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3430541 No.3430541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here gone, or is anyone here going, to an Ivy League school?

Is/was the experience worth it? Would you recommend it to others?

>> No.3430546

Thinking of going to Brown to study for an M.A. in History, got the same question.

>> No.3430613

>Is/was the experience worth it?

You get out what you put in. Depends on you.

>Would you recommend it to others?

Yes, because the quality of teaching is better, the courses more interesting, and, sad to say, you will be viewed more favourably in the future if you attend an Ivy League school.

>> No.3430686

Philosophy & German Student at Penn here. ama

Is/was the experience worth it?

Tough question, and you should really think about what you mean by 'worth it'. Yes, I think it is 'worth it', but I'm also studying liberal arts because I was born into a wealthy family. Your needs in life might be different.

Would you recommend it to others?

As for differentiating Penn from other Ivy League schools, there are a few things that jump out. First, Penn is significantly more fun than comparable academic institutions. Second, no matter where you go, you will not be at the Ivy Tower of intellectualism you imagine. There will be tons of business majors, econ majors, engineers, etc. I don't know about you, but I had an extremely idealized view of college, and even at my Ivy League it isn't true. That said, everyone around you will be smart as a whip.

>> No.3430717

Hmm strange, I always believed the proper spelling to be IV league.

To answer OP's questions, as always in this life what you put in is what you get out. If you apply and get accepted, by all means go, but be ready to work hard if you want results.

>> No.3430719

HLS c/o 2016 here

>> No.3430722

if you thought that the proper spelling was IV league, i sincerely hope that you are not from the US

>> No.3430749


>not attending an Ivy League for undergrad
>having impure blood
>being a muggle

>> No.3430754

that's fair enough, but i attended UCLA ug which is good enough for me considering i love socal.

plus i'm fine being the boy hermoine.

>> No.3430775

I'm considering doing a PhD in Folklore at Penn to complement my other useless degrees in Asian Studies and Political Science

>> No.3430782


What is the general opinion on those who attended a non-ivy for undergrad who go to an ivy league school for a graduate degree?

>> No.3430784


Just looked up their program. "Admission has been suspended indefinitely." Sorry bro.

>> No.3430864

Duke History major here.

It's not an Ivy, but I picked it over Penn, Brown, Cornell.

I've learned a lot, but tuition is like getting both my arms torn off in succession.

>> No.3430872

i chose a free state school over ivy, also because i'm studying math and for undergrad it doesn't matter if you've got geniuses teaching you or not since it's mostly the work you put into it and your book.

did i fuck up, /lit/?

>> No.3430881

Similar question for Britfags: anyone at a Russell Group? What do you think?

>> No.3430898


>Free school

These exist?

>> No.3430918


My school is pretty good, though Russell tends to get a bit grouchy at times. Apart from that, he's a fine educator, and manages his group well

>> No.3430923

Ever heard of UMass Amherst?

>> No.3430924

I went to Dartmouth. It was the most glorious four years of my life. I love it and I want to move back someday.

When it comes to these schools, it's all about the people you meet.

>> No.3430929

Dartmouth guy here again. One thing I always add in a conversation about the Ivy League: there is this strange and outdated belief that you need to be rich to attend these schools. But in fact, the Ivy League has the best financial aid bar none in the country. More than half of the class is on some kind of aid, and if your family makes less than a certain amount, you go for free.

Princeton is particularly good for this. Students just don't graduate with loans like at other schools. My brother is at Princeton now and he's going for free.

>> No.3430943


These kids can be cool or absolutely insufferable. You know, the type that gets rejected everywhere in high school, becomes a total nerd at some mid-level college, and then runs out an buys a Columbia sweatshirt the minute she gets into CLS.

>> No.3431148
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>smart as a whip

Haha. Templefag here.

The people I know who actually ended up going to Penn were all tryhards, but I still envy them somewhat. I couldn't afford it.

