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File: 59 KB, 612x742, phil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3438837 No.3438837 [Reply] [Original]

Any employed philosophy majors in here?

After getting my Bachelor's in philosophy I plan on going for a Master's degree in something a little more practical such as Culture&Communication (semiotics, philosophy of culture, etc.) or Professional Ethics. I can't think of any other alternatives right now, but I'd like to know what philosophy majors generally do for a living. Also, teaching isn't really my thing, I'd only do it if I can't make a living stacking shelves or something similar.

>> No.3438839

They think of ways to get out of welfare and get a job

>> No.3438842
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>employed philosophy majors

>> No.3438848
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>practical such as Culture&Communication (semiotics, philosophy of culture, etc.) or Professional Ethics

>> No.3438846

Philosophy teachers?

>> No.3438855
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It was to be expected, hence the pic in the OP.

Still, I guess stacking shelves isn't all that bad since I only really care about having lots of free time to read, watch films and tv series and play vidya.

>> No.3438859
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I know, I know, but nobody will pay me to teach them metaphysics unless I become a teacher and teaching is really dreadful, at least these days. Maybe things will improve in the near future, but right now the educational system is a real mess in my country.

>> No.3438860

>philosophy to make a living

that is like measuring a ruler.

>> No.3438871
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Well philosophy these days tries to include stuff that can actually get you hired, like how corporations have those glorified marketing departments that handle ethical situations.

If all philosophy was about metaphysics or a way of life I would've looked into becoming a cult leader and sacrificing virgins' hymens to a pantheistic god.

>> No.3438890

So, not that I know anything, but my Philosophy teacher was a major in the same.
He says that philosophy majors score higher than english majors on exams, and do very well on analysis. So there are already to things.

Also, you can become a lawyer if you want. Despite the picture, philosophy is a great degree for law.

>> No.3438894

I know a few philosophy majors who got a job offer by McKinsey right after graduation. I'm confident something like this will open itself to me as well.

>> No.3438895
File: 330 KB, 1000x1000, stirner65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy taught me that working is for suckers. Going on the dole best day of my life

>> No.3438900

lol america

i hope you wont find a job.

>> No.3438913

As a teacher or with a job not in the field. There is no problem with that. It's an academic choice.

>> No.3438921
File: 44 KB, 350x263, zizzy mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's talking about corporations therefore he must be American.

I don't care if you're trolling or just stupid, that was just plain rude.

>> No.3438923
File: 48 KB, 563x637, that feel when people think you're a freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't mean that I want a job in the field, but rather that I'm interested in what other fields would hire philosophy majors.

>> No.3438930

Motherfuck, I hate myself for making this point on the internet right now, but doesn't anyone see that a university course in philosophy teaches you much, so much more than just actual knowledge about philosophy? (which I agree completely will rarely be used in any non-scholar contexts) Where I study philosophy (in Switzerland, Europe) philosophy gives you the ability to think analytically, create an argument, disect huge amounts of complex information sensibly and express yourself accurately. Now tell me who is not looking for people who are proficient in these things?
I will not be hired for my knowledge of thoughts about epistemiology, but for my ability to think clearly, process information and describe accurately what I have come up with.

>> No.3438938

It's the lower case asshole that plagues the board. Just ignore his posts, most of us do.

>> No.3438939

I use my philosophical knowledge in every waking moment and some sleeping ones as well.

>> No.3438943
File: 36 KB, 264x400, that cool kid in philosophy class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you and that's why I'm interested in what fields other majors are working in. Unlike, let's say, chemical engineering where the employer looks at your diploma and tells you "okay, you're hired as a chemical engineer", for philosophy majors it isn't that simple. Unless, of course, you find an old wealthy tycoon that wishes to learn philosophy before his death and tells you "okay, philosophy graduate, you're hired as a philosopher" (and sex slave probably since he would be better of employing a professor instead).

>> No.3438949
File: 876 KB, 5000x5000, 1357321840464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What job are you going to get?

The analytic thinker?
Argument creator?
Accuarate Self-expressor?

>> No.3438948

That drawing... Pure genius

>> No.3438973
File: 19 KB, 194x200, give her the decaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like accurate selling-espresso, amirite?


>> No.3438976
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>> No.3438988

This aint Murrica you know.. People in human resources actually KNOW what a philosophy degree entails.

