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/lit/ - Literature

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3417332 No.3417332 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ experts of philosophy, recommend me 3 books on every subbranch of philosophy in the following manner -

Ethics - book1, book2, book3
Epistemology - book1, book2, book3
Metaphysics - book1, book2, book3
Aesthetics - book1, book2, book3
Logic - book1, book2, book3

>> No.3417337

The Bible. All you need bro.

>> No.3417349

Tao te Ching Tao te Ching Tao te Ching
Tao te Ching Tao te Ching Tao te Ching
Tao te Ching Tao te Ching Tao te Ching
Tao te Ching Tao te Ching Tao te Ching
Tao te Ching Tao te Ching Socrates

>> No.3417351

I'll read that later

>> No.3417356
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>> No.3417364

Just read about platonism and neo platonism.

>> No.3417371


>> No.3417393

Shit, i thought it said "Tao Lin". I'll look into Tao, but I wanted specific books, by specific authors in the manner I addressed

>> No.3417415

>I thought it said Tao Lin
This is understandable, but my heart still weeps over this dreadful misunderstanding. Tao Lin, indeed. And Tao te Ching is written by Laozi, Socrates by Platon.

>> No.3417416

Plus, Socrates hasn't written anything.

>> No.3417430

If anyone's interested, there's a good site for philosophy here. They do podcasts, lectures and radio shows:

Another one here:

>> No.3417440

mackie - reinventing right and wrong
stephenson - ethics and language
schlick - fragen der ethik

carnap - der logische aufbau der welt
popper - objektive erkenntnis
russell - our knowledge of the external world

fuck metaphysics, read wittgenstein and carnap in order to understand why...

im incompetent when it comes to aesthetics, but heres my list anyway:

benjamin - das kunstwerk im zeitalter seiner technischen reproduzierbarkeit
hegel - aesthetik

russell - principia mathematica
tarski - the semantical concept of truth and the foundations of semantics
kripke - naming and necessity

short appeal to authority: im a philosophy grad student

>> No.3417454

Not interested in podcasts and any of that sort for they obvious bias

>> No.3417459

teaching company lectures

>> No.3417471

Nice list if it wasn't half German. Can you translate?

Are Logical Positivists really worth looking into, seeing you've mentioned Russell twice? I've developed a particular dislike for him and his movement

>> No.3417472

respond to my awesome list you little bitch, be tankful, i just wasted one minute of my time for this.

>> No.3417485

No, they're basically the Philosophy of Autism. An intellectual dead end.

>> No.3417486

im a fan of reading thing in the language they were written in.
logical empiricism got philosophy where it is today, with russell being one of the leading minds.
the way you condemn him without having read him is shameful.

>> No.3417491

I share this view as well. Wanna know what he thinks though

>> No.3417494

ohh, a teenage kid who thinks its cool to choose a side on the analytic - continental conflict that exists only between uneducated teenagers on the internet. great, im wasting my time again. finish highschool, get a degree in philosophy and come back when youre done.

>> No.3417492

Use the Blackwell Anthologies. [I have and like the ones on ethics, aesthetics, and logic as well as others.]

Reading specific works is otherwise a bit problematic. You need to take a more structured approach starting with the Greeks and shit.

Also, check out any episodes of The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast that are relevant to your interests.

>> No.3417493
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Ethics: book1, book2, book3; Wittgenstein; Tao; write the book.
Epistemology: book1, book2, book3: Wittgenstein; Tao; be the book.
Metaphysics: book1, book2, book3; Wittgenstein; Tao; believe in the book.
Aesthetics: book1, book2, book3; Wittgenstein; Tao; reference other books in your book.
Logic: book1, book2, book3; Wittgenstein; Tao; your book is all of the books.

>> No.3417497

He isn't worth reading. He's to blame for the state philosophy is in now, the reason that it's totally irrelevant to any part of human life and that most english speakers don't know what philosophy even is, because it has just become an academic circle jerk, where you obsess over concepts so historically rooted that no one can even understand them without spending years learning the background material.

>> No.3417498

>im a fan of reading thing in the language they were written in.
Are you German yourself?

>logical empiricism got philosophy where it is today
`Where` is it today?

>the way you condemn him without having read him is shameful.
I have read his History of Western Philosophy

>> No.3417502

I'm actually 27 and have a degree in philosophy. Anyone who understands the subject enough will realise that academic philosophy on the whole is a waste of time.

>> No.3417507

It's always seemed incredibly cliquey to me.

>> No.3417516

i am, but i read plato in greek, spinoza in latin, descartes in french because i actually beleive that its a good idea to do so.
history of western philosophy is more of a popular science intro to the history of philosophy and its quite biased at some points. (plato, hegel).
read principia mathematica.

>> No.3417519


>> No.3417554

Give me your list

>i am, but i read plato in greek, spinoza in latin, descartes in french because i actually beleive that its a good idea to do so.

>principia mathematica.
Is it still relevant today? I've read that Wittgenstein disagrees with their method

>> No.3417563


>> No.3417586

Ok, I'll look into it. What do you think of Kant

>> No.3417587

>history of western philosophy is more of a popular science intro to the history of philosophy and its quite biased at some points.
That's why it's all about the Solomon and Higgins

>> No.3417605

for pretty much all of the continental tradition that followed and many subjects treated by analytics aswell

>> No.3417715


Anyone else wanna share their lists? Thought /lit/ had more experts than this

>> No.3418078

Ethics : Utilitarianism of Mill, A Treatise of Human Nature by david Hume you need to read the four books to be able to realy understand, The Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle

>> No.3419307

Cool, thanks. That's 3 books, not 4

>> No.3419567

b u m p

>> No.3419619

Ethics - The Ego and Its Own, On The Genealogy of Morals, Against Method
Epistemology - The Ego and Its Own, On The Genealogy of Morals, Against Method
Metaphysics - The Ego and Its Own, On The Genealogy of Morals, Against Method
Aesthetics - any three texts that fit your class and gender identity, that is a collection of poetry, or a treatise by some painter(s), or three issues of vogue.
Logic - Any legitimate math textbook on formal logic, any other, any third

>> No.3419624

>the analytic - continental conflict that exists only between uneducated teenagers on the internet

The only person who would claim such a thing would be one of those teenagers you are talking about...

>> No.3419642

both Stirner and Nietzsche? Against Method looks like an interesting read.

>Aesthetics - any three texts that fit your class and gender identity, that is a collection of poetry, or a treatise by some painter(s), or three issues of vogue.

>> No.3419646

>both Stirner and Nietzsche?

Yeah, there is obviously a lot of personal taste involved... but I still think this is a good recommendation.