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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 1185x622, faisbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3469822 No.3469822 [Reply] [Original]

I can't seem to ever engage anyone 1-on-1 in an intellectual discussion on the internet without them resorting to ad hominem and accusing me of bragging. Pic related is a classic example.

How does one avoid this?

>> No.3469826

stop trying to engage people in intellectual discussion on the internet.

You look like you smell

>> No.3469830

Well, you sure are wrong about music. A lot of classical music is tough. Without attentive listening, repeated times, you won't "get" it.

>> No.3469831

The internet is the only place where I can find people to discuss these topics with.

>> No.3469833

You're fat.

>> No.3469829

Most people aren't equipped to discuss much of anything in depth.

>> No.3469838

>I am above all else, humble.

I lost it at that point.

What a wanker.

>> No.3469842

>"the most entry level of the arts"
>"One does not simpy understand a man as crpytic as Ahab or Raskolnikov"

>> No.3469837

>most people aren't equipped

oh dear me still convinced you're one of the few bright and thoughtful ones and that the rest are just sheeple?

Most people would rather just talk about something funny or lighthearted than sound pretentious on the internet- but that doesn't mean they aren't "equipped" to have that discussion, it just means they don't want to.

>> No.3469844

Everyone in that conversation, except the guy making the Harris Wittels (humble brag) joke, is detestable. Especially the guy in the picture.

>> No.3469846

No, believe me. They aren't equipped to do it.

And I suspect you're not equipped for it, either, which would explain why you're taking umbrage to my post. You pretend you "just don't want to" when the truth of the matter is that you can't. You do this to feel better about yourself.

>> No.3469848

then you ain't looking hard enough.

My best friend (who has been suicidal for the past 3 days due to a nasty fucking shroom trip we had when we watched fear and loathing but never you mind) is an avid reader of philosophy and we would often text each other to sit out from like 12-4 in the morning and just talk about books, ideas, worries.

There are people you just need to make the effort to find them.

>> No.3469849

Tha affected style makes you come off as supercilious. Try to tone it down a little. Also, try for more noblesse oblige, be politely and helpfully explanatory and also only take firm positions when the situation demands, and then be courteous about it. Try to see things from the other persons point of view.

other than that, there are a lot of absolutes. might want to avoid them when possible.

>> No.3469850

i would not want to hang out with you in real life.

>> No.3469852

For one you come off as a massive try hard douche.

>> No.3469856

This must be a troll. No one could possibly be this much of an arsehole.

Also You're an ugly bastard

>> No.3469859

For someone who claims to have a perfect judge of one's intellectual abilities and intentions, you have completely missed the mark on this occasion dear friend.

Just because I speak on the behalf of those who are likely not here to defend themselves, does not mean I am one of them, or can be categorized as such.

And it is true that there are many people who both choose not to fulfill themselves and others intellectually, and could not do so to a satisfying degree even if they tried.

However, I know plenty of people, personally, who are incredibly intelligent and yet would be bored to death talking about Raskolnikov or Kant. Just because literary discussion isn't someone's cup of tea doesn't mean they aren't intelligent, nor does it mean they are incapable of understanding and discussing literature.

>> No.3469860

God I hope that isn't you, OP. I love all sorts of faggy literature and even I wanna kick your ass. Have you ever even touched a boob before, I mean other than your own?

>> No.3469866

When I saw that originally I thought you were trolling a bit, judging from that tone of voice, Andrew.

>> No.3469868

Wow. Im literally laughing my as off. And you'll never understand why.

>> No.3469873

Please tell me OP has posted that to take the piss out of someone on facebook and he's not actually that guy.

>> No.3469875

hold on are we missing an obvious troll?

The Harold Bloom "I just caught a whiff of a fart" facial expression...

the stack of "4chan reading list" books in the foreground...

his contrived tone, on facebook no less...

must be a troll.

>> No.3469872

>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.3469879


Is it because you're OP and the pic you posted isn't you?

>> No.3469881
File: 150 KB, 599x900, dunces-5_150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humble pie

>> No.3469882

Op you are a cunt.

>> No.3469883

...like you must be now. In fact I'm certain of it. Quelle drôle.

>> No.3469888

quelle pretentiouuuuü¨¨üuuus le francois

>> No.3469886

Does anyone else think OP looks like Harold Bloom's son?

>> No.3469890

Not next to IJ I don't

>> No.3469891

What are the two books between Don Quixote and Les Miserables?

