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3387726 No.3387726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Voldemort just sink his horcruxes into the ocean?

>> No.3387732

Because the eagles were prideful LALWLWLWLAWLAWL

Cap: rsnjob Edward

>> No.3387737

What's a horcruxe?

>> No.3387754

No this is a serious question.

Voldemort should have just put all his horcruxes into a chest filled with rocks and dropped them into the Mariana Trench or something.

Makes more sense than depositing them into a fucking bank or, for God's sake, hiding them in the very school that the person who's prophesied to kill you attends.

>> No.3387765

I agree, anon. Very good argument. perhaps it's a metaphor for hubris or some such?

>> No.3387768

because the force wasn't with him

>> No.3387772

His soul could have been in a needle in an egg in a duck in a hare in a chest hidden in the Bahamas.

>> No.3387773

is /b/ raiding /lit/ with harry potter shit or something?

>> No.3387781

Because Voldemort was prideful.

>> No.3387786

I think so...

>> No.3387790


Obviously, it was an example of how Voldemort associated himself with the great wizards of history whom he believed to be "pure"

Such as hitler would establish presence in areas which were tactically useless but of cultural or occult interest.

>> No.3387791

what's /b/?

>> No.3387793

nonsense! We come for intellectual discourse of one of the greatest literary gems of our time!

>> No.3387797

ahh nevermind. /b/ random

>> No.3387803
File: 858 KB, 240x228, 1327199949371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows your first week of 4chan going?

>> No.3387804

So this isn't legit? I think it's a good question

>> No.3387808

swimmingly. how is your smug sense of superiority going?

>> No.3387811

What brings you here, newfriend?

>> No.3387812

I told you already, /b/ had a literary question we couldn't answer so we came to discuss in the proper forum

>> No.3387815

Well I, for one, welcome our friends from /b/.

>> No.3387817

Still though, he had like six or seven of those fuckers. He could have sunk at least one into the ocean as a worst-case scenario type thing and he would still have plenty more to put in "symbolic" hiding places or whatever.

Voldemort didn't have much foresight.

>> No.3387824

Because Voldemort is a character in a popular series of children's books and that would be too difficult to explain. Duh.

>> No.3387827

This is a good point. Especially for someone who could see into the future, albeit in flashes.

>> No.3387832


Because some nigger wixard could just get some of mug gillyweed and swim the fuck down there and fuck his shit up.
Do you even Goblet of Fire, bro?

>> No.3387833

i'm just randomly shitposting. i don't know where you guys are getting /b/ from

>> No.3387842


>> No.3387844

The pressure in mariana trench would crush them to nothing, also they'd need to know it's down there, and it's not like oceanography is on the books at hogwarts. Those shitheads probably couldn't even find it on a map, let alone real life.

>> No.3387848

Gillyweed just makes you grow gills and fins. It can't protect you from pressure.

Ain't no wizard going down into the Mariana Trench and living to tell the tale. Fuck, in the HP world there's probably even Loch Ness Monster type things living down there.

>> No.3387865


You dumb faggots. These niggers are fucking wizards. They can magic all kinds of jiggery pokery. They can survive all kinds of dark carnival shit, of coure they can survive some faggot trench in some faggot water. I drink water like a lot and it had never pressured me to death. Gee whizz,

>> No.3387869
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Is this as good as the moVie?

>> No.3387872

Now. A follow up question. Voldemort, when he finally gets the ring, why doesn't he just turn the hordes of wizards to his favor and kill Harry and the whole crew or better yet, turn them in his favor??

>> No.3387876


>> No.3387879

movie is better

>> No.3387881

Did you read Goblet of Fire? Harry almost gets his shit slapped by some fucking mermaids in a fucking lake.

You think that nigger can fight underwater dragons 20,000 leagues under the sea? Yeah right.

>> No.3387882


>> No.3387891

I still say that he wouldn't even be able to find the fucking thing....Voldy secretly drops it in one day, keeps NO records. BAM immortal forever.

