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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 420x246, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 6.54.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3397524 No.3397524[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'bout that time, /lit/

>> No.3397525

>Sylvia Plath
>my idol

holy shit, run away.

>> No.3397527
File: 43 KB, 407x153, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 6.58.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good taste

>> No.3397529

hurry it up and just do Ayn Rand already

>> No.3397532

time for lonely virgins to complain about how they can't get laid?

>> No.3397536
File: 42 KB, 417x179, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.00.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397540


>> No.3397543

>I'm your typical pretentious hipster apparently

>> No.3397544
File: 38 KB, 438x176, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.02.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has a cute profile, might actually message this one

>> No.3397546


>> No.3397548

I don't get the joke, you don't like Murakami or something?

>> No.3397549
File: 98 KB, 547x500, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.03.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww really? only one?

>> No.3397550

when did I say that?

>> No.3397551 [DELETED] 


—Any book ever written by Haruki Murakami
—The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis
—White Album by Joan Didion
—What We Talk About, When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver

>> No.3397553

if you widen the age gap im sure you'll find more

>> No.3397554

Do a search for women who like Leo Strauss.

>> No.3397556

It's not her taste that puts me off, it's the gratuitous use of the word 'cunt' (trying way too hard) and the self-labelling as a 'pretentious hipster'.

>> No.3397559

Also, the 'Bi'. On dating sites, 'Bi' is just code for 'Slut'.

>> No.3397562

you missed the best part OP:


f COURSE she would put Bi

>> No.3397565


bi-Bi post

>> No.3397568


She should just have gone full asshole and put down 'pansexual'.

>> No.3397569
File: 85 KB, 647x486, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.06.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leo Strauss

>> No.3397572

It's like they seem to believe that being aware of being a pretentious hipster will somehow negate it.

>> No.3397575


Forever alone.

>> No.3397576

girlfriend material

>> No.3397579
File: 53 KB, 430x221, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.08.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck you're right, I raised it to 45

check out the big brains on this girl

>> No.3397581

>Replies very selectively

;_; someone on /lit/ caused that

>> No.3397586
File: 25 KB, 389x419, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replies very selectively

>> No.3397587
File: 240 KB, 763x919, wolfsangel88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should search for Stirner without any other requirements. Fucking gold.

>> No.3397588
File: 45 KB, 567x183, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.11.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this really is like /lit/ for female, except with a lingering possibility of sex

>> No.3397590

That has to be a parody

>> No.3397592

>Sun Tzu


>> No.3397594

>Paulo Coelho


She probably got introduced to Mishima via an ex-bf or something.

>> No.3397597

>one m
Stupid bitch

>> No.3397601


>> No.3397603

I only give the girls a shot, I'm well aware how awful an avid reading male can be.

>> No.3397604

Send her a message informing her that it has two m's.

>> No.3397611
File: 51 KB, 422x201, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.16.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3397614

That was my idea as well, but I don't believe it is. It's glorious.

>> No.3397616
File: 57 KB, 443x245, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.17.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got another ace on deck

>> No.3397621


>> No.3397622

everyone is bisexual, they just dont know it

>> No.3397623

commie detected

>> No.3397624
File: 49 KB, 427x187, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.18.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm that last line you can swish around your mouth like fine scotch

>> No.3397627

look for a handsome gay man who likes /lit/

>> No.3397631


>wordsmiths and authors of prose

>> No.3397632

Two m's confirmed for having better taste

>> No.3397635
File: 42 KB, 437x161, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.20.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out fellas, kitty's got claws!

>> No.3397637

>No one's contacted her

>> No.3397638

awww you pulled the Ayn Rand card too soon, it's only downhill from here

>> No.3397639


I am a socialist and read Ayn Rand for the plot.

>> No.3397643
File: 27 KB, 759x208, hemmingway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, Mr. Murakami, are you aware that you have a remarkable occurrence rate on dating sites among young females?
>KAWAII DESU ^__________^ All according to keikaku!*

*TL note: this is how all Japanese people speak, and I cannot translate, however, keikaku means plan.

>> No.3397649

I wonder if that girl would bake for you

you know, with an oven

>> No.3397650
File: 40 KB, 429x188, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.24.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3397655

holy fuck, it really is true!