>> No.3431163

>if your family makes less than a certain amount

That amount appears to be "pretty fucking low." If you come from a staunchly middle-class family, expect to be shafted by financial aid.

>> No.3431175


WRONG. God damn it I'm so sick of people saying stupid shit like this.

If you're family makes less than 100,000, you go for FREE. No loans, no strings attached. If you're family makes more than that, you'll get need-based aid accordingly. I only paid a couple thousand a semester. LOL @ people going to shitty schools and taking out loans because they "couldn't afford" to go to Yale. That is just a lie.

>> No.3431187

This is more true of state schools than ivy.

>> No.3431198

Very very true.
Sister goes to Princeton, my upper-middle class family only pays 8 thousand a year.

>> No.3431199
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The 'rents make just a little more than that, and have two other kids (one of which is gearing up for college himself). I didn't get much from Penn.

I'm going to a middle-tier school for free -plus I'm studying journalism, and it's got a serious department. No skin off my bones.

>> No.3431208


You'll be fine man, but you probably didn't game the financial aid office too well. I don't know much about Penn, but at Yale they would give you literally give you as much aid as possible and you only paid what you could. They really really wanted to avoid saddling students with loans.

>> No.3431218

I've looked into that, but I'm banking on attending ivy league for grad school.

>> No.3431228

Went to a nonOxbridge Russel group Uni for first degree. Oxbridge subsequently.

You get good research and good academics at all Russel group unis. But unfortunately when it comes to international educational captial, Oxbridge is what counts.

>> No.3431235


It honestly doesn't matter as much for grad school. Going for undergrad is what people care about when it comes to prestige, alumni network, etc.

If you want to go for law school for example, just make sure you get into a t14 or get a full ride somewhere. I went Ivy undergrad and now law school if you have any questions about that.

>> No.3431232
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To be completely honest, I'm not as happy at my current uni as I'd thought I'd be; my initial reaction to this was "Well, I'll just tough it out," but why do this? Not to mention I'm having serious doubts about journalism (not that I didn't before) and an inkling of a desire to jump major ship to English.

I think I've sagged somewhat academically, nothing major though -I just get more Bs than As nowadays, since I spend most of my time leisure reading as opposed to doing actual work.

>> No.3431239


It honestly doesn't matter as much for grad school. Going for undergrad is what people care about when it comes to prestige, alumni network, etc.

If you want to go for law school, for example, just make sure you get into a t14 or get a full ride somewhere. I went Ivy undergrad and now law school if you have any questions about that.

>> No.3431247

At Durham at the moment, i honestly don't feel like this is a very big difference between here and any other half decent uni. Lecturers vary for shit to decent, tutorials have a good 10 people in and you get very little individual attention. The other students are all decently clever, but i haven't met many i would actually call remarkable. There is also the stereotypical lad/rah culture here, maybe more than other unis.

>> No.3431265

I was accepted to Yale but couldn't afford the tuition, even with scholarships.

>> No.3431280


LOL, troll harder, etc.

>> No.3431300

I hope to go to one, specifically Harvard, Yale, Brown, or Dartmouth. Or Stanford though not technically an Ivy.

Only thing I'm worried about is extra-curriculars. All the fags on collegeconfidential say mine aren't good enough but is it possible that my main one (wrestling) is better than the tennis, bowling, robotics etc that I see from others? I feel like and hope that will help differentiate me from the bourgeois wealthy asians that seem to be most of the competition because I'm not a legacy, minority, or cancer-curer.

>> No.3431303

Degree in what? What is the top-university-in-the-world-feeling like? Hoping to do what you have done; nonOx Russell and the Cam for MA/MPhil and PhD

>> No.3431305

Stanford and Berkeley are brilliant, Ivy league or otherwise

>> No.3431311

Going to apply there too. Only problem for Berkeley is money. Out-of-state I don't know how much aid they'll give.

Stanford is absolute dream school but nobody, especially me, can bank on that.

>> No.3431319


That fucking forum makes me want to shoot myself.

