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/lit/ - Literature

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3393793 No.3393793 [Reply] [Original]

How has /lit/ affected you in everyday life?

>whenever I disapprove of anyone I think, "Stay pleb"
>in Tesco I went up to the book section and thought to myself, "Let's see what the plebs are reading"

>> No.3393795

get out of here, dan tunstall

>> No.3393796

OP, I think you caught that attitude from mew.

>> No.3393800

I call people philistines

>> No.3393803

This 'pleb' shit was never part of /lit/, get the fuck out you cunt and back to /mu/.

>> No.3393820

>How has /lit/ affected you in everyday life?

Mainly philosophy. I had always been an avid reader, but never really into philosophy. Now whenever I get into an argument with somebody, I have the tendency to reduce whatever they are saying to a philosophical position and refute it. Usually adding in a load of smug "but wouldn't you agree that's?" and relishing their squirming when they agree with the contrary stance.

This has actually made me seem like a condescending prick. I started getting into a debate about state prisons last week, and just as I began to decide how to humiliate my opponent, a friend of mine turned to him and said "Don't engage anon in any debate, you can't win against him." I'm not sure if that was complimentary, or he was being critical of my articulate sophistry.

>> No.3393856

easy there, cowboy

we understand that the temptation to refute against dull and antipathetic, simpleton logic is big for you, but arguing against pure, unadulterated and ignorant drivel will lead you nowhere; applying knowledge through the concept of will to power only boosts your ego, eventually you'll get sick and tired of correcting the ignorance of others, and just sit there - quietly

>> No.3393865

Hold your horses, pardner.

Eventually you'll get sick of sitting there quietly and you'll go build something with all that knowledge.

>> No.3393870

Sounds like /mu/ has affected you more than /lit/, fag.

>> No.3393879

>get the fuck out you cunt and back to /mu/.

I find /lit/s attitude to /mu/ quite strange. There never used to be a tension until one point last year, /mu/ invaded the board for a week and showered us with affection, flattering us and showing method c-c-coyness. They even made us a mixtape. Of course, we were very hostile. We got angry, rejected their advance and have hated them ever since. Now, 'go back to /mu/' is a default insult under the guise that they are actually more pretentious and elitist than we are.

>> No.3393897

>Hating people that bring with them the elitistic and pretentious mindset that's inherent in classing people by "pleb" and "patrician"
>Thinking that wanting to evict those that do this is elitistic

>> No.3393900

>This 'pleb' shit was never part of /lit/

Yes it was, even if the term 'pleb' was not used until about a year ago. Look at any ASOIAF or genre lit thread ever and you will see a plethora of elitist undergrads doing their best to spoil the discussion and show how superior they are (even though the only people lame enough to do something like that are bound to be pretty poorly read and no older than 18).

>> No.3393906

Its not that theyre pretentious and elitist, its that theyre pretentious and elitist while having shit taste.
Not to mention being a tripfag circlejerk.
Everything they like isnt 'patrician', its shit that you can find at any vinyl shop that caters to hipsters. They have no minds of their own. Pitchfork thinks for them.
Then they come here and throw that stupid pleb and patrician shit around and pretend to speak for /lit/ while insulting good authors just because they think thats what we do here.

>> No.3393911

Join a debate club and you shall learn humility. Attend university competitions in High School and get beaten by social sciences seniors who know what the heck they're talking about compared to your simple understanding of the information. Realise that all the ideas in your head don't translate well into a 7 minute speech, forcing you to thoroughly and thoroughly rethink what you say to make it as precise and lucid as possible. Realise that there will always be people smarter than you. Realise that if you're smarter than them, they may talk better than you and thus despite being an introverted genius, still fail completely in the arena. Even if you both talk better and are smarter than them, realise that they can still win for some fluke reason due to a biased judge and realise you cannot do anything to prevent it.

>> No.3393913

/mu/'s been coming here since someone noticed that the random cunt they use as a taste guide has a list ranking books; the rise in /mu/ style posting i.e. 'pleb' and the shitty trolling of this OP runs parallel to a decline in the quality and quantity of discussion of /lit/.

>> No.3393915

Those undergrads are from /mu/ however, thats why we dont want them here, see? Already people like you are starting to think insulting all genre literature is normal /lit/ behavior.

>> No.3393916

Thanks to /lit/ I started reading Tao Lin. That made me depressed and made me listen to sad music a lot more and also made me treat my girlfriend poorly. I hope that you will think about how books can ruin your life before you read them.

>> No.3393917

Contempt for people who read one book on philosophy and think they know it, people who read Nietzsche and think they're brilliant, feminists and anyone who talks about philosophical topics without reference to the proper authors/terminology.

