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File: 10 KB, 464x95, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3412739 No.3412739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey ho, /lit/tle men.

what do you think of people like this?

>> No.3412742

bretty cool guy yo feigned misanthropy always get the ladies

>> No.3412745


>> No.3412749


>> No.3412747

We should start with her.
Not that I don't feel overpopulation is a really big issue and we should do something to balance this, but that bitch should get in the oven.

>> No.3412748

That's a guy

>> No.3412751

No, why? Do you?

>> No.3412750


do you have le autism?

>> No.3412754


because you cant into ironing breh or you maybe you whyed just to bump le thraad which means i have le autism, in this case


>> No.3412760

Oh right, were you being sarcastic then?

Cool cool, my bad. I guess I'm autistic.

>> No.3412773


Irony isn't a blanket justification for intentionally acting stupid.

And no, just because your posts are several times removed from genuine in a "meta-ironic" way does not make them any less stupid.

Which, really, would okay if you did it in an amusing or humorous way. But you don't!

I don't even know why I would bother to reply, this is probably exactly what you want to hear.

>> No.3412790

Just because a book was mentioned doesn't make this thread /lit/.

If we ought to stop for every silly thing people find on the internet, we won't be doing anything else.

>> No.3412800

I post a couple of these threads every week, (these threads being screenshots from my twitter feed, and a question vaguely related to said screenshot) and they always get a shit load of replies.

If people like them, which they surely do if quantity of replies can be treated as indication of popularity, then why stop?

Would you rather I had posted another thread about Ayn Rand?

>> No.3412803


>acting stupid

no one is acting im legitimately retarded in this sexy swaggering brute kind of way and you're bothering to reply due to latent homoerotic urges but i wont fall for your 'negging' this time sweetheart

>> No.3412811

This is why nobody likes tripfags

>> No.3412813

What's wrong with it? 50% is too moderate, however. We need a max of 1 billion humans.

>> No.3412820

So when we have 1 billion humans and a couple is about to conceive, a bell chimes DING DING DING and a mp3 recording goes "WE ARE AT MAX CAP."

>> No.3412824

oh, hey stan! I love you too.

>> No.3412826

Of course we need to implement population control, but not by murdering 6 billion people.

That would be fucking stupid.

>> No.3412844

Yeah, that would never fly. Voluntary, paid sterilizations in Africa could be a good start. Do your duty for mankind, pay Mbuku Mbobwa $500 to tie her tubes!

>> No.3412858

Am I the only one who thinks we should engineer a contagious disease to sterilize a portion of the population? If everyone who can has 2.5 kids, and the disease sterilizes 40% of those infected at random, population is maintained and there is no need for starvation, genocide or forced sterilization of select individuals. All are equal before the virus.

>> No.3412903

Why not

>> No.3412904

I would gladly die if it meant cleansing the world of the impure

>> No.3412905
File: 10 KB, 211x246, 1356107818408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why control the population? Overpopulation only helps both capitalism and evolution

>> No.3412909


>everyone must die because muh feelings

>> No.3412910

Am I missing something here? Why do we want fewer people? Shouldn't we want more, better, smarter, healthier people?

Why less?

>> No.3412914

>Implying either of those things are good.
You can not possibly be this e/lit/ist.

>> No.3412918

ITT: Sick racist fucks justifying their hate of nigras with the thin veil of 'overpopulation' and 'caring for the environment'.

Go get fucked, and I don't mean that in a good way.

>> No.3412919

Because racism. Simple as that.

>> No.3412925

>not aware of the African population explosion
>pretends not to be ignorant
Have fun with that, ignorant peasant.

>> No.3412930

>engineer a contagious disease to sterilize a portion of the population
You saw what happened to the Krogan in Mass Effect..

>> No.3412936

>not aware of the African population explosion
I'm perfectly aware. I just don't think this somehow gives me the justification to rage and kill niggers.

(BTW, you're not complaining about the European population explosion that happened a hundred years ago for the exact same reason population is exploding in Africa now.)

>> No.3412940

>Shouldn't we want more, better, smarter, healthier people?

Sure we do. But a larger population does not mean a better, smarter, healthier population. It actually means the opposite. People are more likely to be stupid and unhealthy. This is why high abortion rates lead to a drastic decrease in crime rates in New York City-- all the criminals were being aborted.

