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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 463x332, Spaghetti-o_s_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3404375 No.3404375 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing you are the literary version of this?


>> No.3404382

It's oaky.

>> No.3404381

I am not the literary version of anything because I am not a book, character or writer

>> No.3404384

But I'm not.

>> No.3404383

>pleb who is mad he didn't get interior semiotics
Keep trying, pleb

>> No.3404388

Nah, you're more like the hipsters appreciating her fine "art."

>> No.3404389

It's self-awareness sunday, bro.

>> No.3404392

True geniuses are never understood in their time.

>> No.3404396
File: 68 KB, 338x506, 1356455277194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3404398

Please continue comparing my taste (of which you know nothing) to 2girls1cup: slightly more SFW edition. It's fun

>> No.3404400

I'm pretty aware that I'm not that.

>> No.3404403 [DELETED] 

can we just stop talking about interior semiotics



>> No.3404405

Feels beautiful

>> No.3404410
File: 699 KB, 248x193, 129911913617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like Spaghettios in my vagina.

Pic related

>> No.3404411

OP, I know the people who do this kinda shit. I go to a tiny liberal arts college known for being pretentious and hipstery. (Long story.) Trust me, /lit/ is not this.

>> No.3404412


Old as fuck.

Shitty thread.

>> No.3404413


>> No.3404417

Denial is unhealthy. You must come to terms with your insufferable pretension before you can start to heal.

>> No.3404419

>/lit/ is not this.
Except /lit/ is exactly this.

>> No.3404422

You mean pretentiousness by the way, perhaps one day you can aspire to the heady heights of understanding what you post prior to hitting submit.

>> No.3404424

nah, oberlin

>> No.3404423


>> No.3404425

Explain why pretension in reading is bad

>> No.3404426

my school is partially responsible for lena dunham. that will never stop hurting.

>> No.3404428

This thread is a post-modern masterpiece. I'm sorry you are too pleb to comprehend it, Cleetus.

>> No.3404429

I can just see it now
>Americans clap at the end of Spaghettios up the vagina

>> No.3404431

Human culture truly has gone to shit in the 21st century. This is why the only thing worth studying at college anymore is science. Because if you go into arts you will end up shoving rotting pasta into your vagina.

(Did anyone else hear that guy snort in laughter at 5:15? Fucking hilarious.

>> No.3404432

I wrote this poem, I'm a fucking genius.


soda can
and then
vaginer cockus punctuation mark.

>> No.3404438

I don't think this is completely true. Yeah, you got your dumbasses who shove pasta into various orifices, but we still put out poets (who write actual poetry), novelists, painters, sculptors, actors, directors, etc.

conceptual art is 98% bullshit though, if not a higher percentage

>> No.3404442

the rape alarm sounded at twelve
wild cockus grew
infested end cavity grew roots
rot rot
and then the flood
fruit of the union a perfect farm machine
apparatus of rape and harvest
EXcLAMaTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (note one less !)

>> No.3404443
File: 166 KB, 750x628, 20081003_15473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trouble with the arts is there's no background studies. This girls looked at all the dumb shit from the 60s fluxus period and made a bad copy. Why copy bad shit?
Not all art studies lead to this drivel. Some people study better stuff.

>> No.3404450

Don't even try it. You worship randumlul shit like this as great art, and now you pretend you don't like it because in this particular thread rabid hipsters like you are being mocked. You truly are a vapid, spineless shit. You defile humanity.

>> No.3404459

....i think she's trying to depict rape or sex or bad/mean/rape-like sex to be disgusting?

>> No.3404461

Carolee Shneeman did this shit like forty years ago.

>> No.3404492
File: 58 KB, 750x970, Woman in Town at Night - Eugeniusz Dabrowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate a wide variety, but cut away tones of stuff I deem shit tier (Once hated jazz, but recently got into some of it. Still prefer film scores and full orchestral romantic period) Don't YOU, obvious OP, even try to claim you know what all else I like.
I am also into sociology and this sub-group you see and label as "hipster" is just a lost and bland youth culture. Where you focus hatred I feel a bit of resigned pity

>> No.3404494

how can you be this shit with a can-opener

>> No.3404495

launch my mushrooms now!
her cavity is willing
stretched by birth of zeppelin
moist walls ferment, jitter
black goo cement my seed
will my mushrooms grow?
mushroom people

>> No.3404504

liberal arts university hipsters are sort of completely useless. they rely on parents for everything, and lack even a modicum of self-sufficiency.

