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3418570 No.3418570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't women bothered by existential crisis?

>> No.3418573

becuase they arent closet writer, english majors or phylosophers

>> No.3418572

they are

read more

>> No.3418577

Could any /lit/erates recommend a good existential crisis book? I like books like that.

>> No.3418580

But they are.

>> No.3418579

because they rarely use their minds

>> No.3418602

and you seem to rarely use your cock with another human being

>> No.3418606
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>> No.3418608

Because you don't know any, and to you that means they don't exist. Except your mother and maybe sister, but they're such bitches.

>> No.3418615

they are

you just haven't had a girlfriend or a female friend who felt comfortable enough with you to confide in

people are in general protective about deeply felt emotions and psychological issues. you don't go around telling people you have an existential crisis, do you OP? then how would anyone be able to tell

>> No.3418808

A lot of them are but they don't seem to understand anything.

I've spoken to a few women I'd call intelligent and they don't seem to even think about it. I'm sure some do but it seems to be more of a man's problem.

I would guess that it's the same reason more men go through with suicide.

I've had men openly talk about it. Most of us go through it. Maybe women are more closed about their real thoughts, more worried about judgements.

>> No.3419250


I don't know..Even assuming OP is a total idiot, there's some truth in his speech.
Suicide rate between males x females is 3:1, world levels. This possibly means something.

>> No.3419260
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>> No.3419265

I've never met a woman genuinely tormented by a philosophical dilemma.

>> No.3419268

More interesting note:

Existential crisis do not belong in Indian culture. This is due to a strong belief in pre-determination seen in Hinduism's rigid caste structure, and Buddhism's eternal re-birth.

Sorta neato to think about.
This was the ideal society Nietzsche (Mr. Existentialism) wanted - structural, monarchic, power inherited from the ancestor. I guess in ways you can see how so many thinkers back then fell into conservatism/fascism -- Yes, T.S. Eliot, W. B. Yeats, Erza Pound, Heidegger.

>> No.3419278

>I've never met a woman genuinely tormented by a philosophical dilemma.

Funny how that would be a specific kind of 'being a little bitch' that is restricted to males.

>> No.3419279

Yes. The only way to really establish some sort of 'objective' values is to ad baculum the fuck out of people.

>> No.3419281

Taking intellectual/abstract matters seriously is mostly a male thing, yes. Women are much more pragmatic and 'earthbound'.

>> No.3419280

Youve probably just had bad luck in meeting women.

Consider how women were routinely diagnosed with depression or hysteria. There are some poets who show that women also get depressed as all hell for several reasons, like Page, Sexton, or motherfucking Dickinson.

As far as personal experiences, I have never met a girl who went through an existential crisis, however I have met girls who were damn near close, and my best friend has met a few who went through them. For me, the girls had family problems, drug problems, or eating disorders, that all probably stemmed from some deeper crisis that they never seemed to be aware of. There was one girl I knew who had a crisis in faith, that was probably the closest ive ever seen a girl go.

For my friend, he dated girls who went through essentially what we would call an existential crisis. He goes to Columbia in New York, and he met them while studying abroad in India (they were americans).

So yeah, they are out there. Though, there may be a pattern of one sex having it more often than the other, but im not smart enough to even consider that notion, even less justify it.

>> No.3419288
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>and he met them while studying abroad in India (they were americans).

>average female existential crisis

>> No.3419290

I dont understand, I never saw this movie

>> No.3419293

i've found the term 'bitches ain't shit' to be applicable to most situations

it's not like i want to be misogynistic

>> No.3419300

woman gets depressed goes to india and joins this buddhist hindu shit and then i fell asleep.

>> No.3419313


I also suffer from angst and anxiety, but I'm wise enough to suspect that the causes are not exclusively inherent to the logic of philosophical dilemmata, but actually derive from a complex interplay of what the weather is like, my digestion, what I've been reading, etc.

>> No.3419321

Oh, well actually the girls who went with the program originally didnt really want to go. One girl simply put in the application because she had nothing better to do and planned to drop out anyway. A few of the girls couldnt even handle being in India and had to leave before the program was over.