Also, the larger a community gets the more unstable it becomes. This is why crime rates are higher in cities than they are in very small towns with populations around 50 or so. Tightly knit communities have more cooperation than large ones where everyone is a stranger.

Also, look into J-curve growth. That shit is never good.

Jesus Christ, /lit/, how naive are you?

>> No.3412960

>Also, look into J-curve growth. That shit is never good.

Human populations don't do J curves. Thats for short-lived, high volume reproducers which have very short times to maturity and high seasobnal mortality.

we do a sigmoid, that levels off about seven percent below the carrying capacity. not just us, of course: elephants, horses, great apes, whales, any population with type one population characteristics and K-strategist demogs.

>> No.3412985

>comparing Africans to a tiny global minority
Are you getting paid to be this ignorant?

And is this why you brought up the racism accusations? To hide your own filthy, vile racism?

>> No.3412994

I explicitly stated that the disease would sterilize people at random. I realise resistance to a disease is affected by genetics, but the disease would affect everybody. Who would become sterile would be random.

>mfw I'm half black

>> No.3412996

We're not that few compared to them.

>> No.3413012

He's just covering for his own racism. It's sort of like the rabidly anti-gay and anti-pedo crusaders that eventually turn out to be gay pedos.

>> No.3413023

Who the fuck crusades against gays? That's retarded. As is thinking we have a right to pass on our genes because we're white or more civilised than most Africans. Even if you did have "superiour" genes(an irrational concept), that does not give you greater value, and it doesn't mean genetic diversity is not to be preferred to a prevalence of the genes we consider advantageous at present.

>> No.3413034

>Holy shit that straw man.
We've caught you in ignorance, racism and lies and now this. Every aspect of your thinking is marked by petty bigotry and inferior reasoning. You can't hold an adult discussion and I have better things to do than try to do your parents' job for them. Not that I have never seen evidence that a bigoted, ignorant mongoloid is capable of reform.

>> No.3413039

I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where you back up your insults with logic or facts.

>> No.3413073

Also, what straw-man? I call fallacy fallacy.

>> No.3413087

>Implying we're the same person
I'd say there are at least four of us.
Although I am two of us

>> No.3413104

> tiny global minority
Population of Africa: approximately 1 billion people.
Population of Europe+USA: approximately 1 billion people.

The rest of what you said is just as stupid and wrong.

>> No.3413659

>feeding the troll, even after it reveals itself
>being this new

>> No.3415395

Twitter seems like a pretty cool guy. Eh reads Mein Kampf and doesnt afraid of anything.

>> No.3415418

Am I the only one who thinks about how much worse the overpopulation problem would be if all those jews weren't killed? They'd have gone off to have kids and their kids have kids and so on.

Same applies to all those that Stalin killed, and that other chin one, I forget his name, Ipo or Ing or some shit.

>> No.3415419

Average Negroid IQ: ~80
Average Caucasoid IQ: ~100

>> No.3415421

terraforming mars would be the nicest solution to overpopulation

>> No.3415447

> Average OP IQ: ~40

Seriously: a) there is no such thing as 'Negroid' and 'Caucasoid' races. (Surely you're not lumping Ethiopian and Bantu people under 'Negroid', are you?? Same for the French and Finnish.)

b) IQ doesn't measure something as nebulous and multifaceted as 'intelligence', IQ merely measures your aptitude for solving standardized tests. And no, I'm not talking about bullshit like 'emotional intelligence' or whatever it is libtards invent for rationalization purposes; I'm talking about the fact that 'intelligence' is our capacity to adapt under duress. The very antithesis of a standardized multiple-choice test.

>> No.3415482


>im legitimately retarded in this sexy swaggering brute kind of way and you're bothering to reply due to latent homoerotic urges

you can be annoying as fuck but damn it all if you aren't the funniest motherfucker on this board

>> No.3415501
File: 144 KB, 984x636, 1355176733076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, someone who hasn't read a single paper on the subjects of race or intelligence. THESE arguments sure haven't been refuted a million times before.

a) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanenetic_Diversity:_Lewontin%27s_Faacy
b) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainseam_Science_on_Intelligence

>> No.3415561

Die, stormfag.