>> No.3397656


How do you like Rand and Vidal?

>> No.3397658

It's salmon

>> No.3397659

what have you uncovered?!?

>> No.3397663
File: 55 KB, 427x219, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.24.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, with age comes wisdom

>> No.3397670

Look up Miranda July

>> No.3397672
File: 33 KB, 624x259, explicitly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is important

>> No.3397673
File: 117 KB, 456x592, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.28.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to expand the rest

>> No.3397671

Whats up with this whole two m thing? Is this just some inside joke I'm too new to get?

>> No.3397680


>subject to legal ramifications

you fucked up son

>> No.3397681

Lies, nobody reads Foucault for pleasure

>> No.3397683
File: 22 KB, 409x184, le.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3397686

we are all getting sued! who's got a lawyer I can call?

>> No.3397687
File: 47 KB, 432x180, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.31.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did I just read.

>> No.3397688

a face of a postmodernist slut


>> No.3397692
File: 41 KB, 419x167, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.33.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one thing I know about my state it's this:

Mention HST and brace for hipster pothead girls.

>> No.3397699

Do I have to create a profile to get in on this? Because fuck that.

>> No.3397700

What site is it?

>> No.3397701
File: 40 KB, 421x168, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.36.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just KNOW if they list this they have problems

Part 1

>> No.3397704
File: 47 KB, 402x191, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.37.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.3397705

Can anybody filter chicks for Emile Zola and post results?

>> No.3397706
File: 37 KB, 424x178, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.37.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 3


>> No.3397707
File: 41 KB, 425x187, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.37.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and holy fuck last but not least, Part 4.

>> No.3397708


>> No.3397710
File: 24 KB, 534x194, 32453423543645645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly shit, would bang.

>> No.3397712

my stomach hurts now, too much soup

>> No.3397713

I read Foucalt's Pendulumfor pleasure.

>> No.3397715

okcupid you noobs.

>> No.3397717
File: 25 KB, 189x256, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.41.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397718

Do I have to make a profile to have a pop at this?

>> No.3397719

Yeah you do, it's quite easy though.

>> No.3397720
File: 57 KB, 415x241, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.43.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wu Tang


>> No.3397721
File: 40 KB, 416x170, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.44.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you be that man, /lit/?

>> No.3397723
File: 37 KB, 425x183, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.44.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time believing any of these girls now

>> No.3397724

Do you autists honestly use this website to try and get laid?

>> No.3397728
File: 43 KB, 428x173, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.46.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /lit/

>> No.3397729

Can someone throw in Umberto Eco and see what kind of rabble that attracts?

>> No.3397727

No. We just like looking at peoples taste in books so we can make fun of them.

>> No.3397730
File: 59 KB, 508x259, 31242342353452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397731
File: 52 KB, 413x204, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.46.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look another literary juggernaut

>> No.3397733


>thinking Wu Tan Clan is something to be fucked with

>> No.3397736

>That completely incorrect use of semicolons

>> No.3397737
File: 35 KB, 480x640, tumblr_ljci4auMe41qdufqfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397738

>implying your opinion of Dostoevsky matters when you lick toilet bowls for a living

>> No.3397739

Any idiot can hold a book.

>> No.3397740
File: 159 KB, 450x550, 1344505309208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but her IQ is 160

>> No.3397741
File: 41 KB, 374x151, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.51.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my kinda girl, just lists what she likes and doesnt get all fancy about it

might message this one too, sugar-mommy material

>> No.3397743

No, it isn't

>> No.3397745

Female Pynchon fans are the cutest.

>> No.3397748



>> No.3397750
File: 34 KB, 340x174, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.54.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat name

>> No.3397751
File: 83 KB, 683x257, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That username.

>> No.3397755
File: 24 KB, 541x196, cyph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3397759

So this is my first time on /lit/, is Murakami somebody everyone unquestionably loves, or is it like a meme sort of thing?

>> No.3397760

would marry

>> No.3397758
File: 39 KB, 385x163, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 7.56.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fire of my loins material

look at her sunning herself like that, I'm going full-Nabokov

>> No.3397761

Murakami isn't all that bad, in my opinion, but for some reason his books have this almost magnetic quality towards 18-30 year old hipster girls.

