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3434364 No.3434364 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ why is /pol/ so stupid?

They're so convinced they're right too. Every time I go there I feel like I've been dirtied.

>> No.3434370

They must have influenced you quite a lot, OP. You came straight here and made a shitty off topic thread. Why don't you delete this, have a shower, then come back and try again.

>> No.3434375
File: 93 KB, 400x398, 34332052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a shower. Please /lit/, hold me.

>> No.3434388

fuck off

/lit/ is for discussing literature
/lit/ is not for discussing how stupid other 4chan boards are

>> No.3434391

>They're so convinced they're right too.

Sounds like 90% of people with an opinion.

>> No.3434399


>> No.3434401

I know for a fact I would be just as frustrated as you if I went to /pol/. Which is why I don't.

Dogs can be learn from experience and avoid future pain. Why can't you?

>> No.3434419

I always tell them there is only one race, the human race but they won't hear me.

>> No.3434424

If everyone who posted in this thread had reported it, it would not still exist.

Just a friendly reminder that just because it's someone else's garbage doesn't mean you can't take 2 seconds to place it in the trashcan.

>> No.3434428


So this always irked me. Is there only one dog race? They aren't different species as most of them can mate and have children capable of reproduction. Same with humans. What is the reasoning for saying that a dog is a certain race when humans are not? Ethnicity is just a pretty word, in my opinion. Being correct isn't being racist, but I guess I should check muh privileges.

>> No.3434433

I agree. I guess we should round up the niggers and jews and send them to the gas chambers.

>> No.3434436

And yet you're posting in the "garbage" thread without saging it.


>> No.3434437


What does this even have to do with anything? Why niggers AND jews? I can understand choosing either one (jews because they are superior and niggers because they are inferior), but BOTH?

>> No.3434440

Because race exists. That is how the logic goes.

>> No.3434445

There's 2-3 other egregiously off-topic threads on the front page. Better go shitpost in them too.

>> No.3434446


What does the fact that race exists have to do with killing people of other races? Obviously the different races have different features, but is that a reason to hate them?

>> No.3434449
File: 22 KB, 400x400, but that's wrong you fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always tell them there is only one race

>> No.3434450

According to /pol/

>> No.3434453

the smartest chihauhau is still smarter than the dumbest border collie

racism is wrong

treat everyone as individuals and make no judgements or policies based on other factors or you're being bigoted in some sense

sah gay

also /pol/ is great if you read it as over the top satire

>> No.3434456

Because in their minds if race exists then obviously one must be the superior race.

>> No.3434458

>What does the fact that race exists have to do with killing people of other races? Obviously the different races have different features, but is that a reason to hate them?

No, but it is a reason to acknowledge that they are different.

>> No.3434459


Yeah, the Jews are superior. However, there's a lot more of us so it's not a big deal.

>> No.3434468

Jews aren't a race of people. Never mind the fact that race doesn't exist on biological level and is a social construct.

>> No.3434469

B-b-but... NO!! The white race invented everything and is the master race! We're only being ruled by the jews because we're being oppressed! Because we're so superior!

>> No.3434471

no, it's not

what does anyone gain from that? That's a racist position, inherently, and it's why the scientific community is continually disallowed from conducting experiments to determine the truth of an ethnic basis for intelligence.

If it ended up being true that black people were dumber on average because of some gene, it would be detrimental to society and individuals in those communities considered lesser who aren't actually lesser would have to work ten times as hard as someone in a superior group. What do we gain if we know 70% of blacks are dumber than 90% of whites? Nothing.

There's tons of genius level intellects from every group of humanity. Remember that.

Anyway there's no convincing evidence and there never will be because the scientific community is cowed into never persuing that line of inquiry.

>> No.3434472

They're an ethnic group.

>> No.3434474


What? They have larger noses and are more successful and intellectual (in general)? What else do you want to know?

>> No.3434476

>implying it is possible to shit post in a thread that was shit to begin with

>> No.3434478

An ethnoreligious group, to be more accurate.

>> No.3434481

An ethnic group that contains gwyneth paltrow and sammie davis junior and a lot of japanese and koreans. my kind of ethnic group.

>> No.3434482


Whoah, so you are saying that the Jewish people have no biologically distinguishing features? 2/10, way too obvious.

>> No.3434486

You're doing it right now. Good job.

>> No.3434487

They're converts aren't they? Not real jews.

>> No.3434490

A black person can be a Jew, an Asian person can be Jew, a Caucasian person can be a Jew. Just stop already.

>> No.3434491

No, i'm saying that they're short black tall white blonde/brunette sino-japanese men./women. should make them easy to spot...

>> No.3434493


>what does anyone gain from that?

By that logic, we should stop breathing. No, really, we should.
But everyone knows that niggers are more retarded in general and that Jews are more successful in general. Why should not science confirm this? And please don't run up to me with one of those axiologically incorrect liberalist bullshit anecdotes, you faggot.

