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File: 105 KB, 600x900, whitegirlbleedalot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3459855 No.3459855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this book White Girl Bleed A Lot?

>New Book: “An Epidemic of Black Mob Violence.” And how the media ignore it.

>Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.


>> No.3459869

Considering that violent crime rates have been steadily declining in recent years, sounds like little more than race-baiting, but I've not read it. I'm sure rednecks and neonazis will eat it up, though.

>> No.3459874

This was a powerful book that was filled with amazing facts and tied in many current events that will make you rethink the state of race relations in America today. The book is not an easy read, but it was an amazing one that opened my eyes and made me think about America in a different way. The book was well written, and definitely challenges the assumptions that you may inherently have. This was a great book that all should read!

>> No.3459881
File: 27 KB, 716x519, 1307648503765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the declining overall crime rate have to do with increasing black on white mob attacks?

Do you fail basic logic?

Furthermore the reason the crime rate is decreasing is because of increasing incarceration of mostly Black males.

>> No.3459882

>how many times can edgy left wing psuedo intellectuals call me a racist for reading a controversial book?

Fixed for you OP. these lib tears will be sweet

>> No.3459884

>it told me what I wanted to hear using cherry-picked facts and half-truths. 10/10!

>> No.3459886

so... increased incarceration with decreased crime? how does that even make sense? are we pre-carcerating people?

>> No.3459887


>> No.3459891

You are showing your "appalling indifference" and "denial".

>John Derbyshire: “What’s happening, as the book makes indisputably clear is, first, black mob violence against nonblack persons and property, and second, appalling indifference, denial, and cover-up by police and the media.”

>> No.3459899
File: 24 KB, 600x450, murderracegender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, wow, /lit/ really is a retarded board aren't you.

People aren't limited to committing one single crime in their life. Mandatory minimums, three strike laws, and drug arrests are putting more people (Black males, mostly) behind bars for longer so they can't continue committing crimes.

>> No.3459909

if incarceration works so well why does america have simultaneously the highest prison population in the world (both in total and per capita) and the highest violent crime rate?

>> No.3459916

because of black people, duh.

>> No.3459921
File: 72 KB, 808x514, crimemultiples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 12.2% of their population is Black, and they can't arrest Black people until they commit at least one crime.

>> No.3459924

its a bit surprising how many indians commit manslaughter.

>> No.3459928


>> No.3459931

It's a book.

Do non-fiction books upset you?

>> No.3459934

/pol/ a/o /jidf/ pls leave

>> No.3459935

That's not non-fiction.

>> No.3459943
File: 29 KB, 400x327, liberalreligion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. You are just pretending that racial mob violence isn't real?

You should read the book. If it's not too far above your reading level.

>> No.3459948

>You are just pretending that racial mob violence isn't real?
I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean.

>> No.3459962

You didn’t hear about it?

The Midwest state fair with a “Beat Whitey Night?” Or the Black Beach Week that turns a town into “living hell?”

The eleven episodes of racial violence on the Fourth of July 2012? Some involving more than 1000 black people?

These criminal episodes go by different names: Flash mobs, flash robs, black on white crime, or as one social worker put it: Kids just “blowing off steam.” Anything except what they are: Racial violence.

>> No.3459963

This makes me miss the ayn rand trolls. Please go away

>> No.3459964


>> No.3459967
File: 16 KB, 239x300, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares moralfag

>> No.3459968

>The Midwest state fair with a “Beat Whitey Night?” Or the Black Beach Week that turns a town into “living hell?”
So we are talking about the KKK et al?

>> No.3459973

>Beat Whitey Night


>> No.3459977

Are you talking about racist mobs, or aren't you?

Or am I misunderstanding the verb "beat"? Is this like weird toilet sex or something?

>> No.3459984

>mobs of black people
>they attack white people
>they call it "beat whitey night"

Again, what?

>> No.3459988

Mobs of one skin color attack another skin color, you think that's not the same as the KKK?

Do you not know what the KKK are?

>> No.3459992

Wow, I didn't realize /lit/ was so ignorant.

>> No.3459999

>“Beat Whitey Night?”
>So we are talking about the KKK?

>> No.3460002

A dog eating a cat isn't the same as a cat eating a dog.

>> No.3460007

...this is gay sex slang isn't it?

>> No.3460011

What about a dog eating a slightly different kind of dog and vice versa?

>> No.3460013

I don't care much about or for racial violence. I would be amused if all people of muslim heritage would be systematically exterminated though. Would offer exterminators a cup of coffee.

>> No.3460014

it's not a book it's a foot in the door to have a /pol/ discussion,and you know it...

>> No.3460015

>Would offer exterminators a cup of coffee.

>> No.3460017

Still different. Minotiry on majority hatecrime is different than majority on minority hatecrime.

>> No.3460022


you're forgetting power asymmetry

>> No.3460028

>See SS dogcatchers having a smoke break after loading a dozen arabs in the back of a van
>"would you boys care for a cup of coffee?"

>> No.3460032

But the Arabs supply your coffee. Unless you drink shit in a cup.

>> No.3460039

Just because the best bean is called arabica doesn't mean Arabs are needed for its cultivation. I'll still gladly use their numeral system and other pleasant whatever as well.

>> No.3460042

No it's not you fucking bleeding pussy cunt. Especially when these minorities are committing hatecrimes at 10 times the rate that the majority are.