>> No.3397762
File: 73 KB, 471x700, 18141995243619197238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuuuuuuck

>> No.3397763

He's not at all well loved here. OP might just be using him to net more hipster chicks.
/lit/'s favorite author is Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.3397769

sweet jesus. emma watson at sleep. repeat, would marry. and look at those milky thighs.

>> No.3397771
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 7862122478224514838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light of my life, fire of my loins. my sin, my soul.

>> No.3397774

no fucking way

that has to be a fake account

>> No.3397775

See sometimes I think it's upsetting that bookstores only ever carry Swann's Way,
it's just a prologue, and some character introduction and like, the first intimation of what the Swann family will become to Marcel.
However, at the same time it lets you pick out people who are clear impostors because by itself no one can stand Swann's Way.

>> No.3397776
File: 90 KB, 480x640, 15114186222779508357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't...go on..... must.....message....

>> No.3397777

i'm semi erect

>> No.3397780

still can't tell if that little black line above her lip in each photo is some shadow trick or a hint of a mustache

>> No.3397781


they all just watched that hipster movie, I forget the name of it

>> No.3397782

>implying she'd marry you

also, have none of you had hot girlfriends who are into lit?

>> No.3397784 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 2720x1372, hemmingwayayayaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3397785

I'm quite surprised by this - Are there no Ayn Rand loving conservatives out there? Really? None?

>> No.3397786

somtimes /lit/ really drives me crazy jesus christ

>> No.3397788

see, it does work!

also crop that picture god damn

>> No.3397789
File: 30 KB, 602x502, hemmingwayayayaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397790

Have you been to /tv/?

>> No.3397791

what's your problem faggot

>> No.3397792

Done, I only realised I've left in a fuckload of white space when I uploaded it.

>> No.3397794

I'm a decade-and-a-half younger than her, but I'd hit it.

Actually, there are a lot of interesting and attractive older women here

>> No.3397795
File: 411 KB, 673x428, tao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt hipster gf

>> No.3397797
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 8930340725584391851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397800

>Favorite Authors

>your typical pretentious hipster

>> No.3397801

does anyone else love the aesthetics of a hipster girl while at the same time despising their personality?

>> No.3397803
File: 95 KB, 458x432, that+comment+its...+so...+beautiful+_4e90779b88ccde7b86fc06efacb1cce7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gorgeous girl that reads Bukowski and Kerouac, all of my hhnnngg. I always knew they existed. I fucking knew it. If she could be persuaded to read Thompson, she would be perfect.

>> No.3397805

>liking a female's personality

They are just cum dispensers.

>> No.3397806

Okay, so I have half of that covered...

Now I just need to read some Proust.

>> No.3397807

You can fuck right off, you insufferable cunt.

>> No.3397808

>cum dispensers

I'm afraid we've got some bad news for you, anon.

>> No.3397809

>They are just cum dispensers.
Son, you are fucking the wrong gender.

>> No.3397810

>Anaheim, California
>implying she hasn't already been gangbanged by Latino gangsters

>> No.3397812

>Bukowski, Kerouac, Thompson
you'd try and make her mediocre taste in literature even worse? not on my watch, mang

>> No.3397813

>cum dispensers
Only if they are traps.

>> No.3397814

Traps aren't girls.

>> No.3397815


"Woman's love involves injustice and blindness against everything that she does not love... Woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds. Or at best cows..."

"Finally: woman! One-half of mankind is weak, typically sick, changeable, inconstant... she needs a religion of weakness that glorifies being weak, loving, and being humble as divine: or better, she makes the strong weak--she rules when she succeeds in overcoming the strong... Woman has always conspired with the types of decadence, the priests, against the "powerful", the "strong", the men--"

>> No.3397818

What's wrong with their personality? They just like arty stuff generally and being women they have a uniform to go with it.

>> No.3397819

and their boobs feel like sand bags, amirite?

>> No.3397823

>125 posts in an hour
Why are the shittiest of threads the most popular?

>> No.3397824


>> No.3397827

I hope it's fake.. Because otherwise I'd feel like I'm being left out. Forever.
If it isn't fake however - I'm getting on the next plane to California. She deserves me.