>> No.3387894


Yeah but supposing you didn't get that gay nigger Harry to swim down there. Supposing you got some big fuck like Fagrid or maybe engineered some sort of snitch that could withstand the pressure?

>> No.3387895

The fuck are you talking about dude?

That ring didn't do shit except let you talk to dead loved ones. Also, Voldemort already had an entire army of evil wizards. He didn't need to "turn" any wizards to his favor or whatever.

>> No.3387896

harry, I am your father!

>> No.3387899

Well.. there wouldn't be much conflict, anon. Do you even literature?

>> No.3387900

>not space

No one can hear you scream in space, Harry.

>> No.3387907

>should have made the golden record on Voyager 1 a horcrux

>> No.3387912

yeah, because it would've been really easy to swim down there, find the horcrux (can't accio horcruses) in a trench so deep, we have no idea how deep it is - and hundreds of miles long

>> No.3387916

Uhh... one ring to rule them all, newfriend.

>> No.3387917

Hagrid can't into magic and wizards can't into engineering or science.

Harry and Co. were literally the only people on the planet who knew about Voldemort's horcruxes after Dumbledore died. Fuck, most wizards don't even know what a horcrux is. It's supposed to be some super obscure dark magic lost to the ages that even the edgiest of dark wizards are afraid to try.

>> No.3387922

now why is a wizard going to fucking swim? I'd be all like 'I ain't swimmin!' *POOF*

>> No.3387927

Because there's magic for retrieving items. Voldemort would have needed to have sunk an entire shrine cursed with his victims blood and souls to protect that sort of thing. But that most likely wouldn't have protected the shrine itself from being expunged from the sea.

>> No.3387928

Nah, Voldemort hated muggles and anything related to muggles (such as technology).

That one just ain't happening.

>> No.3387929

Why didn't they just use the time turners to kill Voldemort when he was a kid. Alternately, to avoid paradoxes why didn't they go back in time and follow Voldemort around in an invisibility cloak for years. Once they find out where all the horcruxes are, they can just tell people in the future and Voldemort's a goner.

>> No.3387933

cos it keeps you fit and healthy, you dumb nigger

>> No.3387934

There's a case to be made for using the technology that he so despised for the undoing of the race he hated so much

>> No.3387939

if they put the horcroix on platform 9 and 15/16ths harry would have failed

>> No.3387940

Can't apparate somewhere unless you can clearly visualize that area, plus it's possible to put enchantments on places so that apparation is impossible there. I think the book says that all of Voldemort's hiding places have enchantments like that.

>> No.3387941

immortality > all. he'd get over it long enough to do it, and nobody would ever know.

fine. he could make mars his fuckin' horcrux.

>> No.3387942

I'll use my swimming spell and my protein spell

>> No.3387945

this. too bad JK had no goddamn imagination

>> No.3387948

You can't magically retrieve Voldybob's horcruxes and you don't have to read the books to know this.

They walk into the vault at NigNotts and say "Accio horcux" to no effect

>> No.3387949

Time turners can't actually change the past in the HP world, anything involving time turners is predestined.

>> No.3387953

This. Why is there no more interdimensional interaction aside from the invisible train platform?? She creates another world but leaves out infinite possibilities...

>> No.3387956

>engineering or science

I beg to differ. All wizards come from the muggle world, they will all have some knowledge of science and shit. They could pay to send one to a real world University. Hell, they could even spend some of their wizard money getting a University or research facility to help them. I'm pretty sure breaking cover and revealing their magicz is a price worth paying to defeat wizard Hitler.

If they couldn't get down that bastard trench, couldn't they just blow that son of a bitch up instead. Fire some serious nuclear shit down there. It'd fuck up the ecosystem but wizards never seem to in2environmental causes.

>> No.3387963

You sound like quite the adversary...