>Not having both be the causes

>> No.3419323

Most of the time when someone on this site complains about existential crisis they really just are depressed from the fact that they have no friends and spend 80% of their lives in the same room.

>> No.3419329
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It's a stereotypical fantasy version of the female idea of finding yourself. You spend a shitload of money on expensive accommodated travel. You do this little 'joie de vivre' thing in Southern Europe ("I'm a warm and adventurous woman full of temperament, dreamingly wandering through Rome, making fiery tall dark handsome men turn their heads, drinking wine wearing dresses, so sensual, pizza and perfume commercials for life"). You do this spiritual thing in the Orient ("I'm a spiritual loving woman in touch with her feelings, so serene, yoga at sunrise, talking to guru's, meditation, incense and colourful robes, living in the moment, it's all about the feels not the things, I fucking love my sandalwood shower gel, calmer than you are") and in the end you fall in mutual love with prince charming ("he's a serious yet funny, sensual yet reasonable, rich and successful guy with lots of time for me and respects and accepts me for who I am and celebrates my independence and quirkiness yet picks up the tab and is courteous and proof that chivalry isn't dead, especially in front of my girlfriends"). After this experience of a lifetime you can settle down since you have your "found myself" scout badge.

inb4 mad girls, don't worry, I know you're not all such cunts. But most of you are.

>> No.3419333

>im not smart enough to even consider that notion
What the fuck? Do people actually reach a point in their thinking and then stop, telling themselves, 'woop, this is the smarts' territory; I better head back.' Just do your fucking research, you irresolute piece of shit.

>> No.3419334

>Not having both be the causes
>complex interplay

>kyu eee dizzle

>> No.3419336

He is having both be the causes. Stop saying dumb things, guy.

>> No.3419340

>spend 80% of their lives in the same room
Och, that one hurt.

>> No.3419341

I'll blabber from an evolutionary biology perspective, (I'm not one in real life, I'm a chemist)

Existentialism is seen as a crisis from having too much freedom. This is most reverberated from males because males can begin parenthood from the time he drops his balls to the time he dies. That's not to say parenthood ends an existential crisis, but in many ways having a new born ends the abstract thought, and puts the needs of the material world in front. Think about it. Existentialism has long been defined by lonely bachelor men.

-Kierkegaard declined a girl, and fucking regretted that decision every single day of his life.
-Nietzsche was a lonely fucker.
-Kafka felt enslaved by his sexual pleasures in that he felt as if the freedom of his ability doomed his life. Despite all the women he scored, he wavered between living with his parents, and died childless.
-Sartre had one love, and that was Simone, and she did not produce kids.
-Dostoyevsky who led the most regular life, thought Christianity was the answer.

So alright. Men have freedom. What about women?

>> No.3419342

So alright. Men have freedom. What about women?

For most part of their history women were determined to fulfill the role of the housekeeper. No matter how much the mind is allowed to dwaddle on why Humans exist, they have to worry about putting food on the table and make sure the baby doesn't die.

In the secondary case, women are in fact more likely to change their lifestyle due to them aging. Women for one, are most marveled for their beauty. That's the first criteria for selection, and in many ways, that was their first step in success. This elevated view of beauty has it's flaws though. All humans age. And that beauty is quickly lost.

What that means is that a woman does not have as much 'freedom' to a quality of life, since their greatest draw is their age. (Likewise it's though blondes are more attractive because infants typically have blonde hair). As such, their life is structured between childhood - young adult - maternal - old age/death.

Teenage years start when she's gets first growth spurt
Young adult starts when she first menstruates/first growth spurt
Maternal starts with menopause
Old Age starts when she can't walk anymore.

As such, women do not have to freedom to start maternal life whenever they want. Unlike sperm, eggs have a distinct count. In most cases it's preferable to have healthy baby before the age of 35. It's risky with downs afterwards -- and the attraction of a mate at that age diminishes. (Compare vs. men where it's said that older men are more attractive)

So in ways, a women's life is more structured -- with less freedom. Less freedom means less of an idea of existentialism. This is why in modern culture, it’s more common to see men as “man-children”, versus the female.

