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/lit/ - Literature

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3412581 No.3412581 [Reply] [Original]

>have to write first essay of the semester
>example essay was about the concept of genre
>four students decide to write about the concept of genre

>> No.3412587

>first day of class
>everyone is supposed to recommend a book to everyone else
>fully a third of the class says "I don't have any recommendation because I don't read"
>the rest are mostly books from high school curriculum (1984 was really popular)
>one recommends Princess Diaries "but only if you're a girl"
>one person recommends Atlas Shrugged
>two people say Twilight
>teacher says Twilight is really good

>> No.3412591

>first day of class
>teacher opens the door
>we get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

>> No.3412590

>mfw my english teacher insists that tolkien invented science fiction

>> No.3412596


Even if you for some reason count LotR as scifi, there's stuff like Micromegas.

>> No.3412599
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>small essay for holiday about contemporary art and its locations
>everybody wrote around 3 pages
>write a 15 pages essay mentioning philosophical stuff and 2deep4u ideas
>teacher confused, not sure what to do or say
>apparently it's very good but I overdid it

I am scared. I think I'll get a very good grade but damn, I feel like I'm an idiot for bringing out crazy ideas from my own mind, mixing with other references never mentioned in class. It's not bad but god damn, it's a small essay and they must think that I'm crazy now.

>> No.3412602

>Don't study English past A-level
>Spend years dropping out of art class and taking drugs, writing nothing at all
>Get bored, write an essay
>Email it to literary magazine
>Published, paid.

>> No.3412603
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>Be /lit/ major
>Take intro to creative writing as an elective
>Turn in first short story
>Go to class the next day
>Halfway through class, we take a break
>"Hey, anon, do you think you could stay for break so I could talk to you..."
>"Yeah, sure, bro."
>mfw he talked me into changing my major to creative writing

>> No.3412605

Dude, don't worry about it. I had four ideas for my paper and had to narrow it down based on what I could fit within the number of pages the teacher wanted.

Also, once you get it back, can you upload it as a PDF and share? I love that kind of stuff.

>> No.3412611

could you give us an excerpt from your story?

>> No.3412615

Sorry bro, it's not in English and I feel weird.
A friend of mine who's into this stuff wanted to read it too but I don't feel comfortable because I usually keep all my ideas for myself.

I mentioned Nelson Goodman, Gérard Genette, Hannah Arendt, Alois Riegl, Merleau-Ponty and Albert Camus.

>> No.3412617

Who are you talking to?

>> No.3412621

Don't suppose it's in Mandarin or Spanish?

>> No.3412631

>in class
>teacher uses the word "evolution" (to refer to the changes in the English language over time)
>other student stands up, grabs his books, storms out, and slams the door loudly behind him

>> No.3412632
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Nope neither.
But I'd like to end my anxiety once I know my grade and then forget about it. It was an interesting essay though, I still feel kind of proud.

>I will probably never know it because I'll never see this professor anymore

>> No.3412641

Since this thread seems to be one big circle-jerk, I'll play.

>First written exam for philosophy class
>I do an abysmal job
>Walk home dejected knowing I'm going to fail
>I'm horribly embarrassed and cuss myself out for days
>Next class
>Teacher meets me outside and starts up a conversation with me, asking about my future plans
>Class starts
>He places the graded exam papers on his desk and asks the class to collect theirs
>Can't find mine anywhere
>"Is this yours?" he asks me
>Personally hands it to me
>I get 100%
>His comment: Outstanding. I Hope you aim high. [prestigious school] or indeed any good university would be foolish to turn you down.

I'm still wondering if he took pity on me or something, because I can't fathom why I got 100%. And if he was earnest, what must the other exams be like?

>> No.3412642

this person

>> No.3412648

I'm afraid to talk bad about my class because I'm pretty sure there's other /lit/ dwellers in it. Oh well. These are some of the people.

>fat middle aged women who thinks everyone cares about the details of her life
>claims to like 'anything creative'
>wants to get into writing to cure her depression or something

>one kid who seems like what I imaging most il/lit/erates to be like in real life
>professor asks if we did anything enjoyable over the break
>"Define enjoyable."

>some black who only does rewrites of famous stories
>asks if he can hand that in as assignments
>professor reluctantly accepts

>another fat woman in her 30s sits next to me
>we have to read and analyze Cat in the Rain by Hemingway
>insists that everything is surface level only
>looks at people weird when they try to analyze beyond that
>hear her talking to professor afterwards
>she asks if she has to write 'deep stuff' in the class
>professor says it's not a requirement but it would be preferred
>tries to use 'iceberg' metaphor to get her interested
>she's not even remotely interested

on a positive note

>hot as fuck gmilf in her 50s taking the class
>speaks articulately, great personality
>my dick is raging

>> No.3412649

It honestly depends on the teacher. It can be refreshing for a teacher to read something original when they're so used to generic, half-assed essays.

>> No.3412655

Oh, uh, yeah, I guess. Here's a short bit out of the middle. It's a comedy piece about a guy going in to ask his boss for more time off:

Jeff worked at AdVenture, a business firm responsible for most of the advertising done by other businesses within the tri-county area. They'd been in operation nearly ten years, and business had lately taken a sharp up-swing. They made web-pages and created fliers and ads for newspapers. They even had a small studio where they could direct moderately budgeted television commercials.
He was in the parking lot, now, psyching himself up to face his boss - one Edward Mackabee. He nodded at himself in the rear-view mirror and got out of his car. He strode determinedly through the parking lot, through the glass double-doors, and down a brightly lit hallway until he came to Mackabee's door. Just as he raised his hand to knock, the door opened from the other side and he stood nose-to-nose with his boss. Mr. Mackabee was a pudgy, balding man. Jeff wasn't quite sure how old he was, but he'd have said 35 - 40 if he was asked. A wispy halo of hair still clung to life around lower regions of Macakbee's head. He was a head shorter than Jeff, probably about five-five.

(continued in my next post)

>> No.3412658

"Ah, Jeffrey Petersen, just the man I needed to see. Come on in, have a seat." Well, this was certainly not how Jeff had intended this to happen. He shuffled into the office, visibly deflating, and sat down in a leatherbound wooden chair situated in front of an old desk that looked to be about five minutes from collapse. Jeffrey was thoroughly uncomfortable now that his well-rehearsed entrance had been defused. He'd intended to knock loudly, open the door without waiting for an answer, and take immediate initiative. With the weak entrance he'd just made, he felt like a dingus.
He heard the door click closed behind him and Mackabee scuttled forward. He went first to an unremarkable grey file cabinet and opened the middle drawer. He thumbed through some yellow folders before removing one with Jeffrey's name printed neatly on a laminated label pasted on the top. Closing the drawer, Mackabee then fell into his chair with a sigh of pleasure and opened the folder and flipped quickly through it's contents.
"Jeffrey Petersen, Jeffrey Petersen," he muttered, seemingly to himself. Finally he closed the folder, sat it down, and looked over at Jeff. "Jeffrey Petersen," he said again, looking grave.
"Yes, sir?" Jeff asked. It was the only thing he could think to do.
."Yes, yes." Mackabee removed his thick-lensed glasses and rubbed fiercely at them with the tail of his shirt. He held them up to the light and briefly examined them before returning to his face. "Do you know why I've brought you in here, Jeffrey Petersen?"
"Uh, no sir," Jeff ventured. He felt entirely off-balance, uneasy even. This whole thing seemed like the beginnings of a nightmare, twisting his moment of triumph into some hideous failure. The next thing he knew, he'd be in front of his eighth grade class in his underwear. He felt beads of sweat beginning to form on his brow.
"Well, Jeff, the business is in a good state of affairs, wouldn't you agree?"
"I think so, sir."

(concluded in the next post)

>> No.3412660

Mackabee stood up out of his chair and walked leisurely about the room, his hands joined at the small of his back. "You do, do you? That's good, but let us do no thinking, here, Jeffrey Petersen, let us be absolutely certain! The business is in a good state of affairs, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes, sir."
"Ah, so it is, then." Mackabeee prowled about the room. He seemed to be devoting every ounce of attention to the various posters plastered on the walls. Motivationals straight out of some 90's office comedy, with pictures of mountains and athletes underscored by words like, "Courage, or, "Perserverance." The silence stretched out and Jeff tried (unsuccessfully) to make himself more comfortable without eliciting squeaks and creaks from the chair. He felt like a lame zebra with a hungry, balding vulture circling overhead. Mackabee didn't seem to notice his distress. If he did, he gave no sign.

Sorry about the shitty formatting, I didn't see it until my second post. It's nothing much, the whole thing is only a few minutes long.

>> No.3412662

pages* long, what the hell...

>> No.3412667

>calling your professor bro

Show some respect you ruffian.

>> No.3412669

Not bad. Would read.

>> No.3412670

The guy who convinced you to change your major to creative writing was an idiot.

