman's Leaves of Grass
please don't hate me

>> No.3470601

How can we hate someone so boring and inoffensive?

>> No.3470605

wow what crawled up your butt

>> No.3470607

You genuinely hate nice people who live happy lives.

>> No.3470614

I make myself thank you for those recommendations, since I had a mind myself to pillage the preferences of those I admire to look for something worthwhile. Stendhal has in the past been recommended to me by friends, but since forgotten. Now you've reminded me again.

>> No.3470625

The Tin Drum - Günter Grass
The Long Goodbye - Raymond Chandler
Dispatches - Michael Herr
Ask the Dust - John Fante
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller

>> No.3470627

Snow Crash
Tao Te Ching
At the Plaza
Homage to Catalonia

>> No.3470622

Sobre Heroes y Tumbas - Sabato
El otoño del patriarca - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Steppenwolf - Hesse
Infinite Jest - DFW
Lolita - Nabokov

>> No.3470639

I feel my taste may not be appreciated, but here it goes.
>The Great Gatsby
>Ender's Game
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest

The last one is kind of a random one that I used to love. This list is just what currently comes to mind. I love too many to distinguish them by rank.

>> No.3470652

I was about to call you out on your shit taste until...
>Sobre Heroes y Tumbas - Sabato
Now I don't know what to think.

>> No.3470659

A Clockwork Orange - Burgess
The Stand - King
Lullaby - Palahniuk
Junkie - Burroughs
Slaughterhouse Five - Vonnegut

And just for shits, The Phantom Tollbooth - Juster ...It's a kids book, but idgaf...

>> No.3470665


You have a sentimental streak. You are no elitist; you are probably from a lower-middle class background, and yet your mind likes to be challenged as well.

>> No.3470671

In no particular order:

>Notes from the Underground
>The Neverending Story
>Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
>A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.3470739 [DELETED] 
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The Treasure of Silver Lake - Karl May
Against the Grain - Huysmans
The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
Inferno - Strindberg
Gargoyles - Bernhard

>> No.3470766
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What the fuck would some pasty-faced hipster gaikokujin like you know about the soul of the samurai and the august wonder of his celestial majesty, the Emperor?

>> No.3470774
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check yourself

>> No.3470778

East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Blindness by Jose Saramago
American Psycho by BEE
The Hours by Michael Cunningham
All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren

>> No.3470779

First five books i see laying around are:
>The Silmarillion
>Homage to Catalonia
>The Isle of Man (1st edition 1900's)
>Carelton sea tales(see above)
>Some Tim Leary book im not close enough to read the title of

>> No.3470830

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk, Lolita, Flowers For Algernon

>> No.3470835
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Right back at you, son.

>> No.3470879

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
John Dies at the End by David Wong
Watership Down by Richard Adams
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Technically a comic, but Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis.

>> No.3470880

The Information
Night Train
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.3470906

John Dies at the End - David Wong
The Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
The Hobbit - Tolkien

>> No.3470938

I'm gutted.

>> No.3471005

The Mandarins (De Beauvoir)
Ficciones (Borges)
The Silmarillion (Tolkien)
Interview With the Vampire (Rice)
The Open Veins of Latinamerica (Galeano)

>> No.3471066

sea wolf
i am a strange loop
the liberal hour

>> No.3471076

Blood Meridian, Moby Dick, The Trial, As I Lay Dying, Osama: A Novel

>> No.3471179

War and Peace
Pedro Paramo
Ages of the World
Godel Escher Bach
Book of Five Rings

>> No.3471222

Alice in Wonderland
Flowers for Algernon
Mythology - Edith Hamilton

>would have listed some non-fictionz

>> No.3471257

The Master and Margarita
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Wind up Bird Chronicle
100 Years of Solitude

>> No.3471266

The Great Gatsby
Infinite Jest
Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.3471282

The Fountainhead
The Inferno

Come at me.
>inb4 watchmen doesn't count

>> No.3471287

Infinite Jest
The Brothers Karamazov
The Naked Lunch
Fathers and Sons

you hate people

you're an escapist

you either study math, physics or chemistry or like to pretend you understand them.