>> No.3397828

holy shit I can't stop luaghing

>> No.3397829

Same reason why the shittiest of books are the most popular. They require no effort.

>> No.3397832
File: 20 KB, 395x152, lit girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl may actually go on /lit/

>> No.3397833

Well nevermind, looking at all these pictures, a lot of them like Bukowski.

If pretend hipster girls liking Bukowski doesn't change your mind about Bukowski and make you ashamed to like him nothing ever will.

>> No.3397834


>> No.3397835

>She deserves me
>Implying you deserve her

>> No.3397836

You hear that, anon? That's the sound of jealousy and hatred. Oh, and how beautiful it sounds.

>> No.3397837
File: 115 KB, 480x342, 1329510557712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried multiple times to into OKcupid, whenever a cute girl message me I shut my account down. Same thing happens on anonidate, a really fun and intelligent sounding girl from Rhode Island messaged me and I deleted the AIM account I had attached to it. I have panic attacks when my phone rings or I have to check my e-mail, the idea of carrying on an entire relationship over the internet is laughable. Every cute girl I met in college was a lesbian or in a committed relationship. I don't know if it's where you guys live or your ability to be a human being on the Internet that does it god damn it just seems like you're asking us if we've never ridden manticores.

>> No.3397838

This girl may actually be Tao

>> No.3397839
File: 40 KB, 500x569, 1358491244293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why is Nietzsche so popular?

>> No.3397840

>She deserves me.
You're hilarious, Anon.

>> No.3397841

>le angry virgin face

>> No.3397842

>tfw having mental image of Bullkowski standing on the corner at a party eating cheetos wearing an old baggy dress while all the other girls who are qt hipsters talk bukowski with the hot guys

>> No.3397843

I never implied that. Stop implying that I'm implying, you implying SOB.

>> No.3397844

Bullkowski, why is your hatred for him so obsessive? It's dangerous. You seem to spend just about your every waking moment thinking about or posting about Bukowski. I'm not making any comment on him as a writer, but I think you may be gay for him and trying to hide it.

>> No.3397846

Hey, thanks for finding every slag dumb enough to include Murakami in their OKcupid profile reading lists, guys.

Your diligence and hard work are appreciated.

>> No.3397847

>2013: An Implication Odyssey

>> No.3397848

That's "is appreciated", you stupid fuckhead.

>> No.3397849

She's a girl, dummy.

>> No.3397850

Nope. They've been smart - But mainly interested in the natural sciences.
But it worked out just fine - until of course I ended up heartbroken and lonely reading my books.

>> No.3397851

Poor attempt. 1/10 is the best I can give.

>> No.3397852

a fat one I'd wager

>> No.3397853

I can't tell what you're upset about

>> No.3397854

>get told
>y-you're a troll

untermensch pls go

>> No.3397855

She sure as hell looks like a Moscovite.Tho' I have no problem with that.

>> No.3397856
File: 18 KB, 460x276, Javier-Bardem-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd try and make her mediocre taste in literature even worse?

I'd burn every copy of Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow for a 10/10 girl who appreciates Bukowski, Kerouac and Thompson.

>> No.3397857

Ha! You sure told her!

>> No.3397859

Trip up, Bullk.

>> No.3397860

Hambeast detected.

>> No.3397862

>search for girls who like bukowski near me
>mostly 7/10's and higher cute girls who seem genuinely cool people

Thanks, /lit/.

>> No.3397863

I do try my very best.

>> No.3397865

I think she has Daddy issues. Rebelling against a figure like Bukowski lets her come to terms with those nights when daddy crept into her room and gave her the Descartes.

>> No.3397866

this isn't /soc/, you fat beta males

ps. you all have shit taste in women

>> No.3397867

Wasn't Bullk, it was me, anon. I wasn't saying that she isn't a fat cunt, but I did however comment on the poor state of the previous comment.

>> No.3397868

Every waking moment? What have I been doing for about 30+ hours since I posted last? What was I doing for about 2 weeks less then 4 days ago when I wasn't posting here? Even more recently, what where was I previously to the 150+ posts before me in this thread.

