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File: 274 KB, 336x491, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3416993 No.3416993 [Reply] [Original]

What's the name of the tool in feminist criticism that makes one ask whether a piece of media has two female characters who talk to each other in private, about something other than the males characters?

>> No.3417003

What's the name of the tool that let women vote when after a century of legal equality they still haven't proven themselves interesting enough to be protagonists in media?

>> No.3417008

its somewhere on cracked.com

>> No.3417010

bechdel test
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

>> No.3417014

Whats the name of that tool in life when you avoid boring shit like feminist readings?

>> No.3417030

When people retorted with many examples they added the stipulation that it has to be like 97 minutes long and the women have to be on stilts or something.

>> No.3417068

Why should there be bullshit tests for movies when women in real life are uninteresting and don't seem to have anything valuable to say?

>> No.3417071

it was a joke in a comic strip from, and it's poking fun at the fact that women are pretty underrepresented in movies, I'm guessing later it stretched to the media in general.
nobody's actually saying there are absolutely no movies that match the criteria.
sage because I ain't saying anything substantial

>> No.3417426
File: 11 KB, 231x300, 1349816533056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equality of outcome is more important than equality of opportunity to society now.

>> No.3417435
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>> No.3417500

I don't see how you can measure equality of opportunity effectively without looking at equality of outcome.

>> No.3417504


The thing is though, women talk about men constantly. Just look at the television shows that are created by women, written by women, star women, center around women, and are usually claimed as progressive and forward-thinking by feminist blogs, shows like Sex and the City or Girls or Awkward. Plots focus around men and how the female characters can't decide between men, want a man, or are trying to get a man.

>> No.3417513

>The thing is though, women talk about men constantly. Just look at the television shows
My sides...

>> No.3417526

>that are created by women, written by women, star women, center around women, and are usually claimed as progressive and forward-thinking by feminist blogs

do you need som halp reading, buddy?

>> No.3417541

There is such a thing as real life outside the tv screen buddy. And no one's saying anything about whether the shows are made by women or targeted at women.

>> No.3417553

Why would women underrepresent themselves? If they have more to talk about in real life then why don't their personal and creative works reflect that?

>> No.3417555
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, finishes a mickey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I don't see how you could possibly conflate the two without having a bias toward innate equality/tabula rasa models.

>> No.3417627

That is so sexist thinking women can't also be sexist.

There's no good reason to link a division like male and female with individual differences in ability. You might as well be trying to link earlobe attachment with ability.

>> No.3417765

>You might as well be trying to link earlobe attachment with ability.
>non sequitur
>There's no good reason to link a division like male and female with individual differences in ability.
All available data is to the contrary.
Men as a overwhelming majority average physical superiority to females and outperform females professionally in arts, sports and sciences.
Show me evidence of oppression, suppression or inequality towards women in grading procedure. I fucking dare you.
Not to mention diversity quotas pushed on universities and businesses through affirmative action.

>> No.3418073

>being this stupid

how 'bout entrenched institutional sexism that affects the people who grade shit. that probably affects things quite a bit.

also, grades =/= real world success, because in the real world there is even more sexism, and internalized sexism may be causing women not to try, or to do more poorly.

but obviously, you, a male in 21st century america, are the most oppressed of all. how do you dumbfucks manage to be so dumb?

>> No.3418081

>being mad

>> No.3418084

>thinking apathy is cool
apathy's gone pretty pleb brah. true patricians care about shit instead of just trying to be edgy fucks.

>> No.3418098

passion is cool, but being angsty is just so blasé.

>> No.3418107

>institutional anything

Yeah, keep clinging to notions you can't prove. "B-but it's so obvious!" Uh huh. That ain't proof, fagboi.

>> No.3418117

>discussing the struggles of others

they're not really the same thing, brah

>maybe if i blame affirmative action and pretend they're just stupid, i won't feel so bad about being a worthless piece of shit

>> No.3418128

>maybe if i blame affirmative action and pretend they're just stupid, i won't feel so bad about being a worthless piece of shit

Oh, wow. You went straight to just pulling something out of your ass.

>> No.3418143
File: 16 KB, 380x300, 1355470564071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get mad at the feminazis, it's not their fault they can't into rational discourse. I blame the patriarchy.

>> No.3418187

>entrenched institutional sexism
Ya blah blah I get it, women are sexualized in the media and that's why they're less intelligent/creative/interesting than men. I put effort into my appearance as well, but I'm not a lazy cunt and know that I have to make something of myself on top of my appearance

>> No.3418226

>how 'bout entrenched institutional sexism that affects the people who grade shit.
Fun Fact: More than 2/3s of grade school teachers are female.
>may be causing women not to try, or to do more poorly.
If all else fails, shift the blame!

>An honest and non-deluded female appears
>She uses logic
>It's super-effective!

>> No.3418239



>> No.3418244

doxxing a republican and pretending to be him I see, let's call the wambalance for this troll. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.3418249

I bet it hurts a lot sir, to be that big of a loser. ANd to fail that much at life. hAHAHAHAHAHAHA

that you have to scam your victims

>> No.3418276

I'm so fucking confused right now.

>> No.3418313

Holy shit dude so am I?

hey you're that con artist I saw earlier begging on the street for money, lulz

>> No.3418319

crap mod, you got me, how the heck do you do that?

>> No.3418480
File: 20 KB, 218x374, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lesbians portrayed as sort of gross bull dykes instead of super hip urban cosmopolitan mysterious sex princesses

man this must be an old comic

>> No.3418526
File: 461 KB, 350x292, 1340732631943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equality of opportunity is still much more important, at least in the U.S., where "equality of outcome" translates as "diehard socialism: pt. 2."

Fucking meritocracy.

>> No.3418533

Sometimes they are just gross bull dykes. I did meet this one absolutely glowing couple at a Jamaican market though, they were seriously like something out of a gay 7th Heaven.