>> No.3412677

He knows I'm trying to get into editing and the creative writing program here has the students responsible for editing and compiling the university's literary journal. I'm a dual major, actually, creative writing/business management.

>> No.3412678

Trust me, I have no intentions of pursuing writing as a career. He just appreciates my sense of humor.

>> No.3412680

Cool. Thank you

>> No.3412682

>a fellow student wears Christian t-shirts every day
>wears a beanie every day unless it's super hot outside
>calls Jesus "JC" all the time
>it's a philosophy class
>grunts loudly whenever anyone suggests God may not exist or may not be exactly as depicted in the Bible
>Probably meant to sound intimidating but is mostly eerily sexual

>> No.3412690

Sounds like this libertarian in my economics class.

>> No.3412692

>second day of nonfiction writing class
>"Introduce yourself to the class with a few sentences about an interesting event in your life."
>first guy to read his intro is ex-marine with a tinge of violent autism
>reads his autistic purple prose for at least 10 minutes
>story about being shot at in Iraq
>concludes with "And then I wandered in the desert for days, talking to myself and cursing the United States military."

These are the folks that should not have firearms.

>> No.3412713

Sounds like a pretty cool guy aside from the purple prose.

>> No.3412719

>first day of American Lit, 1865-Now
>have to say our favorite book we read in the last year
>guy says IJ
>go up to him after class
>"Hey, I really liked IJ too, what did you think about DFW's treatment of escapism in American culture?"
>"What do you mean when? It was just a funny book about drugs."
>tfw no mfw

>> No.3412723

>"what did you think about DFW's treatment of escapism in American culture?"
If someone said that to me, I'd probably give some goofy-ass response like that kid did, just so I wouldn't have to engage in someone who seems to be such a tryhard.

Is this seriously how you talk to people you've just met, irl?

>> No.3412726

Nobody should have firearms, least of all the kind of people who join the US military.

>> No.3412727


>> No.3412734

Well he seems to have learned that joining the US military was a mistake.

>> No.3412743
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>talking to TA about essay after receiving them back
>essays were on using homer as a historical source or something
>TA discloses to me that people wrote about how they "liked the book"

>> No.3412854


I'm lolling at you but I don't get why /lit/ is lolling as well. Why does /lit/ pretend to be le patricians discussing le litcore online, but anyone who discusses it IRL is a filthy pretentious neckbeard?

>> No.3412865

Discussing it IRL is fine. Starting a conversation by going "LEL DUALITY OF MAN, PASTORAL THEMES LELELELE" is fucking retarded, and evidence of having no experience with socialising.

>> No.3412882

>Atlas Shrugged
Brain aneurysm, comensing.

>> No.3412888

Swedish? Norwegian?

>> No.3412894

No way.

>> No.3412900


>> No.3412906


>> No.3412912

b-bonjour... mon ami...
god I've studied french for two goddamn years where did I go wrong

>> No.3412917

Vou le vou jeneshesheshe...

>> No.3412921

T-toi aussi.

Depends. Awesome language for literature though.

>> No.3412923

suces la bite

>> No.3412924

>being in college

this board is so young.

>> No.3412929

yeah, it's really pretty, too. all the silent letters used to drive me crazy, though.
I've been considering trying to teach myself either french or german, I'm currently leaning towards french. I'll probably be more successful with wooing the ladies with it, too.

>> No.3412978



>> No.3412988

I would go Kierkegaard on his ass if I were you.

>> No.3412995


These. It sounds like some of you learned how to socialize from poorly written sitcoms.

>> No.3413001

...I have about six years of social development to catch up on...

>> No.3413024

Unfortunately Yes way.

>> No.3413046
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You will never be in a class where most of the students are white and introverts.

>> No.3413052

You should have gathered that you fucked up when you realise that nobody could really read all of IJ and just think it's a funny book about drugs.

He blew you off.

>> No.3413062

Introverts suck. I'm pretty socially awkward, asperger's, what-have-you, and I have one introvert in my class. Ever since I started spending time with him my depression has worsened and my social life has deteriorated considerably. I'm not blaming him or anything, but I wish I'd stayed away from that guy. Also,

>being racist
Come on!

>> No.3413079

Looking around my lecture hall, I can see two back guys and a few Asians. Other than that it's predominantly white.

>> No.3413091


>> No.3413092

french i guess? prepa?

>> No.3413095


You must define racist. It's a word used predominately to shame people to the advantage of the user and therefore is meaningless without a proper context and definition.

>> No.3413098

Stay away from them.

Stay away from all of them.

>> No.3413110

He implied that the majority of his hypothetical class not being white would be a bad thing. Not exactly genocide, but it grinds my gears.

>> No.3413118

My biggest regret was not joining a prépa because my parents aren't French so they didn't know that prépa is superior to universities.

But then I like what I'm studying and I'm among the best so it doesn't change much at the end because I work as much as these kids in prépa and I am eligible to join the best grandes écoles.

>> No.3413123

>>"Define enjoyable."
I fucking lol'd

>> No.3413134

It's so edgy, it could cut diamond.

>> No.3413153

upload your essay please, i'd like to read it

>> No.3413155

I am that so called person, and no I guess overall it's neither bad nor good, but me naturally valuing the company of white people over the company of people from other races, yes it's somewhat bad to me.

In the same sense you could call me racist because I'm generally attracted to white women.

>> No.3413179

Haha that's really interesting, I'm also french. Reading is only a hobby to me though, currently catching up on sciences (bac ES en 2011) in order to attempt medicine.
And I agree on what you mentioned earlier, french literature is so rich

>> No.3413222

Upload it yo

>> No.3413228

It's not really the same thing at all. If you're not attracted to someone you're not attracted to them, and there's nothing more you can do about that. Not wanting to socialise with people of other races is just dumb. It also makes you inclined to discriminate against them, and gives people the impression that you are genuinely racist, even if you don't mean to be.

>> No.3413250


No idea. I just wanted to talk about books and stuff. Maybe I am an autist.

I figured in a Lit course, people would be inclinded to discuss the books that they have enjoyed in a more in-depth way. I've had great conversations with other people that started in essentially the same way.

Maybe my horrendous neckbeard and bluthering put him off. Or maybe he didn't read it.

>> No.3413252

It's in French and I feel shy because of my crazy ideas. I usually keep these for myself but I don't know what the fuck was I thinking that day.

Bac ES est vraiment la pire des arnaques.

>> No.3413278

D'après moi le seul bon choix est S. Néanmoins j'ai intégré une assez bonne université anglaise où j'ai fais des études de psycho pendant 6 mois. Suis parti lorsque je me suis rendu compte que ces études ne mèneraient pas à une vie dont j'avais envie. yay psychiatrie!

>> No.3413292

Yeah I know that feel. I was in ES too but who cares, I'm doing something unrelated to ES.
But let's say that I could feel better if I ever did S and get into a good prépa. I could, but I didn't how do any of these work. But anyway, next year I'll be in ENS Ulm. Suck it, prépafags.

>> No.3413297

>Senior year of HS
>Writing first-ever full-length paper
>Moved up to AP from standard English, never had any practice
>Decide on Existentialism as a topic
>Teacher is excited, nobody had done it before, asks what I'm going to use as the literary base
>Say either Notes from Underground or Hamlet
>She strongly suggests Notes but I couldn't find a copy in time
>Write it about Hamlet, think I did alright
>Got one comment on the essay when I got it back: "Please major in some form of English."

Looking back it wasn't even that stellar, I've talked to the teacher a few times since then and she's said that myself and one of my friends are the only two truly competent writers she's ever had. Feels good, man

>> No.3413299

Things I've overheard...

On Beowulf:
>Grendel's actions are monstrous, because Grendel is a monster

>Its a work of fiction, a story for the purposes of entertainment only.

>Well, my interpretation isn't wrong just because that's how I choose to read it.

On Plato:
>Well, that's just his opinion

Apparently people have never heard of logic, evidence, reasoning, etc.

>> No.3413311

>Grendel's actions are monstrous, because Grendel is a monster
Depending on how that was intended, that's really clever. Whatever Grendel does is "monstrous" in that it becomes monstrous by virtue of Grendel doing it. But it's only funny if the person knew the general use of the word.
>Its a work of fiction, a story for the purposes of entertainment only.
This describes the Da Vinci Code and lots of other thrillers.
>Well, my interpretation isn't wrong just because that's how I choose to read it.
I don't know what's meant by this.
>Well, that's just his opinion
Are you sure it wasn't "Well, that's just, like, his opinion, man."

>> No.3413326

This one isn't from a class, but it's /lit/ related...

>be at book reading
>sit next to olden woman
>woman asks me about the author/what I think
>say I haven't read much of his stuff, just checking out the reading
>lectures me about how the author "captures the heart of the human condition"
>asks me about Poet A
>"Yeah I've heard of him"
>"His work is so good. It just gets at the essence of the human experience."
>Asks me about Poet B
>"Yeah, I read some of his stuff"
>"Again, he's just one of the great. Completely captures the soul of the human condition."