And even then, if you think I'm posting about him every waking moment, wouldn't you be watching me every waking moment to know if I'm doing that or not? That's dangerous, I think you may be gay for me.

>> No.3397869

Oh, hai Bullk.

>> No.3397870

Whoa, whoa, WHOA. Watch the tone, mister/missus. This is a family forum.
You dumbfuck.

>> No.3397871

I'm already here and tripped.

>> No.3397872

Kristen Stewart has always cited Bukowski as one of her idols.

>> No.3397873

so, are you fat or not?

>> No.3397876

Of course I'm gay for you.

At any rate, I only ever see you in threads about Bukowski, or when in threads not specifically about Bukowski, you always talk about Bukowski in them. These are the only measures I have for how often you think about Bukowski.

>> No.3397881

go away socially maladjusted miscreant

>> No.3397879

>I think you may be gay for me.
>implying he's a girl

inb4 you come up with screenshits of your previous pathetic discussions

lelele die please you frigid bitch

>> No.3397885

>what where was I previously to the 150+ posts before me in this thread.

"what where was"

>> No.3397886
File: 80 KB, 607x465, Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 8.29.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they would have been God Emporer of /lit/

>> No.3397888
File: 20 KB, 429x420, 1352365447968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397889
File: 28 KB, 282x362, 1359077308400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullkowski confirmed for DFW.

>> No.3397890

I only trip in Bukowski threads that's why.

Well, since you know you've already lost because of the screenshot, I won't bother. But I will ask: Am I a girl?

>> No.3397893

a fat one, I'd wager

>> No.3397895

So you are telling me that you deliberately use a tripcode in order to enhance your shitposting?

>> No.3397896

If that's your big insult on me in this thread, I must be doing pretty well.

>> No.3397897

I use a trip because "what where was".

>> No.3397898
File: 95 KB, 397x647, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are there suddenly so many Bukowski lovers on this board?

>> No.3397899

>I only trip in Bukowski threads that's why.
Then why are you here? You're spilling out into other threads. Do we have to create a new Bukowski thread just to keep you contained?

>> No.3397900

Jesus fucking christ. Why'd you have to go and call me a miscreant? Are you commenting on my religion now? You antisemitist nazifuck. Unless of course you used miscreant in it's secondary form and called me a terrible person. Then it's just a display of terrible mannerisms

>> No.3397903

I thought the big insult was wagering that you were a fat one.

>> No.3397905

Go away you insufferable twat.

>> No.3397909

Because if I said what I said without the trip, people would just scream "BULLKOWSKI! I KNOW IT'S YOU! GIRL! HE FUCKED YOUR MOM!" non-stop.

I mean, look, I was tripped and in this thread and someone tried to finger someone else as me.

>> No.3397911

see above for joke

>> No.3397913

See? Now that wasn't that difficult was it now? Just stop using words with secondary meanings and we can insult each other as normal human beings. You dumb dipshit.

>> No.3397914

But that is just because you appeared in the thread and decided to start shitposting. Did you deliberately attempt to derail this thread?

>> No.3397915

>Because if I said what I said without the trip
You could always, you know, just not shitpost.

>> No.3397918

But if she stopped shitposting how would she ever be able to spark such amazing and deep discussions?

>> No.3397921

I haven't pretended to be a girl and fucked with lonely men for a long while.

>> No.3397923

Are people in this thread implying that Bukowski is a good author?

>> No.3397925

Hi Bullk. It's not going to work.

>> No.3397928

If you think I'm the one doing the shitposting, you're blind. Here, I'll just randomly point out some people who are.

>> No.3397930


Good one, Bullkowski.

>> No.3397933

Another one fingers someone that isn't me.

I'm probably going to stop posting soon because you buttkowski's are driving this thread into the ground with your asshurts.

>> No.3397935

Just stop posting in general. Please. I don't even like Bukowski, but you just make the board a worse place with your relentless autistic rants.

>> No.3397937

Hope she sticks her head in the oven like her "idol"

>> No.3397939

Just fuck off from /lit/ you saggy titted whore. You are actually driving people towards reading Bukowski.

