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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 600x600, 1351056326397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3450357 No.3450357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Watch as an ivory tower /lit/ poster gets her shit handed to her by someone who lives in the real world.

>> No.3450392

Why do they speak in such a funny way?

>> No.3450391

sort of seems like everyone's an asshole

>> No.3450398

Didn't bother watching because you posted a picture that implies what's going on in logic when it in fact isn't, yet shows a baffled woman and the words "men logic," all of which implies that the picture has something to do with logic, that the logic is male or utilized exclusively by males, that a woman could not understand it, and that you are a reputable source for comedy, when that is clearly not the case.

>> No.3450401

This was just a thread on /v/, they are both cunts, especially Starkey
Private schooling in this country does funny things to you

>> No.3450434

soooooooooo funny guys omg xD

>> No.3450439
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>> No.3450448

LOL- is there a female targeted version of U MAD BRO? (aside from tits or gtfo)

>> No.3450454

stop digging

>> No.3450459

I miss when you could love literature and not be associated with leftist filth

>> No.3450466

Literature is, always has been, and always will be, leftist filth. That's why fascists kill the literate first.

>> No.3450468

Christ, that girl is annoying.

>> No.3450469

u avin a laff m8?

>> No.3450474

>mfw this guy is from the lse
real enlightened

>> No.3450523
File: 65 KB, 566x480, 1357152940291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... are you twelve?

>> No.3450535

The old dude seems more like a /lit/ poster than the chick.

>> No.3450541

Mathematics is a form a logic. But I agree with everyone else you imply in your post.

>> No.3450548

>Doesn't understand irony.

>> No.3450569

>starts shit
>plays the victim when repercussions rain on her head

Oh, women.

>> No.3450573

>mentions Doctor Who in a panel
Any credibility she might have is obliterated.

>> No.3450576

How do I get invited to debates and shit? This 25 year old cunt gets to blab away and get events cancelled.

>> No.3450602


That video is insanely full of derp. Is this a BNP debate?

I have it paused at 2:39 now. Is there anything worth while here, or is the old dude just going to continue lambasting the young girl for not being charitable enough?

>> No.3450603
File: 158 KB, 256x302, australian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3450612

there's finger-jabbing...
The first 2-and-a-half minutes are representative.

>> No.3450613

so this thread is basically >>>/pol/

>> No.3450619

She whines and plays the victim thereafter.

>> No.3450623
File: 9 KB, 300x330, mandc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bitch would probably get the Descartes though, as long as she keeps her mouth shut.
Here's her blog.


>> No.3450626

the OP's picture should be a major tip-off.
(why wasn't I saging before?)

>> No.3450632
File: 80 KB, 492x559, this is op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the insane amount of ad hominem just directed her way, I'm not surprised.

>debate on 'britishness'
>just by conceding that this is a meaningful debate, you've already lost
>debaters hurl ad hominems at one another, as britsh=good person, and whoever is the best person is the most british.

>> No.3450635

Laurie Penny, 26, journalist, author, feminist, troublemaker, utopian. Contributing Editor at The New Statesman, writer for The Guardian, Vice Magazine, The Independent, The Nation, Salon and many others. Author of Meat Market (Zer0 Books, April 2011), Penny Red (Pluto Press, October 2011) and Discordia (Random House, 2012, with Molly Crabapple).

She has three published books. Fuck.

>> No.3450640
File: 48 KB, 270x408, cover_Meat-Market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laurie Penny
>Meat Market: Female Flesh under capitalism.

Jesus fucking wept.

>> No.3450653

did that dude just pour himself a huge wineglass full of vodka?

>> No.3450657

Might as well celebrate after all of that pointing.

>> No.3450659
File: 958 KB, 489x750, tumblr_m9mmd02tb41qzocfyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"DISCORDIA is a feminist-art-gonzo-journalism project conceived at Occupy Wall Street and created in the summer of debt and doubt"

"In particular the art-journalism collaborations of Hunter Thompson and Ralph Steadman, but reworking that tradition for a 21st century world where young women must still fight at every turn to be taken seriously."

>> No.3450665

This is an old long battle between these two. I personally can't fucking stand either of them.

>> No.3450664

That super-hyphenated word in the first sentence makes me feel profoundly tired.

>> No.3450666

>obnoxious guy gets stomped in a debate

>obnoxious girl gets stomped in a debate

>> No.3450669

As sympathetic as I am to feminism and Leftist politics in general, I think Laurie Penny is an awful person, and a retard to boot.

The left really needs to get its working class intellectuals back and kick the Laurie Pennys and Owen Joneses out on their ear.

>> No.3450672


only one person said that

>> No.3450674

>I think Laurie Penny is an awful person
She's not that bad:


But then I've got a serious hard-on for feminists. They're like my particular fetish.

>> No.3450676


When this is (and has been) posted on /pol/ and /r9k/, it's the exceptions that don't say it.

>> No.3450677

I watched that a few minutes ago, there's nothing impressive about it.

>> No.3450680


You made your point earlier, no need to samefag.

>> No.3450681


I'll take Louise Ubermensch anyday, thanks.