I shit you not, this woman just kept going on about this "human condition". I just wish I could remember the questions she asked the author, but I recall them being lulzworthy.

>> No.3413341

>Have two seminars with this long-haired guy who I can't stand
>Have to sit near him because he thinks I like him due to having a mutual friend
>First week in the first seminar do the "tell me something about yourself" activity where we go round the class
>Long-haired guy pipes up "Well I'm a druid" goes on about it for ages
>Do a similar activity in second seminar, long-haired guy pipes up "Well, I don't like tot talk about it, but I'm a druid"
>Repeats word for word what he said in the other seminar

This guy makes me want to slam Ulysses over my head until I stop breathing.

>> No.3413346

>Boasting: the thread

>> No.3413367


>> No.3413369

>Hypocrisy: the post

>> No.3413374

The irony is strong with this one...

>> No.3413378

Really? Why's that?

>> No.3413380

Because you don't even know why it's hypocritical.

>> No.3413383

He's boasting about how he's above our boasting by mentioning it for no reason other than its' own sake.

>> No.3413384

Just curious, what exactly is it that makes him a druid?

>> No.3413389

How am I being a hypocrite?

>> No.3413387

You made that up after you posted, you hypocrite.

>> No.3413398

How is it dumb? He wants to be around who he wants to be around.

That's like saying you should hang around rabid fans of J. K. Rowling even though they are worse than Hitler.

>> No.3413401

Being a J.K. Rowling fan is a personality trait; it's something you choose to do. Disliking someone for their actions is not the same as disliking someone for their genes.

>> No.3413403

By arguing with yourself, anonymously and in public about whether or not you're full of yourself. If you weren't you'd keep your internal troubles internal, instead of posting them online, where they just get in everyone's way. Your problem is social, and if you stop complaining about it to your friends, I'm sure they'd like you more.

>> No.3413409

I really hate asperger's.

>> No.3413410

There, there, me, we all do.

>> No.3413412

Waaaahhh! No one knows my pain! last one, I promise

>> No.3413416

>not staying in college your whole life

>> No.3413419

Missing my point.

Certain people only enjoy being around certain groups of other people. You don't get to dictate whether or not their personal tastes are dumb.

For example, I'm sure someone would disagree with me on rowling fans. That doesn't make me wrong, because it's my opinion.

Oh wait, what am I saying - this is /lit/

>> No.3413424

Not that anon, but some neopagans think they're druids.

>> No.3413433

>muh freedums
Bitch, please, societal norms have been dictating personal tastes since before we were even human, it's not exactly new. Besides, it's not a "personal taste" to dislike people of other races, that's being a bigot.

>> No.3413445

He didn't say he disliked them, he simply preferred to be around his own race.

You're being a cunt, nothing about that is wrong. Everyone has their own standards.

>> No.3413455

>He didn't say he disliked them, he simply preferred to be around his own race.

if you like pepsi more than coke, you dislike pepsi relative to coke.

do you even words?

>> No.3413483

>senior level creative writing class
>only two students have ever turned in their work on time
>one girl wrote a vampire romance with awkward sex fantasies in it
>another student emailed everyone a corrupted file
>40yo neckbeard who accuses anything that isn't straightforward as being "pulpy" or "science fiction"
>that one hispanic single mother who can only talk about her children
>that one nervous guy who talks-too-fast-without-taking-a-brth-and-then-laughs-at-what-he-jussaid-and-hangs-his-head-and-jiggl-his-leg
>that one slouching girl with a curtain of hair in front of her fishlike eyes
>students who don't understand past vs present tense
>jock girl confesses to having ripped her story off of a national bestseller
>fedora guy writes 8 single-spaced pages describing a detective having breakfast and then smoking on a hotel balcony
>tumblr girl writes reviews in tumblrspeak, #omg #i liked this story #u dont even no

>could of would of should of
>dialogue spaced differently from other paragraphs
>periods instead of commas before "X said"
>characters describe their party outfits while standing in front of a mirror
>protagonist mopes for 20 pages, nothing happens

>formulaic feedback from classmates
>nobody actually cares what you write
>"I liked your story anon! :)" from all the girls
>they say that to everybody
>gay anyway, meaningless praise has no effect

>> No.3413489

>implying you cant enjoy them both but like one to the exclusion of the other
Get out.

>> No.3413491

apparently, no, you do not words.

>> No.3413493

Do you? Because liking one thing more than another doesn't necessitate disliking either of them, even if they're the only two things being considered. Yes, even relative to one another.

>> No.3413495

>that one slouching girl with a curtain of hair in front of her fishlike eyes

I don't mind these girls. They're quiet and usually devote themselves more to their interests, whatever they may be.

>> No.3413503

It is wrong, stop acting like a race can be below your standards. I cannot describe how angry I get when you people misuse the word standards to make it sound like you're above other people or things, when really you just don't like them. Don't fucking tell me someone is beneath your standards; that is the most disrespectful thing I have ever read.

>> No.3413507

They intrigue me.

There's always at least one of them in a given creative writing course.

>> No.3413504

>Yes, even relative to one another

No, that's exactly what it means. Liking one thing more than another means you dislike the other more than the first. It's tautological.

>> No.3413511

Actually, having thought about it some more, you're right.

He is a racist piece of shit.

>> No.3413512

>It is wrong, stop acting like a race can be below your standards.
No, it's not wrong. I can and I will act that way. Fuck you for telling me who I should prefer to be around or find myself attracted to. I decide what my standards are, not you or anybody else.

You're not god and you don't get to dictate what is or isn't morally acceptable for anyone, go eat shit you tumblr hippie trash.
if you can't tell, I'm mad

>> No.3413517

>just let me be around fellow white people, god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3413523

But preferring one thing over the other doesn't mean you dislike the other thing.

>> No.3413518

You're ignoring the fact that choosing who to socialise with based upon race is irrational; that doesn't matter. If you weren't prejudiced against people of other races you wouldn't socialise purely with your own race. Don't act like it's a simple matter of preferring the company of whites "just because, I don't know, they're white". There is no logic to that. It's like saying I refuse to be friends with right-handed people.

>> No.3413527

>You're ignoring the fact that choosing who to socialise with based upon race is irrational; that doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter to YOU.

Call people names all you want, it's not going to make your opinion any more right than mine. Grow up.

>> No.3413528

I literally told you "If you're not attracted to someone you're not attracted to them, and there's nothing more you can do about that." in >>3413228

Can you read?

You're still misusing the word standards, you illiterate scum.

>> No.3413531

Explain how it matters.

>> No.3413536

lol, not in this argument but you obviously just want the argument to end because you have no logic behind your view of race


>> No.3413541

>personal preference
>basic name calling
>my opinions is right yours is wrong errywhere
Yeah I'm going to stop replying now, this is making me sad.

>> No.3413539

And what's your response to the right-hand-analogy?

>> No.3413540

why the fuck is it so hard for you to acknowledge the fact that you're racist?

>> No.3413546

We're right; you have made no attempt to prove the statement: race matters.

>> No.3413548

My first paper for the semester: "explain what Truth means to you"

Where the fuck do I start? Anyone have some basic talking point?

>> No.3413549

don't let me stop you i wasn't involved in the argument
i was kidding with the caps

i don't even care if you're racist

>> No.3413550

That's because he can't without giving away his racism.

>> No.3413557

Go off on a rant about metaphysics and how you'd define reality? Does reality really matter more than what's perceived by the mind? Isn't information created by the mind as real as that taken in through senses?

There's a whole treasure-trove of basic metaphysics there, it shouldn't be hard to build on that.

>> No.3413567

>be in English class
>sit next to 40 year old black lady
>professor starts class and begins lecturing
>she affirms every point he makes with a loud, "MMmmHmm"
>professor continues
>"Yup, yup. I hear dat"
>Someone asks a question
>after they're done: "Great question, great question child"
>begin to wonder if I've walked into a Black Church

>> No.3413566

I was arguing about personal preference and how there is no 'right' or 'wrong', if you want to talk about racial differences this isn't the board for it. Eat shit.

I will admit though that getting called a racist by a bunch of tumblr dwelling nutbags is always good for a laugh

>> No.3413573
File: 948 KB, 318x162, qqmore.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3413574

>first week of classes
>mfw I'm praying that half of the people in all my classes will drop soon

Fuck, I hate community college.

>> No.3413587

>name calling and reaction images
>it's like I'm really on tumblr

>> No.3413586

cool, thanks

>> No.3413624

No you weren't, you were arguing that you weren't being racist by only wanting to socialise with whites. You can't explain why you would do this, thus your reasoning is flawed. You are therefore wrong. I would also care to point out that I did not call you names. Calling you a racist was making an accusation, not name calling. You called me names(hippie, tumblr dwelling nutbag and such).