>> No.3439014

There are plenty of jobs you can get with a philosophy degree. The thing is is that you'd probably hate all of them and philosophize yourself into depression. Supervisors get wet over "communication" skills. You can be a loan officer no problem.

>> No.3439052
File: 17 KB, 479x344, derridont give a fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hopefully I'm over the "philosophizing yourself into depression" phase of my life. I just hope the job I get won't take away all of my free time, I plan on reading philosophy till the day I die even if I won't make any use of it.

>> No.3439063

Just live super modestly and simply without falling into the consumerist trap that people who finally start their 'careers' often do.

>> No.3439067

Be on welfare, live near a great library and have an e-reader. You now live the life of your dreams.

>> No.3439094
File: 192 KB, 500x315, oh zizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I never spend money to impress others (whether it's clothes, gadgets, etc.), but really the only luxury I might miss (at least for a long time) is renting a place. I don't mind living as a manchild or staying over at my cousin's place, but sometimes I really want the intimacy only owning/renting your own place can bring.

Good plan except for the welfare part, it doesn't last forever as far as I know.

>> No.3439105

That's why you invest most of your welfare money and wait for the returns. You'll have to live on ramen and tap water for a while, but it'll be worth it in the long run.

>> No.3439108

>Thinking you have to enslave yourself to a job to make money

I thought you said you were a philosopher. Where is the expanded thought on more reliable and effective money making processes than a 9-5 trap you hate. It doesn't seem to be there.

>> No.3439126
File: 60 KB, 720x720, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you explain to me how somebody so lacking in intelligence that he can't figure out how to make a living in a modern, first world country would be intelligent enough to make any contribution to philosophy or literature?
i'm a retarded piece of shit and i've been financially independent since 20

>> No.3439130
File: 161 KB, 400x286, fo zizzle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every philosophy graduate is the second coming of Thales.

>> No.3439155
File: 35 KB, 400x288, she_never_asked_for_dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think this whole thread turned into a "hey philosophy major, get me a Moccacino, I'll be paying for it from my 300k+ starting salary". I just wanted to know what philosophy majors usually do when they're not teaching.

>> No.3439159

haha i don't know what welfare you are on, but around here you can barely survive on it. also they force you to participate in all kinds of programs...

>> No.3439171

And what did you do to accomplish that? Did it take intelligence, or simply hard work/ambition?

Finances do not have anything to do with intelligence or being a good philosopher. We do not read about Socrates the Billionaire

>> No.3439186

Philosofags use to be lazy as fuck.

>> No.3439192

the same internet marketing bullshit every other retarded kid does, lol
you guys suck

>> No.3439198

the truth is that they are suited to pursue all kinds of careers. i know some philosphy majors who work in re-insurance and a lot in academics.

>> No.3439204

>make a living

You've missed the point. You can make a living working at a warehouse. The hard part is making a good enough living to justify spending so much on your education.

>> No.3439227

you're dead in 60 years anyway
justify my balls

>> No.3439241
File: 15 KB, 457x427, I'll be back. And again and again..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my education is free and I'm enjoying it, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't worry about getting a decent job once I finish all my studies.

>> No.3439247

That's why you try to get promoted to disability.

>> No.3439253

But you could use that to defend any decision.

>> No.3439257

If your education is free you probably live in a country where you don't need a job.

>> No.3439265

justify my decision to justify his decision.

>> No.3439266

True, but your need to "justify" an expensive education seems stupid. I'm going to school to learn, I don't really care if I get a job afterwards.

>> No.3439281

That's the spirit. Enjoy poverty.

>> No.3439287

>i'm going to school to learn

But you could learn by yourself. There are a shitton of classes online for free if you need structure. Besides, unless you're going to specific schools, you're not exactly going to get a good classical education. You're getting the grade-inflated, over-populated, degree-mill education our culture promotes.

You're honestly wasting your money if you're going to school to learn.

>> No.3439291

I double-majored in philosophy and economics. I got a job at a financial and professional services firm because of the economics degree, but the interviewer also said some bullshit about how I must have good "logical thinking skills."

>> No.3439293

*exclusively to learn

>> No.3439296

Not me, but my father.
He got a BA in Philo, then got a job helping a professor with research, while working on an MA in Labor Relations. He works as a labor representative for a large multinational labor organization.