Tl;Dr - Philosophical elitism

>> No.3393921

Elitism can be good when coupled with articulation; 'pleb' and 'partician' posting does not offer that

>> No.3393934

>They even made us a mixtape.

They have made us many mixtapes. Here's one of the threads:


>> No.3393951

It's been like this since at least the days of Deep & Edgy, though, and that was long before the /mu/ invasion. They just gave the obnoxious element of the board a new nomenclature.

>> No.3393966

There was a lovely interregnum between D&E and friends leaving and /mu/ arriving, let's go back to that

>> No.3393969

You go to Tesco? That's such a pleb thing to do.
Sainsburys is where its at for any self-respecting working class gentlemen, or Waitrose if you are middle-class.

>> No.3393975


>> No.3393976

>They just gave the obnoxious element of the board a new nomenclature.

I think a lot has to do with the linguistic act of using 'go back to /mu/' as an insult. I always see that posted to comments that have nothing to do with music. People object to a comment and that becomes a knee-jerk response. I agree /mu/ can be elitist and can worship obscure pitchfork music, but I think the number of shit posts on /lit/ is unfairly attributed to them. /mu/s position as the enemy becomes further cemented by the posting of that response, when really they had nothing to do with it, and it was one of us shitposting.

>> No.3393979

It has made me read more fiction, cultivate an interest in contemporary art, made me want to be actively creative again, improve my arguing skills and made me waste a lot of time. All in all I've taken more out if it than it has taken out of me, but I try to be a good poster.

>> No.3393980

>Sainsburys is where its at for any self-respecting working class gentlemen,

Lidl poorfag reporting in.

>> No.3393981

>social sciences seniors who know what the heck they're talking about compared to your simple understanding of the information

this might only be partially true if they have grasped some epistemological groundwork; detecting someone else's copious amount of eloquent bias and bullshit is not as hard as you'd think. you may be well-read and educated, but poses no intelligence whatsoever.

>Realise that all the ideas in your head don't translate well into a 7 minute speech, forcing you to thoroughly and thoroughly rethink what you say to make it as precise and lucid as possible.

>untrained rhetoric therefore my reasoning and argumentation is invalid, false and inadequate

nice one

>> No.3393985

What's the generic half liter cheap beer Brits get at Lidl?

>> No.3393987

Special Brew?

>> No.3393989

from what I have seen it's only pretentious elitists and off-topic posters that are directed to mew.

>> No.3394003

I buy cheap wine from Lidl, they often sell 4 bottles for a tenner. Other than that they sell the usual supermarket beers, a few German brands, cheap polish stuff like Tyskie, and dirt cheap 3ltr bottles of weedkiller cider.

>> No.3394011

>saw myself making an existentalist thread about death on /lit in my dream last night

what has the world come to / I should get out more

>> No.3394020

I dreamed about my asian boss removing his finger and then all the skin from his hand with a hook shaped knife and then finally snapping the skeleton finger he was originally hacking at off and then waving his skeleton hand around with its missing finger.

>> No.3394029

How has /mu/ affected you in everyday life?

>whenever I disapprove of anyone I think, "Stay pleb"
>in Tesco I went up to the book section and thought to myself, "Let's see what the plebs are reading"

Fix'd it for you OP

>> No.3394032

Realise that as much as you can try and justify it, you still looked like a blathering stammering idiot in reality. Realise that reality doesn't conform to your every whim, that the brilliant arguments in your head somehow get twisted in multiple ways when you try to vocalize them in front of others.

Basically, just realise that you aren't the goddamn center of the universe and if you really want to be you gotta work for it, no matter how much philosophy you read in your spare time and how much of an intellectual you think you are

>> No.3394033

Yes, they came to this board posting off-topic, wanted tier lists instead of actual discussion about literature.

We don't need their board antics, their blind fanatism, trip-fag circle jerks and blind bullying, peer pressure into the same taste

>> No.3394035

aside from checking it every day, it's prompted me to read a few good books.

>> No.3394039

>just realise that you aren't the goddamn center of the universe

Contrary to your ignorant opinion, the universe really does revolve around me.

>> No.3394050

We are /mu/. We treat our books exactly the same way as they treat albums. Now go back to your pleb 50shades, I'm reading my god-tier Finnegans wake.

>> No.3394051


>> No.3394065
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first of all, i'm not the guy you originally replied to.

second of all,

>you still looked like a blathering stammering idiot in reality

now, you don't know that for sure. might as well stop projecting your past experience so butthurtly.

but you certainly have a point criticizing his intellectual snobbery and lack of empathy/humility, which i sort of mentioned in >>3393856