You are a either a racist or an idiot because you treat whites and non-whites differently based on no other factor than their race. You either do this because you only make friends with people who look like you( idiocy) or because of other, unknown factors( what I believe to be racism). You misquote me, claiming that I have said the opposite of my actual words. You use the "moving the goalpost" fallacy by changing the topic when you cannot reply to my statements( presumably because I am right, or because you are not intelligent enough to understand why not). I have presented you with a logical case and what I consider to be an apt analogy( "the right-hand-analogy), and you have failed to respond to several of my points with logical arguments. Instead you continue to change the topic and call me names.

One of my strongest points remains, however: the fact that you said non-whites are below your standards. This shows that you consider them inferior to you and that you think you are somehow worth better.

Your arguments have been ripe with logical fallacies, name-calling, improper use of the English language and racism. I dismiss your point as incorrect and declare victory: I have won this debate.

Suck my balls, dickwad!

>> No.3413630

Y u do this?

>> No.3413664

Because they're all annoying as fuck and complain that they actually have to do work in college.

Like in my history class, everyone keeps talking about how the reading is the only homework, "so basically there's no hw right lol" Little do they know that I had him last semester and at least half the class failed or dropped because of that attitude.

I guess I'm just sick of see high school students in college classes.

>> No.3413670
File: 201 KB, 682x1023, 1295159114283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking CW II
>assume everyone here will be my intellectual superior because I'm such a lazy writer and this course is for dedicated authors
>get first two stories from people in the class
>generic tripe
>one is laden with predictable shit
>other is a Fifty Shades of Grey-tier story
>no idea how I can write my critiques without destroying their sense of self-worth

>> No.3413677

>I feel like I'm an idiot for bringing out crazy ideas from my own mind

This sounds incredibly naive.

>> No.3413682

I have my first peer review in my CW class on thursday. /lit/ should compile a list of canned critiques for this kind of thing.

>> No.3413696

If I could, I'd post the stories I get in class for /lit/'s sadistic entertainment, but I'd be too fearful of being compromised.

>> No.3413698

For everything I'll probably just say, "I like the plot, work on your adverbs though."

>> No.3413699
File: 48 KB, 352x234, 20121206_ajl_su8_006.0_standard_352.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never take the SAT
>don't even bother applying to school
>fuck the whole business, I'm not going
>pursue writing and philosophy independently
>attain to mastery in both; meanwhile my former classmates get stupider and uglier by the day in college
>mfw I cannot contribute anything to this thread

>> No.3413701

Just get technical on them. I've seen writing so bad that I just can't believe they'd think it's presentable and what I'd do was focus and refer directly to run-on sentences, repetitive use of certain words etc.

>> No.3413706

So, what if you fail?

>> No.3413713


Then at least I didn't blow up 50 thousands to do it

>> No.3413715

What would you describe as mastery? How have you tested this?

>> No.3413716

what's wrong with blowing up 50 thousand?

>> No.3413717

>drop out of uni
>drop out of work
>drop out of nihilism
>drop into joy
>drop into pleasure
>drop into happiness

Opting out, best day of my life.

>> No.3413718

Well the problem with that is the fact that their technical writing is fine, they just construct hideous sentences and horrendous stories.

>> No.3413719

>drop into trust fund

>> No.3413720

Now what?

>> No.3413721


What's 50 grand to a motherfucker like me, can you please remind me?

>> No.3413726
File: 33 KB, 577x784, leviathan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be even better, but I can't complain. I dropped into the warm and loving lap of the State.

>> No.3413728
File: 29 KB, 300x169, pissed off nasty nas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g2b jayz

>> No.3413731


'One has attained to mastery when one neither goes wrong nor hesitates in the performance.'

Tested what? Ask better questions

>> No.3413733
File: 29 KB, 300x169, pissed off nasty nas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g2b jayz

>> No.3413735

Tested the mastery you posses.

>> No.3413743

>mfw some retarded anon thinks he's a master self-taught polymath because he read The God Delusion

>> No.3413744

>>final assignment eng 101 (community college)
>>very vague instructions, write about your college experience or something
>>write sarcastic half-assed filled with thinly veiled criticisms of college in general because i'm so fucking edgy
>>receive paper back on final day of semester
>>"i think we both know you are too smart for this school"
>>drop-out again next semester

teacher was kind of a dickhead but actually taught pretty well.

>> No.3413752

>"i think we both know you are too smart for this school"
your teacher was mocking you. you should have stayed in school, moron

>> No.3413760


Read what?


I guess my book will be the real test of that, what else can I say?

>> No.3413765

I gotta say, this hit the spot. I have observations like this all the time.
Being a bitter person really sucks though. It drives people away in droves. And it's not like it's an easy change to make.

>> No.3413777

>military science class
>discussing cavalry evolutions in skirmish
>christians storm out
>an eagle called Clauswitz flies into the room and shits all over Guderian
>everyone in the room stands up and commits to deep battle theory.
>graduated top of my class, logistics and supply.

>> No.3413780

there's one of these in a romantic poetry class I'm taking this semester. she has decidedly weaboo sensibilities that surprisingly don't really manifest IRL (naturally i stalked her facebook to find out) but I always catch her staring at me from across the room. She's rather quiet and when she does speak she's so diffident she ends up not completing her thought and laughing nervously.

i'd like to make a move but i'm equally on the inside.

>> No.3413784

equally awkward*, that is

>> No.3413789
File: 3 KB, 104x126, daww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you have a book? Can you post what it's called here when/if you get it published?

>> No.3413795


Of course, I will be happy to post a link for you guys to buy the book and/or troll the ratings section on amazon

>> No.3413798


When it's done, I should add

>> No.3413800

post an excerpt, because we all know it won't actually get published

>> No.3413807

Do you even modern e-publishing? I could a book about my dick online for sale today.

>> No.3413808


>> No.3413809


You all really know that? Well damn, I guess I'll toss this shit and go get a job or something.

Joking aside, if my editor doesn't see any potential for an actual publishing house to pick it up, I'll bring it out at my own expense. I have money.

>> No.3413814

Are you Ron McBalls?

>> No.3413822

Curiouser and Curiouser, my aren't we weaving an interesting web?

>> No.3413828


It's a collection of aphorisms, if you're not actually trolling me

>> No.3413843


So I've read some Merleau-Ponty lately, what would you deem his most important insights? And do you have any tips for further reading of his works?

>> No.3413846

I was talking about the money aspect but you know, that sounds nice.

>> No.3413854
File: 1.82 MB, 1836x3264, 2012-11-17_15-57-55_741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah, the money. I have a little.

>> No.3413855


Why are all French philosophers crazy? I like it.

>> No.3413857


I'll post something if you guys want, none of it has been typed up yet though so it might take a few minutes.

>> No.3413862

>Have a femnazi teacher in highschool for AP lit
>Always press her on her feminist positions, because im a autist asshole who doesnt care that the rest of the class doesnt care
>She gets visibly angry at me, and at one point slams a book on my desk because I refuse to replace he with she when speaking of mankind or an ambiguous individual
>Go to that parents visit the professors/school thing, come to lit class, and over hear my teacher talking to my mom
>"In English departments, its common for teachers to take their best students and place them strategically in the pile the have to grade, usually in the middle or the end. We do this because their essays are like small rewards when going through the less..interesting essays. Mrs. Griffin, your son's essay is always the last I read. He has a gift.

Never looked at her the same after that.

>> No.3413871


Could you post a pic of your dick as well?

>> No.3413883
File: 2.13 MB, 400x225, holdon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh delightful.

I've wanted to use this .gif for a while now.

>> No.3413892


Why do I get the feeling that you really don't give a fuck?

>> No.3413902

Because it's 4chan and you're being cynical?

Maybe I have an unusual way of expressing my interest in the subject?

>> No.3413911

Partage ton redaction anon. Il y a plusieurs /lit/oyen(ne)s qui parlent couramment le francais.

>> No.3413922


You're the black guy, the rest of 4chan is the girl trying to interrupt the poster.

>> No.3413928


Hmm. Alright, give me a minute and I'll throw a couple of these together and post.

>> No.3413938
File: 46 KB, 458x450, 1025-lil-wayne-getty-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The sound and sight of womanly laughter is poignantly distressing to a man – he cannot suppress the feeling that he is somehow the subject of this mirth.

>They are detestable who resolve to live so far 'within their means' that these means become circumscribed by miserliness itself.

>The surest mark of a mature mind is that it recognizes not authorities but facts, places trust not in professionals but in the sciences themselves, and obeys not the consensus but instead seeks everywhere for independent and correct judgment.

etc. etc. I picked these at random, they seem appropriate to the venue.

>> No.3413939

>first day of class
>read the great gatsby
>become a true scholar and post on lit all day

>> No.3413957

What's an intellectual like you doing on /lit/? You're too good for this place.