Our battle would make the Potter saga look like a round of Rock'em Sock'em Robots

>> No.3387966

Will muggle technology reach a point where it becomes more powerful than magic? Isn't the Harry Potter leading to a war between technology and magic?

>> No.3387971

they'd imperio the russian oceanographers with the proper subs to get down there before they'd do that shit. math is hard for those niggers

>> No.3387975

I hope to meet you one day on the /b/attlefield.

>> No.3387977

>All wizards come from the muggle world,

Did you even read the fucking books? Most wizards do not come from the muggle world and know very little about it.

The only person in the series who actually shows the slightest interest in muggles and their science is Ron's dad, and despite being obsessed with the subject he still has a very poor understanding of even basic things. Not to mention that he's completely mocked and ostracized for it by other wizards.

>> No.3387980


>Real World sends over muh nuclear arsenal
>Wizards eat some faggot plants, say some faggot pseudo-latin phrases and wave some faggot pieces of wood
>Real World wins
>Real World - Wizard race war ends.

>> No.3387982

Hence my second suggestion. It would not be changing the past, you wait untill future you has gone back in time before telling everybody else. Alternately (in case you die of old age or something) you agree on a place to store the horcruxes locations just before you go back in time. Then your friends go look it up and have a list of places to go Voldemort hunting.

>> No.3387984


I think it would have been impossible to get to the horcruxes if he'd just put them underwater or something so no one could get to them. Wizard fish though? Like a wizard angler fish? What if there's a fishwarts just under the surface of the ocean? Checkmate.

>> No.3387987

you mean the /lit/llefield, the background is blue after all

>> No.3387989

Technology is basically magic, to them.

Seriously, the Weasly elder reacts to a toilet flushing like someone, I dunno, made water appear out of thin. fucking. air.

>> No.3387991

>ignores most of my post

>> No.3387993

He must have. He did. Oh my god the more I think about it the more I realize it was him. God damn, I should have realized this the first time! Oh how I hate retrospectively looking at things and realizing that they must have happened the way I thought they had happened the first time I read it but then doubting my initial assumptions and rearranging facts accordingly!

>> No.3388006

We should go raid /b/ with a real /lit/ discussion... I just lifted my mom's copy of 50 shades of grey. It's HOT and literature

>> No.3388007

>Will muggle technology reach a point where it becomes more powerful than magic?

It already is. The reason wizards are in hiding and have that whole masquerade society type thing set up is because they know they'll all be killed if muggles ever learn of their existence.

Also like the only wizard in the series who's actually wise enough to realize that there might be something of value to be learned by observing muggles is Ron's dad.

>> No.3388010

but he can make a combustion engine fly. what. the. actual. bloody. fuck.

>> No.3388016

Yes but the thing is that that never happened, thus it can't happen.

Wizards literally can not do anything with time turners that is not already predestined.

>> No.3388018

Can't they use magic to make ships dive? Also if other magical beast are tameable why can't there be deep sea beast?

>> No.3388032

So basically Voldemort was trying to free the wizardry world from the shackles of the muggle's technology?

>> No.3388033

But the only wizards who "come from the muggle world" are muggle-borns, who promptly forget about the muggle world when they start learning magic and shit.

Muggle-borns are a minority too. Most wizards have no connection to the muggle world at all.

>> No.3388037

Pollution. It's that simple. The muggles have destroyed most of the natural world with internal combustion engines and their pollutants rendering magic incapable of penetrating through the murky count waters of the ocean

>> No.3388029
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>Harry lives in real world
>Hermione lives in real world
>Black kid lives in real world
>Irish kid lives in real world

There are at least three others who know about technology and what not.

They should have just got MI6 to help them. Those niggers know what's up.

>> No.3388045

The guy is a liberator.

>> No.3388046

These kids have not had any non-magic related education since they were eleven.

Probably the most advanced scientific concept they know is that the Earth revolves around the sun.