>> No.3469897

Morocco strong.

Also, just for the sake of posting, no art form is greater than another. This man is up his ass.

>> No.3469898

I believe the bottom is Republic and the top Finnegans Wake

>> No.3469912

I think one is Republic. No clue on the other.

By the way, OP. Why do you buy those Barnes and Noble Classics? The front cover bends so much, especially on the larger ones.

Not that you would know though, the spines look fine.

>> No.3469918

This. If you read Les Mis on the top the cover would be bent up at least a little.

>> No.3469917


Thanks m8

>> No.3469919 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 294x297, comedygold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've all been tricked.

Consider this a formal invitation to the best board on the internet, we need more pseudo-intellectual burger devourers.


>> No.3469920
File: 39 KB, 405x590, a-confederacy-of-dunces-by-john-kennedy-toole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally are that dude ignatius

>> No.3469925

my Infinite Jest cover looks like psuedo-origami

>> No.3469936

>tfw normally never talk about books or have intelectual discussion with people because they label you as a pretentious fuck

>> No.3469937 [DELETED] 


>> No.3469942
File: 214 KB, 389x322, mogg visits mu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite Jest
that explains everything.

>> No.3469943


>> No.3469945


>> No.3469946

I would expect to see all kinds of different bookmarks popping out of OP's IJ

>> No.3469947

You sound like a wanker, for one, and you can't even make regular conversation. Admittedly, intellectual discussion is enjoyable but if you don't know how to tailor your conversation to the social context then it is understandable that you'd come across as massively pretentious.

>> No.3469948

You mean 'figuratively'. He cannot literally be Ignatus since their ontological status are irreconcilable..

>> No.3469953

I thought the same thing. For his sake, I hope he's trolling.

>> No.3469954

It's not a raid, it's just sharing something that may amuse you. You must be from ylilauta. Or Quebecois.

>> No.3469958

>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.3469960
File: 62 KB, 302x389, assburger+pride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3469961


>Finnegan's Wake

Confirmed troll

>> No.3469970


>> No.3469966

Everyone can only shine their spotlight on a little area of the planet earth before it runs out of batteries.

>> No.3469976
File: 103 KB, 420x158, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3469979
File: 114 KB, 394x500, 1359319819001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the burgers?

>> No.3469984
File: 153 KB, 774x1032, 1356926049446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3469985

>Don Quixote
>Infinite Jest
>Finnegan's Wake

wow OP, enjoying college?

>> No.3469993

>Barnes and Noble editions
>Reading translations

>> No.3469999

Guys! OP is not actually the guy in the picture.


>> No.3470006

>stealing my post from /mu/
i got 4 minutes on your plagiarizing ass

>> No.3470009

I got a haircut the other day and I talked to the guy for almost the whole time. I felt really normal.

>> No.3470025
File: 23 KB, 230x230, 1357098685050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw /mu/ knows Infinite Jest is dogshit, yet people on /lit/, who pretend to read, don't.

>> No.3470027
File: 28 KB, 226x273, bloom, howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le howard bloom facec

>> No.3470036

Who dis

>> No.3470041

Most people, especially on the internet, aren't well versed in rhetoric or debate so they just throw ad homs at you.

>> No.3470048

Those /mu/tants are probably just impressionable /lit/ lurkers.

>> No.3470049

/mu/ doesn't generally care to have that air of "cred" /lit/ craves. I mean, do you really think the top three books of all the faggots here are Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses, and Infinite Jest?

Of course they dismiss Infinite Jest. It's terrible.

>> No.3470050



>> No.3470052


Well done, man. Seriously. Keep it up!

>> No.3470057

>taking umbrage
Holy shit my sides, nice one OP
There is no way this isn't a troll

>> No.3470059

Phone or foam?

>> No.3470062

...because he said "taking umbrage"?

>> No.3470070

No, it's because you people are all the person in the pic, but are so self-involved you don't even see it.

Worst board on any image board. Ever.

>> No.3470076

>No, it's because you people are all the person in the pic, but are so self-involved you don't even see it.
Pretty much.

>> No.3470077

>Of course they dismiss Infinite Jest. It's terrible.
you ppl make me lol

>> No.3470083


>> No.3470090
File: 588 KB, 172x147, 1355775888350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up.

>> No.3470106
File: 11 KB, 467x340, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3470117

A smart person would not post that picture.

>> No.3470129

I discuss philosophy with people on the Internet all the time.

