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3466345 No.3466345 [Reply] [Original]

The entire book of Lord of the Rings was just one big lazy metaphor for World War II.

Hitler is replaced by Sauron
Himmler is replaced by The Witch King
Gondor is Britain
Rohan is USA
Easterlings & Haradrim represent Japan & the Axis powers

The ring being cast into Mount Doom is symbolic to the Atomic Bomb being dropped to end the war. The ring is also symbolic to the corruption that even the allies faced in the face of adversity with the brutality of War bringing out the evil in good men.
When Gondor asks Rohan for help and they initially refuse to aid at the battle in the Pelennor fields this is symbolic to USA's reluctance to aid Britain in the war due .
Sauron & the forces of Mordor is used to represent Hitlers rise to power and the Nazi's lust for power & control

If you think Tolkien wasn't a hack you *seriously* need to read between the lines. He had no ideas of his own so he wrote a book about World War II and changed a few names and places thinking nobody would be the wiser. Well he's wrong, he is a hack and does not deserve any of the credit he has today.


>> No.3466349

I'm pretty sure that's just your retarded and plain wrong analogy. Tolkien stated that he was disgusted by the demonization of Germany and Japan. He was opposed to things like Dresden. You could have found this by just reading his wikipedia page.

God I hate this "Author is dead" mentality

>> No.3466352
File: 62 KB, 414x599, 414px-Vatsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod is dead
Moot is Mod
Moot is dead
4Chan is a dream.

>> No.3466356

Tolkien outright denies this interpretation in the foreword, you nigger.

>> No.3466361

That works. It's as valid an interpretation as any. What the author meant really doesn't make any more difference than the stuff Charles Manson thought the Beatles were saying.

I sort of like the world war two imagery, though I think it might be better if we see the ring as cybernetic surveillance or something, and gandalf as steve jobs.

>> No.3466365

Barthes outright denies the author-god's opinion several decades ago

>> No.3466371

I always percieved Saruman/Isengard to be Hitler/Germany, being obsessed with technology and race breeding, whereas Mordor being the Soviets.

While I agree with the ring being dropped is paralell to the A-bombs, as well as the corruptive nature of the ring, I can't really agree with the reluctance to help part. As I remember, Rohan shows no reluctance in helping Gondor after Théoden has broken free from Saruman, thus making your Gondor/Rohan comparison pretty invalid.
I'm pretty sure the main enemy of Rohan ain't the Eastrings either.

Also, basing something vaguely on a massive real event makes you a bad writer? I'd like some arguments for this to accept it, at least.

>> No.3466373


He fought in World War II (got discharged on medical grounds later, what a pussy lol) and wrote LOTR after the war ended.

Explain how he did not base it on World War II.

>> No.3466389

Helter Skelter isn't Charlies thing man.

Firstly he was never in either house, making it impossible for him to have written it.

Second of all he doesn't hide his beliefs, and certainly doesn't get them from a group of teenybopper kids (To him, atleast)

>> No.3466395

He also retracted that whole essay later in his life, because he realised it was dumb.

>> No.3466398

How can you have a metaphor without intent?

>> No.3466421

>Write stuff
>Someone notes similarity with something and interprets it as a metaphor
>Not necessarily what the author thought

There, not that hard

>> No.3466443

LOL nope he fought in World War I

He wrote the books during the War. And at the very least, the idea of the Ring as a virtual "weapon of mass destruction" was in there before anyone had even heard of an atomic bomb.

>> No.3466444

*wrote them during World War II, I mean

>> No.3466456

you forgot the elves, the dwarfs, the dragons, the balrogs, illuvatar and the valar, the mayar, eagles, hobbits etc etc etc in your stupid analogy. fuck off

>> No.3466465

Pretty much every preacher has done this with some part of the bible every sunday.

Hell, the book of revelations has had this done so often that all the antichrists wouldn't fit inside St. Peters square. And it was all done long after the death of the author. People like to attach historical things to stories. Tolkien himself talked about the Bertha Broadfoot and the Goose Girl in his essay "On Fairy Stories" I think asimov takes the anti-tech side of the interpretation in his essay.

>> No.3466493 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 259x194, gangsta-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire book of Lord of the Rings was just one big lazy metaphor for the smurfs.

gargamel is replaced by sauron
azrael is replaced by the witch king
gondor is the smurf village
rohan is johan and peewit
easterlings and haradrim represent the wartmongers

the ring being cast into mount doom is symbolic to the sacrifices necessary to preserve the smurf way of life. the gold ring symbolizes the greedy medieval world outside of the forest/natural world of the smurf village.

if you think OP isn't a hack you SERIOUSLY need to read between the lines. he has no ideas of his own so he uses generic analogies to justify being a contrary bastard.

>> No.3466503

>the third age

Its like you havent even read the fucking book O_o

>> No.3466510

It's like you haven't even read The Hobbit

>> No.3466512
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, me chillin after some sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire book of Lord of the Rings was just one big lazy metaphor for the smurfs.

gargamel is replaced by sauron
azrael is replaced by the witch king
gondor the human world in general
rohan is johan and peewit
lorien is the smurf village
easterlings and haradrim represent the wartmongers

the ring being cast into mount doom is symbolic to the sacrifices necessary to preserve the smurf way of life. the gold ring symbolizes the greedy medieval world outside of the forest/natural world of the smurf village.

if you think OP isn't a hack you SERIOUSLY need to read between the lines. he has no ideas of his own so he uses generic analogies to justify being a contrary bastard.

>> No.3466520

>who is Smaug

>> No.3466522

i always thought that LOTR was a metaphor of sex...

>> No.3466525


The Hobbit was not in the third fucking age when LOTR took place you fucking mongoloid. Smaug was the last great fire-breathing dragon and was vanquished in The Hobbit you absolute fucking tool.

>> No.3466535

bilbo baggins turned 111 in the 3001st year of the third age. so yes. smaug was in the third age.

>> No.3466536

>The ring being cast into Mount Doom is symbolic to the Atomic Bomb being dropped to end the war. The ring is also symbolic to the corruption that even the allies faced in the face of adversity with the brutality of War bringing out the evil in good men.

How does the ring being "dropped" at all symbolise the bombs being "dropped"?

>> No.3466540

>The Hobbit was not in the third fucking age

You will not ruse me, snafuman.

>> No.3466541

actually it fucking is in the third age you retard

>> No.3466546

the same way your turds getting shat out into a toilet symbolizes bombs getting dropped.

>> No.3466553

>all this mad

You're mad because you are in denial. You bought the books, put them on your shelf and now act like you've read them and are an intellectual.

I've read the books, i know what i'm talking about. Go troll somewhere else. Fail. :)

>> No.3466573

specifically smaug was killed in the year 2941 of the third age.


>got served

>> No.3466623

Really? Never found anything to this effect. Could you point out where? Genuinely interested here.