>> No.3416358

Both blacks and whites average above 100. Your racial epithets are horribly outdated and inaccurate.

>> No.3416369

Isn't arguing over which race is superior sort of like listing the relative merits of cancer and gangrene? /diogenes

>> No.3416373
File: 131 KB, 644x644, 1356577284938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3416380

It's so sad to see people who consider themselves smart accept the egalitarian "diversity is our strength" propaganda that they were taught in public schools. People are going to look back on this time period and say "How did people believe that stuff?", the same way they look at Nazi Germany.

>> No.3416384

My IQ still measures 27 points over the supposed white average; more than the difference you claim exists between "negroids" and "caucasoids". By your logic, my intelligence makes my life worth much more than most whites'.

>Hurr, we're smart; we're worth more
>Durr, emotions are for the weak; empathy is an illusion created by the liberal media to control you
>Hurr, let's go look down on billions of people we know nothing about based on a trait we think makes us superior.

Truly intelligent, mature people don't feel the need to look down on others; they accept less intelligent people as valuable equals, because they know smarter=/=better.

>> No.3416385
File: 50 KB, 400x360, 1222460427k70rMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ test shows conservatives aren't as smart as liberals



>IQ tests repeatedly show that blacks are less intelligent than whites in every civilized country


>> No.3416386

>wat are societal factors

>> No.3416388

The black-white IQ gap exists in every single country where blacks and whites are present. Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.

>> No.3416390

>Implying intelligent people brag
I know some more or less genius people, and they are among the most modest people I know.

>> No.3416391

>Truly intelligent, mature people don't feel the need to look down on others; they accept less intelligent people as valuable equals, because they know smarter=/=better.

[citation needed]

Do so without resorting to fallacies and "but my feelings".

>> No.3416392

Proof, plz

>> No.3416394

Imo I think it would be good if the 30-35% of the worlds population would die. There are so many money grubbing parasites out there only thinking about themself and their own future. The world is crumbling in a rapid phase and it's those peoples fault.
I'm not saying that a speciffic ethnic culture should be extermintated just the people who makes this world worse. Just have to find the right man for the job and a system to determine who's gonna have to shower.

>> No.3416398

Albert Einstein, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Isaac Asimov, I could go on. Don't be an edgy cunt; only an idiot would be completely inconsiderate of emotions.

>> No.3416399
File: 40 KB, 530x300, impatient watch man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.

I'm waiting.

>> No.3416400

>appeal to authority
>calling people edgy and an idiot for having opinions that hurt your feelings

I said without resorting to fallacies.

>> No.3416401

That was the point, you have no proof.

>> No.3416405
File: 22 KB, 400x279, watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.

Still waiting for you to provide concrete evidence of a single country where the average black scores higher than whites.

>> No.3416407

Average Capricorn IQ: ~80
Average Aquarian IQ: ~100

>> No.3416409

Average blue eyed man IQ:~80
Average brown eyed man IQ: ~100

>> No.3416414
File: 37 KB, 400x343, 1355861576002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see the citations.

>> No.3416418

Let's see the causal link between skin colour and intelligence or behaviour.

>> No.3416416

>Appeal to authority
You asked for examples, and I gave them. Don't dismiss an honest, relevant argument as a fallacy. That's called a fallacy fallacy
When I called you edgy, I meant you were ignoring the emotional aspect to gain prestige. My feelings have not been hurt, I don't really care what you think, since I doubt I'll change your opinion. I'm appealing to the lurkers who might otherwise read this discussion and think you were right.

>> No.3416424

>Most research suggests that between 43.8 and 49.3 percent of “all” African immigrants in the United States hold a college diploma (Nisbett, 2002; Charles, 2007; U.S. Census, 2000). This is slightly more than the percentage of Asian immigrants to the U.S., substantially greater than the percentage of European immigrants, nearly “double” that of native-born white Americans

>29.7% of native born Whites had a college degree

>> No.3416427

It's over, whites are finished.

>> No.3416428

My concrete argument is that yours is incorrect, since there is no reason to believe it. No citation was given, no proof was offered. You are staking a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.3416440

Yup, we're coming to enslave you and to rape your women. We will destroy your culture and destroy the world with our uncanny combination of low intelligence and poor culture and cunning deception. The Jews are in on it too, of course. Probably Arabs as well.