>> No.3419346

women are privileged like sometimes when i have to go to the bathroom i find the women's bathroom first and i have to walk a few steps further to reach the men's. this wouldn't happen in an equal society

>> No.3419344

I liked the voice over at the opening of that movie. Everything else was awful.

>> No.3419348

Does that preclude women from existential crisis? Not necessarily. In the western world vs. south indian, the role of the workplace has changed.

In many ways women have embraced the idea of a second job, and in that random assortment of job-seeking, that allows enough degrees-of-freedom (?not the academic term), to ponder about existence.

>> No.3419349

>I'm a chemist
I wish I was worth something... Sorry, anon, I didn't read anything else. That was all my heart could bear.

>> No.3419364

Im just saying that this is something I know nothing about, so I wont comment on it.

I derped

I think we all are thinking this in the backs of our heads (regardless of if we believe it), but were trying to find other reasons.

>> No.3419366

Although in my high school, the washing-up room of the main boys' toilets was open to the corridors while the girls' was concealed behind two doors and a short hallway. It seemed relevant, is all.

>> No.3419373

so women don't 'have existential crises' because they're geared to want children instead?

this actually makes sense
i'm starting to think /lit/ might be toxic

>> No.3419379

Some are.

>> No.3419380

that fucking feel when my writing is falling apart at this hour (early morning) and i'm still banned on krautchan and i can't go to /r9k/ or wizchan due to the number of beta faggots i want to castrate

>> No.3419382

they're actually smart enough to know how to deal with them

>> No.3419383
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off to /r9k/ wiv ye

>> No.3419389

not geared to want children

but that they're restrained to an arbitrary time frame in which if they every want the possibility to pass on genes to the next generation, they have better issues to focus on (maternity/attraction beauty) than wondering why the exist

they're the full practical application of it
ask not why we're here --- but to make fucking sure
we're here for the next generation

(yes I used "we're" in the wrong form, but it's to get the message through)

>> No.3419411

>dat filename

>> No.3419422

And sometimes they are the ones that have to walk a few steps further. Sounds pretty equal too me.

>> No.3419446


As a gal who has traveled, I concur. You forget the bit in SE-Asia where finding yourself also includes drinking cheap booze out of buckets and having sex with someone on what was once a beautiful island that is now ruined by tourism, while reflecting on how badly SEA has been ruined by tourism and attempting to distance yourself from being nothing said shitmunching tourist with a cheap backpack full of crap, getting 'off the beaten track' for 'cultural' experiences, while contributing as little to the economy as possible and leaving a trail of vomit in your wake

>> No.3419466

I think that you need to talk to more women.

>> No.3419469

hee hee

>> No.3419470

>as a gal
You know what you did.

>> No.3419496

>many ways women have embraced the idea of a second job, and in that random assortment of job-seeking, that allows enough degrees-of-freedom (?not the academic term), to ponder about existence.
*to buy more shoes

>> No.3419644


My english is not very good. What's the definition for “man-children”?

>> No.3419648

this is why i stay at /lit/.

>> No.3419651


Because it's effectively /r9k/ now? You're a problem.

>> No.3419660

Shaming men into doing what women want them to do by calling following their own wishes "childish". A man-child is regarded as irresponsible and frivolous, while he is actually the God Child and the successor of Camel and Lion, finding is joy in innocent self-centeredness as he laughingly rolls the dice of fate.

>> No.3419667


Best description of being obsessed with My Little Pony I've ever read.

>> No.3419671
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You sir are awesome.

>> No.3419672

it's like I really am in /r9k/

>> No.3419673
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Why don't you leave if you don't like it?

>> No.3419688


Why don't you leave if you're not here to talk about literature?

>> No.3419719

women have adapted to postmodernism better than men have. their default condition is, and always has been, meaninglessness; or meaning relegated to trivial dominion. much like the next generation of men and women will be, previous generations of women just haven't had much to be disillusioned with.

>> No.3419722

a blah blah blu blah blee a bloo bloo blah ba lah baloo buh buh buh

>> No.3419759

Best possible reply. Sage for politeness.