>> No.3431321

You can attend the courses for free on youtube. Why don't you watch a couple classes and figure out for yourself whether or not it's worth $40,000 per semester.

>> No.3431322

I went to a really strict college prep highschool. I ended up at Brandeis, and one of my former classmates is at Harvard, so we still hang out. College is easier than highschool for both of us.

>> No.3431326

>because the quality of teaching is better
Not necessarily.

>the courses more interesting
Not particularly.

>you will be viewed more favourably in the future
Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.3431328


It's true that you need stellar extra-curriculars. These schools can fill their classes with >2300 SAT scorers, so it's important to stand out.

Wrestling is good, but you need to diversify. They want to see athletic ability AND volunteer work. It's also important that no matter what bullshit you put on the application, it reflects leadership positions in those organizations. You could spend all your time working out for wrestling, but it's much more important to be team captain, or treasurer, or some other bullshit.

If I were you I would check out some charity organizations and get involved enough to get a leadership position.

It goes without saying you need to keep up your grades and stuff.

One really underrated factor for elite schools is geographic diversity, too. If you're a white dude from Massachusetts you might be fucked. Do you happen to hail from a place like West Virginia?

>> No.3431333

Because people at a job interview don't consider YouTube to be a reputable degree provider you idiot; it is all about certification of knowledge.

>> No.3431339

Nobody can bank on any international-grade university. The foreign students coming into the country will naturally look at Harvard, Yale, Brown, MIT, CIT, UC etc. so the high level stuff becomes exponentially more difficult to achieve.
Same here in UK Cambridge and Oxford are around 40% foreigners. Shit is impossible to qualify for, I tried but it is far too difficult.

>> No.3431343

>a job interview
What a lofty goal.

>> No.3431345

>Hmm strange, I always believed the proper spelling to be IV league.

Junkie scum.

>> No.3431346

Thanks mate. I have some minor leadership positions and I'll be captain next year.

As far as service goes I have around 150 hours, some of which are involved in leadership even though there's no designated position for them. Most of my other time I spend working. Would a leadership position at my job count?

And unfortunately I'm from New Jersey so I don't think that'll help too much. Only bright side of that is we got fucked by the hurricane so maybe there's a good essay in there somewhere.

Yeah that is true. Oxford and Cambridge I'm not really considering because I'm not sure what I want to study yet.

>> No.3431348

I didn't tell you to forgo a youtube education, I told you to go see for yourself whether or not you think the classes are worth their weight in gold.

You're clearly not ivy league material if your reading comprehension is this bad.

Also, the successful students who went to an ivy league school don't go to job interviews, they start their own businesses.

>> No.3431349
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Great to see a robust Ivy League thread here. I was beginning to think this place was exclusively plebeian.

>> No.3431350

It definitely isn't seen as equally respectful.

>> No.3431358

What do you plan on doing with your math degree? I just got my AS in math at a two year and am wondering if I should stick with it or switch to something more applied.

>> No.3431359

Not an ambition; a means to an end. You have to be realistic about what you're going to use your university degree for. It is all well and good saying you can learn this stuff online but nobody is going to give a shit if you have never passed a test to show that you do, in fact, know it. It is a sad truth about modern society. Besides, the main reason I like universities is because they have printing houses, and I hope to write a book, so don't presume to know what my ambitions are, faggot.

>> No.3431360

>Besides, the main reason I like universities is because they have printing houses

>> No.3431361

Probably a good idea to know beforehand if you want to go to a good university; they want to know that you're interested and well-read in the subject. That is likely the only reason I've been taken on by a Russell group uni. Reading a fuckload is hardly a chore, either.

>> No.3431364

Can't argue with the quality of a university press, in terms of cheap publication and an effective platform for literary expansion.

>> No.3431372

How significant is the Legacy boost to your chances of admission? I am applying next year for a transfer to Cornell from my community college (yeah yeah, >community college, but it's one of the best in California); my grandfather, great uncle, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather all attended Cornell, all but my great-uncle graduating from there. All of them are dead now.