>> No.3460045

>Just because the best bean is called arabica doesn't mean Arabs are needed for its cultivation.
Most beans come from Arab countries. As do the best beans. Same goes for the oil.

What would happen is, your country would get an embargo, the guys wouldn't be able to afford the gas to drive the van, and you wouldn't be able to afford coffee to offer them.

>> No.3460051

I'm angry about police discrimination against minorities too.

>> No.3460049

Calm your tits, Goebbels. I didn't say it's worse or less worse, I just said it's different. Which it is. Different causes, different consequences, different power dynamics. Altogether different situation.

>> No.3460050

>published by anything except a university press

Call me when it's a credible book.

>> No.3460053

Fact is black people are just cooler than whites. Cool people are willing to take more risks.

>> No.3460054

Rape is rape. Murder is murder.

>> No.3460058

You mean they're more animalistic than whites . . . because they're literally subhuman.

>> No.3460064

If all Arabs were killed they couldn't get bitchy about oil and the like, could they? The countries resources and all are fine. I just which to see all Islamic peoples wiped from the face of the earth. Not passionately so or something, I wouldn't hand out flyers for the cause, but I'd prefer it happening to it not happening.

My point also was a bit that problems with minorities are often cultural, not racial.

>> No.3460067

>avenging the death of your little daughter is the same as killing someone's little daughter
>prison raping a child molester is the same as raping a child
Your consistency is morally reprehensible.

>> No.3460068


Not sure how that happened.

>> No.3460074

Have you noticed that white-on-black rape statistics are almost non-existent?

>> No.3460079

>My point also was a bit that problems with minorities are often cultural, not racial.
No it wasn't.
>If all Arabs were killed they couldn't get bitchy about oil and the like, could they?
They also wouldn't be producing it and selling it.

>> No.3460080

Culture is partially determined by racial traits.

>> No.3460082

vengeance is not moral. murder is murder. Justice is not retribution.

>> No.3460088

We are in the middle of a race war and leftists would have us just ignore it. Meanwhile innocent white people are being attacked, raped and murdered by the dozen, every night in every major city in America. Niggers are not capable of following the rules of civilised (read: white) society. I don't care whether it's because of their shitty culture or their shitty genes, I just want them gone.

>> No.3460089

What does that have to do with anything?

Also white women are part of commodity fetishism, that's what you get for objectifying your own women for the sake of precious capitalism.

>> No.3460094

Gee, if only other people would be willing to take over the production and sales of oil.

>> No.3460098

Nah, white women are just more desirable because they don't look and smell like apes.

>> No.3460100

>mad that is philosophical superiors are beyond good and evil

>> No.3460102

Are you justifying interracial rape?

>> No.3460105

yeah because the objectification of women didn't happen at all before capitalism

>> No.3460110

>tfw I find ethnic women way more attractive than whites

you guys are going out of style, deal with it

>> No.3460114

No, I just think there will never be peace without racial segregation.

>> No.3460115

Using ethnic to refer to non-whites is like using mammals to refer to non-dogs.

>> No.3460121

And you think there will be peace with racial segregation? Pfffrt. And worse still, you want this? The end of antagonism? The end of struggle, overcoming and growth? Are you sure you're not Indian or something?

>> No.3460122

If by 'going out of style' you mean 'victim of unrelenting media slander from kikes and self-hating race traitors', I agree.

>> No.3460123

Whatever you say, I got my point across.

>> No.3460128

Well, we could segregate ourselves and then have a proper race war with no pussy ass liberals crying about victimisation. I doubt niggers would last long in that scenario.

>> No.3460135

You reap what you sow.

>> No.3460134


>> No.3460139
File: 87 KB, 546x668, stormfrontRedpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's Red Pill Day for /lit/.

>> No.3460150

So you admit it's a real phenomenon, then. Well, that's a start.

>punishing the sons for the sins of their fathers

Sounds like a real nice policy.

>> No.3460151

So blacks deserved slavery and the jews deserved genocide?

>> No.3460153

>the jews deserved genocide?

Yes, and they still do.

Maybe blacks don't _deserve_ slavery, but they sure aren't good for much else...

>> No.3460165

Race baiting: guaranteed 200 replies.

Discussion about literature: 14 replies

Stay classy /lit. I'm contributing, I know, but if you ignore these goombahs, who make up facts to suit their hare-brained hatred, they will leave faster.

>> No.3460167

Why? Inb4 you don't answer because holocaust denial is a bannable offense

>> No.3460169

>because they don't look and smell like apes

You forgot to say "and act like apes"

>> No.3460172

The only people we should kill of are racists.

They're subhumans, like the Nazis.

>> No.3460173

It's all cause/effect. If the blacks then found a way to avoid capture or moved somewhere else perhaps they wouldn't have been fucked over on such a large scale. Same with Jews and whatever meddling they had with the German government and economy.

>> No.3460175


sorry lel I always assume holocaust denial instantly when i talk to /pol/

>> No.3460176

>Colin Flaherty
>WND hack
>Shit tier journalism

No thanks.

>> No.3460181

So you were justifying everything that ever happened and everything that will ever happen basically?

>> No.3460191

How romantic.

>> No.3460193

>thomas sowell
>not the biggest uncle tom in the world

>> No.3460194

It's much more fun to let them exhaust themselves by giving a few effortless silly responses

>> No.3460196

Not exactly a punishment, more like a boomerang effect. You can't deny that American whites were the kings of dicks not even 50 years ago, and perhaps still are. It's now starting to backfire with all the white guilt and minorities getting tired of the shit. You can piss on a man so much until he gets up to slap you and all that stuff.