>> No.3413968

>tfw when you hear girls laughing and you think it's about you

>Being stingy is ok sometimes, but don't let it get in the way of having a good time!

>Focus on what people do, not who they are. And don't believe everything you hear!

The language makes these things sound impressive, but it's not really anything profound.

>> No.3413971

>>Being stingy is ok sometimes, but don't let it get in the way of having a good time!
this. you posted 3 stale truisms, anon, albeit stylish ones.

>> No.3413994

Style over substance, and annoying style at that.

>> No.3413995

If you don't already, you would love the shit out of Baltasar Gracián.

Other than that I agree with the other two guys. Sorry anon.

>> No.3413999

Aww, do it!

>> No.3414017
File: 282 KB, 500x405, 747474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my ethics teacher pulled the "everything on all of the topics in this class was written by old white guys and is therefore invalid so lets talk about how we feel about it" card on the first day

>> No.3414020

>>The sound and sight of womanly laughter is poignantly distressing to a man
No it isn't.
>he cannot suppress the feeling that he is somehow the subject of this mirth.
Most men could.
>The surest mark of a mature mind is that it recognizes not authorities but facts, places trust not in professionals but in the sciences themselves, and obeys not the consensus but instead seeks everywhere for independent and correct judgment.
>implying 'facts' exist
>implying 'correct judgement' exist
>implying 'independent judgement' is superior to 'the consensus'
I fucking hate this sort of bullshit ~look how clever I am~ generalizations that (try to) seem deep but fall apart the moment you look at what they're actually saying.

>> No.3414029

Whats the title of your planned book?

>> No.3414033


Don't do much in the way of thinking, do you? I'd love to see your work.

>> No.3414034

Memoirs of the mentally challenged.

>> No.3414043


See this is the whole problem of youth today. They want to take the most direct route to everything. You do realize there is an artistic element to writing?

Your type is probably more suited to the sciences actually. Not a bad thing mind you, I just think you're not really made for this sort of thing.

>> No.3414039

you know he did call it a collection of aphorisms then you go and describe aphorisms.

>> No.3414046

Fuck I'm scared. I dropped out of school in '06 and going to community college in the summer.

>> No.3414047


Not that guy, but the title isn't very intriguing or attention-grabbing. Perhaps you should word it differently?

>> No.3414056

Oh wow. Way to justify dressing up facebook statuses. I don't need somebody to tell me that being too frugal can result in a less fulfilling life.

I'd much rather have poignant observations in simple language than obvious shit any tumblr user could come up with, puffed up with high school level vocabulary. Just accept the critique and write something better.

You're all style and no substance. No matter how you try to explain it away, that's the harsh reality. I think you're the one who's not made for 'this sort of thing'.

>> No.3414058
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my ethics teacher is a mad German Kantian who replies to student's comments with statements like "haha you are such silly children" or "you are very dumb, that is wrongk" and "shut up, shut up" when someone says something uninformed and also fucks students and drinks like a sailor

>> No.3414061
File: 6 KB, 273x185, wayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a few others just out of curiosity

>How limited and inadequate the normal human intellect is and how slight is clearness of consciousness, can be gathered from the fact that, in spite of the ephemeral brevity of man’s life that is cast into the stream of endless time, of the precarious nature of our existence, of the numberless mysteries that everywhere obtrude, of the significant character of so many phenomena, and of the utter inadequacy of life; that, in spite of this, not all philosophize constantly and unremittingly; in fact, not even many, or some, or perhaps only a few; no, only here and there, only the absolute exceptions philosophize.

>The most obvious token of an estrangement of views between two men is that both inject a certain irony into their remarks but neither feels the irony of it.

>I know quite well than anyone would regard me as mad if I seriously assured him that the cat, playing just now in the yard, is still the same one that did the same jumps and tricks three hundred years ago; but I also know that it is much more absurd to believe that the cat of today is through and through and fundamentally an entirely different one from the cat of three hundred years ago.

>> No.3414062

>also fucks students
I think I'd be able to forgive her pretentiousness if she sucked me off before classes.

>> No.3414065


These really are oversimplifications. Also, you don't know the tone of the overall piece.

It is a bit wordy, but it could be appropriately so. They're aphorisms, not prose that needs to flow seamlessly.

I enjoyed that last one, it gave me a nice ego boost.

>> No.3414066
File: 56 KB, 440x334, amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But how...?

>> No.3414067

>>How limited and inadequate the normal human intellect is and how slight is clearness of consciousness, can be gathered from the fact that, in spite of the ephemeral brevity of man’s life that is cast into the stream of endless time, of the precarious nature of our existence, of the numberless mysteries that everywhere obtrude, of the significant character of so many phenomena, and of the utter inadequacy of life; that, in spite of this, not all philosophize constantly and unremittingly; in fact, not even many, or some, or perhaps only a few; no, only here and there, only the absolute exceptions philosophize.
Try periods.

>> No.3414068


Please post a 'poignant observation in simple language' so I can understand your point better.

>> No.3414070

Retarded Ramblings?

>> No.3414074

I have no idea. Word has it he is permabanned from faculty parties.

>> No.3414080


Too verbose for me. And I disagree, I think everyone philosophizes

>> No.3414076

>How limited and inadequate the normal human intellect is and how slight is clearness of consciousness, can be gathered from the fact that, in spite of the ephemeral brevity of man’s life that is cast into the stream of endless time, of the precarious nature of our existence, of the numberless mysteries that everywhere obtrude, of the significant character of so many phenomena, and of the utter inadequacy of life; that, in spite of this, not all philosophize constantly and unremittingly; in fact, not even many, or some, or perhaps only a few; no, only here and there, only the absolute exceptions philosophize.

>Why isn't everyone a deep thinker, like me?

>> No.3414077

He does defend Kant to the death though and if you disagree you are wrong.

>> No.3414078

>The most obvious token of an estrangement of views between two men is that both inject a certain irony into their remarks but neither feels the irony of it.

Just feels needlessly verbose to me.

>> No.3414085

woah, dude

>> No.3414088


Kant is so dense I doubt any of his students can field an intelligent criticism to his work anyway

>> No.3414089


Would sell, at least.

>> No.3414090


Not bad anon, The cat one convinced me that you are not a complete idiot.

I think you should work more on style.
Brevity is the quality of a good aphorism.

And also a lot of your ideas I feel, are a bit too much middle class. Not the result of studying and thinking but just expression of common sense. They are daddysh, they sound like wisdom your father taught you.

You need either to be more aggressive or to disguise yourself.

Maybe read Cioran.

Remember that the fear of a great mind is that of being understood.

>> No.3414092



>> No.3414094

What a pointless request. Why do I have to sit here and come up with original aphorisms on the spot to prove my already obvious point? You've been writing this shit for who knows how long and all you can think of is stuff that most high school students post in their 'About Me', fancied up to look clever.

>> No.3414095

>you can tell people are pretty dumb by their lack of reflection that this obviously complex everything warrants at all time

>you can tell people really don't understand each other when subtleties are lost in communication

>people would think i'm crazy is i said that the cat playing outside is the cat that played outside 300 years ago, but it's much more crazy to think that the cat that plays outside is really different from the cat that played outside 300 years ago

>> No.3414098


You're out of ideas, I'll let you off.


Do you do this for a living or something?

>> No.3414103
File: 2 KB, 293x279, purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How limited and inadequate the normal human intellect is and how slight is clearness of consciousness, can be gathered from the fact that, in spite of the ephemeral brevity of man’s life that is cast into the stream of endless time, of the precarious nature of our existence, of the numberless mysteries that everywhere obtrude, of the significant character of so many phenomena, and of the utter inadequacy of life; that, in spite of this, not all philosophize constantly and unremittingly; in fact, not even many, or some, or perhaps only a few; no, only here and there, only the absolute exceptions philosophize.

>> No.3414104
File: 241 KB, 640x640, min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, but I've had a consistent hard on for conciseness and minimalism for years now and it does feel pretty good to tear the superfluous shit of things.

>> No.3414105



>> No.3414108

Rather than attack anyone who criticizes you, why don't you take a minute to become self-aware and partially objective of your own work. If you were the reader, would you really decide to continue reading after maybe the first 4-5 aphorisms? Anyone who doesn't know this stuff wouldn't be able to read it anyway, and anybody who could read it, would rather read something that has both style (capsforemphasis)AND(/capsforemphas) substance

>> No.3414109

congratulations! Keep writing.

>> No.3414111

Sounds much better than the shitty source you're working from. 8/10 would read.

>> No.3414115

The room is nice but their closet is probably chock full of shit.

>> No.3414114


Shit, I want to live in that room now.

>> No.3414117


>> No.3414118

It'd require so much maintenance to live in, carrying things in and out as you use them

>> No.3414122
File: 42 KB, 354x365, Lil Wayne 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just gauging the level of taste here, these three aren't actually mine.

Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer again. I was curious to see how you 'men of exceptional sensibility' would critique the lines of two actual philosophers.