>> No.3388049

Than how will the power of the horcrux reach Voldemort?

>> No.3388056

"What is sun? And who the fuck left the sky-lumos on all day!?"

>> No.3388069

Portal. You swim down, open the portal just as a conduit for the power to make it back to the surface. Boom.

>> No.3388072


But surely they could exploit their connection with the muggle world? Shit, Hermione is one smart, sexy guuurl. Couldn't she just do loads of research in the muggle world and report back with her findings on how to bioengineer snitches?

>> No.3388079


Voldemort was more like Pol Pot than any good sort of liberator imo

>> No.3388083

Just like how Hitler 'liberated' France from baguettes

>> No.3388085

Then you just rendered the whole point of the ocean useless since now it's a mission of finding this portal.

>> No.3388087

Not really, he was just a reactionary. If he'd had his way the wizarding world would have stagnated and died out. Pure bloods in HP are already supposed to be dying out, the only way for wizards to survive is to intermingle with muggles.

Voldy is pretty much the exact opposite of Ron's dad, a progressive who wants to learn to use muggle technology for the benefit of the wizarding world.

>> No.3388093

What portal? Who said anything about a portal? It's a secret. No one knows about the portal except Voldemort. Boom.

>> No.3388095

why didn't Voldemort pour all his malice, cruelty and will to dominate all life into a single ring which amplifies his powers?

>> No.3388098

Hold up niggers.
Why does the wizard world have such a downer on colluding with the muggle world?
I mean, they're facing a wizard holocaust and shit.

>> No.3388100

>inb4 sauron

>> No.3388110

Whoa! Fuck! My brain, yes! Allegorical to the jews. Go!

>> No.3388111

They were actually in contact with the muggle world's politicians and governments for awhile and working in cooperation with them.

But then Voldy took over the Ministry of Magic and propped up a puppet minister to rule in his place, thus the wizards lost all contact with the muggle leaders.

>> No.3388112

Then how will the power of the horcrux reach voldemort?

>> No.3388124

because it's fucking magic, that's how

>> No.3388127

Technically he did do that since one of his horcruxes was a ring.

>> No.3388131

he doesn't need its power, he just needs it to exist. his soul lives on inside the thing, so all he needs is for it to be there. When he dies, he still has his soul there so he gets to respawn

>> No.3388132

So I have just read Harry Potter again and I finally understood and grasped the underlying message that JK Rowling was trying to portray to the angsty teens who are targeted by this kind of book a message so clear that I am disgusted with myself for not observing it before but I guess you have to be submerged in that culture to pick up on it but the whole book is a metaphor for smoking cannabis even Harry POTter didn't give it away I can see Rowling was portraying muggles as the conservative boring types who don't indulge and will never be transported to a magical mystery realm of wizards and magic only now when I am sky as a height does it all fit in to place and seem so obvious Rowling is encouraging kids to remove the heavy shackles of our dull boring greyscale reality and take a huge bong hit or train as she likes to portray it and transport themselves into another colourful realm of strange and wonderful things and give in to enchantment and wonder I think she might listen to reggae

>> No.3388133

But magical creatures are magical too. But you said pollution prevents magic. So...

>> No.3388160

But if magic can't reach so deeply into the sea then I don't understand how magic is expected to reach out from the sea.

>> No.3388179

Who said magic can't reach into the sea?

From whence was such an assumption drawn?

>> No.3388237

I like that song from Dawson's Creek; 'I don't wanna wait.... for our lives to be ovah...'

>> No.3388263

Can someone let me know if this is copypasta?

>> No.3388305

copy that bitch and paste it somewhere. boom. copypasta

>> No.3388566

1.Dumbledore was hunting down memories and anything related to Voldemort and his horcruxes (HBP). Regardless of where he hid it Dumbledore would have found a clue about it.

2.Also if Voldemort could hide something someplace, logic dictates it can be found from said place. If Voldemort could hide it in ocean, he used some type of magic to get there. Between the trio they would be able to get there eventually as well.