>> No.3431376


I have a couple ideas or I'll just pretend and talk about something I know a lot about already. In the US I think it's much more "holistic" (to use their own word) and most Ivy Leagues don't make you declare until sophomore year anyway.

I'm hoping that grandfather helps for Dartmouth but I think many schools only look at parents.

>> No.3431384


Yeah, leadership at a job would count. You just have to maximize your limited space on the application. They read literally tens of thousands of applications so when the line says "Bullshit Industries" it's helpful to have "(Executive Treasurer)" next to it. It just catches their eye for an extra second and could mean the difference between the ding pile and the maybe pile. Be sure to emphasize the number of hours you worked. You sound like you're pretty realistic about the process so you should be in good shape.

Yeah, New Jersey doesn't help at all. Sometimes I felt like every other person I met at Yale was from one of those rich northern NJ suburbs.

If you actually got fucked by the hurricane, then by ALL MEANS write about it in your essay. Show how you "overcame adversity" blah blah bullshit. They love that.

>> No.3431388

1. You are in for a rude awakening. No employer gives a shit if you passed a test in school. Similarly, they don't care about your GPA.
2. Do you even know what kind of books universities publish? They mostly favor meticulously researched non-fiction.
3. You do know that you don't need to attend university to submit a manuscript to their publishing house, right?

>> No.3431391


That's a strong legacy, man. Should help a lot if they stayed connected to the university and donated money. The Cornell guys I know were all really into it.

>> No.3431406

Ah that isn't too bad then, here in the UK you have to apply before you're put on the courses. Maybe its due to that extra year you do over there.

>> No.3431410

I'm going to Arizona State for a STEM degree.

Fucked for life.

>> No.3431414

I can't remember who it was or find the exact quote, but someone said something about how, at the best schools, by which they did mean the best schools, the students learn more from each other than they do the coursework.

And then the combination of inherent social status and the connections you make means that, if you look pretty much anywhere at the 20% or so of any cultural field, most of the people will be from a few dozen schools worldwide. If anyone on this board made a concerted effort, they could probably name them.

The last one really sunk in for me when I read in Katie Roiphe's review of How Should a Person Be, where she mentioned that she and Misha Glouberman had been best college friends, and since it was in Slate it instantly reminded me of how Troy Patterson talked about how he was an undergrad at Princeton at the same time Roiphe was in grad school in his review of Girls. And Heti studied at the National Theatre School of Canada and Dunham at Oberlin.

And I'm not convinced it's entirely status bullshit. I'd be more surprised than not if these sorts of places weren't a more nourishing intellectual environment than a normal school. Certainly video classes and syllabi I've seen are more rigorous than anything I ever got presented with, and there's probably less talk about "career" dross.

TL;DR take it from someone who didn't; don't worry about the money, where your friends are going, or anything else and go the best place you can.

>> No.3431427


>> No.3431428

Yeah true. And I hope so, I've done a lot of research on it.

As for the hurricane part that is one of the things I think gives me the best chance and sets me apart. Especially at Stanford where I can say that it made me want to go there for the Earth Systems program.

Thanks again for all the help man.

Yeah that is what I gathered from the Oxford and Cambridge web sites: how the interviews are with actual teachers and largely about your subject, etc.

CAPTCHA: 316 SATpart

>> No.3431429

If the employer is a university it tends to help. Either way, in the modern economy degrees are only going to become more and more valuable due to their increasing rarity. There are also many jobs that you have to be a graduate to apply for, regardless of what it is in. I don't think that they are necessarily as important as you are implying, but they definitely help in an interview and the more prestigious the uni, the more it will help, naturally.
I do know what they publish, and meticulous is your opinion on what I find to be incredibly interesting books. These are the kinds of books I intend to write.
I do know that, yes. However, I want to work at a university in the next 5 years so it seems that the publishing house will be something I naturally gravitate towards. The actual production will be a big part of it as I intend to take on some roles within the publishing house as well, due to background experience in the area.

