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/lit/ - Literature

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3452386 No.3452386 [Reply] [Original]

What colleges have the best undergraduate English/writing programs in the US?

Is it better to major in English and then maybe seek out a graduate degree in writing? If you major in something that's unrelated to English can you still apply to a graduate program for writing?

I'm well aware that there are many English majors on this board and I'd like some advice or even stories related to the topic.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.3452392

I'll have a double espresso and a blueberry muffin to go pl0x

>> No.3452403
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>can't spell expresso

>> No.3452406

Don't do journalism; do English, but make sure you do well. If you get a 1st (the US equivalent of which is a 4.0 GPA), you should be viable for internships or direct hiring. I don't see why you wouldn't be. Ignoring what >>3452392 said, you'll be fine, as long as you have perfect/ near-perfect grades.

>> No.3452407

Writing can't be taught and everyone knows it. A degree in writing will be 4 years of wasted tuition at an institute that will do little more to the development of your work than clap twice and say "good work."

Worse, everyone will know that, also. A writing degree is one of the most demystified degrees there is.

>> No.3452411

Is that a joke, or are you retarded?

>> No.3452417

Assuming you mean creative writing, then no, your undergrad major doesn't matter for graduate studies--all that matters for graduate programs is your portfolio. If you're the next Nabokov, they won't care that you studied mechanical engineering, and if you're the next Tao Lin they won't take you no matter how much you know about Elizabethan drama.

Major in English because you want to major in English. Lots of places will let you double major with creative writing anyway.

>> No.3452421

Pretty much this. Your degree title doesn't matter as long as you have latent ability and stellar marks.

>> No.3452424

Joke is on you buddy.

>> No.3452431

Aside from the stereotypical fast-food employee and something in the publishing industry, what other types of jobs can you get with good grades and an English major?

>> No.3452441

Marketing/ business/ computing if you do a 1-year graduate course/ editing/ teaching/ archiving/ writing technical manuals

Lots of shit.

>> No.3452453

The main reason people say English grads don't get good jobs, is because most of them are fucking lazy as shit. The same applies to pretty much every degree ever. This is why Oxbridge graduates almost all have very good jobs - they are astute and passionate.

>> No.3452457
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I got a job as a pharmacy technician in a hospital

£18,000 per year.

I recently became qualified. i spent two years on day release to my local college (it was like being back in highschool).

>> No.3452460

Actually it's because they have friends who can give them jobs

>> No.3452463

>high school


>> No.3452466

Nepotism isn't really a thing these days, considering Oxbridge actively avoids independent schools.

>> No.3452471


>> No.3452473

>Oxbridge actively avoids independent schools
Doesn't follow. Also, private/public/independent school students are still the majority there.

>> No.3452478

They tried to get more state school kids in because they were being accused of elitism. I should know; I got rejected with A*A*A*A*

>> No.3452481
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>Nepotism isn't really a thing these days
>mfw he thinks we live in a meritocracy

>> No.3452484

I meant specifically in that context.

>> No.3452490

yeah... state school kids outnumber eton faggots at oxbridge.

>> No.3452493

>I should know; I got rejected with A*A*A*A*
Yeah, I'm not surprised that's what lies behind your poor reasoning.

>> No.3452497

best undergrad English program last time I checked was a tie between UC Berkeley and Harvard.

>> No.3452501

To be fair, it goes both ways. I remember reading an article about how they were instantly binning all pharmacology MSc applications that came from non-RG unis.

>> No.3452507

>I should know; I got rejected with A*A*A*A*

I knew a guy who got a rejection from oxford even though he got four a*.
he wrote a poem for his ucas personal statement.
I shit you not
is your name Tim by any chance?

>> No.3452511

No, it's not. I didn't write a poem, but it was a (I thought) subtle Woolf pastiche. I didn't even get to interview. I actually ended up getting 4 rejections.

>> No.3452514

I wouldn't pay any attention to crap like that. Pure sensationalism.

>> No.3452517

Ive heard Kenyan (I think thats how it spelled, its in Ohio I think) and UCI have good creative writing departments.

>> No.3452522
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>> No.3452523

>I actually ended up getting 4 rejections.
Oh dear god...

>> No.3452529

Y-you don't have to rub it in.

>> No.3452575

Any thoughts on NYU or Cornell?