Two tips:

1. Use informal language. You're discussing your ideas with a person whom you want to be engaged, not writing an academic essay.
2. Discuss philosophy with people who actually like it.

The first one is more important. You can bring up the trolley problem with almost anyone and they'll have something to say and be curious about your answer.

>> No.3470131

a smart person would not make this comment

>> No.3470136


Would befriend.

>> No.3470141

i'm retarded

>> No.3470160

>music isn't challenging
>music doesn't require focus to enjoy it
OP confirmed for only listening to short bits of classical and shitty pop music.

>> No.3470181

>affected writing style

ya he's an idiot pretending to be better than thou

>> No.3470214

Is OP a satirical genius or another dime-a-dozen try-hard?

>> No.3470219

*Holier than thou

>> No.3470227

I'll admit I raged.


>> No.3470240
File: 84 KB, 534x601, 1336256288001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3470262
File: 3 KB, 200x133, datpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, Krautchan

>> No.3470274

Well fuck.

>> No.3470299

oh dear this is rich

>> No.3470310

the irony is lost on you, plebeians

>> No.3470316

/pol/itician, ain't ya?

>> No.3470347
File: 5 KB, 200x168, Bernd Lauern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /lit/ I'm Bernd Lauern and I am an exchange student from Krautchan and I'd like to hear your advice about what book should I read next. I am very interested in reading books and fantasy books are my passion. One of my all time favourite series is the Game of Throne series. A Clockwork Orange pretty good too but I've only seen the movie. Can you give any recommendations to me? Please only intellectual books like the Game of Thrones and not some children books like Harry Potter.

>> No.3470362
File: 24 KB, 320x477, 200703191309loca001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herr Bernd, I suggest you read picrelated if only to raise your habitual bydlo racism onto a scientific level.

>> No.3470367

The Flight to Lucifer by Harold Bloom

>> No.3470379

i'm so glad someone else saw it

>> No.3470396

I think you're missing the point. People aren't "equipped" to discuss it not due to intellectual faults but due to not knowing enough to engage in discussion. Think of the Mona Lisa. To appreciate it, you'd have to understand the artistic techniques to discuss it. Some layman wouldn't be able to comment on meaningfully, just as a normal person couldn't discuss a book with "equipping" themselves with background knowledge and such. Intelligent =/= Informed.

>> No.3470410
File: 12 KB, 240x304, 1333916262732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would converse

>> No.3470412
File: 49 KB, 294x294, 1359613959271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3470436

stop bragging

>> No.3470441

>How does one avoid this?
Lose weight.

>> No.3470446

I genuinely thought it was a parody of facebook pseudo-intellectuals. You are a joke OP

>> No.3470453


>> No.3470462

Speaking intelligently on the internet doesn't make you cool. You come across as a complete and utter douchebag. Trust, me, I love literary discussions, but you're trying way too hard to sound smart. Who knows, you might be as smart as you think you are. But that doesn't detract from the fact that you are one rude motherfucker. I don't care how intelligent you are. You are not humble. You are an asshole.

>> No.3470472

OP, why would you generalize a whole art form like that? Especially one as subjective as music

>> No.3470473

Yeah, it's true. I'll admit it. But I try not to be as much of an asshole about it as OP. I love /lit/ because it's a place where everyone is pretentious as I am and I don't have to pretend not to be.

>> No.3470479
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3470503
File: 9 KB, 210x193, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when Jews and cultural Marxists did this.

>> No.3470515

Excuse me for being new but what is krautchan?

>> No.3470527

some shitty german version of 4chan with flags and an international board. they also took a bunch of meme from 4chan /int/ and claimed they made them up. l

>> No.3470533

Good one, Bernd.

>> No.3470538

Stay class c.

>> No.3470541

Stop being a pretentious cuntfuck

>> No.3470543


The only things worth mentioning about krautchan is that "dat feel" was born there.

>> No.3470550
File: 26 KB, 720x540, nordfriends2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An imageboard created by and for white people by Michael Brandini.

>> No.3470561

you`re right, besides why someone who doesn't "get" classical music would hear it while eating Spaghettios? maybe once, just the number of times someone who doesn't "get" literature would read a page of a complex novel.

>> No.3470609
File: 731 KB, 1495x1053, xenakis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have always considered music to be the most entry-level of all the arts. Music hardly requires attention.

>> No.3470651

>tfw the germans did this

More Hitler less Werther, Germoney.