>> No.3471295


You get wet at the thought of someone getting killed.

>> No.3471299

Lolita,Zorba,Brave new world,Grande sertao,kinkaku-ji

>> No.3471302


Dang, you're good. I love all three of those...how did you figure, just curious?

>> No.3471304
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>> No.3471306


>srsly i thought fiction
You are depressed. Get some sunlight.

>> No.3471307

I'm a math/chem double major. Read GEB and I am a strange loop. The only people who would appreciate GEB enough to list it as a favorite book have to have a decent degree of mathematical competence, but at the same time an interest in literature/philosophy. Engineering majors tend to shit on the humanities when they're just studying science lite anyways. Math and physical science are all that's left.

>> No.3471309

wait no, disregard my previous comment, misassociated the link to my comment with the math response.

No, I love people, and I myself am generally well liked, but I am...analytical? Not exactly critical or judgemental, but I do take note of people and their mentalities. I am aware of immorality, it doesn't shock me. So you're sorta right.

>> No.3471316

Ah, sorry, I thought the three referred to math/chem/physics.

The analytic part makes sense, for me hating people has always followed, but that's just projecting on my part.

>> No.3471317


everyone in this board would qualify

>> No.3471320


I see, I see. I'm a bit of an optimist, so I tend to project positively onto people, even if my perception of them is less than savory.

>> No.3471324

Jokes on you, I'm happy.

>> No.3471330

This a pleb list. I read for pleasure, to relax my mind.
Hunt for Red October
Bartimaeus trilogy
Other (early) works by Tom Clancy before it became a brand name such as Clear and Present Danger

Notable mention of books that I used to read
Louis L'Amour's westerns
John Jake's California Gold and Homeland

>> No.3471344
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The Game - Neil Strauss
The Corrections - Franzen
How Proust Can Change Your LIfe - Alain de Botton
The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald

These are books I've reread, I liked them despite my snobbery.

>> No.3471417

king lear
the brothers karamazov by dostoevsky
catch-22 by joseph heller
carpenter's gothic by william gaddis
things fall apart by chinua achebe
(the unbearable lightness of being by milan kundera if king lear doesn't count for whatever reason)

>> No.3471461

Into being obscure.

>> No.3471482

Spleen of Paris by Baudelaire
Ferdydurke by Gombrowicz
Watt by Beckett
Pedro Paramo by Rulfo
Don Quixote

if Baudelaire doesn't count then The Trial by Kafka

>> No.3471502

Book of the New Sun
The Hobbit

>tfw I haven't read many books

>> No.3471563
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The World According to Garp
A Confederacy of Dunces
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Slaughterhouse V
Horseman, Pass By

>> No.3471565

Alice in Wonderland, Carroll
Don Quixote, Cervantes
Little Dorrit, Dickens
Such Is Life, Furphy
Gormenghast, Peake

Don't know about absolute favourites, but these are the five candidates that occurred to me most quickly.

>> No.3471592
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1) The Satyricon by Nero's dull man of taste.
2) Rabelais several different novels about different Subjects.
3) Don Quixote.
4) The Portrait of the Autist as a Young Man and
Stephen Daedalus with Leopold and Molly Bloom.
5) Doctor Faustus by the Mann.

Bonus: That Laurence Sterne one about something Important.

Starting out in this order: Catcher in the Rye; Ham on Rye; The Stranger; Notes from Underground; and The Steppenwolf.


>> No.3471604

Blood Meridian
The Metamorphosis
White Noise
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Clean, Well Lighted Place

>> No.3471617

The Electric Koolaid Acid Test
Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality
The Ego and Its Own
On the Genealogy of Morals

>> No.3471620

To The Lighthouse
Life A User's Manual
The Savage Detectives

>> No.3471632

>likes drugs but is bored of them. Outgoing though.