>> No.3460201


To be fair, I'd say about half the posts in this thread are from people who only come here for this sort of thing and don't touch legitimate literature with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.3460225
File: 73 KB, 503x308, 1358121758883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals are so racist. When a Negro disagrees with their retarded ideology for people with the mental age of 12 year olds they call him racial slurs.

>> No.3460237

>citation needed.

>> No.3460248

This thread is too American and too /pol/ for me.

>> No.3460249
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1310107513832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I do not hate niggers at all, I just correctly understand that they are not human and treat them accordingly. They are nothing more than wild niggers running around loose and one must act accordingly around them. A hundred and fifty years or so ago, people in this country treated niggers accordingly and kept them contained and controlled. We made them useful by managing their numbers, containing them, and forcing them to work and be somewhat productive. But the natural empathy of the White man caused him to unrestrain a species of animal (niggers) largely due to the fact they they mimick humans in their behavior and dress. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, he can't be put back in and we're stuck with living around 30 million wild niggers.

I am never surprised when I hear stories of TNB; stories of niggers raping, torturing, murdering and beating White people. Stories from Africa of them raping babies, toddlers, and goats; drinking lizard pee and smoking their own shit to get high. The rampant disease and famine there and watching their nigglets die off by the millions while their mammies get gang-banged in the bush to pump out another litter. Nothing about niggers surprises me at all because I do not compare their behavior with that of humans.

The only way to hate niggers and to justify the old, tired whigger accusation that racists are full of hate and spread hate and all that nonsense is only if you consider niggers human. It WOULD fill me up with hate and want to get revenge if a group of humans acted the same way niggers do and created so much misery, pain, and suffering in the world. But if you consider them as the animals that they are - a separate species from human - their actions do not surprise nor cause hate at all.
But it does fill me with a sense of bewilderment as to why we allow the nigger herd to run around completely unchecked and unmanaged. The destruction and drain on society they cause is appalling.

>> No.3460320

What about Jews, they seem pretty human, and they produce good /lit/erture to boot.

>> No.3460331

Some Jews are pretty cool. Like this guy for example:

>"How Modern Liberals Think"

Liberals of all races are pretty retarded and obnoxious.

>> No.3460353


>> No.3460364

Are there any amphibian races. It would be so cool to race mix with one and have kids that can live on water and land.

>> No.3460376

Kevin Costner

Also Argonians

>> No.3460397

They cut their dicks off. Enough said.

>> No.3460402

And that, in addition to being physically unimpressive, triggers a life long desire to compensate that, in addition to their sense of constantly being treatened, unsafe and an outsider, leads to them succeeding tremendously.

Do you even breed Ubermensch?

>> No.3460406

It must be fun being a /pol/-person. Everyone who disagrees with you can be conveniently thrown into the "LIBTARD & IN DENIAL & IGNORANT" category without a second thought. You don't even need to entertain any doubts about your own correctness, because anyone who ever says anything against you is deluding themselves.

>> No.3460412
File: 99 KB, 650x600, crimecorrelation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always open to new information.

It just so happens that all the facts and evidence are contrary to liberal dogma, and liberals respond with insults and cries for censorship.

>> No.3460421

They don't know how to fucking drive.

>> No.3460434

The majority of US males are circumcised.

>> No.3460436

It's not like any of the liberals ITT did anything different.

>go back to /pol/


Not much of an argument.

>> No.3460440

Protip: Don't live in America. Or visit: http://www.ktnv.com/news/local/1729301.html

>> No.3460442


>come into my house
>yell at me about niggers
>tell you to leave

>> No.3460444

economic inequality has more to do with crime than anything

>> No.3460453
File: 552 KB, 1378x632, 1339685005217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This graph is taken from a new study of more than 11,000 people. You can see that, while increasing SES lowers the risk of incarceration only a little bit, increasing IQ lowers the risk sharply.

So much for the liberal claim that economic inequality has more to do with crime than anything.


>> No.3460456

This isn't your house, boy. /lit/ is the only board I post on.

>> No.3460465

that doesn't disprove anything actually
did you even read the thing before posting it?

>> No.3460466

Blacks have just as much opportunity to do something positive with their lives as whites do at this point. Go to community college, do something useful. It's racist to assume the poor blacks are too stupid to consider this.

I'm all for equality and even sensitivity until the playing field is a little more balanced, but I'm not willing to overlook a lack of personal responsibility. Systemic violence only takes you so far as an excuse.

>> No.3460467

You just read the paper in 3 minutes?

>> No.3460472


/pol/ can't read more than infographics. They just cull together links and save images, then bomb threads with them, and if you don't refute every single one, they win.

And you know what? It fucking works. It's how they took over 4chan.

>> No.3460476

half the time I actually wonder if they're serious

also, why do americans call their proletarian uprisings "race riots?"

>> No.3460479
File: 1.00 MB, 1323x1627, 1357856394637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts, logic, and data are convincing arguments
>name calling and saging isn't

Wow, how shocking.

It's no wonder liberals have to resort to censorship so often, and a site with relative free speech and anonymity is not attractive to them.

>> No.3460484

Niggers committing crime isn't a proletarian uprising.