You won't open a philosophy shop, but you can apply it to almost anywhere

>> No.3439297

Maybe, but I wouldn't bring myself to learn through online courses, and from what I've seen of coursera, it's shit anyway. I like the school environment, and I'll probably stay in school for as long as possible.

>> No.3439307

I've lived in poverty all my life, so it's not really an issue.

>> No.3439334

Coursera isn't the only option. There are lectures from actual universities online (Yale, Harvard). MIT have the lecture notes/assignments for all of their philosophy/linguistics class online. There are libraries that likely have secondary texts to help you in lieu of a professor. You could torrent TTC audio lectures, etc.

Just sayin'. It's there for you if you want it.

>> No.3439340

Maybe, but I go to school for free anyway so I might as well take advantage of it.

>> No.3439355

>I go to school for free

Oh. Well, then, yeah. Lucky bastard.

>> No.3439416

Why do you want to study something more practical after your BA?

After I a BA in philosophy, im going with my best friend to India to live in a Zen Buddhist temple for free for a year or two.

>> No.3439421

I would like to go into fraud.

>> No.3439457

Chicago, awesome!

>> No.3439560


Philosofag here. I am financially independent since 18. Yes, your comment deeply affected me

>> No.3439579

that's pretty legit.

>> No.3439621

I'll just work for my dad or one of his friends. My family is rich.

>> No.3439630


You know what really bothers me? It's the same kind of condescending, stupid shit that my parents, relatives and even some friends told me when I quitted my CompSci college to enter Philosophy:"Ah, he is still very young, there's plenty of time for him to make up his mind", "Philosophy? Hehe, are you crazy".
See, I live in a third world country. My ethos is very conservative, with an 'archaic' world-view. When I browse a fucking Literature board I'm not expecting to hear the same kind of crap I hear from them.

>> No.3439636


Philsophy major at Ivy undergrad then top-6 law school. I work at a big firm now making more than almost everyone my age, but I did have to pretty much give up philosophy to get here. It's drudgery, man.

Law school is a pretty easy option for philosophy majors; the theory behind everything is pretty shallow, and if you can spot details easily you can do well.

>> No.3439640



>> No.3439650


Yeah, I guess. It's an honest living. And like I said, the money is awesome. I just wish I had more time to enjoy it, and read a book now and then.

And it's not like I was going to get a Ph.D.

>> No.3439659

>financially independent
How is this a badge of honour? Mexican day labourers are financially independent.

>> No.3439658

>not going for a Ph. D

do you even read?

>> No.3439664

what would you say would be the best way for someone to get into a good law school if they were a piece of shit earlier in life and ended up at a mediocre school for undergrad? my gpa is really high if that matters.

>> No.3439665

>honest living

le happy merchant.jpeg

>> No.3439669


All day every day. Perpetual, soul-crushing legal briefs, my man.

To be fair, I liked metaethics back in the day, and some of that was excruciating, too.

>> No.3439671

Exactly. Being financially dependent isn't difficult.

>> No.3439685


Yeah, your undergrad really doesn't matter that much (unless it's really a pure shit state school). You can overcome it. If you have a solid GPA and >170 LSAT, you'll get in some good places.

But heed this: DO NOT go to law school if you don't get into a T-14 or a full scholarship at a lower ranked school. Biglaw (i.e. a job that starts at 160K) is still struggling right now, and you have to give yourself a good shot at it with the law school debt load.

>> No.3439688

>a solid GPA

Different anon, but what is considered a solid GPA these days?

>> No.3439699


They have ranges posted all over the internet (I used to use Top Law Schools for my info). I'd say shoot for over a 3.6/170+ to give yourself a solid shot at the top-14. For what it's worth, more and more people are wising up to the law school scam these days (rapidly increasing tuition, far fewer jobs), so there were fewer LSAT takers this year than there were in a decade. I think this year was the fewest to apply altogether in like 30 years. Should help your chances.

Of course, the GPA has a range, too. Though the absolute number is the most important thing, the 3.5 STEM from Princeton will beat out the 3.85 in Poli Sci troll from Podunk State, other things like LSAT being equal.

>> No.3439762

/lit/ - welfare scams and law degrees

I like it.