>> No.3404514

That's a shitty poem. Try mine instead.

phoenician ertstnt
ernst eats persians
long is his victory
and girthy

>> No.3404516

This is why performance art is a joke. I don't have the link but there's a video up on Vimeo of some dude standing in the middle of a crowded room who is strumming his cock like a guitar while everyone around stands around and watches on in complete seriousness. It's absurd.

>> No.3404517

sole criteria for contemporary art: vagina(s)

>> No.3404519

Fuckin' typos

>> No.3404520

innie: god-tier
outie: meh-tier
no vag present: shit-tier


>> No.3404524

her name is robert she is mommy
cut the boy who say no
suck her yeast she is ill quick do it
mommy i am vacuum
(the mushroom people are coming)

>> No.3404538

today the world will know
unlubed thumb into anus
waddle down, down, down
the street is pleb
police officer is say
why thumb in anus?

>> No.3404544

>tfw 80% of those hipster girls are qts and very bangable

also: daddy's college money at work

>> No.3404549

It's not all that bad, though. It's conceptually outdated but clever nonetheless.

>> No.3404556

hear the mating call
pleb you get the hose again
infertile pleb soul you will perish
dungeon sustains you
for now
pleb can you speak?
poop in the bucket
hoist poop
drop poop
pleb is cry
centrifugal vagina force

>> No.3404563 [DELETED] 

I'd stick my spaghetti-o's in her vagina, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3404568

are you saying your penis resembles ring shaped pasta?

>> No.3404579 [DELETED] 


>> No.3404583

uncle cleetus feasts
baby is infinite scream
baby can you see
what you mean to me
bone marrow
end of sorrow
baby cant you see
baby you are G.o.P.

>> No.3404592

pulsating anus lowers itself
throttle the whiff, or dont
violent bile exit, nostrils ass and mouth
all my crevices serve the gyrating Obamus

>> No.3404610

12 signs of genius
an existential angst genius is exploding
you are fool i am angst
fool, fool
14 signs
reader 2 stupid
your mind is fuck

>> No.3404615


>> No.3404630

her name is robert she is mommy
cut the boy who say no
suck her yeast she is ill quick do it
mommy i am vacuum

slosh the yeast slop which sustains
for the mushroom people are pleased
when tax man is coming hide my succulent mushroom serfs
eternal gratitude

>> No.3404638

cavernous vagina hear my declaration
the homeless shall the granted residence
vagina you are baroness of all fuckholes
and drip feed us your luscious cocktail
nutritious pleghm, semen and yeast
hold the ketchup

>> No.3404639

If I reshot interior semiotics, as a dude, would you watch it?

>> No.3404652

mountain phallus we come for you
plz remove the glass ceiling in sector #51, mountain
ok thanks
victory is near

>> No.3404653

If I reshat interior semites, as a dud, would you wreck me?

>> No.3404658
File: 41 KB, 450x327, women-are-not-for-decoration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oppression infinite against the lone huddled womyn
her vagina is smacking. smack smack smack
rage against the mind's vibrating phallus
and pity too

>> No.3404661

a storm is coming
flailing cocks perculate
in a stew of semen
can't breathe
glargle glargle
patriarchy you did this

>> No.3404672

That sounds awesome. Your response sounds visceral enough to me... Seems like the art did it's job.
Absurd, indeed.

>> No.3404679
File: 67 KB, 650x236, wefew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the average /lit/ user speaks 13+ languages.

>> No.3404699

I can speak 4, but only read 3. Is that good enough?

>> No.3404702

She didn't Instagram it.

>> No.3404704

I have the weirdest boner right now.

Also, dat applause at the end.

>> No.3404707 [DELETED] 


>> No.3404722

Most immigrants I know could speak 4 languages and read 2. Are you an immigrant?

>> No.3404751

That is the gayest shit I have ever seen in my life. And I am not even close to the literary equivalent of that, hahahahahaha

>> No.3404753 [DELETED] 

Immigrants are proof speaking multiple languages doesn't make you smart. I lived in egypt and you would find niggers from mali and other shit hole african countries speaking 5 languages; english, maybe french, their national language, their tribal language, and perhaps another language from their country and colloquial arabic.

Yet they were dumb as shit, still believing in witch doctors, that the earth is flat, or just knowing nothing at all about the world or culture.

>> No.3405141


>> No.3405196

Oberlin or New School? I actually wanted to go to Oberlin, but my small, private liberal-arts school dreams were quickly dashed.

>> No.3405961

I'm glad this stuff exists. Any form of art (inb4 this isn't art) is good and welcomed, and it just adds to the whole diversity. It's not like someone is going to force you to enjoy it or look at it. I personally don't like it that much, but I'd never wish this didn't exist. You people need to think about this.