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/lit/ - Literature

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3451997 No.3451997 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite protagonist in literature is now being played by your favorite actor.

How bad does it look?

>Yossarian (Catch 22)
>Christopher Walken

>> No.3452010

>Bill Murray

Somebody fund this

>> No.3452019

holy shit apart from an accent this would work.

>> No.3452021

>Bruce Lee
So we've got a martial arts legend playing a fat little tinkering pilot. I don't even know.

>> No.3452025

>Billy Pilgrim
>Nicholas Cage


Walken as Yossarian:

So... what you're telling me, is, that: in order to be grounded... I've got to be crazy... and I must... be crazy... to keep flying. But, if I ask to be grounded, that means I'm not crazy any more... and I have to keep flying.

>> No.3452035
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>Crispin Glover

And this literally already happened.

>> No.3452040

>Draco Malfoy
>Sylvester Stallone

Lol, one of the few Harry Potter movies I would watch

>> No.3452042

>Danny DeVito

Wow, this thread is stupid bullshit.

>> No.3452044
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I'm not too sure about this. As Bill Murray managed to royally fuck up Hunter S. Thompson, I'm not sure he can be trusted with Yossarian.

>> No.3452045

> The Underground Man
> Clint Eastwood

Sure he's a hikkikimori but he's determined as hell while he does it.

>> No.3452046

>Meursault from The Stranger

>Christopher Walken

I can't decide if it would be the greatest or worst movie of all time.

>> No.3452047


>> No.3452049

>draco malfoy

>> No.3452054

>tfw no favorite actor

>> No.3452059

>Haley Joel Osment
>Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Come out tao I want to fund this and then watch it

>> No.3452061

Seriously imagine him doing that squint-

At a brick wall while he contemplates his meaningless life.

>> No.3452068

the greatest, he would reach Nicholas Cage status of hilarity with a movie like that.

Just imagine the execution scene

>> No.3452069

I think Christopher Hitchens would have made a perfect Humbert Humbert.

>> No.3452070


>> No.3452073

>Humbert Humbert (Lolita)
>Hugh Grant

>> No.3452075

Who would be Dakota Fanning?

>> No.3452076

I heard he likes 'em young anyways.

>> No.3452086
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>> No.3452094

I tried so hard to read Catch 22, but I just couldn't...

>> No.3452101


>> No.3452100
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>Ransom, C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy
>Liam Neeson

>> No.3452102

>Henry V
>Arnold Schwarzenegger

very, very, good

>> No.3452105

Is a protagonist a main character? Sorry. Harry Potter isn't my favorite protagonist, I'm not that sad! I really like Edmond Dantes.

>> No.3452106

I agree. I read the first half of the book, and I enjoyed it but I just couldn't keep reading it.
The humor is great, but the pacing is incredibly slow and I began to wonder when I would stop reading a stand up comedy act.

>> No.3452107

Oh jesus, the comma splice.

>> No.3452109

Harry Haller and an old guy from Hollywood which I can't remember the name. Help me, /lit/

>> No.3452113

He was a great Hunter Thompson, you shut your mouth.

>> No.3452121

>Joaquin Phoenix

fund it

>> No.3452127
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>> No.3452134

>i can't remember my favorite actor's name, help

Top-notch posters today on /lit/.

>> No.3452170

>Lucifer (Paradise Lost)
>Arnold Schwarzenegger

This is, perhaps, the worst thing ever.

>> No.3452190

Arnold shwarzenegger was in the movie Armageddon and he got possessed by satan for a couple seconds, so yeah. Your wish has come true.

>> No.3452199
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>Billy Beane
>Brad Pitt

Oh wait..

>> No.3452206

Fuck Lucifer in Paradise Lost was a TOTAL badass.

But someone with such good taste in a protagonists is obviously choosing Schwarzenegger to make the combination funnier.

I mean, he isn't really your favorite actor, is he?

>> No.3452220

I have yet to be disappointed by a Schwarzenegger movie, thus I've deemed him my favorite actor. Besides, I look for different things from books and film, so the disparity in preferences shouldn't be too inconceivable.