>> No.3470661

It was a polish who did it. He used to go by wojak and posted a lot of long and sad posts about his daily hard life with a broken english which made it even more depressing.

>> No.3470663

No True Scotsman: The Image.

>> No.3470733

that's a horrible explanation

>> No.3470734

I take it back, the Polish are allowed to do this. Is there some sort of archive where I can marvel at this?

>> No.3470812

stop trying so hard to sound smart and start thinking of ways to get your point across without your verbose way of writing

>> No.3470834

how are we getting trolled if our responses were exactly the same other than being unaware that it wasn't OP in the picture?

>> No.3470871

Problem Child

>> No.3471409

Good god. He has to be trolling. I can't even

>> No.3471443

I guess the difference is someone eating their spaghettios can still enjoy that music on some level without having to pay attention but if you're reading finnegans wake and not paying any attention or aren't ****equipped**** then you will only be pissed off.

That doesn't really say much at all re. people that are paying attention

>> No.3471622

that doesn't make any sense

>> No.3471633

>entry level art
might not be op, but it's probably a /lit/ browser

>> No.3471635

>playing bach in the background
>not giving the master of masters your full attention

seriously, go to hell

>> No.3471637

I lost it at "Motzart" hahahah

>> No.3471669
File: 838 KB, 171x119, fucklogic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By not being a loudmouth braggart. Seriously. Did you even read your own posts before posting?

>arrogant comments about music
>Implying you're a better person because you read
>Claiming to be humble while belittling everyone in earshot

>"Oh lit, why is it that people don't want to talk to me when I tell them I appear smart in relation to them?"

I once befriended a guy just like you, OP. In his mind he was God's tragically misunderstood gift to mankind. To everyone else he was an annoying, preachy neckbeard with 0 social skills who had deluded himself into thinking he was clever. To this day he makes blog posts from his mom's basement about the foolish commoners while asserting his own brilliance. For the love of whatever you hold dear, do not become that guy.

>> No.3471673

It's because you're not participating in the conversations.

You browse the internet in search of discussions which give you an excuse to recite and reuse phrases from previous encounters that you weren't given enough credit for the first time around.

You craft these tidbits of self-explanation in the hope that, if the people who read them can accept them as authentic, it'll help you to believe you resemble them. That eventually, after you've finished this rhetorical outline, it'll be you inside of it.

But it won't be.

You're in it for the vanity, and everything you say betrays you.

>lol projecting so hard

You better believe it, hoss.

>> No.3471692

Like others, I am first surprised by your rudeness and self important manner.

But I am actually amazed at your complete lack of self awareness - how stupid does one have be to wonder about why people are insulting you when you are being that ass-headed.

Are you trolling? BTW I thought 'epaulettes of intellecutualism being handed out like blue participation ribbons' was pretty cool. Shame about being such a dick though.

>> No.3471709


>> No.3471715

if anyone is wondering, it's due to the rotor speed matching the camera's framerate
the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O02h9O4qo

>> No.3471716

It's funny how OP is the embodiment of what /lit/ likes to picture itself as, but when you actually see what it looks like, everyone is disgruntled.

>> No.3471719

If that is you being a twit in the picture OP, then just so you know, you're retarded.

>> No.3471726

Insane. That's the funniest shit I've read in ages.

OP, think of it like muscles. Imagine a keen bodybuilder who would run around challenging people to arm-wrestles, and if they didn't accept, start pushing them. That's basically what you're doing with your brain.

Now, compare this to the mason who uses his muscles to create fantastic stone arches.

>> No.3471740

The reason people do that is because you don't want to start an intellectual discussion, you just want to confirm your "intellectual superiority" over your peers.

You're basically one of those kids that comments on Paramore videos: "98% of my generation listens to shitty music like Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber, like if you're part of the 2% that appreciates real rock like this and My Chemical Romance." You only use more grown up words.

Also, I think I'm being trolled the hardes

>> No.3471744

>That's basically what you're doing with your brain.

Except that OP is a synthol freak who looks like a satire of a bodybuilder and if anyone DID wrestle him he'd probably lose and cry.

>> No.3471746

that guy on the picture is obvious troll, "epaulettes of intellectualism"
that idiot who said "I read music" seems to be serious though

>> No.3471773

sometimes language trolls its own user

>> No.3471776
File: 61 KB, 504x400, 1341863157803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3471794

He said "take umbrage to" instead of "take umbrage at" the construction is clumsy. It reminds you of those New Yorker reviewers of the eighties when they'd get an attack of the cutes and misuse quotes and words.