3. Besides, Harry was essentially the master of the deathly hallows the second he disarmed Draco in Malfoy manner, even if he didn't know that he was. At that point he was always unbeatable if he wanted to be.

4. Also, after he sacrificed himself Voldemort couldn't harm any of the people he sacrificed himself for so even if he did have horcruxes left he couldn't do much to anyone after that anyway.

>> No.3388637

1. One of Voldemort's weaknesses was getting others involved in his horcruxes. Had he done it on his own or murdered his accomplices there'd have been no way to find them.
2. You drop it in the sea, it's going to get washed to fuck-knows-where

>> No.3388675
File: 168 KB, 334x500, 1358896866561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Voldemort send the horcruxes into the sun via space shuttle. Use the imperious curse to mind control people from NASA and have them fly it there. It is perfect since they can only be destroyed via magic and no wizard can get to the sun.

Also what would happen to his soul if his horcruxes got caught in the singularity of the black hole?

>> No.3388683

Because he hates muggles and muggle inventions

>> No.3388689

1. This already happened with the the ring and the cup. He murdered for the ring and the cup without accomplices. However Dumbledore found such things as missing or murdered people who had crossed paths with Tom Riddle at some point suspicious and clues as well and delved deeper.

2. Just dropping a part of your soul and letting it get washed out to god knows where isn't exactly keeping it safe. It could possibly end up getting destroyed or taken inadvertently or a million other things that could happen to it. Instead he logically places the horcruxes somewhere he envisions "however mistakenly" as safe. Most of which where he can place other magical protections around tham.

>> No.3388696

there's no way anything could unwittingly destroy the horcrux, unless there are basilisks swimming around the oceans with a sweet tooth for nazi-wizard-gold

>> No.3388736

It could be picked up inadvertently at some point and than work its way eventually into the "wrong hands". For example it is a fucking brick he drops at the bottom of the ocean. Ocean tides turn it up and it gets washed on a bank somewhere. Now, being a magical object and as we have seen from other Horcruxes, something may eventually happen with it. It may be picked up and transfer onto a muggle. It could do all sorts of things that would eventually get it picked up "on the radar" as it where of the magical authorities where it would no doubt end up in eventually in the hands of the Order of the Phoenix/Dumbledore.

Also we don't know everything that will destroy a horcrux, only that it is something very powerful. For example fiendfyre will destroy it. Perhaps other very dark or powerful things lurk in the world that could in inadvertently destroy it, perhaps some at the very bottom of the ocean.

>> No.3388747

I don't think it's a One Ring kind of thing, where it wants to get back to its master - if anything, Voldemort's will over his magics would keep the horcrux hidden, wherever he wishes that to be

>> No.3388775

Im just thinking of the Diary where just mere contact with it can eventually posses. Or the locket which drastically affected the mood of the wearer. Or the ring which carried a curse.

I think the fact that such a dark soul was inside it, there was no choice but for some of its power to overflow, regardless of Voldemorts will.

>> No.3388776

This is really shaky logic, give up on this point and concede it's a plot-hole. If you weigh something down and drop it in a deep part of the ocean it's gonna get lost for so fucking long it won't even matter.

Unless you're like me and think maybe he wanted to know where they are as an escape route to life but I wouldn't give the author this much credit.

>> No.3388794

I think this is part of it in a way. I mean these are pieces of his soul. You don't just discard these things. And also, in general I think the point of his horcruxes where more just to make him be able to live forever. I don't think he was thinking about necessarily protecting himself from enemies. Granted, I am sure that crossed his mind on some of the horcruxes as "just in case", but I don't think that was the main idea. After all, he was still in school when he first came up with the idea of all this, surely he didn't have mortal enemies that he needed protection from. He was simply obsessed with the idea of living forever. I don't really think it was that much of a plot hole.