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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 400x300, fanfiction11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3461663 No.3461663 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ write fanfic?

>> No.3461667

Yeah, I write Twilight fanfic inspired by 50 shades of grey, here is but a mere sample of the power of my work:

"r u sure" asked bella
"yes babe, dis was meant 2 b" growled edward as he slid his magic vampire benis in2 her pure, glistening vampire pussy
edwords face made a face as bella whimpered like a heroin addled dove cooing for more of the good stuff
"gurl ur pussy is so tight bro" said edward as he nutted her pussy
":3" came the reply of her
his sensual grip held her in place, majestically, as he fucked the shit out of his 1 treu lov for about 40 minutes.
"ughhh im gona cum" heaved edward as two and a half metric litres of pressurised vampire jizm exploded into bella's face knocking some of her teeth out and bruising her face irreparably.

>> No.3461670

also, last one:

edward stroked his 7 foot long vampire benis as bella did coke off her best friends ass in the flat they had just broken into.
"i am glad we are liberated from the shackles of cultural oppression and now have the freedom to express ourselves without fear" said bella, starting to feel the coke work its magic.
"no doubt, sister." smirked edward, still holding the gun up towards the man they had previously tied to the radiator. they still hadn't decided what to do with him.
"please, i have a wife and.." started the man
"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH" screamed edward kicking the man in the face.
"haha what a loser" laughed bella who had begun making out with her friend and rubbing her perky breasts excitedly.
"i'm gonna take you to a whole new fucking world of pain, you motherfucker" said edward as he advanced upon the man and grabbed his fingers in his hands.
"smile for your daddy... crackety-crack!"
the mans fingers were twisted clean off his hand, hanging limply like little socks containing shattered mangled bones.

>> No.3461672

DO I need College to learn to write fanfiction?

Where should I start?

>> No.3461676
File: 52 KB, 337x275, 1345787992353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whimpered like a heroin addled dove cooing for more of the good stuff

>> No.3461684

I wrote fan fiction when I was 12, not even knowing what it was. I liked a mini-series on television but was upset that there were only so many episodes, so I wrote a sequel which included myself as a mary sue.

It was about V, the TV show in which lizard aliens disguised as human aliens come down and try to eat us. I wrote like 600 pages longhand; it was lost (or so I hope) when a bunch of my stuff was ruined in a flood at my brother's house.

I've never admitted this to anyone but you guys and somehow it makes me feel better.

>> No.3461702
File: 46 KB, 680x452, succes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you. First piece of fiction I wrote (11 or 12 years old) was an Indiana Jones-esque story about hidden treasure and people falling off cliffs during fist-fights. Thankfully I did not include myself as the intrepid adventurer, but it was still pretty terrible.

The computer I wrote it on has long since fried, but there may still be a print-out somewhere in my parents' house.

>> No.3461713

Disregard picture, my mistake.

>> No.3461719

yea it's relaxing. i write detective conan fanfic about haibara.

>> No.3461838

>my mistake
or your freudian slip

>> No.3462815

I love fanfiction. The good fanfiction, anyway, which there is a stunning, very disappointing lack of.

>> No.3462823

>good fanfiction
But Anon, that's impossible!

>> No.3462825

I started writing one when I was 15. It was based on Garth Nix's 'Old Kingdom' series.

The plot is that there's a joint Ancelsterrian/Kingdom expedition into the north of the continent using a large catamaran which runs on ski blades. Eventually they were going to find a 'second wall', north of which some weird shit goes down etc etc. Maybe dragons, I never got that far.

>> No.3462834


sounds bretty good actually

>> No.3462844

I wrote a series of Star Wars stories exploring sexual taboos, you know, Vader rapes Luke then Leia joins in but she's got a penis. Han and Chewy in the engine room with engine grease as lube. 3PO and R2. That sort of thing. But I wouldn't call it fan fiction. Just the chaotic blurtings of culture.

>> No.3462880

What fandoms do you read? I find the only fandom that has good, serious writing is Evangelion, which disappoints me because I didn't even like the show.

>> No.3462892


>reading Eva fanfiction

>> No.3462901

I read quite a bit of fanfiction in many different fandoms, Eva is the only one that people 25+ and can actually write, write for.
Oh, and my favorite fanfiction is "Wicked", but I didn't like the musical

>> No.3462913


>reading Eva fanfiction

>> No.3463058

I read superhero comic books does that count