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3432467 No.3432467 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Philosophy?

>> No.3432471


>> No.3432473


>> No.3432474

Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle


>> No.3432479

Start with yourself.

>> No.3432482

History of Western Philosophy.

Keep in mind the author happens to have opinions. Take them with a grain of salt.

>> No.3432483


>> No.3432487

I found the TTC intro to philosophy course really useful (starts with Thales and works up), its the one with David Roochnik, available at tpb.

>> No.3432488

No. Read Solomon's history of philosophy.

A much more balanced, thorough, lucid, and structured introduction to philosophy.

>> No.3432489

The Bible, yo.

>> No.3432495

lol at people suggesting people.

you discover philosophy on your own, you dont look for it.

>> No.3432497

Frederick Copleston's history of western philosophy.

>> No.3432500


>being true for any philosopher ever


>> No.3432586
File: 96 KB, 465x600, philosoballers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, one of my favorite saved images is relevant for once. Halle-fuckin-lujah!

Seriously though, do you think Plato would have arrived at the same conclusions had he never talked to Socrates? And do you think Aristotle would have amounted to jack shit without the tutelage of Plato?

Philosophy is not a collection of disconnected ideas about the universe, developed by hermit sages thinking really hard in isolation from all other thinkers. It's a conversation spanning generations and millenia.

8/10 for making me this mad with that post.

>> No.3432620

You start with Sophia. Then, once it has taken you, you do something with it, for instance love it, or take it to perfection, or whatever comes to your mind in that state.

>> No.3432621

Sign up for coursera and take their philosophy course- it started last Monday, but there wasn't a quiz this week so it shouldn't be hard to catch up

>> No.3432627

What sort of philosophy did you have in mind?

There are many schools of thought tied into philosophy. If you just want an introductory overview, go with A History of Western Philosophy, by Russel.


>> No.3432646

inb4 the failed meme of the failed philosopher

>> No.3433210

>Philosophy is not a collection of disconnected ideas about the universe, developed by hermit sages thinking really hard in isolation from all other thinkers.
The next major movement could be what you just described. The point of philosophy is being at times rather pointless. There are no rules or regulations. Do what you want and see how it goes over.

>> No.3433219
File: 37 KB, 240x392, will_durant-the_story_of_philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite introduction to philosophy.

>> No.3433221
File: 238 KB, 396x515, dave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