>> No.3452225

> Yossarian
> Charlie Chaplin

I am totally funding this.

>> No.3452235

>Winston Smith
>Bryan Cranston

Eh. Bryan Cranston would do an amazing job, as he does in all his roles, but I'm not quite sure his appearance would fit.

>> No.3452237

Ivan Karamazov and devil
Anatoly Alekseyevich Solonitsyn

Yay for obscure Russians /lit/ won't know.

>> No.3452248

>obscure Russian lit

pls go

>> No.3452253
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Sherlorck Holmes by Christopher Loyd.

Not bat at all.

>> No.3452254

What was Solonitsyn in? Without googling?

>> No.3452260

Humbert Humbert
John Malkovich

>> No.3452261 [DELETED] 

You're no patrician /tv/ faggot you nigger.

>> No.3452274

Oh gee, I wish I knew of such unknown works as Stalker or Solaris.

>> No.3452280

Don Quixote
Anthony Hopkins


>> No.3452293


>> No.3452297

common knowledge.

>> No.3452300

>serge a storms
>edward norton

it looks bad.

>> No.3452369
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> Stoner
> Jake Gyllenhaal

could work, but too handsome

>> No.3452376

>John Goodman

Eh, I could see it work.

>> No.3452462

>Shmendrick the Magician

>Charlie Day

A Million Times YES!

>> No.3452480

this could work...

>> No.3452485

I've actually always thought that Walken would make a great Don Quixote.

>> No.3452486
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David Duchovny is Charles Bukowski


>> No.3452499
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>> No.3452500

>the judge (Blood Meridian)
>Kevin Spacy

>> No.3452512

The mere idea made me laugh out loud.

>> No.3452543

Ferdinand Bardamu
David Thewlis

20/10 would watch multiple times per year for the rest of my life

>> No.3452554

Al Pacino.

I think it would work. Honestly, I do.

>> No.3452553

Humbert Humbert

Could work.

>> No.3452568

>Howard Roark
>David Hayter

inb4 voice actors don't count

This...could be interesting. Maybe. Sorta.

>> No.3452569

And tonight, the role of Don Gately will be played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

Doesn't fit very well.

>> No.3452697

>Edmond Dant?s
>Nathan Fillion


>> No.3452736

Gotta love Arnold!

>> No.3452739

Good lord can you imagine the casting out the money changers scene?

>> No.3452759


>hrhrhr bert camels and the arab
>helen mirren

>salamano's dog
>the gladiator


>> No.3452767



>> No.3452792

Fuck off Stan.

>> No.3452810

>Toni morrison's Beloved
>danny glover as succubus
>daniel day lewis as post structuralism
>camus "shut the fuck up bert camels" camus cameos as retarded dead frog with full body cast
>faggot playing himself

>> No.3452822

thus spoke zarathustra
paul giamatti

>> No.3452867

Back to /tv/ with this shite.

>> No.3452868

>Patrick Bateman
>Christian Bale

>> No.3452928


If only

>> No.3453096
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>Stephen Daedalus
>Song Kang-Ho

"I just don't feel like Ireland is right for me..."

>> No.3453275

Robert De Niro

Oh Christ what!?

>> No.3453297

>Ian McKellen
Mr Wednesday
>Brian Blessed
Aureliano, Aureliano, Aureliano and Aureliano [times seventeen]
>Special FX'd Antonio Banderas
Remedios the Beauty
>Kristen Bell, but she'd never nude up. They'd probably phone it in with Monica Belluci.
The Judge
>John Goodman
The Kid
>Classic Paul Dano

Also Patrick Bateman played by DDL because I want to see what happens when DDL method acts a serial killer.

>> No.3453314

Johnny Depp is.... Captain Ahab.

Looks good man.

>> No.3453318

He has to get through playing every beat author first before he gets to the classics, you pleb.

Also, Depp is old as fuck. There are pictures of him hanging out with Bukowski and Burroughs and Kerouac and everyone. Hunter S Thompson killing himself must have sucked, all his friends are dead.

>> No.3453323


>> No.3453328

So what's your excuse?

>> No.3453334

>all his friends are dead.
Nope. Shane MacGowan is immortal.