>> No.3416441
File: 86 KB, 801x1200, 10520951-handsome-business-man-checking-his-wrist-watch-over-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immigrants on average are much more likely to hold a degree than the host population. Let's see the overall black population vs the white population statistics.

I'll wait.

>> No.3416445

You aren't supporting any of these claims with facts.

>> No.3416446

Don't reply to your own posts, it just makes you look desperate.

>> No.3416454
File: 37 KB, 700x487, nice watch man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's see the overall black population vs the white population statistics

What's wrong? Do they go against your narrative, kiddo? I'll let you leave the thread now to avoid further embarrassment. Go on.

>> No.3416459

So you admit that your argument is based on emotions and not facts. I'm glad you're honest.

>> No.3416460

I believe you asked for a counter argument for ANY country, I provided you with one. Don't like that their immigrants? Too bad, you agreed to cede the argument and accept black cocks into your heart as your rightful ruler.

>> No.3416461

Never said blacks were smarter than whites; they're not. Race is to intelligence what a board game is to a blue whale.

>> No.3416465

Both, genius.

>> No.3416469

Do you even read?

"This is slightly more than the percentage of Asian immigrants to the U.S., substantially greater than the percentage of European immigrants"

How can whites be more intelligent if you're such a fucking mong?

>> No.3416470
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1349237266950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't provide a single country. You provided the data on immigrants. Go ahead and post the overall black vs white college degree rates.

Go on bud, let's see it. I really can't wait for you to post them.

>> No.3416475

>Let's see the overall black population vs the white population statistics

>> No.3416479

Coherence, logic, truth; your posts lack them all.

>> No.3416480

>When I said post statistics, I didn't mean statistics that refute my argument!
>still trying to work out how his watch works

>> No.3416485
File: 404 KB, 320x240, 1347668051993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't refute my argument. I asked for the statistics for a single country, comparing the black population to the whites. Instead you posted the immigrant info because you knew the mainland population statistics proved me right.

At this point you're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.3416500

So if the the fact that more native born whites are college graduates than native born whitea are more intelligent, and the fact that more immigrant blacks have college degrees than immigrant whites means that blacks are more intelligent, what the fuck is your point?

>> No.3416502

*if the fact that more native born whites are college graduates than native born blacks proves that whites are more intelligent

>> No.3416505

I see. The abundant facts and sources presented in your posts have convinced me you are right. I don't see how I managed to argue with you, demanding that you support your argument with facts when clearly the burden on proof was on me. I should have realised, that if you stake a claim, it is my place to disprove it, since any statement is true until disproven

>> No.3416514
File: 110 KB, 1200x801, 496789-businessman-looking-at-his-watch-worried-about-the-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? All you had to do was accept that I am right! Since no one could prove me wrong, it didn't matter that I never sourced my statements: if someone tells you something's true, you believe them until some one proves they're wrong! There's no need for me to prove my point; what am I, a nigger?

>> No.3416517
File: 34 KB, 472x315, laughter3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go ahead and post the overall black vs white college degree rates. Go on bud, let's see it. I really can't wait for you to post them.

Still waiting.

>> No.3416522

I just acknowledged that the rates are higher for native born whites. Has all that inbreeding left you congenitally retarded? Would you like me to find you a ball to play with while the adults talk?

>> No.3416525
File: 169 KB, 860x585, 0410C843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just acknowledged that the rates are higher for native born whites.

I'm glad we agree that I'm right and that you have lost the argument.

>> No.3416530

>Be OP
>Browsing the tweets of some girl I know, see some guy she's following who seems like a retard
>Check his twitter, find this tweet
>Find it vaguely annoying
>Take a screenshot and post it on /lit/ in an attempt to get a debate going about pseudo-intellectuals
>Come back almost a day later
>Thread has turned into a /pol/ circlejerk

Nice job guys.

>> No.3416532

That wasn't your point, your point was we couldn't prove blacks aren't inferior. There is no reasoning with you.

>> No.3416536
File: 47 KB, 882x550, I was taller than he was.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The black-white IQ gap exists in every single country where blacks and whites are present. Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.