>> No.3460488

Well, no shit. When the undecided/ambivalent users see that the liberal representatives of the board can't even defend their side, obviously they're going to be trusted less and the /pol/fags will seem more consistent.

I know you can argue that it's exhausting, but the real worrying part is that a ton of the"liberals" here can't even logically defend their positions.

>> No.3460498

good god you're dense

>blacks live in a cycle of poverty
>impoverished people have less opportunities and commit more crime
>but let's only focus on the race

>> No.3460505

>less opportunities

Any black in any US city can get financial aid and go to fucking community college. Do well there, get a scholarship and finish at a four year.

People need to take responsibility once in a while.

>> No.3460507


The /pol/fags can't really either. They're just much better organized, so they don't have to.

If the "liberals" had a repository of links, infographics, and canned responses, they'd be just as convincing. But they don't, because they're not fringe weirdos organizing to convert people on the internet.

>> No.3460508
File: 43 KB, 600x463, 1359249209421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many people believe that a bad social environment is a major contributor to crime. They believe that if people of all races had the same education, income, and social status, there would be no race differences in crime rates. Academic research, however, shows that these differences persist even after controlling for social variables.

In fact, the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic accounts for crime rates more than four times better than the next best measure: lack of education. Furthermore, even controlling for all three measures of social disadvantage hardly changes the correlation between racial mix and crime rates. The correlation between violent crime and the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic is 0.78 even when poverty, education, and unemployment are controlled, versus 0.81 when they are not. In layman's terms, the statistical results suggest that even if whites were just as disadvantaged as blacks and Hispanics the association between race and violent crime would still be almost as great. It may seem harsh to state it so plainly, but the single best indicator of an area's violent crime rate is its racial/ethnic mix.

>> No.3460511

you're so deluded it's almost sad

>> No.3460514

Blacks lag behind whites in actual on-the-job performance, which indicates that employers are not unfairly excluding minorities from the workforce but rather bending over backwards to include them.


>> No.3460516

If you actually have a point, make it. Let's not draw this out.

>> No.3460519

/pol/ why are you /pol/ing it up by putting all this /pol/ shit here

>> No.3460523
File: 53 KB, 894x700, sciencevsliberalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals don't have links because their beliefs are faith based and driven by emotion.

All the facts are against them. Which is why they have to resort to censorship and name calling.

>> No.3460529

This shouldn't surprise anybody. The idea is that the playing field for blacks isn't level so they get more slack/sensitivity. And I'm all for it. We can't just fake it 'til we make it and treat everybody equally. That's the end goal, but it requires some sensitivity on our part.

That doesn't account for people refusing to get up off their ass and take advantage of these opportunities. They're not babies and so they need to be held responsible to an extent beyond blaming their economic situation.

>> No.3460530

>just skip out of the ghetto and never look back

>> No.3460538

>reactionaries telling me that they're the logical ones

>> No.3460540

>the playing field for blacks isn't level
Right, it's tilted in their favour. See: >>3460514

>Blacks lag behind whites in actual on-the-job performance, which indicates that employers are not unfairly excluding minorities from the workforce but rather bending over backwards to include them.

The idea that Blacks are discriminated against comes from the incorrect assumption that they are equal to Whites and should have equal outcomes. That is an incorrect premise.

In fact, they have lower intelligence and in a meritocratic society will have worse outcomes.

>> No.3460541



>> No.3460544

>tfw not a collectivist
>tfw not bothered by any of this

>> No.3460546

>actually suggesting that whites are oppressed

and you wonder why no one takes you seriously

>> No.3460551
File: 92 KB, 482x480, raceharvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually suggesting they aren't

>> No.3460553

The opportunity to leave the ghetto is there. Yes. This is 100% true. It's not some mystical place where only whites can walk in and out of the force field.

>> No.3460562

I don't think you've ever been impoverished or known someone who has been, have you?

>> No.3460563

You shouldn't be surprised. /lit/ denounces anyone that claims there is a natural inequality between human beings, and that that inequality can be determined by mathematics (to a degree).

/lit/ is far left and knows it.

>> No.3460565

See, this is where you start to get a little too /pol/ on me. I'm of the mind that blacks have potential, regardless of how many IQ statistics you shove in my face. It's immaterial to me since there isn't sufficient enough evidence to imply that a lower potential for IQ necessarily prohibits a person from succeeding on the same terms as those with a higher potential.

>> No.3460569
File: 35 KB, 911x623, incomesats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain the fact that Black students from families with incomes of $80,000 to $100,000 score considerably lower on the SAT than White students from families with $20,000 to $30,000 incomes? How do you explain why social class factors, all taken together, only cut the Black-White achievement gap by a third? Culture-only theory cannot predict these facts; often its predictions are opposite to the empirical results.

>> No.3460576
File: 58 KB, 887x508, Two_Curve_Bell_with_Jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ/g usually predicts major life outcomes better than does any other single predictor in broad samples of individuals. For example, whether IQ predicts strongly (educational performance) or weakly (law-abidingness), it predicts better than does social class background.

>> No.3460578

Yes, in fact I have been, grew up with mostly black people, sold drugs, and went the community college route until transferring to a four year.

And I'm white. If I were black I would have MADE money from scholarships/financial aid. The educational system is set up in their favor if they actually put the work in.

