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File: 579 KB, 1000x1795, discworld-reading-order-guide-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3398159 No.3398159 [Reply] [Original]

Discworld Thread?

Discworld thread.

>I've read the first three books in the Rincewind saga and wish to start a new character line. Which one would you recommend?

>Also, favorite book in the Discworld Universe?

>> No.3398161 [DELETED] 

>I've read the first three books in the Rincewind saga and wish to start a new character line. Which one would you recommend?

Witches or Guards.

>Also, favorite book in the Discworld Universe?

Night Watch.

>> No.3398213

Out of all of the authors in the world who had to go completely off the deep end with Alzheimer's, why the FUCK did it have to be Terry Pratchett?


WHY couldn't it have been Tom Clancy or some faggot like that. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.3398277

All I know about Discworld is I saw a shitty TV movie a couple years back called The Colour of Magic. The actors were horrible but the atmosphere was great.

>> No.3398632

>New character line
Watch novels
>Favorite book
Small gods

>> No.3398671


I tried watching it. It's on Netflix.

I had to shut it off after like 10 minutes because for some reason they cast a crusty old 70 year old dude to play Rincewind when he's supposed to be an aloof and young wizard.

Took me right out of it and I couldn't take it seriously.

>> No.3398693

Is it just me or is Pratchett massively overrated?

He just seems like a tryhard substandard Douglas Adams wannabe.

>> No.3398696

>Is it just me or is Pratchett massively overrated?

No, it's you.

>> No.3398700

Douglas Adams really wasn't a very good writer.

>> No.3398703

>Is it just me or is Pratchett massively overrated?

He created an entire universe that while poking fun at itself and not taking itself seriously, simultaneously follows flawless continuity and follows many scientific principles that allow it to sound plausible.

Not many other people have ever been able to do that. If any others at all.

>> No.3398726
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Am reading the entire series (minus some books I'm skipping) in chronological order because I feel like it.

This one is shit. A brutal let down after the masterpiece that's the first Watch book. Skip it.

>> No.3398732

Not even remotely overrated. He's earned his praise.

>> No.3398746

David Jason is a good actor but was defiantly the wrong choice for the role.

>> No.3398933

Holy shit, someone who agrees with me! The Watch books are best (I especially love Colon, Nobbs and Vimes), but the best standalone book and the best book overall is Small gods. It is also one of the best books I have ever read.

>> No.3400962


>> No.3400980

I've read 5-6 of his books, IMO there are lots of clever ideas in there with some not-very-polished or well thought out stuff. Discworld books are superior to any fantasy writer-wannabe trite but not timeless classics. IMO.

>> No.3400999


I second this. It probably was the only one of the whole series that I had trouble getting through, and I'm including most of the kid books as well.

>> No.3401001

I'd suggest reading a book on Film History, specifically early Hollywood and then comming back to this.

Made me like it much more.

I thought it stood up as a stronger satire if you actually know the subject matter a bit more.

>> No.3401022

>I've read the first three books in the Rincewind saga and wish to start a new character line. Which one would you recommend?

I kinda think Unseen Academicals and Snuff should be classified as a "Non-human rights" arc. I would go for them if you, like me, like his more 'Meta' books.

>> No.3401026

Guards! Guards! is a masterpiece and candidate for the best thing Pratchett's ever written.

Unfortunately all the rest of the Watch novels are just average-good and get progressively worse.

>> No.3401036


>Favorite book

Monstrous Regiment. But only because: JACKRUM

Fifty I got for selling me coat
Fifty for me blankets
If ever I 'list for a soldier again
The devil shall be me sergeant.

>> No.3401041

Me too book brah. Me too.

>> No.3401049

>he's supposed to be an aloof and young wizard.

In newer cover art he's portrayed as young but in older work he's consistently an old fart.

Depends on which cover you want to believe i think.

>> No.3401051

I enjoy the watch novels more than most others, mainly because Vimes is a brilliant chap.
What this guy said. Except whilst Small Gods is good, I think I prefer Thief of Time as a standalone. Probably because it's the first that got me into the series.

I'm reading Night Watch at the moment, because I like to go through things in order and it's the 29th book or something. The preceding 28 have had their stand-outs, but they've all been consistently funny and extremely readable.

Also, if you've read any of the Western Canon Pratchett's bound to reference it at some point. Most writers fail hard when it comes to comedy, but TP pulls it off.

>> No.3401285

That I disagree with. Every book before Guards! Guards! is much shittier.

>> No.3401387
File: 33 KB, 316x486, Terry_Pratchett_Nation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this book so much a few years ago, I was on a tropical island too so it made it even better.

>> No.3401416

My favourite book is still Night Watch. I actually didn't like Guards! Guards! very much.

Also, does anybody but me also love those science books? I've read every one of them at least 3 timesand I am planning on reading the third right now.

>> No.3401419

the amount of western canon that pratchett manages to reference poigniantly and amusingly within such small books is pretty ridiculous.
id be unsurprised if half of it went straight over my head.

as far as watch novels go, i fucking loved feet of clay, i just love me some noir detectiveing.
i do feel that guards! guards! was a turning point in his writing style, for the better. things become more coherent. whether this is a side-effect of an increasingly fleshed out universe or just better writing, who knows.

>> No.3402057
File: 154 KB, 250x430, Rincewind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in older work he's consistently an old fart.

In the very first book (The Colour of Magic) he's portrayed as being in his early 30's/late 20's. At least that's within the book. I never looked closely at any of the cover art.

But here's a pic of him from the book "Art of Discworld".

>> No.3403723

Which one do I start on? Rincewind, Witches, Ancient, Death, Watch or Industrial line?

>> No.3403743

so basically he's the personification of the tv show community? so meta.

>> No.3403937


>> No.3406534


>> No.3406557

Douglas Adams is the substandard overrated writer there not Pratchett.

I give it Watch>Death>Industrial Revolution>Ancient Civilisations>Witches>Wizards>Rincewinds protagonist)>YA

I've read most of them.

>> No.3406567

The first few Rincewind books are pretty bad, but Interesting Times and the Last Continent rank among the funniest things he's ever written.

>> No.3406641

>The first few Rincewind books are pretty bad


Sourcery is my favorite book in the entire Discworld series.