>> No.3397941

I'm posting pretty civilly compared to the people that are posting that I'm a woman, pointing at people whom aren't me and saying they are, have told me I'm gay for Bukowski, have attempted to use their only insult they have in this thread: A writing error.

>> No.3397943

Sadly, though, there is a point where every post you make is shitposting, Bullkowski. When you see the effect your posts have on other people, on threads, on the board, and yet you keep doing it; that is shitposting. Everything you say is.

>> No.3397946

tbh, i'm not quite sure that /lit/'s insane howling irrational rage at bullkowski proves that bullkowski is shitposting

>> No.3397947
File: 27 KB, 746x181, Crying post post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
Good! People can see first hand what buttkowski's like to cover up and what I point out. Then more people will know he's a bad writer, and in the long run less will have to read him.

>> No.3397949

>Posting his own screepcapped posts.
Jesus Wept.

>> No.3397950

It's my fault people are coming up to me? Am I a mind controller?

>> No.3397951

That's what he gets for tripfagging.

>> No.3397954

It's your fault that you keep doing it, yes. It's your fault that you've seen what it causes, and you're well aware of it (you've even gone to the lengths of naming people that disagree with you), and yet you keep doing it, which leads to the conclusion that it must be deliberate.

After all, this is an anonymous imageboard. Your decision to continuously post in the same manner using the same trip is a distinctly deliberate action, and you're well aware of the effects.

>> No.3397958

>screencapping your own posts
You are truly the saddest tripfag ever.

>> No.3397960

I'm a mind controller? I make people reply to me? I'm making you reply to me now?

>> No.3397962

No, but you are ignoring what I'm saying, which leads me to the conclusion that you have no response.

>> No.3397964

>Decide to Browse /lit/
>Bullkowski Vs Bukowski
>Oh, for fucks sake.

Congratulations Bull. I have never liked Bukowski, but your presence here has increased discussion of him by at least 800%. Well done. Now, whenever I come to /lit/ there are always posts on page 1 about him. This is your crowning achievement, – The tripfag who made Buowski popular on /lit/.

>> No.3397967

Holy fuck, too much obscurity for me.

>> No.3397983
File: 20 KB, 478x558, 211236246743727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhode Island here. I know what you mean. Especially since I've been going to community college for the past couple years.

>decide to get creative writing out of the way before I transfer
>mfw biggest mistake of my life

>> No.3397997

You're skirting around my truth that I'm not the one making people reply to me, which is the biggest factor to the item at hand. I don't make people reply to me, so how do I purposely make them come to me and start talking shit? Talk to them, not me about posting to me. I've told everyone many times, if you don't like me don't read me or filter me instead of replying to me. I don't hide the fact that they have a choice, and I encourage them to use their choice to block me out if they don't like me.

Don't like me, filter me and hide the threads instead of replying.

>> No.3398003
File: 483 KB, 500x250, behold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reconsidering my stance on dating-sites.

>> No.3398007
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>> No.3398009

it's probably time to take a break man, this fight is not going anywhere constructive and it's not like there's any constructive conversation that you actually are involved in right now itt

you gotta brush that dirt off your shoulder

>> No.3398010


0/10 would not message

>> No.3398013

Even if I, as an individual, filter you, you're still going to derail threads and fuck up discussions, and you're fully aware that you're still doing it. Hence, every single post you make is a deliberate act of shitposting. You know that people are going to respond to you, you know that they're going to ruin entire threads, you know that this is going to happen whenever you post with your trip on. But still, you do it.

I don't want to have to hide entire threads just because one fucking child of a tripfag refuses to drop their trip and quit incessantly posting about some pathetic vendetta they have against a largely irrelevant author.

>> No.3398033
File: 28 KB, 450x338, vikingofdissaproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You boys take it out back! Adults are talking in here.

>> No.3398061

>lives in the uk
>tfw i will never get to discuss russian literature with my beautiful waifu who has a bit of plebby taste i can overlook for her physical attraction and adorable aspirations to literacy

also she's mine

>> No.3398078

I'm pretty sure I go to uni with her

>> No.3398083

What's wrong with Bukowski?
ive never read him

>> No.3398090

all the biphobia on this board...
you guys really bum me out sometimes

>> No.3398091

tell her about me. tell her there's a tall, gorgeous asian male who will let her go down on him as he expounds upon the civil state of 19th century russia. all she has to do is check her messages. thanks~

>> No.3398096

> gorgeous
> Asian
This is less plausible than Bukowski winning a nobel

>> No.3398099

don't care if you're jelly. just let her know, mmkay?

