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/lit/ - Literature

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3429265 No.3429265 [Reply] [Original]

"Stephen Dedalus is my name,
Ireland is my nation,
Clongowes is my dwellingplace,
And heaven my expectation"

It's just so beautiful.

>> No.3429273

Gully Foyle is my name
and Terra is my nation.
Deep space is my dwelling place,
the stars my destination.

And here I thought it was from The Stars My Destination...

>> No.3429309

>Gully Foyle is my name
>and Terra is my nation.
>Deep space is my dwelling place,
>the stars my destination.
Hmm now I want to go read that series

>> No.3429313

The first chapter (Deadalus as a boy) is my favorite in the whole book (aside from the infamous passage about Hell)

>> No.3429325

Thanks OP, you made this next on my list.

>> No.3429334


>> No.3429442

Yeah, the book is great early on. But that hell chapter and even the last chapter get to be something of a morass.

>> No.3429445

That's actually not that good ;)

>> No.3429455

Never read it.

>And heaven my expectation"
Does that mean he understands the inevitability on his death someday or is he being arrogant and believes himself to be deserving of a place in heaven?

>> No.3429465

It's the exact opposite of where he's going actually.

>> No.3429471

It's not really the poem in itself. You'd just have to read the book, and then maybe, if you are someone who can relate to Stephen, then you'd appreciate it more.

>> No.3429474

It means he's fucking Catholic.

>> No.3429479

We can assume that from his being Irish. I was just curious since the phrase doesn't make much sense on it's own.

>> No.3429496


I literally just finished reading the book ten minutes ago and I couldn't agree more with your statement.

>> No.3429503

Yes, but it's still a good book.

>> No.3429505

> > "We are right, he said, and the others are wrong. To speak of these things and to try to understand their nature and, having understood it, to try slowly and humbly and constantly to express, to press out again, from the gross earth or what it brings forth, from sound and shape and colour which are the prison gates of our soul, an image of the beauty we have come to understand—that is art."

>> No.3429506

Getting trolled into reading shitty books: that's what Joyce'll do to ya.

>> No.3429518


It is, by no means, a work of unparalleled proportion but I guess I can give it a thumbs up. I was ready to be done with it by the end.

I think it's good enough that I will give it another read at some other point in my life to pick up all the bits I missed.

>> No.3429539

I had the opposite experience. My favorite part was those last few pages.

>> No.3429670

Beautiful book, my favorite moment was the end of the fourth chapter. I read it for you guys over here >>3429062

>> No.3430215

Eazy is his name and he's comin'
straight outta compton

>> No.3430228


lel, it's just one book and it's great.,

>> No.3430235

"is a brotha that'll smother yo' mother
and make ya sister think I love her"

It's just so beautiful.

>> No.3430290

I don't get it. Please asplain.

>> No.3430296


Any book that uses this word to refer to Earth goes immediately into the wastepaper basket.

>> No.3430317

It's one of the all-time classic Sci Fi novels. You should give it a go. Philosophical themes out the wazzo, has that one (and one of the first examples of cyberpunk, if I recall correctly).

>> No.3430341


Except The Stars My Destination is actually a cult classic.

3/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.3430378

>tfw when Irish and played rugby against Clongowes in secondary school

It upsets me a little when I think that so much of my love for Joyce can't be shared by people that aren't Irish. Then I fear that so much is wasted on me, that you guys take for granted, of books from other countries.

>> No.3430406


I thought it was that too.

>> No.3430409


TSMD is fucking great. Get lost.

>> No.3430410


Actually, in the start it's this:

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
And death's my destination.

It isn't until the end that it goes like:

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination

>> No.3430662

"Patricius Plebus is my name,
4chan is my nation,
/lit/ is my dwellingplace,
I love procrastination"

>> No.3430667

"Ernest Hemingway is my name,
bitches is my destination,
Cuba is my dwellingplace,
They're bad at brain restoration"

>> No.3430676

"David Foster Wallace is my name,
Autism is my destination,
Bandanas is my dwellingplace,
I meant to try auto erotic affixiation"

>> No.3430688

"Thomas Pynchon is my name,
Obscurity is my destination,
Hiding in my dwellingplace,
There will never be a nobel prize affiliation"

>> No.3430700

"J.D Salinger is my name,
Making teens cry is my destination,
Emos knock at my dwellingplace,
Catcher in the Rye was Lennons salvation"

>> No.3430708

"Tao Lin is my name,
Being famous is my destination,
4chan is my marketingplace,
Going to bed is a strange sensation"

>> No.3430714

"Brett Easton Ellis is my name,
An insane asylum my destination,
Twitter is my dwellingplace,
For attention I'll give you fellation"

>> No.3430730 [DELETED] 
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>I meant to try auto erotic affixiation"

you mean asphyxiation. still laughed tho

>> No.3430725

"E. L. James is my name,
A creamy vagina my destination,
Fanfiction is my dwellingplace,
I got rich cause of a moronic nation"

>> No.3430744

>A creamy vagina my destination,
There's a cream or a pill to fix that.

>> No.3430764

"H.P. Lovecraft is my name,
Weird is my nation,
R'lyeh is my dwellingplace,
Tentacles for penetration"

>> No.3430769

"J.K Rowling is my name,
Hogwart is my nation,
Snape kills Dumbledore
Spoilers is a damn frustration"

>> No.3430774

OC on /lit/?