>> No.3434494

Nope. Sammie was, but most of the ethiopian jews were born that way. It's a unisexual descent: only through the women. any child born of a jewish woman is a jew, and any child born of her female offspring is jewish too. being born of a jewish man and non-jewish woamn may mean you have to convert.

>> No.3434495


There are different types of Jews, I'm sure /pol/ has plenty of charts on it. But you are born a Jew, not converted. But that is also a strawman and you did not answer my question.

>> No.3434496

>There's tons of genius level intellects from every group of humanity.

I dispute this.

>> No.3434498

Anyone can join the illuminati too.

>> No.3434499

Shitpost thread?

Shitpost thread.

>> No.3434500


I'm not disagreeing, but is there any particular race where you believe there are not many genius level intellects?

>> No.3434504


>> No.3434505

so you're suggesting that women should have kids by jewish men, so theyll be smarter and more successful, but since theyre not descended from the female side, won't be jewish?

>> No.3434507


There are plenty of smart niggers, and some really clever ones. Obviously far less than most other races, but still.

>> No.3434508

>I'm not disagreeing, but is there any particular race where you believe there are not many genius level intellects?

Australian Aboriginals.

>> No.3434509


I'm not suggesting anything at all about jews, stop strawmanning

>> No.3434512

That's correct. There's not on genuis among them.

>> No.3434517

I'm not. this could actually work: you get the genetic benefits of their supposed superiority without actually making any more jews.

>> No.3434519


I actually met some Aboriginals that were not modernized. They lived pretty close to their original ways (they did have a house and electricity, though they didn't use those much, though) in that they weren't homeless drug-addicts.
The leader of the tribe was a very wise man. I wasn't very old (about 12), but I still remember my father having non-pleb religious and philosophical discussions with him. Couldn't really name anything in particular supporting that aboriginals are inferior to white except for the fact that they are fewer and less developed in some ways.

>> No.3434520

That's why they call America the graveyard of the jews. They all marry non jewish women.

>> No.3434521

>The leader of the tribe was a very wise man. I wasn't very old (about 12)


>> No.3434522


In Jewish society race-mixing is frowned on for a reason.

>> No.3434525


As in I myself did not have any real discussions with him.

>> No.3434546

This guy gets it, except the "may have to convert" bit needs a bit of explanation.

According to halacha ("Jewish law" is the common translation, but a more literal translation would be "way"), unequivocally only people born to a Jewish mother or who convert through a Beis Din ("Jewish court," literally "house of judgement") are Jewish. And those people are Jewish irrevocably.

Liberal denominations of Judaism developed different rules- it can pass through the father as well, conversion procedures and requirements are much more lax, people who go practice another faith and cease to identify as Jews are no longer Jews, etc.

As far as whether Jews are an ethnic group, race, etc, I think the best formulation thus far is from Mordecai Kaplan, an idiosyncratic theologian from last century: they're an "evolving religious civilization."

>> No.3434550

haha ok

what a terrible argument

why does that mean we should stop breathing?

just fuck off and let people live their lives without telling them what or who they are without knowing anything about them as individuals

not that spergs from /pol/ matter in the grand scheme of things

and for the record i've met aboriginal australians who were in academia who were pretty smart

there's no conclusive evidence one way or the other, but I think it's very likely that barring genetic defects like Down Syndrome, anyone can be raised to be a genius level intellect. Childhoods filled with dysfunctional households, exposure to violence, instability, anything that causes stress in young children, will raise shitty non-contributors.

I believe if you take a healthy aboriginal child and feed/raise them well until they're 14 or 15, they'll be as capable as any race. Why do you think every genius today is from academic parents? Terrance Tao would be working as a fry-cook right now if his dad went to jail for life, and his mother whored herself out for crack

>> No.3434553

Sir William Arthur Lewis, Wole Soyinka, tons of people way smarter than you, you little racist shit

>> No.3434606

It makes them feel like gods to be so confident about something that is so very difficult to prove/disprove. Short of everyone cross referencing and posting statistics from macro watchdogs like the OECD and various places or other sociological studies (which is never gonna happen) the level of rhetoric just comfortably slides into strawmen and other prejudice based speculation.

Also, I take a Marxist position when I go on /pol/ and the shitposts just stick to me.

>> No.3434609

this thread is as bad as /pol/

>> No.3434620


that is what arguing on the internet is

that's why i keep saying the answer is to treat everyone with dignity and respect and as if they're an individual

>> No.3434617


be polite

>> No.3434644

>spergs from /pol/
you really just don't understand that board, so don't go there. Stop caring about it too. It's a board for discussion of everything that's political and politically incorrect. It's got mediocre discussion if you know how to look.