>> No.3460580

>there is sub ten white-on-black rapes a year (meaning none is possible).
>...so? Hey it is those whites that are to blame! Fuck capitalism!
This is why /lit/ should stick to fiction. It gives them the ability to "interpret" works and never have to prove a thing.

>> No.3460588


Want to see something fun? Copy and paste this post into google.


This one too.

>> No.3460589

Did you even read the charts in the image you were replying to?
I know math isn't /lit/'s best quality, but come on.

>> No.3460585

>How do you explain the fact that Black students from families with incomes of $80,000 to $100,000 score considerably lower on the SAT than White students from families with $20,000 to $30,000 incomes?
why does the SAT score matter?
you seem to think there's a definitive measure of intelligence, or even an agreed upon definition

>> No.3460586

To be fair, it's not a matter of hard work. Their brains are smaller and weaker.

It's like expecting a woman to lift as much weight as a man if she just works harder.

>> No.3460593
File: 25 KB, 600x405, iq_graph_racial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A person's intelligence can be defined in terms of the speed and efficiency with which he can execute a number of basic cognitive operations. (Vernon, 1981)

>> No.3460595

Meh. Some of the straight Africans at my school ran circles around the math department.

>> No.3460596

I'd ask the same for you

>> No.3460598

I thought it was going to be a bunch of 4chan archive posts but it was just the scientific papers they are quoted from.

What's fun about that?

>> No.3460601

Those are terrible "graphs" and you should be ashamed to imply they're even vaguely mathematical.

>> No.3460602

>allegedly poor white guy commits crimes just like the blacks he despises
why don't you act your race?

>> No.3460604

Oh, wow.

>> No.3460606


Except they aren't quoted. They're presented as the poster's own arguments. Quotes have like, those little marks, you know, looks like tiny scratches, and they usually have a source.

I just think it's fun to see /pol/ canned responses in action.

>> No.3460605

>one guy is the has the definitive say on intelligence

>> No.3460613

The blacks I despise? I think you're confusing me with the /pol/ guy. I don't despise blacks at all.

>> No.3460614

/lit/ has surpassed the left/right dichotomy I hope. I've been told anarcho-fascism is where it's at.

>> No.3460629

I think you missed my post here: >>3460249

I love animals. That includes niggers.

>> No.3460643

Sure looks like a bunch of generic braindead libtards whose opinions are carbon copied from television.

I've never met anyone other than mindless liberal parrots who actually think Negroes have equal potential and are oppressed.

>> No.3460646

pls stop calling us liberals
it implies we want capitalism

>> No.3460657

I'm glad I live in a small town in Australia which is almost exclusively white. All the non whites, excluding Aboriginals, are very nice people. Doctors, Pharmacists, the odd teacher.

If only my government weren't fucking retarded, I'd have an ideal life.

>> No.3460666

I wonder, do you think identifying them as being from intelligence experts' peer reviewed scientific papers helps you? Or does it just make you look even sillier?

Are you able to address them?

>> No.3460674
File: 37 KB, 320x240, bindaeuro5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian Aboriginals are practically not even human.

>> No.3460689


One intelligence expect, Rushton. The rest is stormfront, race realist blogs, and other 4chan posts.

Of course I can't address them. Neither can you. If you could, you would form your own arguments from the information, rather than just going to your canned responses text file.

I don't have a horse in this race, /pol/'s tactics just disgust me. They're/you're just propagandists.

>> No.3460703

The other is Linda S. Gottfredson.


>I don't have a horse in this race, /pol/'s tactics just disgust me. They're/you're just propagandists.

Oh please. Nobody is going to buy that. You were claiming Negroes are oppressed and scoffing at the fact that discrimination primarily takes place against Whites while Negroes have everything stacked in their favour.

You're obviously a brainwashed liberal egalitarian.

How can posting facts and knowledge contrary to liberal views be so "disgusting" to you? You are free to refute anything said.

What's disgusting is liberal tactics of name calling, shaming, and censorship.

You obviously have bought into the anti-White propaganda that is prevalent in mainstream media today.

>> No.3460707


>mfw Ameri/pol/s think liberalism is leftist

>> No.3460709

And if it weren't for the abos, you mean.

>> No.3460712

>You're obviously a brainwashed liberal egalitarian.
Just out of curiosity, how would you label your own position? Do you have any positive stance or is it just a big sticky mess of ressentiment?

>> No.3460717


>You were claiming Negroes are oppressed and scoffing at the fact that discrimination primarily takes place against Whites while Negroes have everything stacked in their favour.

I'm not that dude.


This was my only post in this thread besides the ones you've replied to. And it's exactly what you're doing.

>You are free to refute anything said.

Why bother? I don't think Rushton or Gottfredson are posting in this thread, so they probably wouldn't response to any arguments against their research posted here. But like I said, I'm not qualified to argue with PhDs. But neither are you a PhD. You're just someone who has a repository of text copied from PhDs. I'd be glad to copy and paste some stuff in reply, but I don't make a hobby of hoarding quotes to win internet arguments.

>> No.3460720
File: 41 KB, 500x578, Jared_Taylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a race realist.

>> No.3460722

Because americans have an unhealthy obsession with ethnicity.

>> No.3460725

>I'd be glad to copy and paste some stuff in reply, but I don't make a hobby of hoarding quotes to win internet arguments.
I read papers from both sides of the arguments and the egalitarian arguments are all very flimsy.

You are free to try.