>> No.3471815

<Ad Hominem
<Doesn't expect it when he posts a picture of himself

>> No.3471817
File: 65 KB, 333x493, 1360903310335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good troll man, I thought it was kinda crude but apparently /lit/ is not as discerning as it believes

>> No.3471819

my sides

>> No.3471832

>the trolley problem
Yeah. That's a great in-road. It's like a slightly more interesting "would you rather" and it always tricks people into having a philosophical discussion when they might not otherwise be so inclined.

>> No.3471869

You sound like a complete dildo

>> No.3471891

>epaulettes of intellectualism

>> No.3471897

>That's basically what you're doing with your brain.
>implying that guy is smart

>> No.3471900

what does op hear when he listens to beethovens 9th? "Sound demanding nothing of his cognitive abilities"

what does an intellectual hear when he listens to beethovens 9th?
"All of his cognitive abilities"

>> No.3471901
File: 111 KB, 1000x748, oldfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child's play, OP. Fucking child's play.

>> No.3471907

Is that a piece of stuck bread in his zipper?

>> No.3471909

> The bread
Every damn time it gets me.

>> No.3471913
File: 29 KB, 403x403, thuglife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. OP is a posturing, deluded manchild.

>> No.3471960

He's a neckbread

>> No.3471967

This thread's still here, huh?

>> No.3471968

Well, the way you speak is inflammatory. If you're looking to spark discussion, try not making statements like 'it can be appreciated by six year olds'. Furthermore, what you're trying to 'discuss' seems to me completely pointless. "Literature is better than music hurr durr" who cares? Subjectivity motherfucker, do you know it?

>> No.3472074

>plz debate me
>im superior
>im humble

>> No.3472121


>/lit/ is not as discerning as it believes

It's as though /lit/ doesn't have any talent for detecting such things.

>> No.3472142
File: 7 KB, 377x326, sadbedtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I didn't get that...

>> No.3472149
File: 27 KB, 460x345, harold bloom 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3472164

Gets me every time. Love the content on his labtop. A work of pure genius and art.


>> No.3472168
File: 3 KB, 379x426, pure love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when my two favourite imageboards troll each other into Bolivia.

>> No.3472172

that's because there's an unspoken understand that you shouldn't carry the tone of circlejerk outside of the jerk

>> No.3472174

thats the beauty of 4chan

i can be a pompous hair-splitter in total anonymity

>> No.3472221

Where do you get the idea that music is an inferior art form? Have you ever listened to classical or jazz? Have you ever delved into music theory?

You sound like a prick who gets off on condescending to people and pretending they're not as intelligent as you are. In reality, they just don't give a fuck about flaunting what they read or arguing about personal interests.

>> No.3472228

>average /lit/ poster.jpg

>> No.3472268

I'm so ugly and have poor hygiene I wonder why no one likes me. Maybe if I pretend to be smart and show off how intellectually superior I am to everyone else people will think that I'm interesting and worth knowing. I have all these wonderful conversation ideas which are sure to get people talking with me like how literature is so much better than music and people that appreciate and compose music aren't nearly as intelligent as people like me that read often though I don't write much. You'd think someone as intelligent as me would have published multiple books at this point but no luck. Here I am wasting away in my parents house with all these books that will hopefully motivate me to be a fantastic writer. Eh I give up I'll never be good at this I might as well go write music like all those other stupid people since it's so much more accessible than literature. There's no way someone as intellectually keen and advanced as me would fail at that too. Ugh this is far too stupid I can't even begin to comprehend this musical stupidity; screw it I'm too smart to write music.

Realize that writing music requires as much if not more knowledge than writing literature and that on top of being a social reject you can't write music or literature. Suicide is the only option friend.

>> No.3472286

>that butthurt

>> No.3472307

That autism. It's a joke.

>> No.3472313

Is this horribly pretentious "intellectual" pissing contest how /lit/ trolls?

>> No.3472317

It's how /lit/ does everything.

>> No.3472345
File: 64 KB, 455x600, 1359521992251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3472427

Anyways, this guy is either a 9/10 troll or the most pretentious fuck I've ever seen.

>> No.3472434

Relevance level over 9000

>> No.3472668


I would have liked it better if it was with Finnegans Wake.

>> No.3472689

you posted this shit last night on /mu/ already