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/lit/ - Literature

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3423986 No.3423986 [Reply] [Original]

I've came from a long travel across the dreadful City of 4chan, and I must admit I love you /lit/, you're still the best district of my freakin' hometown.

You're not the whiny brats of /r9k/
You're the cocky and pretentious high-pitched of /mu/
You're not the boring and violent prolos of /v/
You're not the hyterical mass of idiots that surrounds human worst faces of /b/
You're not the lil' fascists of /a/
You're only the greatest place in this micro-universe, where we can talk of genuine literature without elitism, and intelligent discussions.
I love you Anon.

>> No.3424001

>You're NOT the cocky
Sorry, typo.

>> No.3424007

How is /a/ fascist?

>> No.3424013

Have you ever been there ? They're lil' fascists rejecting everyone that are not "like them". If you're against anime,or the anime they like, they kill you, destroy you by the arms of hatred.

>> No.3424012

They don't allow threads where you kindly ask them for "an" anime.

>> No.3424016

But that's why /a/ is good.

>> No.3424024
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u forgot /jp/ lol

we r the bestest when janiNERD isn't around

>> No.3424026

/a/ is always fun to tease

>> No.3424029

What about /soc/, /fit/, /fa/, /hc/, and /s/. These are the five boards I browse regularly (/fit/ and /fa/ not so much)? I've only visited /lit/ for the first time today. Why don't you mention these boards?

>> No.3424033

For some reason the question mark from the first sentence ended up in the second....

>> No.3424034


Kill yourself.

>> No.3424036

/a/ is easy as fuck to troll.


>being >14 years of age

>> No.3424042

I went to /fit/ anecdotally. I never went to /fa/ or /s/, didn't interest me. /hc/ is alright but a little slow and deserted.

>> No.3424056

What is so wrong with /soc/? I ignore the threads I don't like, and post in the ones I do, same as every other board.

>> No.3424063


>> No.3424096

/jp/ is pretty much just the Touhou board now.

>> No.3424106

What about /pol/?

>> No.3424136

You forgot about /tg/s hivemind and their psuedoknowledge. They think they are the /history/ board and not us, lel.

>> No.3424168

Please stop self-referencing this culture, it will destroy it so fast.

Oh the doublespeak, it's delicious

>> No.3424197

I thought /tg/ was the Warhammer and assorted toys board.

>> No.3424202
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>You're not the whiny brats of /r9k/
You haven't been here enough
>You're the cocky and pretentious high-pitched of /mu/
You can't be serious.
>You're not the boring and violent prolos of /v/
No, we have painfully circular threads about the same books.
>You're not the hyterical mass of idiots that surrounds human worst faces of /b/
Okay, I'll give you that.
>You're not the lil' fascists of /a/
>Implying I go on /a/
>You're only the greatest place in this micro-universe, where we can talk of genuine literature without elitism, and intelligent discussions.
>without elitism and intelligent discussions
>mfw someone actually believes this
>I love you Anon.
Fuck off and die.

>> No.3424203

State reasons.

>> No.3424250

That's because they don't like to spoonfeed. When you're talking about somewhere like /lit/, you can spoonfeed; generally, only people who are decently intelligent are interested in reading. However, when you take something like anime, the ordinary fanbase for it is pretty cancerous (normal anime forums are horrifying) and, as a result, a board like /a/ needs to build a wall of visible - and, admittedly, quite nasty - elitism in order to keep that sort of person "out", or it'll turn into a complete shithole, filled with horrible Naruto threads and the sort of "xD (x character) is so coooool :)" shit you only ever see in vile little screencaps of terrible corners of the internet where the common-or-garden teenage anime fan dwells.

>> No.3424382

Please respond.

>> No.3424420

This. So much this.

If you think /a/ is bad it's because you've never seen any other anime forum, ever. The only thing /a/ isn't elitist about is manga since not many people read manga so no one minds spoon feeding.

>> No.3424431

/a/ is so bad for the same reason /mlp/ is

>> No.3424512

only bordes worse than /lit/ are /tv/ and /sci/

>> No.3424523

I think /a/ is bad because I compare it to pre-Lucky Star times. K-On really put the nail in the coffin.

>> No.3424536
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/v/ is the worst board.
Even /b/ redirects their spam and shitposts to there.

>> No.3424561
File: 75 KB, 913x243, hahaha oh wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like i got banned from /a/ for mocking kyoani. not that i care but this is pretty retarded

>> No.3424579

Usage of the word "moeshit" is pretty obvious trolling, man. I think the mods have a ban-on-sight policy when it comes to that. Also, you've been trolling all day (I saw that Bakemonogatari thread), so it's not surprised that you got banned.

>> No.3424581
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I happen to think that /lit/ is the best board for any intellectual exchange, really. Except fundamental scientific fields perhaps.

Compared to v, a, tv, mu, lit has better quality, new topics, and far less memes and off topic uniteresting subjects.
I had glorious threads about classical music, films, cocktail drinking, art and languages..
I used to browse, ic,a,sci,tv,mu,lit and g, trv.

The only board I'm used to which could overthrow lit would be trv but it's a desert...