>> No.3460729

i'm not even going to begin to read this shitt thread but i am going to ask you what exactly constitutes 'brainwashedness'. because if we're going to discuss politics if should be well-established that conservatives in general show the most signs of unflexibility and a catatonic-like state of closed-mindedness.

>> No.3460730

>ripping quotes off the Amazon review page

>> No.3460733

>egalitarian arguments are all very flimsy
you say that as if the racist ones are bomb proof

>> No.3460736
File: 113 KB, 1234x274, muh privlig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not that guy but it seems simple to me, affirmative action is anti-ethical to meritocracy, abolish that, and things will sort themselves out naturally. any futher measures would depend on the context of the issue.

in my mind, given that its so widespread, simply disabusing people of the notion that all people are equally equal would go a long way towards steering reason and discussion across the public sphere to more progressive measures that actually do benefit people as a whole, destructive ideologies all have their roots in mistaken assumption, thomas malthus is a perfect example.

>> No.3460738


Then please copy and paste some stuff from the other side. Then you can argue with yourself and save everyone a lot of trouble.

I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to get me to engage your canned responses. You won the argument, and probably won a few converts in the process.

>> No.3460740

>21st century
>still having moral panics over race

>> No.3460743

That's not a political position.

>> No.3460747

>using an argument from someone names i trol u seriously

>> No.3460750


I don't really know why this is addressed to me, but I don't care about the things you're saying. You're exactly right and I agree with everything, please send me your newsletter.

Is that what I have to say to get you to stop?

>> No.3460752


social justice merely creates new privileged classes, its inherently contradictory.

>> No.3460757

It is when politics is currently dominated by the incorrect premise that people are equal and any examples you can find of unequal outcomes is evidence of secret discrimination conspiracies.

I suppose if you need to put a label on me call me meritocratic.

>> No.3460770

>that extreme right wing bias

>> No.3460771


im just here from /tg/ friendo, i like to spend time on /k/ /lit/ and /pol/ too, thats where i got the screenshot. your particular post mentioned elucidating a point from the information, so i felt like engaging you would be preferable to the macrospam in the rest of the thread.

>> No.3460775
File: 310 KB, 720x480, 1354593674909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute equality

That isn't what politics is currently dominated with. If that was the case, criminality and law would be invalid.

>> No.3460783


You won the argument. Why you still arguing?

>> No.3460786

You have to be quiet, and stop posting. Both in this thread and others. Close out of your browser, and shut down your computer.

>> No.3460791


youre right, it does threaten to make criminality and law invalid.


>> No.3460795

Proper meritocracy doesn't even need any concept of race to function, in fact it would be detrimental to it.

>> No.3460796

Are you the baby Marxist who's been craping up the thread?

>> No.3460803

I don't think you understand what the term "dominated" actually means.

>> No.3460805

Hey /lit/ I know meeting trolls head on is usually a positive experience but we should really just report /pol/ threads and leave them to rot.
Don't fall for any of the bait, misuse of the term liberal or anything, just report and move on; don't even sage.
This'll make the board a better, less hateful, place.

>> No.3460816

that only works if mods are willing to respond

>> No.3460817
File: 303 KB, 455x341, aotyay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you make me sad anon, making discourse about 'winning' renders the actual subject at hand inconsequential.

>> No.3460826

There you are. I missed you.

>> No.3460830


All according to keikaku.

>> No.3460831
File: 112 KB, 500x254, classical liberal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are completely correct in your observation that it is ridiculous and anti-rational, thats why im saying that such sentiment is a problem that can only grow worse if it goes unadressed.

>> No.3460833

>I'm an "intelligent design" specialist


>> No.3460846

But it's a problem that HEAVILY contradicts the legislation and political positions that you attempt to destroy.

>what is equality under the law

>> No.3460847

Eh, i hate to put the Abo's all in one group. I am friends with a select few coons and they are top people. Very hard workers, and whilst not the brightest bunch, pretty decent people.

They're a rare bunch, but I guess my town sort of breeds a good attitude into people. You're very much looked at for your worth here, not for anything else. Still, there is an element of "it's who you know, not what you know" where I live. which can it make it somewhat hard to find decent jobs.

The great problem in Australia is the government and it's militant nannying - it really is getting ridiculous. That being said, we are bringing in too many immigrants for the country to support (immigrants are coming in at a slightly higher rate than job creation) and a good deal of the ones coming in do not want to "australianise" themselves.

I did see a rather cool facebook image recently. It basically said many of the immigrants are leaving their countries because they do not like how they are, but when they come to Australia thry try and force the country into becoming more like their homelands. I've written it out quite poorly, but the elements should remain clear.

>> No.3460848
File: 363 KB, 400x229, tritle turtle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you must let go of the chains of fragile ego, anon-kun!

>> No.3460866

>not wanting to bbq and drink and call people caants
Silly immigrants.

>> No.3460869























>> No.3460872


whos contradicting who now? we already judge people one way or another under law, you cannot live without judgment, everything you do is a function of judging one thing as preferable to all other recourses.

>> No.3460886










Ball's in your court stormtards.

>Inb4 jewish professor
>Inb4 das bayiss

>> No.3460898

Basically, yes. Beer and BBQ is the staple that Australia has been built upon haha.

Or should I perhaps talk about Australian cultural ideals and how many of the immigrants spit in the face of them? The gang culture of the cities, the racially based attacks, refusing to learn basic english skills, welfare dependance, giving more aid to immigrants to find jobs than Australians who were born here?