Judging by the responses, most of you are dense as all hell. A few of you have an eye for things though. If I can put down even a few lines comparable to these I will be satisfied.

Anyways I'm done with this, cheers.

>> No.3414124

As long as you had a kitchen and bathroom i don't see why you'd need anything else.

>> No.3414129
File: 51 KB, 473x419, 1354079227373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sleeping that close to the floor

Enjoy your thick ass air and spiders

>> No.3414132
File: 59 KB, 439x579, 8690_lil-wayne1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been gone too long: true or false, right or wrong?

>> No.3414138

from 100*

>> No.3414134

>Relying on appeals to authority


>Judging philosophers on the quality of their prose

>> No.3414135

>quotes philosophy from a 100-200 years ago
>"Guys I wrote this!"
>It's all obvious stuff
>"J-jokes on you. This is REAL philosophy!"

>> No.3414136

i sleep on the floor with a little 2" thick foam pad. i've stopped using a desk (but am forced to use my dresser drawers. true patricians don't require beds.

>> No.3414137

you see he's got a book beside the bed so odds are you'd need a place to store your books. So then you have a closet and you'd have to maintain those neatly too. Anything else you used, phones, electronics, their chargers and shit, all would have to be stored in a way you can easily get at them. You'd then have to dip into this well-maintained storage quite often for anything.

>> No.3414139
File: 329 KB, 685x1024, cell10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best practical way to achieve something close to this is get a studio apartment, bring your possessions down to a minimum, store everything in your kitchen cabinets (thanks Zizek) and just have a bed and perhaps table/chairs. Works wonders for your general serenity.

>> No.3414140

Anon I sleep high up and I still have thick ass hair. Checkmate.

>> No.3414144

just focus on one big issue with their writing

>> No.3414148

So the reason people thought they looked old and obvious is because they were previously thought-of and written out a long time ago? Say it ain't so.

>> No.3414152

it's not particularly hard, however, to live with slightly more stuff than is pictured in the photo in question. my only possessions are books, records, a turntable+speakers, and my laptop. next step is to get rid of more clothes

>> No.3414155

>store everything in your kitchen cabinets
No way man. Not going through that again.

>> No.3414157

For books use library + e reader. The random white thing in the corner might be storage for the few other things he needs.

>> No.3414159

I'll stick to just having my possessions logically arranged in my room neatly-enough that they're quickly accessible and go very minimal on ornamental shit. There's a sort of irony in all the effort you'd put into looking minimalistic.

>> No.3414161

What's wrong with it? One for clothes, one for books, one for cooking stuff, one for miscellaneous.

>> No.3414163

I wouldn't keep my clothes and books in the same area where I'm releasing steam and odor from whatever I'm cooking. Just like I wouldn't eat in my bed room or I'll stop eating in my bedroom when I get my own place.

>> No.3414169

HG Wells then HP Lovecraft

>> No.3414175
File: 40 KB, 504x345, trunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only an effort to make the change. After that it's easy, especially when cleaning. All my shit now fits into something like pic related and it works fine.

>> No.3414183
File: 14 KB, 264x400, 61142370002619332124019Pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitch, please.

>> No.3414186

Verne, guys.

>> No.3414189


Excerpts of a Faggot's Shitposting

>> No.3414192

This is exactly the problem I found. I have enough trouble trying to keep my clothes not smelling of what I'm cooking at the best of times, though with the humidity you often get in cheaper flats I was never sure how much difference it makes to books tbh.

>> No.3414195


You got me! I do like Schopenhauer, but that phrase is pretty bad. Guess I should read his essays again.

>> No.3414199

If that's what he's like all the time is it not incredibly tedious to get through?

>> No.3414204

What's wrong with smelling like food? There's also bottom cabinets of course or just getting one of those beds with a storage drawer.

>> No.3414209


He's bold and aphoristic, but I think a lot of it is pretty clear and some of his analogies and metaphors are brilliant. A blast to read if you've just been reading dry analytic philosophy.

>> No.3414217

>What's wrong with smelling like food?
Come on now. And not everything smells good all the way through cooking, and there's the occasional accident.

>> No.3414233
File: 141 KB, 472x300, cell3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious. I genuinely do not care if I smell like the food I cook. I often even find it enjoyable.

If you're really scared of a bad case of salmon sweater you could just put your clothes in plastic boxes or bags though before putting them in the cabinet. It's the best way to store books as well so that bugs don't eat them and shit in them. Or read more on the Cynics and start automatically wanting to give less of a fuck.

>> No.3414239

Out of curiosity is your operating system desktop minimalistic too? For serenity

>> No.3414246

As somehow who worked in a pizza place for a year I can tell you that smelling like food all the time can get tiresome.

>> No.3414269

>If you're really scared of a bad case of salmon sweater
Vegetarian, smelly fish isn't an issue. But many reductions need vinegar, which isn't always the best smelling thing when boiling, and the smell from cooking rice isn't always fantastic. And since I'm the one wearing and predominantly smelling the clothes, it's not to do with seeking the approbation of others, but with easily avoiding discomfort for myself.

>you could just put your clothes in plastic boxes or bags though before putting them in the cabinet
Incredibly impractical.

>> No.3414267
File: 21 KB, 390x260, wittgensteinhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a calm starry night with no icons whatsoever. All my walls are plain white as well, and my lighting is a bare bulb on the ceiling.

>that feel when no sensory rape

>> No.3414274


You pretty clearly freaked out on him, and tried to shame him by stuttering about how having a preference for his own race directly implies how he thinks his race is superior to all others. A claim of superiority is racism, having a preference is not.

It's hilarious you assume skin color is the only important factor he associates with what it means to be white or to be part of a race. I would laugh at your childish hand analogy as well, it completely disregards the cultural factors associated with races.

>> No.3414280

>Tfw teacher and students at uni still covering basic romantic philosophy and all the kids think it's hard
>Tfw they barely comprehend moral relativism
>Just want to start prodding the professor about deeper interpretation
>I don't want to look like a pretentious douche bag

It's better this way

>> No.3414281

Are you scandinavian?

>> No.3414286

m8, don't revive a dead argument that was ridiculous in the first place.

>> No.3414288
File: 146 KB, 467x350, Thoreau_Cabin_Walden_Pond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had the problem, since the smell of my own clothes quickly becomes neutral. Then again, most places I've lived have extractor hood things.

>Incredibly impractical.
It's about two extra actions a day (open and close box) but I can see what you mean. I tend to prefer sacrificing some practicality for aesthetics though.

>> No.3414291


>> No.3414295
File: 578 KB, 475x625, Carlo+Gesualdo+cge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped worrying about looking like the pretentious douchbag, and it's worked out much better. Despite that, I'm still usually not the most pretentious sounding person in most of my classes.

>taking a history class this semester
>some chick who sits in the front was in my intro to philosophy class a few semesters ago
>she volunteers to read Copernicus' letter to the Pope.
>sometime during the last 2 years, she adopted a british accent

>> No.3414297

Extractor hoods only go so far, and I prefer to cook many things like rice in the oven.

>It's about two extra actions a day (open and close box)
It would get on my nerves immensely. I don't like minimalism very much, and then having to perform an inelegant set of actions on top would really get my goat.

>> No.3414299

Oh my, you should feign innocence and ask her why she's changed her accent so suddenly

>> No.3414318

since you faggots are talking interior design anyway check this out


>> No.3414324

>hemingway decadent faggot
>faulkner austere monk

who woulda thunk

>> No.3414336

Pretty cool. Masters' room makes me feel better about myself.

>mfw patti smith is so androgynous at this point that Burroughs could be construed as gay.

>> No.3414359

>6 years ago
>Junior year of high school
>In retard English class because at that time I was ignorant of what effort could achieve
>Walk into class
>It's literally the worst assortment of retards and thugs in the school
>Sit down middle right
>Tyrone behind me keeps trying to rape me
>Fat Mexican kid to the left keeps talking about his "NARANJAS, DELICIOUS NARANJAS"
>Pretty sure I saw a guy getting head in the back of the class
>Penis scrawled on desk with caption "I call my dick the trutch because bitches can't handle it"

But I digress
>Teacher hands out Frankenstein and tells us to read it, analyze, write a 3 page essay on our interpretation
>Day for presentation
>First kid walks up
>Oh god it's Tyrone
>Pulls out a dirty paper from his gym shorts
>"Aight, this Walton cracka was like, a sailor and wanted to reach da north pole"
>"He met Frankenstein and learned the dangers of pushing science"
>"De end"

That was literally the best paper there.
Half-way through the course the teacher gave up. He'd just turn on movies and sleep.

>> No.3414366
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>> No.3414371

That explains why I quite liked the second one. My hard on for Nietzsche should've tipped me off.

>> No.3414375

Proust had a nice bed

>> No.3414382

I'd read it. Heck, with a title like that, who here would claim they wouldn't?