>> No.3431438

Yeah, though if you have already chosen that can be a really big benefit. If I had the grades to know I could get into one I would fly through the essay and the entrance exam.

>> No.3431449

One thing that surprised me during my visit to Princeton was how honest people were about the fact that they didn't know something. They wouldn't bullshit you, they'd just tell you they don't know.

Another thing I liked was how group-oriented they were. Study groups were the rule rather than the exception. I think a lot of people would benefit from these sorts of egoless practices. Be open about what you don't know and be open to learning from and with your peers.

>> No.3431450
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>economy degrees are only going to become more and more valuable due to their increasing rarity.

>> No.3431454

Extra curriculars are the only reason I'll never get into these kinds of schools. Based SAT and GPA, but I don't do shit outside of school and if I did, it'd hardly demonstrate any types of "leadership" qualities.

>> No.3431476


Dude, you need to realize how easily you can bullshit this stuff. You accomplished the hard part with the GPA and LSAT. Take it from me. I got into Yale on the slightest pretence of "being involved" in organizations and racking up "leadership positions" with virtually no responsibility. Just join a local charity organization and show up a few times. If you're reasonable social they'll appoint you to some post.

>> No.3431482

>tfw you'll never get into a good university because you fucked up during highschool and never graduated
never ending, relentless self loathing.

>> No.3431492

Going to an Ivy League school is the best upward social mobility America has to offer. You can be rich as fuck but you'll never get tapped to join the Union League Club in New York, and they'll look down on you at the Harvard Club.

Amazing what happens when you go to an Ivy school and you come from a prole background. You can become upper class overnight. Throw away those cargo shorts, put on some topsiders, join the right clubs and there you go.

>> No.3431517
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I know exactly that feel, bro.

>> No.3431521


This is because they are incredibly rich institutions. Their endowments are astronomical.

>> No.3431579

Dude, go back through school, it isn't impossible and the quota system for mature students could work to your advantage

>> No.3431660
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Bumping this eminent thread.

>> No.3431759

What is a t14?

>> No.3431831


Top 14 law school. Since the rankings started the same 14 schools have been at the top. These school used to basically guarantee a job in BIGLAW which pays new associates $160,000 out of the gate. Post-recession, these are the only schools that get BIGLAW jobs (along with the very top people at some lower ranked schools), so it's extremely important not to go to law school and take out loans unless you get in. If you don't get BIGLAW you're basically fucked. There are no real midlevel jobs. It basically drops to 60K fast if you even find anything. I haven't checked the exact order in a while, but there are tiers:

Yale, Harvard, Stanford
Columbia, Chicago, NYU
Penn, Virginia, Michigan, Berkeley
Duke, Northwestern, Cornell, Georgetown

The message is: go to Ivy League undergrad, sail through a humanities major, and cop Yale Law. 160K guaranteed. Of course, this says nothing about how miserable these jobs are (and they are)

>> No.3431841

>using "she" as the neutered pronoun
>expecting to be taken seriously

>> No.3431848


The reason I used "she" is because these awful people are usually prestige-obsessed pathetic girls in my experience.

>> No.3431889


I honestly don't see the point of students talking about Russell group and non-russell group, unless you're actually going in to academia or research or whatever. The heirarchy is obviously something like:

1. Oxbridge
2. LSE, imperial, ucl. warwick, durham
3. manchester
4. everything els

>> No.3431896

Are you from AutoAdmit?

>> No.3431910

The thing is thought that getting into atleast one of these unis is not hard at all, for example manchester give offers to every man and his dog. Going to one of these universities is not a very good indicator of intelligence.

>> No.3431918

im curious, why are they miserable? they have to put in long hours right?

>> No.3431930


I don't want to act bitter because I never went to Oxbridge, but you're right tbh. So many people get the required grades it's probably too tough to separate them. Especially since there are lots of private schools where you'd have to be a genuine spazz not to get in to a top 10 uni.