>> No.3450682

I thought English private schools had standards. Why is she a student there.

>> No.3450684


Because being school smart =/= being worldly smart.

>> No.3450687

>Vice Magazine

why am i not surprised

>> No.3450686


Because mummy and daddy are loaded, and she's another champagne socialist.

>> No.3450690

I don't mean just standards in intelligence, but also how students dress and behave themselves. She looks like she's from some shitty art college in the provinces.

>> No.3450692


This is how British Yahs dress now, like trendy metrosexual twats.

>> No.3450693


I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.
If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.
Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.
The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board.
The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.
I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.3450696
File: 15 KB, 450x450, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3450697

Vice is the only decent thing on that list.

>> No.3450698

Fuck off back to >>>/jp/

>> No.3450702


You have to understand Japanese culture in order to understand sage. The Japanese people are a very pathetic people.

In Japan, it is common for a person to feel "unworthy" when posting in a thread and they feel that they don't deserve the right to bump a thread to page 0.

It's all very pathetic and that degree of low self-esteem is just something that the far more confident and charismatic western mind is not capable of understanding.

>> No.3450707

>a feminist-art-gonzo-journalism project conceived at Occupy Wall StreeT

Why do these people exist. Why do people take them seriously. What the fuck world.

>> No.3450709

They'll reap what they've sewn soon enough.

>> No.3450710
File: 17 KB, 388x255, 500full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, limp-wrist, occasionally champagne-drenched liberalness, but you can't say The Guardian is beneath Vice.

I liked Vice's travel guides but they're writing on the whole turns the snark factor well past tolerable. For some reason I find Vice's UK site more readable than the US one, which is like Tao Lin-lite.

>> No.3450715

>The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me

Because it can be and is used in that way. Are you fucking dense, you goddamn retard? It doesn't matter what the fuck its original use is. We can use it however we like.

Posting all that garbage makes you look weeaboo autist as fuck.

>> No.3450716

It's practically world news for disillusioned and detached 20 somethings.

>> No.3450721

I don't understand why this video is such a big deal. So she's a bit shaken up after Starkey repeatedly and aggressively jabs his finger in her face, who cares? If the accusations made against her are true, then yes, she's a bit of a hypocrite, and maybe she's a little annoying, but David Starkey most certainly is a racist prick... One inarticulate feminist doesn't change that or discredit feminism or leftists.

The comments underneath the video are more annoying than Penny Red is in the video itself.

>> No.3450723

More like overprivileged hipsters who haven't worked a day in their lives entertaining others like them. It's shit.

>> No.3450725

They are true. She admitted it.

>> No.3450726

>David Starkey most certainly is a racist prick


>> No.3450732


Can you read and think at the same time?

>> No.3450731

Most things David Starkey says, this is common knowledge

>> No.3450728

>somebody truly disillusioned
>turning to vice

>> No.3450729


My tumblr blog.

>> No.3450735


Of course I can, but my definition of "racist" isn't "someone who hurts my feelings"

>> No.3450737


Fine, she's a hypocrite. I really don't give a shit either way. She's not a particularly interesting leftist to me.

>> No.3450741

His comments after the London Riots is the easy to find example. You'd think someone who gets paid to pretend to be a historian would know more about maintaining image. He's also been very sexist about female historians in the past.

>> No.3450742


What? Read his words, listen to what he says. He's clearly a racist. I can't link you to him admitting he's a racist, sorry.

>> No.3450743

If you don't know or care, why comment at all. Just fuck off pleb.

>> No.3450746


You seem like a really smart person.

>> No.3450750

They were pointing out how this video is of little importance either way, which is true. Neither speaker represents much outside of themselves

>> No.3450752

I am. I'm the person who just corrected you, because, unlike you, I can actually pay attention to a 6 minute video.

>> No.3450754

if you go to university in america you'll see this type of woman everywhere, sadly

>> No.3450758


You didn't correct me...? I never defended her or claimed she wasn't a hypocrite. I think some things are going over your head here.

>> No.3450757

David Starkey is a beacon of light in the leftist shithole that is Britain

>> No.3450755


I think you're confused. It doesn't matter to me if she's a hypocrite or even an absolute idiot. I'm not defending her.

>> No.3450756

Coming from a leftist. Is that supposed to be ironic?

>> No.3450763


Again, you seem like a really smart person.

>> No.3450765

See >>3450756

>> No.3450766

Only in comparison to America and Iran

>> No.3450767


Okay, pal.

>> No.3450768



>> No.3450769

You didn't know if the accusations were true. You would have if you paid any attention at all because she admitted it in the same video. Then, when I pointed this out to you, you shrugged it off as if you really didn't care or wanted to know anyhow. Stop taking pride in ignorance. Either discuss the subject properly or shut up if you have nothing to contribute.

>> No.3450774

The point I made stands whether or not the accusations are true. Are you a fucking child?

What I meant when I said "even if the accusations against her are true" I was referring to those made against her both in and outside the video, like the accusation that she had a trust fund, for example.

I don't understand what your problem is.

>> No.3450775

You're really clever and perceptive