I'm all for giving everyone a fair go, but you need to give EVERYONE a fair go. Same rules for all.

What is everyones thoughts about lowering entry requirements for ethnic minorities to attend universities/colleges. I do not think this happens in Australia, but I do know it is an issue that effects the Ameritards. It seems discriminatory and unfair to me, and I believe a Europoor nation's high court felt the same way and outlawed the practice. I'm thinking Switzerland or the Netherlands, but I am entirely unsure which.

>> No.3460912
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a cavalcade of quibbling over definitions and assertions that because one thing contributes to development, it follows that all others are ruled out, precious little involving any quantitative analysis.







>> No.3460916

>reply to university publications with "boards.staightdope"
I want you to think for a moment before you post in future

>> No.3460923


If you can't refute the sources just say so.

>> No.3460924

Pretty sure it's the same guy.

>> No.3460943

And yet, you have yet to refute it all.
Hey, it has awesome links in there, sorry that science contradicts your racist religion. There's a reason you people get your asses handed to you every time you post on /sci/.

>> No.3460973
File: 37 KB, 600x750, interpol rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i asserted that they essentially use rhetoric to try and 'define away' race, as opposed to actually looking at data and evidence, like a scientist should.

>> No.3460983

Sounds like somebody didn't read the links.

>> No.3461015
File: 469 KB, 1224x1571, 1356627595625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i read a few that looked actually reputable, to wit:




being raised in good conditions contributes to higher intelligence, obviously this means there are no other factors at work here.

i reiterate, show me the data >>3460912

>> No.3461060
File: 68 KB, 756x960, 1357194124712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it has more to do with black culture than anything else. Many other minority groups have dealt with poverty and discrimination but have stayed strong.

>> No.3461077

I don't know if anyone mentioned this but Sowell isn't even Black.

>> No.3461093

>delete the Penny thread
>leave this
1/2 ain't bad mod

>> No.3461106


culture is an emergent property of capability, it has influence down the road, but it doesnt come from nowhere.

>> No.3461149

>Not knowing of the Moore, Eyferth, and Tizard studies

>> No.3461251


>> No.3461257

White people are the geniuses that brought them over here. This is your fault. Don't say "I didn't do it; don't judge me for what other whites did" because you're judging everyone in a race based on what some do. If you can do it, I'll do it. I'm not asking you to feel "white guilt; white guilt is bullshit.) I'm just saying you're judging a race for what some do so I'm judging you based on what slave owners did. You brought blacks here. It's your fault.

It's the *type* of people in these thread who are responsible for bringing them here. so why are you whining? If they somehow cause you problems or suffering, it was your type, your ancestors, and your people who brought them here. In essence, it was you. in essence, you did this to yourselves. It was the same mindset and mentality that you have right now.

Yeah, I lot of blacks are scumbag filth' same with whites. When did /b/ become a bunch of Stormfront shortdicks?

Of course you're the same type of people who are causing environmental problems that will adversely affect future Americans.

And so it will always go.

>> No.3461261
File: 302 KB, 478x360, 1358544104267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the name has any bearing on their argument

>> No.3461264

of course, replace /b/ with /lit/. that's a given.

>> No.3461276
File: 8 KB, 183x251, 1355695033091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty rich considering race deniers are the ones who think evolution stops above the neck.

>> No.3461280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3461286
File: 91 KB, 539x385, white guilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3461287

>Race denier

You sound like a holocaust believer

>> No.3461292
File: 544 KB, 2096x2784, 1357614054069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people brought them over here
You misspelled jews. The first slave owner in america was black. Less then .2% of white people in the united states are related to slave owners and no one has experienced slavery it was over 200 years ago yet they still use it as crutch. You know whonelse were slaves? Irish. They don't commit the majority of rapes and murderers in the united states blacks do yet we are just suppose to accept all the things they do white people out of something that no one here has expierenced and even less people had a hand in.

>> No.3461294

daily reminder what lincoln was returning slaves to africa (liberia) before support for the measure died after his assasination.

>> No.3461299
File: 5 KB, 320x180, Le skeptical Finkelstein face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying it didn't happen?

>> No.3461300

>the slave owner in america was black

stopped reading

>> No.3461304


how do you feel now? How does it feel that a black man started was the first to use slaves in north america while blacks today are still bitching about whites doing it?

>> No.3461305

race advocates have the flimsiest understanding of evolution and disregard the multitude of other factors that contribute to reported differences in IQ

>> No.3461309

the irish have their own country

>> No.3461310

o rly?

>> No.3461313

wow someone else links me to the same poor study

why do social sciences only count when they're used to prove race, i wonder?

>> No.3461315

You're a capitalist, no? who was driving the market? (who was purchasing the slaves?)

Ever wonder why african americans have names like Jackson, Johnson, Washinton, Jefferson and so on? Funny, those aren't Jewish names. But hur dur imma believe a graphic someone made over what I see everyday with my own fucking eyes.

>> No.3461318

who was the first to buy them?
A: a black man

>> No.3461321


>> No.3461322

why does the "first" have any relevance?

>> No.3461332


>> No.3461333

already noted in 'interpretation' chief

>> No.3461335

because they started the trend? Also notice how his name is Johnson btw.

>> No.3461338
File: 238 KB, 500x363, 1359436426203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can "interpret" it anyway you want the results speak for themselves.