>> No.3431953


>If you don't get BIGLAW you're basically fucked. There are no real midlevel jobs. It basically drops to 60K fast if you even find anything

haha citation needed. where the fuck are you getting your info, the lawyer market will be better than ever for any one starting law school now. there will be approximately 50 000 applicants this year (compared with 68 000 last year, which was considered an all time low, and 120 000 three years ago) which means the job market will be perfect for us. it pays to have fear mongerers like you though. if it wasnt for such a sentiment, we would not have such prime conditions.

so...my 167 wont get me into yale but frankly, with things the way they are i could not care less.

>> No.3431960



I would die for that score. Taking my LSAT in a year or so. Give me some pointers.

>> No.3431964

I went to St. John's, which is a bizarre quasi-Ivy. I'd whole-heartedly recommend it.

>> No.3431973

I went to a public college and literally out of say a class of 30, 15 people would to a top 10-15 uni, and then in my further maths class of 15 people, i think 6 went to oxbridge. This is just a typical large sixth for college and so many people are going to supposedly "elite" universities

>> No.3431984


get old LSATS. get powerscore LR Bible and LG Bible and practice.
i went up from a 162-167 which is a difference of being top 18% to being top 4-5%.

>> No.3431992

St. John's College, in Annapolis? I'm just about to start writing my essay to apply there.

>> No.3432009

That's the one. The atmosphere is far more conducive to learning than what you get with a normal university, but your degree is useless unless you intend to do graduate or doctoral work. Johnnies call it a "drinking college with a reading problem," and that's absolutely true, too.

I'd be happy to answer any of your questions. I graduated in 2011.

>> No.3432027

Wait a second here, Im an ultrapoorfag from a family that has been white trash for 300 years, but I can get a free ride from one of these schools if I flex my 150 IQ?

>> No.3432045
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>tfw community college

>> No.3432048


Yeah, I troll Autoadmit from time to time. What elite law students don't?

You are a delusional idiot. DO NOT go to law school unless you have a reasonably good shot at BIGLAW. Realize that the majority of graduates out there work in occupations that don't require a JD. LOL @ you if you think there are other lucrative options out there. The legal market is shrinking, the firm model is collapsing, and this shit has been a sinking ship for a long time. You only need to read Above the Law for a few days to realize this.

Oh, and to that other poster: it's miserable because you work crazy hours with annoying, antagonistic people doing document review and other terrible, boring, soul-crushing shit. The money is great, though.

>> No.3432062

Do many Johnnies go to grad school for subjects not related to literature (e.g. chemistry)? If so, how does a Johnny take enough chemistry along with all the great books stuff to go to grad school for it?

>> No.3432067

>drinking college with a reading problem

So it's not straight-laced? I've considered applying there in the past but figured it'd be a relatively conservative student body. No?

>> No.3432068


haha whatever faggot, again, that fearmongering is what has led to these prime conditions.
but its clear to see how you ivy leage hunchbacked autists would need to reserve the safe route. there are literally people graduating from shit tier law schools who go on to become judges and 200k lawyers, but you dont want to "risk it" since having the social skills, willpowe and charisma of an autistic 7th grader must be considered when weighing your options.

it takes balls and drive to be successful...and a passed Bar exam.

>> No.3432094

That's a tough one. You'll probably only be getting the equivalent of two or three college-level chemistry classes while an undergraduate there. That being said, I have a friend who's going for an M.A. in mathematics, so graduate work in the sciences isn't unheard of.

It's split, really. Most Johnnies are pretty open-minded, and if they are conservative, it's much more Leo Strauss than Fox News. A lot of the faculty are conservative in some regard, though: several tutors on the Santa Fe campus are devout Orthodox. And yeah, we tend to outdrink the naval academy. Apply!

>> No.3432098

so you are saying that you would or would not recommend law school to a hunch backed autistic?