You have failed to do so and thus have lost this debate.

>> No.3416537

>Nice job, guys.

>> No.3416538

So if the fact that more native born whites are college graduates than native born blacks proves that whites are more intelligent, and the fact that more immigrant blacks have college degrees than immigrant whites means that blacks are more intelligent, what the fuck is your point?


>> No.3416543
File: 9 KB, 275x183, le watch face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The black-white IQ gap exists in every single country where blacks and whites are present. Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.

>> No.3416545

>Implying the burden of proof is not on the one staking the claim.

>> No.3416548

>Prove me wrong
That's not how logic works.

>> No.3416549
File: 190 KB, 600x270, left-wrist-watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The black-white IQ gap exists in every single country where blacks and whites are present. Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.

>> No.3416554

Bad troll, sad spring.

>> No.3416561
File: 7 KB, 275x183, watchman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The black-white IQ gap exists in every single country where blacks and whites are present. Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.

What's that? You can't? Guess I've won.

>> No.3416563

This is correct you know. Stop being deluded.

>> No.3416556

Maybe one of you should consider telling the guy in OPs picture what you think about population control? Who knows, maybe it will encourage him to do something about it?

Or maybe he'll just be disgusted by you, and realise what a child he's being.

>> No.3416564


Black children have a higher IQ than white children. There, I have once again proved you wrong. End this debate and offer yourself up to your black masters.

>> No.3416572
File: 43 KB, 420x539, 1346388820440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nevertheless, by adulthood, Blacks have lost all of their gains and have reverted to the 15 pt gap again. Black adults are not maintaining the gains that Black children made.

>> No.3416577


Cede the argument please.

>> No.3416595

>implying whites dont have the economic advantage in each of this countries

>> No.3416589
File: 27 KB, 300x300, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black Scottish or Other Black
>White Scottish

>> No.3416608
File: 110 KB, 300x232, watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrelevant. You said every country where blacks and whites are present. Cede the argument, I'm waiting.

>> No.3416605

I don't think you're reading that right.

>> No.3416607

Nevertheless, this show that at a crucial point, BLACKS HAVE A HIGHER IQ THAN WHITES. This kills the argument.

>> No.3416610

Nice sample groups. Fucking lol'd.

>> No.3416615

Are you black?
They had gained 5-6 iq points, which meant they were 10 points below still.

Then lost another 5 as adults.

>> No.3416618

>I don't think you're reading that right.
>People from the White Scottish group and Pakistanis are the least likely to have degrees

No? How should I read it? Like this, maybe?

>Pakistanis are also the most likely to have no qualifications (43%) followed by Chinese people (38%) and White Scottish people (35%). In contrast, only 15% of African people aged 16-74 years have no qualifications.

>> No.3416621
File: 27 KB, 482x321, laughing-women-friendship-greetings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you average the white scores, they are better than the blacks. Are you really this retarded? Did you really just provide a link that proves your own argument wrong?

>> No.3416626

Maybe you missed the part where there are more than one group for whites and blacks. Average the scores to see how mentally retarded you are.

>> No.3416635

47% of African descent are degree educated. Every single white group in those statistics has less than 47%. How do you average several numbers that are less than 47% and come out higher than 47%, you fucking spastic?

Cede the argument.

>> No.3416641


They had a sample group of around 200 - 500 people comparing to sample groups of over one million.

I mean you literally have to be retarde to take that for accurate results.

>> No.3416645
File: 88 KB, 720x480, 1356554544929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black Scottish or Other Black

Did you miss that group?

>> No.3416648

The pictures you post create the sensationg in the viewer that we are baing laughed at by a group, and that we are failing to answer a simple question to the discontent of our 'better'. It kinda makes me feel insecure and ashamed, which I assume was your intent. This was never a serious discussion, just a bunch of people struggling to argue with flawed logic phrased in such a way as to become difficult to argue against. You did in a way succeed, since we didn't all see through your fallacy, but there really is no argument to be had. You give no evodence to support your point, thus it is wrong. Sad clown, bad troll.

>> No.3416658

I don't care about the opinions of those who can't spell basic words correctly.

>> No.3416659

Nope, include that and the average is still higher. 19.2% for all whites groups combined. 40.1% for all black groups combined.

