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3420385 No.3420385 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ thnk of University student newspapers?

Do you write for them?
Is it worth it to write for them?

tits always related

>> No.3420388

unless someone in the newspaper club has connections that might get you a job outside of university, it's a complete waste of time, just like high school student newspapers.

>> No.3420394


>> No.3420395

>extra curricular activity in your chosen field
>waste of time

Do you even resume?

>> No.3420403
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Goddamnit, OP. That girl is so attractive it's depressing. Now my day is ruined.

Polite sage.

>> No.3420406
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>> No.3420410

>putting extra curricular activities on your resume

Adorable. I bet you put your GPA on your resume as well.

>> No.3420418

How can it be bad thing to practice your writing on topics/genres that interest you. Any exposure tends to add rigour to your otherwise poor works.

>> No.3420421

yeah, this is what i was confused about. some ppl say to put on resume. some ppl say it doesnt matter at all.

>> No.3420425

The ones at my uni are shit. One is basically a tabloid, which is bad enough on a national scale, but infinitely worse when dealing with the big "scandals" of uni life. The other one is a bit better because it isn't as tabloid-esque and focuses more on important news.

>> No.3420427

If you put pretty girls in them I find them fine.

>> No.3420430

I've thought about joining mine. I don't really want to write news stories though.

>> No.3420440

post your school's

>> No.3420445

Our one was supposedly considered one of the best in the country and editors went onto to jobs at fantastic companies and publications.

I had never seen anything with so many typos and spelling errors, they never edited anything.

>> No.3420453




>> No.3420470

When I wrote my first resume, the advisers at my college's business center told me to put on every stupid accomplishment I ever did-- from volunteer work I did in middle school, extra curricular shit, my GPA, and even a year-long internship. None of that shit matters.

Only one thing in a resume matters: previous work experience related to the job you're applying for. If you don't have that, don't bother writing a resume.

>> No.3420480

thank god i have no accomplishments

>> No.3420509

i used to write for the gatech student paper..lots of tedius student life articles. not a bad club to join though if you want writing practice

>> No.3420520


>> No.3420537

I don't even know if my uni has one

>> No.3420546

The school news would be great if you were a journalist or were interested in becoming a journo for sure. I like the school art mag myself, and my school has a fairly good one full of poetry fiction paintings and photo.
I like editing and choosing my selections from the submissions and defending my choices for the group of us. To me this is the most rewarding and I love seeing what other kids I probably don't know at school are writing/ doing.
Are you the journalistic/ feature writer type, OP?

>> No.3420660

i would like to submit my lauded intellectual writings to the student newspapers.

do you have any contacts or emails, friend?

>> No.3421363

The official ones are a waste of space.

The unofficial ones push cultural Marxist pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.3421414

derp. Way to generalize.

>> No.3421553

Not a university paper, but a lit magazine. Can that count?

>> No.3421557

No, they're shit and embarrassing.

>> No.3421559

you're near guaranteed to go into journalism if you contribute well to a student magazine. that's basically why they exist -- for up-and-coming journalists

i never read them

>> No.3421562

all you can see his her fat-ass face

get some taste in women, slick

>> No.3421569

duh you explain how your extra-curricular shit makes you better for the job

>> No.3421617

>student newspaper
>not previous work experience

Sorry, I thought this thread had some real journalism majors, I was wrong.

>> No.3421639
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Uni student papers are awful. At least mine is.

Imagine all the stupid kids who speak way too much in your lectures in one room writing.

>> No.3421653
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Oh look who it is!

>> No.3421654

Jeff Mangum is the king of feels

>> No.3421670

the implication is that i actually have experience with girls so i'm not so easily convinced of pictures' attractiveness :) nice try

>> No.3421671

He really is.

>> No.3421677

>i need feminism because i want to engage in what is practically blackface but dressing as a woman instead

men truly are the worst

>> No.3421679

Nah, I think you might just be autistic.

>> No.3421701

except i actually have proof of your poor taste in women :)

why does it offend you so much anyway? take a chill pill literally

>> No.3421704


>> No.3421724

wat r u talkin about?

>> No.3421728 [DELETED] 

Everyone calls eachother autistic on here.
Besides I'm not a pedophile.

>> No.3422340
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They're just a place to get clips. My uni's paper, The Temple News, momentarily became famous when this dickwad wrote a hella-bad article on his girlfriend's PMS; it essentially had that "Am I right, fellas?" tone which all the womyn pounced on. Trolling or not, it's was just generally bad, like the paper.

It's almost predominately arts and culture, which sounds good, but it's just the same four or five people talking about their friends. I went to a couple of the arts section meetings and I appeared to be the only straight male there -not that this should matter, I just thought it curious. The rest is minor university news no one cares about and sports, which I don't care about.

I'm probably going to have to give it another go though, I need clips.

>> No.3422369

I write for one. Our school paper is damn professional, so take my advice with a grain of salt; I understand that not every paper is good, or even decent.

Yes, it is worth it. Writers at a school paper can learn more about AP style, reporting and interviewing than any journalism student.

If you want to get into the field, do it faggot.

>> No.3422378

I did the website for my university's newspaper. I only did it for the resume. I quit after about a year though cause I got sick of all the editors.

>> No.3422389

Writing for a uni paper is, as others have said, only really good for clips and a resume.

In my experience, there are some really dedicated student editors who are a pleasure to work for. On the other hand, there are some really terrible ones who make the whole process unpleasant. Judge the quality of the paper for yourself and decide.

>> No.3422511
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>not Hank Williams or Peter Steele
Look at this Fuckin pleb

>> No.3422516

I know a couple of people that wrote for student newspapers.

They wrote about video games. I don't recommend that.

>> No.3422561
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It depends on how good your newspaper is. I like doing my paper because it keeps me writing regularly and I can generate a body of work of sorts.

But, even if your college newspaper is shit though, if you want to submit articles for an internship or job, it only matters how good your individual work is.

Anyway, I write for this excellent rag: http://www.dukechronicle.com/

>> No.3422568

Well, you can write for the "arts" section as a whole, but if the only thing you review are videogames, I have to agree.

I did cover a gaming convention once for my, that was pretty fun.

>> No.3422577
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I like how OP thinks that J-school means shit.