>> No.3432112

I meant more temperamentally conservative. Like, is the social life pretty freewheeling? I feel like a dipshit asking this about St. John's, but are the parties good beyond alcohol?


Jewish or Christian?

>> No.3432130

Freewheeling is a nice word for it. Like any insular liberal arts school, there's a lot of drinking and a lot of petty drama. But it has the remarkable capacity to be very serious, too. There are very few at St. John's who aren't really committed to what they're doing.

The other parts of the culture are pretty weird by other colleges' standards. The Annapolis campus is crazy about croquet, for example.

>Jewish or Christian?

>> No.3432141

That's good. I was sort of worried that it'd have a lot of entirely, super-srs, straight-laced people, when I guess I'm looking more for Allan Bloom types, or at least Allan Bloom as Bellow portrayed him: universally intense.

>The Annapolis campus is crazy about croquet, for example.

What are some other cool details like this?

>> No.3432161

I'm currently studying Philosophy at Cambridge. I think its such a wonder to be taught by very prestigious teachers and be surrounded by great minds. One does feel intimidated though. Apart from a little intimidation I have had the best two years of my whole life so far.

>> No.3432198

>What are some other cool details like this?
• You'll only hear "tutor" at St. John's and never "teacher" or "professor." We also refer to each other as Mr. or Ms. So-and-So in class. The same goes for the tutors, even when most of them have doctorates. It makes you feel like you're in an English boarding school at first, but you'll get used to it.

• The Santa Fe campus has a student-run rescue team that locates lost hikers in the New Mexican mountains.

• It's common for the students enrolled in the Greek tutorial to stage a play by Aeschylus or Sophocles.

• It's a very musical college. Most of the students sing or learn to play an instrument when they're in the music tutorial. So there's a lot of odd folk music being played on classical instruments.

>> No.3432226

I'm at the University of Edinburgh. Definitely the best education I could get for free.

>> No.3432323

dunno what course you're on but isn't Glasgow better for all the arts-humanities faggotry?

>> No.3432329

4 years ago when I was applying for college, I really really wanted to go to St. Johns, but looking back at it now, I am really really glad I didn't

>> No.3432337

Why's that?

>> No.3432373 [DELETED] 


because, by going to a traditional university, I was able to
>get an education in math and computer science
>acquire a specialized skill that is in demand and lets me do interesting research in grad school
>gain knowledge of any discipline I was interested in (history, art history, biology, philosophy) by taking classes of my own choosing
>continue my passion and study for literature
>get paid (via scholarships) while I did it

I missed out on the camaraderie I imagine exists at St. Johns, which is a shame, but I think I'm in a better social/economic position than if I had gone. I'm also not from a wealthy background, so there's that was a deciding factor there

>> No.3432512
File: 46 KB, 220x220, Harvard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3432615

I'm from California, so I could have gone to Berkeley on a scholarship.

I think that you might have to look harder for research/internship opportunities. And honestly, I've had some really amazing professors who have completely blown my mind, not saying that you won't get that at your state school, but you don't seem to particularly care about that?

>> No.3432622

If /b/ is cancer, CC is the AIDS you got from getting raped in a back alley by a middle aged asian woman so that her son could go to Yale instead of you.

>> No.3433135

Look at the NESCAC schools.

They're great if you went to a mediocre prep school in New England and has slightly above-average grades.

>> No.3433156

Should I go to Cornell to study English or will I end up committing suicide/homeless after graduation?

>> No.3433165

Cornell is a really good school. If you are going to take your studies very seriously, then it won't matter what major you do (as long as you schmooze your profs). Otherwise, if you are like 90% of students, then idk

>> No.3433201

Did you go there/do you know people who went there?

>> No.3433856
File: 42 KB, 720x576, 1329341488848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>party literally till you die
>pay next to nothing for it
>300k starting any job you want

Wut. You've figured it out.

>> No.3433889

Obligatory bump for a good thread on /lit/

>> No.3433892

>good thread
>thread about colleges on a literature board

>> No.3433896

I drink at Penn sometimes. Does this count?