Le Petit Prince
The Prophet
Uno, nessuno e centomila
Das Glasperlenspiel

>oh sorry, did I piss on your anglocentric tastes?

>> No.3471640


Major Depressive Disorder

>> No.3471642


That Pirandello novel sounds pretty cool man. Never heard of it til just now.

>> No.3471643

Alice in Wonderland - Carroll
Angela's Ashes - McCourt
Million Little Pieces - Frey
English Patient - Ondaatje
The Hunger Artists - Kafka

College age. Hipster. Beard or dates people with beards. Reads on the bus to start conversation.
Few friends and pretends it doesn't matter because: "time is better spent on intellect".
Mousy girl who wants to be treated like a princess.

>> No.3471645


You are in love with a phantasmal glade and someday you will make one as beautiful as those.

You should check out 'Little, Big'.

>> No.3471649

It's heavy going though. I'm fluent in Italian but I still had to look up words every couple of pages. It seems like it all languages there has been a vocabulary drain to accompany the spread of literacy. Pirandello is the equivalent of Huxley in terms of lexical richness.

>> No.3471655


Well, good. I like that.

If a vision is pure enough you can resurrect words from 2000 years ago and use them incorrectly and now it is the new correct consonance. If the book is good then the reader bends to the book, not vice versa. You're not doing it a favor by reading it, it's doing you a favor by appearing before you and allowing your passage through it. Anyway, that's how I feel.

I do not read Italian yet though. I will for Dante eventually unless I die first. Too bad I suck at learning languages. Too introverted to get the practice that's needed.

>> No.3471657

So - winning this little game means getting no replies, aight?

>> No.3471661

Last Exit to Brooklyn - Selby
Men Without Women - Hemingway
House of Leaves - Danielewski
A Good Man is Hard to Find - O'Connor
Fear and Loathing - Thompson

>> No.3471662


literature: the game of loneliness

>> No.3471664

late 20s to late 30s white, reads to pass the time, for plot. Does not challenge self. Watches Oprah.

>> No.3471665

What do you mean by 'consonance'? Or was it a typo?

>> No.3471666


i think:

young and brilliant, with an eye for bullshit, with an eye for purity.

dive into modernism -- beckett, kafka, woolf, joyce.

don't self-destruct. (too quickly)

>> No.3471668


A meaning is a consonance more than it is a string, in my opinion. Thank you for pointing out the sense is vague however ... I use that when talking about language quite a bit and I may have to lay the groundwork for it a bit more, in writings.

>> No.3471672
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Untitled - Unknown

You probably haven't heard of it

>> No.3471674

If you only want to Italian for Dante, don't bother learning modern Italian first because they are very different. Think Shakespeare but even more so.

>> No.3471678

...well, shit. thanks for the suggestions. Freshman English major so I'd like to believe that's accurate.

>> No.3471679


Yeah, it was kind of funny when I realized a native contemporary Italian speaker might actually have a harder time accessing some of the joy of that text than we do, in translation. Not that there isn't an infinite lost but reading an archaic version of your own language is an additional toil which was not initially present to Dante's readers, and which is not present in the translations into modern English.

There are a lot of reasons to learn Italian, to be sure.

In fact I feel it's necessary to do so.

>> No.3471686

I hear a perceptive person here when
an Anon cherishes the obscure:
"the obscurer the better," saith what an
Anon doesn't say.

>> No.3471725
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More of a romantic of science than actually Contributing to science; a trans-humanist without too much bite: you're of the metaphysics, but you wish that you weren't, although it isn't to say that you are. You just wish you were better at math, so you attempt to become more psychologically aware to get
through the day as best you can.

Someone that thinks they're doing feminism a favor: Faulkner and Joyce are way too overrated; a patrician with sound Judgement that experiments without experimenting with the leaders of experiments. One day you will unlearn things and find the Joy of Joyce and the other folks.