>> No.3414388

>it's contents
I wanted to like you, anon. I did...

>> No.3414399

I like to give particularly mean criticism. It's a way of being creative while I criticize, maximizing my creative output in my creative writing class.

No I don't, I just write nice things because I'm afraid they won't like me if I tell them how I feel about their atrocious writing.

>> No.3414404

One of my philosophy professors wore World of Warcraft faction-shirts and volley-sneakers. He told me I was 'deep'. I tended to call him 'buddy'.

>> No.3414408
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>I enjoyed that last one, it gave me a nice ego boost.

>The surest mark of a mature mind is that it recognizes not authorities but facts, places trust not in professionals but in the sciences themselves, and obeys not the consensus but instead seeks everywhere for independent and correct judgment.

Just going to comment on its substanceless, that 'truism' could escape simple common sense written verbose if you attempted to apply it to the modern era, in the context of the internet. You had the chance to actually make a relevant point, instead it's just another mindless quote that applies to everyone when its being said and no one afterwards.
And its Nietzsche's overall philosophical writings and worldview that are important, not the froth gleamed from the top for easy content aggregation. It was a worthwhile experiment but it really just revealed your own bad taste more than anyone else.

Honestly, I feel like the shit I just typed is a lot more "profound" then the crap you wrote, and with this sentence maybe even just as pretentious. But I'm glad that you decided to play along and humor us, and it definitely could have been a lot worse.

I hope you get published and make lots of money, but as was clear before you shared anything, you need to better understand humility and relative quality.
Your "mastery" is meaningless without comparison, that's what the anon meant by "testing".
Independent study tends to lead people towards narcissistic misunderstanding of themselves and the material, with large gaps dotting the knowledge of both.
Anyways, I'd definitely never read it and I can't see why anyone honest would so I hope your hypothetical publisher is good at marketing. I bet it's got a really boring title and I bet you're a fairly uninteresting person, even with the self-indulgence. Good luck.

>> No.3414411

Well I usually refer to a sentence in one of Dostojevskij's books where he says that there's no such thing as truth, only convictions.
I agree with it to some extent, it's contextual etc.

>> No.3414414

Capote's bedroom is gay as fuck. Also there is a homeless woman sitting on Burroughs' bed, did she come with it when he bought it or something?

>> No.3414427

Until I saw the the black kid I thought the second guy was me. I said the exact thing at tute once, but it was a joke: I'd spent the break doing a mid-year course and trying to make all my friends' parties and meet-ups while still getting my study in. I'm not sure whether I enjoyed it, but I used it fairly well.

>> No.3414430


>> No.3414435

>not living in Australia
Silly Clapistani.

>> No.3414440
File: 313 KB, 1220x920, takeshimurata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty unrelated but do you guys know any good interior design magazines/blogs?

Been interested in redecorating my apartment, need some ideas and cheaper solutions.
Like, tasteful artisan shit. Is there an avant-garde for room design? Interested a sleek, industrial (as in Apple, Braun, etc.) aesthetic, probably fairly minimalistic with one or two key artworks. Definitely a houseplant. Vaguely like this picture?
Anyone know any sites?

>> No.3414446

>not having a copy of Notes on hand at all times
Jiggly Wiggly

>> No.3414444

>define enjoyable
my sides

>> No.3414453

>first day of contemporary lit class
>prof is a philosophy teacher trying to branch out
>first question: "What is irony?"

Hooo boy.

>> No.3414455

I guess someone had better give this poor fucker reply. Get well soon m8.

>> No.3414461
File: 17 KB, 388x255, 500full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a little while I had a copy of The Old Man and the Sea in the breast pocket of my jacket because I forgot to take it out after I was finished reading it. Too bad it's not thick enough to stop a bullet or anything, that way when you get shot you can pull it out and say "Pain means nothing to a man" with a stoic facial expression.

>> No.3414466

To be honest, I'd really like to have read the fedora guy's story.

>> No.3414469

Guardian did a series on writer's desktops

More interesting:

>> No.3414474

>actually giving anyone 100%, or even above 90%
>American grade inflation
>wouldn't get 50% in real country's university

>> No.3414480

you dont have fucking asperger's, you dolt

>> No.3414486

that is one ugly watch. if you're going to spend on a patek, get a classy one.

>> No.3414491

This shit is driving me nuts. I came into school thinking it would be hard and find myself surrounded by these people.

I wonder if grad school will be better.

>> No.3414497

Doubt it. Of the few grad school kids I've talked to, they're only in grad school because they picked a stupid major in undergrad or couldn't find a job.

Worse, there were those who still act like undergrads.

>> No.3414502

>high school

Thanks for playing. It doesn't get that much better in uni though.

>> No.3414510
File: 192 KB, 471x358, 1329344756966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was back in high school.

>in AP English Comp
>teacher gives us an excerpt from an Onion article
>prompt: "Why is this funny?"
>unfunny AP tryhards flail about with some bullshit
>I'm the only person who gets a 5

>> No.3414511

That's Patti Smith you nerd.

>> No.3414530


>>3412648 here

This is from the same class

>teacher is obsessed with Hemingway. I like him too though, so it's alright
>first assignment of the course is to write six word stories on the spot
>a bunch of fags with no discernible talent try to be deep and profound with it
>most of them recognize their mistake as soon as it comes out of their mouth
>me and a few other just write funny simple shit
>the girls all laugh and the guys all high five me
>petite introvert summons up the courage to grab my dick and put it in her mouth
>teacher gives me an A and says I don't have to come for the rest of the semester
>I came anyway

>> No.3414544

It sounds like you "got your dick sucked," if you know what I mean.

>> No.3414545

>be taking writing classes for fun
>have to pair up and critique the 'weekly short story' (~1000 words) of someone else
>60% vampire love stories
>20% farm-boy hero fantasy
>20% abusive daddy-issues stories
>try extremely hard not to cringe while reading other people's work in front of them
>fail, cringe badly

>major work is handed back (~50,000 novel)
>mine doesn't come back
>professor asks to speak to me
>first words out of his mouth are "Thank you"
>apparently so many supernatural romance stories that by the time he got to what I wrote he was ready to cry

>> No.3414547

Maybe if you're in a STEM program, but even then half of them will be beta and awkward as fuck.

>> No.3414549
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>> No.3414550
File: 15 KB, 380x333, 1351751637801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First essay of the semester
>Rhetorical Precis
>Professor makes us choose a movie out of a hat at random
>Transfuckingformers 3
>Have to watch that piece of shit
>Write about how retarded, sexist, and racist it is
>Only one to get an 'A'
>Professor uses mine to explain how to properly write
>Only one in class under 24
>Everyone wants to partner up with me for a project due in two weeks
>mfw partnering up is optional so I get to keep my next A for myself

I hate college, can't wait for Uni Transfer

>> No.3414552

God, me too.

>> No.3414557

Taking British lit II this semester, probably the heaviest amount of reading I've had to do for a lit class yet but the prof is pretty cool and actually seems to know his shit for a community college teacher.

There's like six or seven other students in the class and most of our time is spent discussing our interpretations or difficulties with the work, can't really get away with skipping the reading like with a full classroom. Not a huge fan of poetry but honestly I'm enjoying the material way more than I thought I would. I think the prof makes a huge difference for lit classes, maybe that's part of it.

>> No.3414562
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>>Write about how retarded, sexist, and racist it is
>he is one of those people

>> No.3414567

>start talking to a dude that sits nearby
>discuss the assigned readings and then branch out to random books/movies we both enjoy
>after a few conversations, mentions that he writes some poetry and is working on a novella, hates it when writers act tryhard and force their shit on random people though

He said he was thinking of showing me the first few chapters of a story he's working on. I'm interested but I'm not really sure what I'll do if it's terrible though. Is there an etiquette on handling/editing prose from acquaintances or should I just wing it?

>> No.3414570

Tell him you'll only read it when it's done and polished to avoid awkward situations like that.

>> No.3414574

Just squat down and shit on the floor, then hand the paper back to him and storm out, slamming the door as you go. This is the only piece of etiquette you have to worry about.

>> No.3414580
File: 1010 B, 130x130, Henohenomoheji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, thanks.

>> No.3414588

>dat bedroom
>making me hard

>> No.3414589

It's fucking Lucian, guys.

>> No.3414598

Exactly what kind of person do you think I am?

>> No.3414625


>Just going to comment on its substanceless, that 'truism' could escape simple common sense written verbose if you attempted to apply it to the modern era, in the context of the internet.

What on god's green earth are you talking about faggot?

You're probably the worst narcissist here, and the fact that you believe your post was full of anything other than hot air is cute. I bet you couldn't put three sentences together with even a measure of taste.

>you need to better understand humility and relative quality

Because you're such a distinguished intellect in these regards.


'To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men — that is genius.'