>> No.3452583

How would we even gauge that? What great writers held writing degrees?

>> No.3452588

I've heard good things about Cornell.

>> No.3452605

Oh, you've heared good things about an Ivy League college?

>> No.3452661

Tao Lin went to NYU and he's the greatest 21st century writer, so it must be good.

>> No.3452667

Get the fuck out.

>> No.3452686

Suddenly, I like NYU.

>> No.3452704

Where does /lit/ go to college?

>> No.3452708

Liverpool Uni.

>> No.3452748


unless your personal statement was complete shit or you applied to medicine, you should be mad

>> No.3452752

Community College of Rhode Island

>> No.3452755

Did you fuck up in high school or did you start late?

>> No.3452761

Fucked up in high school and couldn't get anyone to cosign my loans. I only could have managed University of Rhode Island which is a nationally renowned party school and locally renowned to be shit.

>> No.3452781


if later in life you plan on dealing with people who are more impressed with credentials than actual talent, you are probably correct

people who are genuinely interested in learning the craft rather than impressing strangers know the University of Iowa has the very best writing program in the US.

>> No.3452795

Is that actually true or are you shitting me? Also is it really worth spending 3-4 years in Iowa?

>> No.3452804

This isn't true. UI was the first to pioneer a writing program, but it's far from being the best.

>> No.3452805

Iowa is a happening place now.

>> No.3452811


writing is mostly a solitary endeavor, iowa is as good as any other place

dont take my word for it, here's a link to their website, read it (seek out a few reviews, too), decide for yourself


>> No.3452813


You don't go to college to become a writer.
You get the opportunity to mix with other young, enthusiastic "writers" and you get a lot of spare time to spend on writing..... but the actual course content is throwaway

>> No.3452819


>> No.3452821


Difference between UoI and places like NYU and Harvard and Cornell is that, when it comes to admissions, the UoI admission board selects students based on their talent as writers. It doesn't matter if you're daddy went there, legacy means bupkis. Plan on playing the race card during admission, seeking special treatment based on your ethnicity ? Unlike the East Coast schools, none of those things mean anything at all at UoI.

>> No.3452835

Durham alumni

>> No.3452857

Not that guy, but that's definitely the reputation Iowa has. We get told to aim for Iowa all the way over here in Australia. It has global reach.

>> No.3452866

I got a BA in English at NYU, and I don't know how it stacks up to other schools, but I had a lot of excellent and knowledgable professors. No complaints about the program.

Also, if you're interested in creative writing, NYU has a lot of distinguished faculty in that department, though they only offer creative writing as a minor. On of my friends was in Zadie Smith's class, which you can't say for many other universities.

>> No.3454146


i went to NYU, too.

well done, anon. i'm proud of you.

>> No.3454170

A lot of great writers went to U of Iowa.
I've also heard good things about UMich's program.

>> No.3454178

ITT: Bunch of idiots

>> No.3454181


Paying full price for a half-rate education.

>> No.3454262

High school and the pound sterling don't jive, baby.

>> No.3454264

The meritocracy is nepotism nowadays.

>> No.3454271

NYU is ludicrously overpriced (you're just paying to be able to say you did it all at 18), but I would have fucking killed someone who signed up for her class just to get a seat.

From what I gathered when she spoke at my city's library, though, she teaches a kind of run-of-the-mill English class like DFW did.

It would have been fun to take Shtyengart's class too (does he still teach there?).

>> No.3454275

It really doesn't matter where you go to college outside of networking and job potential. If you just want to go to college to get an english education in literature/grammar, it's more about what you do as a student than the program itself. You'll learn the same shit no matter where you go, it's about learning to interpret and figure things out yourself, something that can be self taught.

>> No.3454279
File: 61 KB, 600x853, isdisniggasrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+F Arizona State University
>0 results

For shame, /lit/.

>> No.3454283

really? fucking dipshit

>> No.3454306

There are a lot of small liberal arts colleges that focus on writing. Sarah Lawrence, Swarthmore (this one's very selective), Reed, and St. John's are some that come to mind. As for the best, I'm not sure.

>> No.3454327

I'm finishing my 4th year at University of Toronto. I have to say, if I wasn't offered two jobs by my school, I don't think I would have finished university.

>> No.3454352

lol, you're supposed to get into columbia and party with the nyu kids on the weekend