>> No.3453340

Morgaine of The Mists of Avalon played by Ewan McGregor.
Oh dear.

>> No.3453341

Normally I'd be outraged, but your plebeian behavior must have gone full circle, because I just feel fussy inside.

>> No.3453346
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>Also, Depp is old as fuck.
He's 49, but he still looks hot.

>> No.3453348

>Robert Jordan
>Christoph Waltz

Would watch/10

>> No.3453349

Christopher Hitchens isn't an actor.

>> No.3453351
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Actor: DD Lewis.
Protagonist: Sherlock Holmes


>> No.3453357

You actually are very sad if you hang on a literature board without knowing what a protagonist is

>> No.3453385

I've never encountered a voice actor whom I felt had a particularly strong signature in his/her acting, making it much less interesting to cast them in a peculiar role

>> No.3453398
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>Humbert Humbert
not bad

>> No.3453402
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Not nearly my favourite actor, but imagine Michael Cera as Jesus.

Actually, scratch that. Imagine him playing any literary character that isn't an autist. Fuck I would pay to see that.

>> No.3453413

Emma Bovary played by John Malkovich.

Well, I can see it done.

>> No.3453423

I for one think Nicholas Cage would make a very lovely Jesus.

>> No.3453427

Harry Potter

played by Johnny Depp

>> No.3453434

You guys know that the Bible can't be a novel AND the word of god, right?

>> No.3453436

why not? Maybe god's a really good author

>> No.3453441

>Marco Stanley Fogg, in Moon Palace
>Joseph Gordon-Levitt


>> No.3453449

So god wrote a fictional story about himself?

>> No.3453462

>John Self (Money: A Suicide Note)
>Bill Murray

It could work. If he could do a good Midlantic accent.

>> No.3453482

You read that wrong.

>> No.3453488

>Jean Reno
>Harry Haller

I like it

>> No.3453496

>William Stoner
>Simon Pegg

It just might work.

>> No.3453501
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>Alexy Fyodorovitch Karamazov
>Bruce Campbell
umm.... I think id like to see it.

>> No.3453545

>Klaus Kinski

It'd be bad but I'd have to see it

>> No.3453651


>> No.3453661

Neil Gaiman's Sandman

Shit. I don't actually have a favorite actor anymore. Fuck it. Let's go with Timothy Dalton.

>> No.3453682
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>Raoul Duke
>Johnny Depp
Well, fuck.

>> No.3453684

Stephen Dedalus
Jack Nicholson

Would watch.

>> No.3453688

>Tess Durbeyfield
>Stephen Fry

It's not like he hasn't been a woman before?

>> No.3453738

are you me/my future spouse

>> No.3453742

>Stephen Dedalus
>Samuel L. Jackson
"Gettin' rreeeaalll mothafuckin tired of yo shit, Buck"

>> No.3453760

>Private Tamura (Fires on the Plain)
>George Takei
Sounds good to me.

>> No.3453764

>Hannah Baker
>Ian McKellen

I... um... I... what... the... I...


>> No.3453766

You, my friend, are a sir for reminding me of this.

>> No.3453785

Pip from Great Expectations.

Elijah Wood.

Yes, indeed.

>> No.3453793

>Frodo Baggins
>Steve Buscemi

Come on, quit fuckin' around here, are we gonna get this ring to Mordor or what?

>> No.3453796


Daniel Day Lewis is the only living actor who could play Ahab.

And he should play him in the adaptation of Moby Dick directed by Peter Jackson.

>> No.3453814
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Jokes on you, this already exists.

>> No.3453848

>Howard Roark
>Bill Murray
i don't even know how the fuck that would go down..

>> No.3453895

funny enough this is exactly what I imagined he'd look like.

>> No.3454535

>Davos Seaworth
>Jean Reno

Well to be honest he doesn't look all that different. I can dig the accent though.

>> No.3454591

My favorite protagonist in a book is Cinder, and I don't have a favorite actress...
So looks like Cinder is being played by Edward Norton.
Screw it, I'd still pay to see it.