You think all understanding has to be a community project or some sort of general effort. But the history of human knowledge contradicts you again and again. It's the individuals who spurn order and common knowledge that carry human understanding forward. People like you are really scholars in the best and worst sense of the term. You work for geniuses, but you could never do their work. And if your own head wasn't lodged firmly up your ass you might be able to appreciate that.

>> No.3414641
File: 44 KB, 250x250, 1326138270451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw half the posts in this thread have already been deleted but I can still read them

>> No.3414650

Are you God?

>> No.3414708

i didn't jump in on the critiques, but i just wanted to say schopenhauer's musings on life and living were terrible, though his engagement with kant was historically legit

>> No.3414715

>delivery-store pizza

>> No.3414718
File: 893 KB, 200x166, 1358894027984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck kind of person are you?

>> No.3414728
File: 213 KB, 324x624, hydrothermalemerald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, what the fuck are you talking about?

>You think all understanding has to be a community project or some sort of general effort.
What? What part of my post did you get this from?

>It's the individuals who spurn order and common knowledge that carry human understanding forward.
Wasn't I saying that's what was wrong with his allegories?
>that 'truism' could escape simple common sense
That's pretty clearly implying I believe repeating common sense (or not spurning common knowledge) is bad.
By "You work for geniuses" and that shit about private heart I assume you mean I revere classical, academia approved philosophers and ignore my own thought or avant-garde shit that doesn't respond well to general modern society.
But I'm telling him how he could have apply that quote to a more specific context, throwing away the vague generalities for more significant commentary, on a generation born in the age of information, where the facts and sciences are easily at hand, where "seeking everywhere" means connecting online. His statement was a simple truism, but there's something much more interesting and less explored behind discussing what lead him to holding that up, because of its overall commentary on modern technology's effects on social culture and philosophy.
Not to mention my claim to his bad taste was because of the way he seemed to take in the "geniuses".

I can't even respond to the insults because if I understand your post right, you severely misinterpreted mine. I'm a little concerned you are him and simply projecting back on to me.

>> No.3414738
File: 156 KB, 467x700, beafremderman-wheeldetail(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to mention my claim to his bad taste was because of the way he seemed to take in the "geniuses"
aligns with the approach you're accusing me of.*
And I'm sure most of the evidence comes from my interpretation of his taste.

>> No.3414751

>I feel like I'm an idiot for bringing out crazy ideas from my own mind
You are well on your way to being somebody.

>> No.3414775

>Comp I
>shitting bricks over first paper that's worth a third of my grade
>individual conferences where she reads it out loud just to see us squirm
>show up a little early
>girl before me walks out, she was pretty smart during the lectures
>"OMG she took off 15 points because she thought my conclusion was not backed up enough."
>get in
>she reads
>I'm visibly sweating
>she finishes and gives me this eye
>starts tallying things and writing down numbers
>I thought I signed up for English not calculus
"Wow, you did really good!"
>walk out with a 98

I felt pretty good after that one.

>> No.3414781


Wouldn't it make more sense if the eagle was named after that frenchfag general who wrote the book on logistics?

>> No.3414796

>>fedora guy writes 8 single-spaced pages describing a detective having breakfast and then smoking on a hotel balcony

Sounds like someone that is going to be famous. You should of gotten his autograph.

>> No.3414806


It seems to me that your particular take on his 'truism' is actually serving to cast it in a good light.

You had this more specific thought in hand immediately after reading his general statement, so does that not demonstrate the validity of the original statement as a general rule or guiding line? Think about it. General statements are meant to apply to the widest possible variety of contexts, being adapted again and again per the circumstances with which you would like to use it to form a more detailed observation.

Let us suppose it was written not recently but 100 years ago. You would probably jump immediately to the same reflection about internet knowledge and the comprehensive availability of all scientific understanding today, and then it would seem prescient to you, would it not?

All I'm saying is there's a place for general statements like this one that are meant to hold true for all cases IN GENERAL, while they can always be adapted later to address more explicit concerns. Of course they are bound to sound bland and overly broad in comparison to any individual take like yours, but that is the whole point. It's a maxim.

>> No.3414842
File: 622 KB, 805x1094, ianmarkell2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but my point with
>another mindless quote that applies to everyone when its being said and no one afterwards.
>the froth gleamed from the top for easy content aggregation
is that that's shit.
The maxims are clipped from the writings of someone who defined a new method of thought. They are the diluted, easily consumable representations of the bigger picture. But it's the big picture that's important, every teen poet follows Nietzsche's twitter but those inspirational, relatable quotes give very little understanding of his actual work. It's very diluted and generalized, creating meaning for each individual reading it, unless they have the proper context to understand what he actually meant by it.

And considering this anon probably did not write a full body of philosophy, he's just sharing some dumb general quotes. A collection of pop philosophy. It's saying nothing.

This is amusing. It's like he's taking inspiration from brainyquotes.com rather than Notes from the Underground.

>You had this more specific thought in hand immediately after reading his general statement, so does that not demonstrate the validity of the original statement as a general rule or guiding line
But that's meaningless to me. I know this. His quote is common sense, popular thought, I've considered it before and was able to come my own conclusions, conclusions he never reached.
If all that's all this is, some motivational, inspiration pulp crap, then he's doing a very bad job. There's no reason to write it so convoluted and purple and hard to read, unless he's targeting the niche of pretentious children.
If it was simply a book of common maxims, the best he has to offer is to collect and translate them in a readable, eloquent and concise form. He failed.

Maybe he intends to picture a general philosophy and worldview through the curation of his quotes. If he was able to write well, he might just be able to reach the level of (1001) rulesformyunbornson.tumblr.com/

>> No.3414881


Whatever point you were trying to make was lost on me because of your insistence on padding out a very tedious strawman.

>his quote is vague shit
>because it sounds like it came off somebody's tumblr
>because it's vague shit

and so on. There's nothing convoluted about it either, unless you think this horrible argot-prose we write today is the epitome of style. You could say the same thing in less words, but you'd lose the qualifying imports it has.

And seriously, your position will stand better if you dispense with the stupid attempts at ad hominem. It just makes your whole argument look threadbare.

>> No.3414917
File: 25 KB, 460x460, smiley460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I'll reiterate the important points more clearly.
The quotes gleamed from philosophers are very diluted and generalized, they create meaning for an individual reading it only if the reader isn't wholly familiar with the speaker's work, appropriating the generalization to their own philosophy.
In the case the reader is familiar, they'll understand what the philosopher actually meant by it in the context of his entire worldview, not theirs. So with proper context, the purpose of the quotes will instead be to simplify certain points of the overall philosophy, easy to digest, remember and share. The meaning the reader will get out of the philosophy won't be a misinterpretation of it, but a possible reinterpretation or inspiration.

I'm having trouble finding a reason to intentionally write the generalizations you might find on a wikiquotes page simplifying the works of a philosopher, with no actual philosophy behind it. The generalizations are readily available in popular culture, or they wouldn't be common knowledge.
He's just translated them into purple prose.
So if it was simply meant to offer a book of common maxims, then it seems like it'd be best to collect and translate them in a readable, eloquent and concise form.

>> No.3414924

>First day of class
>everyone lists 3 books they would bring with them on a desert island
>half of them choose a Harry Potter book
>High school Lit

Only refreshing thing I heard in class was one dude who said Kafka on the Shore by Murakami.

>> No.3414925


But seeing as you don't have the complete work in front of you to assess, I don't see how your contention could be any better than conditional. This was obviously one line pulled out of a much larger work, so who can say whether it contains a hidden shade of meaning or some greater significance without knowing the full work? Like anything separated from the larger body it looks a little sickly and unsupported, but you're missing the point, which is that you can't judge it properly as it is presented here.

>> No.3414953
File: 303 KB, 1280x960, jaguar-xjs-he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that, I was just commenting on the lack of substance in what he posted and its poor prose. I only elaborated on my thoughts on truisms because you were getting the opposite of what I was trying to say.
I was more interested in his post sharing the quotes of philosophers because I think it reveals a glimpse into his taste, and I think that glimpse makes it clear he didn't write a full body of philosophy, or if he did, it's probably worthless. And that he's probably boring and his novel has a boring title.
What I mean is, I took the liberty of assuming his novel was in the form he presented it in because I'm interested in discussing truisms. I'm aware there's a good chance my assumptions of his novel are incorrect.

But I don't understand how you came to any of your original conclusions about me. That's what led us down here.

>> No.3414982

>You will never be in a class where most of the students are white and introverts.

>Go to class
>OK discussion time

Now imagine a venn diagram, one circle says "people who did the readings" the other says "people who talk in discussions". Where those two circles meet, there is me. Why the fuck do people who haven't done the readings talk the most. DO the fucking readings. I don't get why nobody talks iether, literally i've been in classes where people just sit there silently as their money burns in the air before them.

>> No.3414996


You do realize that philosophical systems fell out of vogue a good while back?

>> No.3415015

>>should of

10/10 would rage again

>> No.3415078

No, I don't