>> No.3398104

>0% match

>> No.3398110

She means she likes Stephen King ironically, right?

>> No.3398121


>> No.3398130

it's not biphobia, grow thicker skin

it's the hilarity of a misguided 19-year old girl who labels herself as "bi" because it's all the rage in her young stupid world

>> No.3398131

or she's just bi

fucking butthurt virgin loser

>> No.3398133


the fact that she wrote his full name just seals it for me

>> No.3398137

>19 year-old pseudo-bisexual hipster girl detected


>> No.3398139

the funniest thing about that picture is Sun Tzu, and it's not even a fucking contest

you say "19 year-old pseudo-bisexual hipster girl" like it's a bad thing

>> No.3398140

ok tough boy you win

may you sleep undisturbed for a thousand nights with the complete and utter satisfaction that comes with winning an online argument

>> No.3398148

He's like an edgy Tao Lin with none of Tao Lin's redeeming qualities
There are better writers than Bukowski even on /lit/

>> No.3398150

>Sun Tzu
>Ernesto Guevara

are we all in agreement that she is the winner of this thread?

>> No.3398156
File: 292 KB, 1850x2779, readfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no zinn?

>> No.3398157
File: 219 KB, 913x572, dissapointingface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3398160

sometime ok CUPID make me want to burn up the world

we're all the same, and we're all idiots

>> No.3398165
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3398171

I'll be happy when I find a girl that doesn't have hate for my love of Adventure Time. And obviously is also well read and cultured.

>> No.3398172

this thread is girl faces and the books they shove said faces into.

>> No.3398176

can anyone post that one of the kid in the fedora mouthing off about Randian philosophy in My Little Pony on his OkCupid profile?

...I might be merging two images

>> No.3398186

And is a 9/10. And great in the sack.

>> No.3398188

You idiots DO realize these are completely cherry-picked?

When you search for keywords it will show the context of which these authors are listed in the profile, and a common thing for every profile is to list a FAVORITE BOOK/AUTHOR

jesus christ its not like they have a buildboard up saying I READ KEROUAC AND MURAKAMI

>> No.3398195

I'm pretty sure everybody realises that, chief. It isn't difficult to figure out how the search system works. Good job on going on a rant against imaginary idiots.

>> No.3398196

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3398197

>its not like they have a buildboard
What a malapropism

>> No.3398202

>jesus christ its not like they have a buildboard up saying I READ KEROUAC AND MURAKAMI

But they do have a "buildboard" saying that they read those authors! They have them in bold font with flashing christmas lights saying "look how well immersed I am in literature boys <3"

>> No.3398207


I like her.

>> No.3398209

This is what late capitalism does.

>> No.3398211

The setup of an OK Cupid profile pretty much tells you to say something about what you like in literature, though. It would be perverse in the extreme for them to leave blank a section of the thing just to avoid displaying a behavior that you regard as "pretentious". It's part of the way things are done and that's all they're doing. So saying something about your favorite authors is not in itself "pretentious" or whatever other (basically misogynist) accusation you want to level against it, unless the content of what you say is humorous in itself.

Like if you include Che and Sun Tzu, for example.

>> No.3398215

>basically misogynist
Here we go!

>> No.3398218

sorry but yelling about how girls are dumb idiot whores for saying they like books is always going to be dumb and misogynist, especially when you do it in a way that's specifically about women

>> No.3398220

>not knowing about the deconstruction of the gender binary
Third wave feminism guys, get with the times.

>> No.3398223
File: 458 KB, 1100x1338, il_fullxfull.344866592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if all of your "favorite writers" are cliche, what does listing them say about yourself? If it's honesty, you're an idiot, and if it's trendy, you're insecure about your intelligence or lying about reading to nail smart, rich guys.

>> No.3398225

>the deconstruction of the gender binary
You make me sick.