>> No.3454617

>Humbert Humbert
>Philip Seymour Hoffman

He would honestly suit it, he played a good maybe pedo in Doubt.

>> No.3454656

No, it was End of Days. Armaeddon is where they go blow up an Asteroid and Steve Buscemi goes all space crazy.

>> No.3454672

>Also Patrick Bateman played by DDL because I want to see what happens when DDL method acts a serial killer.

This. A thousand, MILLION, times this.

>> No.3454676

Roland DesChaines (The Dark Tower series)
Daniel Day Lewis

I wonder who would play a good Randall Flagg, though?

>> No.3454860
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Long John Silver

Daniel Day Lewis.

I'd watch it.

>> No.3454882

Eric Wareheim

Great job.

>> No.3454914

>Viggo Mortensen


>> No.3454982

You should try to broaden your horizons a bit.

>> No.3454980

>antoine roquentin (nausea)
>philip seymour hoffman
i'm boring as fuck.

>> No.3454986

are you fucking kidding? That would PERFECT

>> No.3455065

How's that? I love Viggo in every film I've seen him in, he's awesome. And I read LOTR when I was 8 years old. Glorious casting for a glorious role.

>> No.3455098
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>Raoul Duke
>Tilda Swinton

>> No.3455442

Patrick Stewart did it pretty well.

>> No.3458061

Depends. Are you a chick? Because I'm a dude.

>> No.3458113

Don Quixote
Harpo Marx

Well, it might half work. The essential verbal bluster is the other half, obviously.

>> No.3458151
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>Nathan Fillion

Seems ok, but I think fellow Firefly alum Ron Glass would bring more gravitas to the voice of everybody's favorite telepathic gorilla.

>> No.3458213

im going to disregard OP's guidelines because im an innovator and do my favorite secondary character instead of a protagonist.

>Stubb (Moby Dick)
>Will Ferrel

>> No.3458218

>Harry Haller
>Daniel Day Lewis

mite b cool

>> No.3458267

Woody Allen as the narrator in Cat's Cradle.
I feel like this would end up being just a slightly more downbeat version of Bananas.

>> No.3458294

>Humbert Humbert
>Lucy Liu (who's man enough)

What the fuck would this even...

>> No.3458376

das racist

>> No.3458439
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>Alex from clockwork orange
>Nathan Fillion

>> No.3458442

>Behemoth the Cat
>Cary Grant

No. Just no.

>> No.3458475

We already have a great Yossarian called Hawkeye, played by Alan Alda.

>> No.3458498
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>Lord Henry Wotton
>Denzel Washington

Holy shit, do want.

>> No.3458512
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>Jason Statham
>Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin

pls make it happen :3

>> No.3458677

Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Dr. Bernard Rieux

>> No.3458687

Edward Norton is Bilbo Baggins.

>> No.3458789

>narrator from fight club
>edward norton

>> No.3459046
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>Philip Marlowe played by Russell Crowe

I can dig it.

>> No.3459096

bogie 4 life fget

>> No.3459130

Charles Marlow by young Robert DeNiro.

And DeNiro also does Kurtz

>> No.3459133

Nietzsche by Alan Rickman

>> No.3459139

>Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov
>Clint Eastwood

>> No.3459141

Antonio Banderas as every iteration as Aureliano Buendía.

>> No.3459165

Um, I can't into favourites, but....
Olympia Binewski as Natalie Portman?
>Nat is too pretty and too tall. So is Chloe.

>> No.3459186

>Liu Bei
>Morgan Freeman


>> No.3459216

Geoffrey Firmin
Oliver Reed

>> No.3459236

>Anna Karenina
>someone with tits...because Keira isn't quite working

>> No.3459618

>Kyle MacLachlan
Maybe, just mabe, it could have worked.

>> No.3459876

that would be really interesting actually, but it would turn the book more into an action movie with jason statham doing karate fight scenes on caucasians and russian officers

>> No.3459906
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>Ford Perfect
>Liam Neeson

>> No.3460188
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I was actually pleasantly surprised at how well Mos Def carried off that role in the most recent film. He hit just the right balance of goofy and suave, IMO. Def is actually the mental image I have of Ford Prefect now.