>> No.3433904
File: 89 KB, 400x511, 14145_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climbing the social ladder

It's like I don't even know you anymore, /lit/.

>> No.3434019


I'm at Liverpool Uni,

pretty underwhelming, people are intelligent but like the Durham guy said, nothing hugely special. Liverpool's probably one of the lesser Russell Group Unis but I still don't think the Russell Group as a whole is a patch on the Ivy League Colleges (Oxbridge & UCL exempted)

>> No.3434033


I went to Liverpool! Very much enjoyed it. If Nick Davis is still doing Tale m& Fable in the third year, apply apply apply!

>> No.3434045


it actually is derived from IV as it origianlly only referd to the four football teams at the oldest colleges.

>> No.3434528



>> No.3434551
File: 664 KB, 1352x901, Dartmouth_Row.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you guys major in?

History here, even though our department wasn't anything special.

>> No.3434571


LOL @ your delusions. I hope you go somewhere and strike out at OCI. You'll be thinking about what I told you when that happens.

Good luck, though. I'm sure with your shit undergrad degree, toilet law school diploma, and SICK clerkship you'll be a federal judge making 170 in no time, bro!

>> No.3434574

my sister went to Stanford and works in the ICC now. That's not BIGLAW

>> No.3434578

they gave me money

>> No.3434579

I was an English major at Cornell.

This guy >>3433165 is right, if you apply yourself there's a ton to get out of it. I didn't do as much as I wish I had--graduated magna but felt like I let a lot of opportunities pass.

But having the Ivy degree absolutely opened doors for me afterwards.

>> No.3434582


Obviously there are government jobs like FTC and DOJ that are great for really elite law students, and some go do public interest shit out of the goodness of their hearts. But if you're crushed with >150 in loans at 6-8%, BIGLAW is pretty important for most for at least a few years.

>> No.3434855

Anyone have an opinion on the Little Ivies (Vassar, Hamilton, Colgate, etc)? thinking about applying to some of those.

>> No.3434875


Good schools, but you might as well gun hard for the Ivies because of the financial aid. If you can afford it then by all means dick around Middlebury for four years. Seems fun.

>> No.3434912


>> No.3434953

I'm considering a PhD in particle physics at Yale, but that is once I finish my MA in Neuroscience at Harvard. nbd

>> No.3435018
File: 69 KB, 501x648, gootgoyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy, ye goot goyim yes. You vil go to gollege yays? Yays yays we need gollege. Here goyim, have some free money!

>> No.3435038

I too would like to hear why. I'm applying now, so it might be relevant.

>> No.3435040

UMass isn't free even if you live in Massachusetts.

>> No.3435044

Nobody with any self respect would go to an Ivy League school.

>> No.3435077
File: 55 KB, 486x438, cant take this feel anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyone's so sure you're gonna get into an Ivy League university and you know you're probably not and you don't know how they'll feel when you don't

I got an almost perfect ACT score without trying and I read all these articles about rich families spending like thousands of dollars on prep programs to get the same score, but I feel like it doesn't even matter that much in light of my GPA and extracurriculars. All the near-Ivy schools are too expensive, so it's either Ivy or like nowhere.

>> No.3435105 [DELETED] 

Really want to go to Brown but realized I have some enemies in Providence that would go out of their way to make my life in Hell if they found out about my presence there.

>> No.3435116

Sounds like you care about the campus drama more than the subject matter.

>> No.3435151


Describe the sting of your rejection letters.

>> No.3435176

i think the guy deleted his post because i read his response yesterday. but he said that in the end, he was glad that we was able to pursue a well broader education and better his socio-economic standard by going to a bigger university, whereas in st. johns he would have not had that opportunity, although he was interested in the camaraderie at that school.

>> No.3435181


>> No.3435182

just do it, you won't lose anything. You're not going to lose anyone's respect for not getting in, and if you do that person isn't worth your time.

>> No.3435197