>> No.3398228
File: 202 KB, 400x402, sjtKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3398230

Or it could be that all of your favorite writers are people who are popular right now. It's possible. It could also be that you haven't taken that much time to explore lesser-known authors, which (contrary to what /lit/ would have you believe) is not actually a crime.

>> No.3398231


Yeah well you go and put yourself out there and see if you can refrain from listing things you enjoy, seeing as you don't want to attract people who might be intellectually stimulating or as like-minded as you.

It's a fucking dating site, these girls are trying to advertise themselves as best they can so they can enjoy life with a partner they can relate to, there's nothing to it except for that and you guys are putting them up here for ridicule.

>> No.3398232

But sickness is just a manifestation of the institutional discrimination the medical community perpetrates.

>> No.3398239
File: 89 KB, 488x516, src_1339335247814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fucking dating site, these girls are trying to advertise themselves as best they can so they can enjoy life with a partner they can relate to, there's nothing to it except for that and you guys are putting them up here for ridicule.

Holy fuck. I bet you only say and think the purest of thoughts all day every day.

>> No.3398240

that's like saying your favorite music is top 40, which says a great deal about how you obtain your media, where you get what you say you like so much. pop is engineered, you do know that, right? that it's for sheep? that lit is no exception to the fact?

>> No.3398241

Why are you so angry? Did we use the profile of someone you know? The humour usually comes from humorous juxtaposition of incredibly stupid comments and "intellectual" books, or, as is the case for a lot of them, spelling Hemmingway with only one m (which is wrong, in case you're an uneducated pleb and didn't know that).

>> No.3398245

agreed, dumb sheeple liking pop music and having a good time and enjoying things without knowing how dumb they are

wake up, sheeple!

>> No.3398252

not true some of these girls have surprised me and make me want to register for the service so what do you think about that?

and further, I have been on plenty of blind dates in the past that have failed miserably because I barely knew enough about the girl and we had nothing to tlak about, so going in with some similar attitudes and enjoyments is alot better than dating some girl who has never picked up a book in her fucking life

>> No.3398253

>not knowing they're rn's and not m's
Plebes plebeing plebes.

>> No.3398257

you do realize the smart profit off the dumb, right? sure suckers "enjoy" it. never read huxley or sinclair, huh?

>> No.3398260

oh my god you're perfect. can i take you home?

also, are you the same anon posting about how awesome Palahniuk is in the other thread? because it sure seems like it!

>> No.3398264

A girl who knows Vachss? Would sign up and message her if she wasn't so out of my league.

>> No.3398268
File: 50 KB, 629x479, ElmosWorldHands03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, but i do like him. like voltaire more, though.

>> No.3398281

>and further, I have been on plenty of blind dates in the past that have failed miserably because I barely knew enough about the girl and we had nothing to tlak about, so going in with some similar attitudes and enjoyments is alot better than dating some girl who has never picked up a book in her fucking life

This. I usually browse /tv/ and I love cinema and I just went on a date with a girl through a mutual friend. I was telling her I enjoyed movies alot and she had no clue who Scorsese was, I asked her to name a director and she said Michael bay was the only one she knew. I didn't storm out on her or anything, but it was just a hint that we were two different people and the rest of the date stayed true to that initial reaction.

>> No.3398285

You are an asshole.

>> No.3398287

I doubt she's out of your league anon. Just make a bit of an effort on the looks side and you'd be all set.

>> No.3398293

For mocking the guy talking about how only sheep listen to the top 40 and read well-known authors, and they're all idiots who don't understand the true nature of society? because they haven't read huxley?

>> No.3398295

Yeah. Scorsese's pretty entry level, she was way out of your league.

>> No.3398302

because they do what they're told

>> No.3398307

>genarlising about something that hasn't happened
>also ignoring the male pics in this thread
Good job!

>> No.3398315

Christ I murdered that spelling of generalising

>> No.3398441


Just no.

>> No.3398750
File: 23 KB, 538x207, ra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well...as long as you like her for the stories....

>> No.3398754
File: 25 KB, 534x192, ra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bible

I think I just found the queen of /lit/

>> No.3398762
File: 28 KB, 428x212, ra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so according to okcupid girls, Ayn Rand's philosophy is not so hot, but she is an amazing writer

>> No.3398763
