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/lit/ - Literature

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3455557 No.3455557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

More like this?

>> No.3455561
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>> No.3455571

I m-meant his book

>> No.3455577

What does the first m in m-meant mean? What word is it abbreviating?

>> No.3455578


>> No.3455585


>> No.3455973
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He's sort of a crazy maniac though. Italian farmboy that got kicked out of school after a year and read guys like Stirner and Nietzsche by himself while working the land, became an individualist anarchist futurist dandy outlaw, wrote Ragnar Redbeard tier edgy Nietzschean Stirnerist half-poetic ramblings and joined an illegalist gang after contributing to a bunch of anarchist publications, lived by stealing from the rich and hiding out in the country side. Died in a shootout with the cops in his early thirties, found with a gun, hand granade and cyanide on his person. Did not give one single fuck. Practised what he preached, real hero, real human being.

>> No.3456138
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>> No.3456176

Reminds me of the blonde guy from Hellsing? Some animu where he wears a red coat.

>> No.3456189
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A fine thinker indeed.

>> No.3456236

Frederick Nietzschea

>> No.3456258


lelelel no, freddy is the antidote to that basement dweller's destructive philosophy

>> No.3456303

oh, it's you again...
protip: The reason Nietzsche never mentioned Stirner in his writing but only in private is:

a) Because he had actual counterarguments against Stirner's points


b) Because he didn't have any actual counterarguments to Stirner's points

>> No.3456306
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Why would Stirner be destructive? I find him rather cleansing.

>> No.3456405
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>> No.3456545

thank you

tip: you can't

>> No.3456552
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He looks like the nigga from the Trigun.

>> No.3456623

because he hurts people like stan's feelings

>> No.3457049


youre an exception, goatanon

protip: youre a fucking faggot protip shut the fuck up protip my assumptions start with stirner being 'right' and thus the antidote provided targets specifically this "rightness", so that we can life in the joyous 'wrong'


there is no "counterargument" to nihilism (the only thing left after the removal of hurrhrhr spooks and wheels in the head") thus there is no "right" and "wrong" here its a matter of whether you want to continue being a faggot or not


protip suck my balls, protip



>> No.3457079


Does stinger always lead to nihilisms?

>> No.3457087


yes. unlike the ironical outcome of only bert
camel(ingly) stumbling onto accidental nihilisms and babbys first assblood, stinger is specifically targeted at your rectum, prolapsing it tulip-like until youre nothing but a mass of pulsating anal meat, enjoy your depression

>> No.3457089


I really don't appreciate these images you put in my head. This should constitute a rule violation.

>> No.3457094



>not himself a fine example of the traditional jewish passtime of anti-rational or deconstructional philosophy (see, marx, spinoza, et all).

>> No.3457108


>appealing to /lit/'s janitor-pederasts
>unstapling my forked dick on gods green earth


thank you captain fucking obvious that has literally nothing to do with anything being said

>> No.3457120
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In a sense, yes. A certain form of nihilism at least, in the sense that he's very efficient at destroying his reader's preconceptions and values. I don't think anyone who has ever read Stirner and somewhat understood him has come away ideologically intact. Which explains some of the extreme butthurt of some of his critics.

Nihilism can be both life affirming and life denying though. I've lately started to become exceedingly good at what could be regarded as 'life affirming nihilism' in a sort of Novatorean satyrical way. It could be said that this is already the overcoming of nihilism, because nihilism, to the individual, is only problematic as far as it drags him downwards. Some might overcome nihilism by creating new structures and systems and ideals in some way, like our friend Stanford, some might overcome it be living joyously in the ruins, like I attempt to. Some might go all Kierkegaard in a sort of well thought out throwback to pre-nihilistic values. In the end what it all comes down to is find some way with dealing with it. Not evading it altogether though, if you ask me, having your ass handed to you by a case of the nihilisms at some point seems essential in a personal development kind of way.

>> No.3457145

Stirner imo is more of a stepping stone than a final destination, a cleansing of 'spooks' so that one can build themselves anew... He's essential, but not the goal.
You seem so upset though, why did reading Stirner make you depressed? It destroyed my depression.