>> No.3461341

being "first" doesn't mean a trend is started and it doesn't address the percentage of whites who owned slaves compared to blacks, which is a far more relevant stat to "the first"

>> No.3461342

Fucking amazon, no mentions of genre. Is this book fiction or some picked facts together?

>> No.3461344

i don't think you know what statistics are

>> No.3461347

I assume you posted that image because it applies to you.

>> No.3461356

Yes it does it might not have started if this african anothny johnson didn't buy white irish to be there slaves but i guess that doesn't matter to you? Its only bad when whites do it. There were hundreds of black slave owners often the most ruthless and often owned the most yet im supposed to feel guilty about something i and my ancestors had no part od any time I complain about blacks targeting whites as if it some how justifys it?

> inb4 black men rape white women to feed their families

>> No.3461360

hahahaha and he never would have been here in the first place if WHITES hadn't enslaved him. He was captured in Angola and held as a servant, so he was a slave. derrrrr. what was your argument again?

>> No.3461363

>Yes it does

no it fucking doesn't

prove to me that firsts start trends

>> No.3461368

you are right I guess, the whole north american slave trade never happened it was just Anthony johnson and then no one else.

>> No.3461370

He was the first slave owner in America. Whites never enslaved him ether slavery still exists in Africa. do you still think its racist whites? Do you not realize that blacks enslaved their own and sold them to international slave traders?

>> No.3461378

"Hey Guise, I have an idea. Let's take people from their homeland, bring them over here against their will make them work all day long for us in the fields, and treat them like people who are less than us so we can get rich!"

"Hey that's a great idea! This is genius! Nothing bad will happen. This will end well!"

- White people

>> No.3461386

Do even comprehend the political climate in west africa at the time? If you were a king with a fuckload of technologically advanced assholes demanding humans at the door, would you just allow them to raid your citzens? Or would you sell your undesireables and enemies while making a profit? Those were the only two options.

>> No.3461388

Yeah, so you're saying what? that whites aren't guilty?

Blacks did it, they're guilty
whites did it, they're not guilty?

what am I reading?

Just say "Yes, whites did enslave people. They are guilty." Stop being a weasel.

>> No.3461395

Why in the fuck didn't moot just let /new/ fester in its own shithole? He just had to blow the gates open and let them infest every board I go to? No sage, it doesn't matter.

>> No.3461399

We have given enough to blacks we fought a civil war for them in the deadliest war in US history,destroyed a nearly the entire southern region , drastically altered our constution, Drastically altered it again, destroyed our economy for the sake of them and "fairness". All while they commit the majority of murders and rapes and still call us evil and racist f or slavery. We have done enough time for reparations in the form of a way one ticket to the African country of their choice.

>> No.3461401

what the fuck are you talking about

prove to me he started a trend

>> No.3461402

no one should be guilty its happened over 2 centuries ago and we have paid ten fold see

>> No.3461405

>All while they commit the majority of murders and rapes

correction: they are convicted for the majority of murders and rapes

unless you have a crime detecting machine you can only go by convictions, which every sane person knows is simply who got blamed for the crime rather than who committed it

>> No.3461406

> first slave owner in NA
> didn't start the trend

>> No.3461409

you're not proving anything

did all the other would-be slave owners say "oh look at that black man owning slaves i better get in on the bandwagon"

>> No.3461410

There is nothing more pathetic than "white" "men" and their historical fictions.

>> No.3461411

yes its all racism blacks never do anything wrong. holy shit.

>> No.3461416
File: 45 KB, 672x364, 1358512514301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing more pathetic than "jewish" "men" and their historical fictions.

>> No.3461417

>Johnson was later sold to a white planter named Bennet to work on his Virginia tobacco farm as an indentured servant.

trend-setter indeed

>> No.3461419

Great job moor, it's finally happened. /b/ cancer everywhere, /pol/ cancer everywhere, /r9k/ cancer everywhere, /x/ cancer everywhere, and /v/ cancer everywhere. It's over, 4chan's finished.

>> No.3461420

i didn't say that you dichotomous motherfucker

shut up

>> No.3461439

Thats what its inevitably going to come too thats the only reason you made your post was to defend blacks and just say they got the blame cause thats raciss.

>> No.3461443

but see my argument is if (I don't know if you do this; hell, I'm guilty of it at times), but if you dislike blacks or judge blacks in general, then you are doing it because of what some blacks do. You are judging one person for what another person did. So YOU are guilty because someone in your race brought blacks over here in the first place.

How's it feel to be judge because someone in your race did something bad?

I explain it better in >>3461257

>> No.3461445

yes its all reverse racism whites never do anything wrong. holy shit.

see how much of a huge fucking waste of time the past exchange has been? you should have just shut up like i said

>> No.3461446

they do it all time even i ln this thread.might as well blame them for something they do today instead of 2 century old crimes.

>> No.3461450

Then we shouldn't care that some inventions were created by whites.

>> No.3461453

lisa needs autosage

>> No.3461454

exactly it doesn't matter its all about today. Yesterday is gone and never coming back.

>> No.3461456

How dumb can you be? The vast majority over crime (over 80%) is committed by repeat offenders, jut as the vast majority of crime is committed by gangs

>> No.3461458

If the KKK actually did anything it'd be on national news. The KKK is a bunch of old rednecks who are terrible people but most aren't criminals. The KKK also doesn't exist anymore, just a bunch of shitty off-shoots calling themselves it