When I first got on lit, I was barely starting to read books in english; I discovered the basics and the canon with good pomo suggestions. Today I'm far more educated in english literature than most americans and british people I know.

Even the "repetitive threads" [joyce, pynchon, FW] have their positive effect. I would have never read ulysses, GR and IJ otherwise. I have to fucking thanks lit for this.

I know lit isn't perfect, but it's one of the least fucked up boards out there.
There is 0.1% of threads on mu and tv about making music, films.
Lit is more artist friendly than it's cousins.

>> No.3424591

i didn't know moeshit is a sensitive word. shoulda been more covert

>> No.3424601

"Moeshit" has become associated with vociferous shitposters from /v/ who see Cowboy Bebop and Gurren Lagann and get mad when they see that /a/ generally pays more attention to seasonal stuff than finished series.

>> No.3424612

moeshit is a trope anyway..

moe already means shit. That's some subtle repetition. /a/ is far more subtle in it's usage of the language than lit thinks.

>> No.3425008

>Going on /a/ for anything but manga discussion

/a/nimefags are so casual it hurts.

>> No.3425027


What this guy said.
I've read a bunch of authors and books that I would have never even considered if it weren't for /lit/.
Then there is always the odd sharethread for obscure and hard to find books.

>> No.3425220

I'm going to commit social suicide and admit that this is how I feel about /d/ and /mlp/, although /lit/ and me have always been...well, it's dumb using a movie line about a lit board, but think of that one line from pulp fiction about shutting up and enjoying each other's company.
I don't frequent /lit/, because honestly you guys can be snobs, but I respect the hell outta the board and its users.

>> No.3425228

who sp here?

>> No.3425242

Every time I go there I realize that if I want to watch sport I should go and watch it with my father.

>> No.3425250

>social suicide

What does posting on an anonymous internet imageboard have to do with socialization?

>> No.3425253

You're right. I found no better way to describe it, is all.

>> No.3425259

>where we can talk of genuine literature without elitism

>> No.3425270
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>I happen to think that /lit/ is the best board for any intellectual exchange, really

That's like saying Auschwitz is the best camp to get gassed in. The opposite of intellectual exchange takes place here. /sci/ is the foremost board for that purpose, and even it isn't all that good.

/lit/ is trash-tier, moot only made it to confine your types here. There's a reason you only get visitors here on trolling/invasion purposes. No one else wants anything to do with it.

>> No.3425280
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>/sci/ is the foremost board for that purpose,

>> No.3425286

I wonder what board you're from.

>> No.3425294
File: 20 KB, 268x584, tom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I come from /inv/, but we don't let your kind in there, sorry.

>> No.3425317

Sorry, I don't know what /inv/ is.

>> No.3425320

Oh god, /ic/ is terrible. They only study anatomy and don't even care for visual aesthetics. Their fear of anime is so big that they scream at any kind of stylisation. It's just repeating the same basics over and over for days.

>> No.3425334


Of course you don't. /inv/estment is a very private board.

>> No.3425339

>They only study anatomy
They don't even do that, at least not last time I was on there. My practice for anatomical drawing was lots of looking at bones and muscle groups, they tend to just look at breaking down into component shapes. And even then not very much.

>> No.3425340
File: 444 KB, 543x750, synchrohello3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lit is more artist friendly than it's cousins.

Oh, come on. You and most people here have very poor taste.
It might be better than the average imageboard, or the average person, maybe, but you're an uncultured child if you actually consider it a respectable level of exposure for any online community revolving around culture.

I come here because I enjoy the sense of humor and light hearted discussion. Every now and then there might be a genuinely intellectual discussion between two interested people, but you can't expect it out of the board, it just doesn't work in the format.
If you actually get anything out of the recommendations or consider the general conversation intellectual, you need better taste.

/trv/ is the most mature board.

>> No.3425356

>without elitism

>> No.3425370
File: 502 KB, 544x750, synchrohello1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without elitism

Yeah, see.

>> No.3425378
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>That's like saying Auschwitz is the best camp to get gassed in

>> No.3425396

I like /lit/.
The users here are way more polite than /mu/, for example.
I guess reading makes people more civilized.

>> No.3425417

/x/ visitor here. From what I've seen so far, I don't mind /lit/ all that much.

>> No.3425575

I laughed hard

>> No.3425611

Well, you don't exactly need study for stylization, I mean its more of an imagination thing. I think /ic/ is great that there's a community to provide you with rapid critique of your work (besides conceptart.org, mainly cos they aren't as fast). 4chan is a free market of ideas after all (though many of them shitty)

>> No.3425645

how long have you been here

>> No.3425673

fuk u u cky fgt. i kil u m8

jst rd ulysis

>> No.3425715

/lit/ has taken the fast path downhill in the last few months. People making fucking unrelated threads all the time.

>> No.3425820

/fit/ is for vain faggots. Read the sticky, find some work-out plans, then leave.

/soc/ is a retarded, attention-whoring abyss.

/fa/ is similar enough; they dress like old men and don't have the fashion sense they so desperately seek.

Never been to /hc/ or /s/.