>> No.3457156

>me being upset
>unsuckling my cunt from your mother's forehead

>> No.3457159
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>There will never be a slice-of-life anime based on the meetings of Die Freien

>> No.3457162


never been depressed and my posts arent targetted towards the procedural usage but rather towards the full embrace of such a vacuous life


good one, keep practicing

>> No.3457164
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Maximator was the only free one though.

>> No.3457167

I like you, stan. I fucked a 15 year old today and when I was showering afterwards I said to myself 'I'm awesome' and thought of you.

>> No.3457168

how does one kick opiate addiction without depression?

>> No.3457172

>tfw never fucked anything younger than sixteen and with age it becomes increasingly difficult, like letting go dangling from an ascending balloon

>> No.3457174
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>> No.3457177
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>Engles gives Stirner the picture he drew of him
>"I hope you like it Stirner-kun :3"
>Mfw Stirner acts tsundre as fuck

>> No.3457182

Travel to a foreign country. I met the girl on ruzzle and watched anime with her for a month while I waited for her to come down (she's visiting her grandmother)

>> No.3457183


YA GOT ME!111!!!

>> No.3457184

In which direction, OP? There have been a lot of people and movements inspired by Stirner, but in a lot of different ways. He's like the Socrates of modern edginess.

>> No.3457191

Any of the ways except for politics, because I could give a fuck. This is OP and I'm still here, btw.

>> No.3457204
File: 31 KB, 550x450, hhhehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how you want me to interpret that exactly in relation to my message, Anon.

>> No.3457207

william godwin

>> No.3457210

Already familiar with Benjamin Tucker and James L. Walker I suppose?

>> No.3457214

>google him

>> No.3457226

Just Benjamin Tucker, thanks for the recs!
Meant to thank you, I'm reading some of this guys stuff and he's awesome. Appreciate it.

>> No.3457233
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why do you think everyone is out to get you, anon-kun?

>> No.3457234
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Seriously. If I had a grip on the moderation I would picrelated stan back to hell.

>> No.3457252
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You're twice welcome, since I'm both. If you're interested in illegalism you might want to read up on the Bonnot gang, fascinating bunch they were. Also perhaps Bruno Filippi who was Novatore's bro, but I haven't read him myself yet.

In a way, the Marquis de Sade could be said to be somewhat related to Stirner as well, since he was fond of breaking down preconceptions and morality and the like, albeit in a different way. Even Diogenes and the Cynics could be mentioned. They mocked a lot of things and ideas as being "tuphos", meaning fog/mist/smoke as clouding the judgement of his contemporaries, not unlike Stirner's "muh spooks".

I guess you could also get into modern post-left anarchism and the like, but I'm not very well versed in that, although things like work refusal and such interest me.

>> No.3457255


reading more than one and a half sentences on wikipedia might help you there, just a thought?

here, i'll even help you with the next clause in the second sentence

'and the first modern proponent of anarchism'

there are difference sure, but if you have any interest in the development of individualist anarchism then godwin is a necessary read, hell, anarchism in general

>> No.3457260
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I-I'm not. I'm just genuinely at loss for an obvious and proper and thorough and fitting and useful and satisfying interpretation. I think I will sleep on it.

>> No.3457348

Thanks for all the help and recs, hadn't heard of the Bonnot Gang or Filippi, reading about them now. Got Filippi's stuff from that anarchist library site

>> No.3457417
File: 44 KB, 220x339, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want to make a new thread, what book does /lit/ or the helpful goat anon or stan recommend for Diogenes of Sinope?

>> No.3457451

I'm on my phone and nearly asleep, but you should check the archives for my Mediafire with Cynic stuff. It had a howto.txt as well. If you can't find it I'll post it when I get up or something.

>> No.3457479

Was it http://www.mediafire.com/?926ua9fm5du ?

>> No.3457496

That's a friend's. This is the neat version: http://www.mediafire.com/?926ua9fm5du

Enjoy and goodnight.

>> No.3457501

Fuck everything, I mean this: http://www.mediafire.com/?zp2ppnxj28c

>> No.3457511

Bookmarked. Thanks. You're truly a swell guy. Goodnight!

>> No.3457873

thanks for this

>> No.3458409

My pleasure. I've also uploaded the mobi conversions of the Novatore epubs from the anarchist library for those with a Kindle:


>> No.3460502

he's definitely destructive, but in the positive way imo