Isn't afraid of taking some intoxicants. The 'nonsensical' is nothing to fear for you, as you like to delve into that parable of the cave concept every once in awhile. You do not have an extreme love of language, where the words seem like nonsense, but you enjoy the idea of the concept of a story protruding to nonsense.
If you haven't already, you ought to watch and then read the adventures of Baron Munchausen.


If you didn't understand those books, like I did: you would realize that it is all about "time is better spent on being idiotic with others, so you can unlearn things with them, so you can create new things and I'm just not talking about Literature.

>> No.3471738


Nah, I love the masters, I just wanted to make a more interesting list than Joyce/Shakespeare. Everyone knows that Joyce is a demigod, and I've lived and died with his books.

Woolf is on the level by the way. She's the real deal. I'm no feminist.

>> No.3471741

There are moments of lyrical beauty in Woolf that are unique to her, and which shatter me.

The way you relate to work is slightly disgusting, if you discount someone because they are the second student in a line of experiment.

>> No.3471743

The plague
A High Wind in Jamaica
War and Peace
A Hero of Our Time

>> No.3471751

>you ought to watch and then read the adventures of Baron Munchausen
Or just read the Russian fairy-tales everything he does is taken from.

>> No.3471753

There was the real Munchausen, there's the syndrome or storytelling rubric named after him, there's the mythical Munchausen ...

>> No.3471757



>> No.3471772

A Clockwork orange
Of Mice and men
Anything by Kurt Vonngut

>> No.3471777
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I'm sexist, so I haven't really given her a shot yet. I read a few short stories. And I found a lot of shizz to fuck with on your book, but I haven't read a lot. Something I got to alter seeing as I'm so bust doing nothing but fucking around with the Lords other masterpieces in different fields.

A Wolf to a Woolf" Makes me want to bite her ear as I listen to her nonsensical voice that I'll ne'er understand, but I will persist in a seconds time for an eternity.

This is our Messiah!

Fuck the Russians and their shitty: Music; Literature; Artists; and even their Scientist.
Fucking red coats.

You listen to this German and you lift thrice Your own weight:


Me, I don't even lift.

>> No.3471778
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Didn't realise /lit/ was full of liars and phonies!

>> No.3471787

>Me, I don't even lift.

>not doing romanian deadlifts while listening to your qt3.14's life perfomance of Rachmanikovsky

>> No.3471791
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Franny and Zooey
The Quiet American
Three Men in a Boat
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Also, I feel this read requires more pretty blonde girls.

>> No.3471806

One Hundred Years Of Solitude
Blood Meridian
The Stand
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

>> No.3471824
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I keep it simple with: Wagner's Overtures;
Beethoven's odd numbered Symphonies; the Mass in B minor.

Sanctus of the Bach's B Mass is the most powerful of the Lot; how it doth please the Lord.

Dead lifts scare my deformed back of being Straight.

You're probably a European that hates Americans.
Fuck you and your Freedom fries, with your Mayonnaise ridden Walrus hands.

*I pick one of the Brunettes.

>> No.3471845

Perfume, Wuthering Heights, Hunger (Knut's version), Crash (JG Ballard)

>> No.3471846

>Hello I'm here to invite you.
>Some things you cannot feel.
>If you push me too far.
>You might believe I'm real.

>> No.3471963

Tolstoy - War & Peace
Bulgakov - The Master & Margarita
Dostoyevsky - The Idiot
Ilf & Petrov - The Twelve Chairs

Yes. I love my Russians.

>> No.3472192

Good Omens
Fight Club
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
Discworld series

>> No.3472225

Did anyone get round to mine?

>> No.3472388

You're a Russiaboo. Excellent choices though, I've just finished reading War and Peace myself yesterday.

>> No.3474156

Nah. Just into good books. Most people seem to never take chances with books and life in general. Instead of exploring and going off into a wonderful journey of their own, they prefer to have their hands held and be told what to read. That or they got the herd mentality.

Also, none of those authors I named are, with the possibility of Karinthy, are "obscure".