Cede the argument.

>> No.3416660

>white males ITT get proved wrong time and time again with genuine articles
>each time they disqualify the article for some baseless reason, i.e. not enough american blacks were imported to scotland for the study, etc.
>never provide articles or cited facts to support their claims

>> No.3416668

Dat fallacy

>> No.3416670
File: 56 KB, 460x288, he wasnt even 8 inches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19.2% for all whites groups combined. 40.1% for all black groups combined.

You're reading it incorrectly.

>using white male as an insult

>> No.3416676

It wasn't being used as an insult. You're putting words in his mouth.

>> No.3416680
File: 37 KB, 299x450, dep_2759423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total from white group: 3,660,119
Total from white group with degrees: 706,213
Ratio: 19%

Total from black group: 6,014
Total from black group with degrees: 2,412
Ratio: 40%

Cede the argument.

>> No.3416690

B-but muh fallacies!

>> No.3416696
File: 50 KB, 400x322, portrait-of-business-colleagues-holding-each-other-and-laughing-woman-pixmac-picture-36272169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing a sample size of 6000 Africans to 3.6 million whites

You're not serious, are you? It's also a fact that immigrants are more likely to be educated, thus making these results even more irrelevant.

Responding to yourself just makes you look desperate.

>> No.3416704

This is a source that provides factual evidence that a country exists wherein blacks are smarter than whites. Remind me again how this isn't everything asked for in earlier posts? I don't remember reading all of these prerequisites before.

>> No.3416711
File: 20 KB, 429x420, 1352365447968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about as relevant as linking an article about an island with 3 people, 1 being black and college educated and 2 being white and not, and presenting it as factually representative of the entire African and white race.

>> No.3416717
File: 9 KB, 400x224, oo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white group includes immigrants, unless you think that white Irish people come from Scotland.

If we exclude the immigrants, the whites have 17% and the blacks have 23% with degrees.

You said any country where blacks and whites are present. Blacks and whites are present in Scotland and that poll takes into account every single white and black person in Scotland. Cede the argument.

>> No.3416729

as long as everyone who says that kind of shit includes themselves in those being burned to death it's really not so bad.

>> No.3416733
File: 270 KB, 1600x1200, 1347038931729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sample size: 6000

>> No.3416738

Except no one is claiming this proves anything about an entire race. Someone asked for a single country and promised to cede the argument. I delivered, they didn't cede.

>> No.3416747

>not realizing blacks are a minority

>> No.3416752

If we disqualify every single bit of factual evidence where blacks are a minority, you yourself would also have no evidence to support your own claims.

>> No.3416772

What the fuck is in his mouth?

>> No.3416774

She doesn't. She doesn't give any evidence to support her claim, which is why it is fallacious. I don't see how more people don't seem to be noticing this.

>> No.3416781

Partially chewed meat?

>> No.3416789

>The black-white IQ gap exists in every single country where blacks and whites are present. Provide a single counter-example and I'll cede the argument.
>every single country where blacks and whites are present

Nothing about sample size. Cede the argument.

>> No.3416806

Yeah, but Scotland starts with the letter S. You can't tell me that it's a fair example. Has to start with the letter W, or maybe X. Then we'll talk.

>> No.3416813

Also, countries with blue in their flags don't count. And the average elevation of Scotland is too high for the results to be meaningful.

>> No.3416814

Z's count?

>> No.3416819


Don't they were kilts over there? You can't surely be looking to prove an argument with a country featuring black people in kilts.

>> No.3416836
File: 73 KB, 425x260, vg_sljackson_formula51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell I can't motherfucker.

>> No.3416842

If whites are smarter in a country that starts with the letter Z, sure. Otherwise no. The letter Z introduces too many unaccountable phenomena, you understand.

>> No.3416976

Yes and then we collectively and ritually stab a sickly old person to death with a dozen people with knitting needles.

>> No.3417000

Ironically, the evolution part is true. It does help evolution by eliminating the whole of humanity from wars and lack of resources. We either die or go back to square one and revert to band socities.

>> No.3417009

Okay, OP here. This has got out of hand, and I'm deleting the thread.

Better wrap up your /pol/ shit asap.

>> No.3417013