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File: 64 KB, 510x680, corrections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3428081 No.3428081 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this novel, the only undisputed masterpiece of the 00's,
never talked about on /lit/?

>> No.3428091


/lit/ has some sort of a problem with Franzen at times it seems. I'm not sure why though since he was the ghostwriter for all of DFW's work.

>> No.3428097


Because it's not, in literary terms, a very good novel?

It's prescient, I'll give it that, but the writing is so incredibly average.

>> No.3428107

You obviously haven't read the novel and are talking outta your ass.
Nobody's prose today comparable to Franzen's except perhaps McCarthy.

>> No.3428122

>The Corrections, a tragicomedy about the disintegrating Lambert family, has been called "the literary phenomenon of [its] decade" and was ranked as one of the greatest novels of the past century.

Shows what you know

>> No.3428154


The novel was featured on fucking Oprah.

That should tell you all you need to know about The Corrections "literary" credentials.

>> No.3428157 [DELETED] 

I wasn't impressed by TC. Thought it was meh tier MOR lit-fic.

>> No.3428168

What a fallacious argument.

Guess what: William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury is also part of the Oprah Book Club reading list.

Go ahead and call Faulkner's "literary credentials" into question. I dare you.

>> No.3428182 [DELETED] 

franzen is middlebrow trash.

>> No.3428186

What does that make you?

>> No.3428214


Won't do that but it's not surprising that there are a smattering of literary classics there in order to give the list some credibility.

But the modern, the post-war stuff.... Seriously, look at the company Franzen is in there.

I'm not saying The Corrections is a bad book BTW. It's enjoyable and decent. But when I read it I was surprised by simple it was and how much attention the literary established had devoted to such a mainstream chart novel.

>> No.3428254

I tried to read it. It was about 10 years ago. I just stopped about half-way through or so. When I got to the helmet that helps your brain, I just lost interest.

I did like a lot of the autobiographical stuff he once wrote in The New Yorker, but I've never had the desire to actively seek his stuff.

>> No.3428390

>never talked about on /lit/
This is the third thread about it (I've seen) this week. Please, please don't let Franzen become the new Lin.

>> No.3428409

>how much attention given
>mainstream chart novel

That's the point of mainstream you cunt.

>> No.3428413


>> No.3428439


>> No.3428455

I'll say this for Franzen.
He doesn't have very unique names for his novels.
The Corrections? Freedom?
Very distinguished

>> No.3428470

So a book is bad because Oprah liked it?

Shut the fuck up.

The guy who deferred to a quote should, too.

>> No.3428475

I just read this, it was pretty fucking funny.And dark. will read again.

>> No.3428480

The Corrections is a nod to The Recognitions. He says it in that article he wrote about Gaddis I can't remember the name right now.

>> No.3428495

I'm reading IJ right now and the Corrections is so much better its ridiculous. I read the corrections in 2 days because I couldn't put it down, it was funny and interesting. Who cares if its middle brow trash? You pretentious twits.

Everything he's written has been dissapointing, especially bird watching and misandy: the novel

>> No.3429064

Dark? It's not dark at all. It's a very bright book.
Except when the father dies. That was a little dark.

>> No.3429076

The whole cruise ship section of this book is a
direct rip-off from David Foster Wallace's A
Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again.

>> No.3429255
File: 59 KB, 700x399, 6vBmI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay no mind to the mouth breathers dissing this novel.

They either haven't read it, or are right wing, or are prejudiced because its 'mainstream' (it isn't) or Oprah liked it.

BTW Oprah disinvited Franzen and his novel to her book club 'cause he said in an interview that she tends to pick schmaltzy sentimental trite for it.

If you read The Corrections, you'll like it.

>> No.3429770

I thought it was boring. And my hardbound copy had several glaring typos which pissed me off royally for some reason. Even the proofreaders were bored.

>> No.3430146

Mr. Difficult.

>> No.3430149 [DELETED] 

>undisputed masterpiece


>> No.3430169
File: 399 KB, 212x212, tumblr_mefpdme3IV1rlnqedo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics or it didn't happen

Besides - typos, that's it? Fess up, you didn't read it did you

>> No.3430170

Because it's not liked. For reasons

>> No.3430171

I've never seen anyone dispute 2666

>> No.3430173

Did you read that article? Heads up, its not about The Corrections.

Only edgy losers here have a problem with it, they might try reading it and change their minds.

>> No.3430176

My problems lie with the author

>> No.3430179

Don't like his hairstyle?

>> No.3430183

I liked Freedom more.

They are very good novels but I would not call them masterpieces. I'm sure that 50 years from now on they will be regarded as good pictures of their time.

>> No.3430185
File: 47 KB, 400x400, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong!

>> No.3430423

I liked Freedom more too. The Corrections tries to be funny, failing imo.

Also I'm Neomalthusian, so Freedom hit me in the feels way more