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/lit/ - Literature

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3382375 No.3382375 [Reply] [Original]


Wiliam S. Burroughs accepted Jim Morrison as a poet.
Are you better than William S. Burroughs?

>> No.3382387
File: 82 KB, 500x354, Jim (366).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly pushing the thread, for I know the lingering impetus at which /lit/ moves.

>> No.3382388

get the fuck away from my board you cunt, I won't have you ruining my time here like you did

>> No.3382392

What are you doing on /lit/?
Anyways, Morrison was a poet before he became a rockstar. The fact that he's discredited for merging music with his poetry tells you enough about the insecurities of the literary circles from the 70s until now.

>> No.3382395

>inb4 300 replies

>> No.3382401
File: 75 KB, 594x1000, Jim (250).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is, in essence, what I try to jounce into people when they proceed to discredit Morrison as a poet.

>> No.3382404

>Are you better than William S. Burroughs?

>> No.3382413

go fuck yourself Q
we don't need the jimanon persona here, fuck off

>> No.3382416

Morrison got rejected by a girl when he was a teenager. So he wrote her a poem, climbed the front of her house to her balcony and recited it to her. She became his girlfriend instantly.

>> No.3382418

No you're not. I bet you don't even take heroin.

>> No.3382422

I didn't even knew Burroughs liked Morrison. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve recognition for his work in poetry, but he should've dedicated himself more to it instead of fucking around with the Doors.

>> No.3382425

he wasn't a very good poet though, i've read some of his stuff.

>> No.3382430

I take cocaine. It's better than heroin.

>> No.3382433


>> No.3382434
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>> No.3382435

pamela courson?

>> No.3382436

>Are you better than William S. Burroughs?
Yes, yes I am. Bring boy butter.

>> No.3382438

That's because you're nitwits who wouldn't know a good poem if it fucked you in the assss

>> No.3382439


>> No.3382443

Yes, and yours are wrong. Deal with it.

>> No.3382455
File: 285 KB, 496x799, Jim (300).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't doubt about that, he wrote compulsively much like I do, but it's clear that the Doors (despite working as leverage for his success and recognition) dismantled many of the bridges he could've built towards the literary circles of the time.

Due to the aformentioned reasons, Morrison was a victim of extreme bouts of quality, going from exceedingly good to mediocre in his writing. In the time spent outlying from The Doors, the man bestowed us with some great poetry, which wasn't the case when he was continously touring with them.

>> No.3382462

show me one of his 'exceedingly good' poems, i promise i'll keep an open mind.

>> No.3382465

no rock star ever was cited as a great writer because of their music status
not saying that they were good because most of them were brain dead junkies with as much talent as my retarded mother, but the ones who were good got avoided because of that

>> No.3382472

>i promise i'll keep an open mind.
Don't listen to this, Q! It's a trap, last time I heard that here these two retards made fun of my poetry for an entire thread.

>> No.3382473

I want to.

-Jim Morrison

>> No.3382484
File: 11 KB, 200x206, Jim (318).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read "Far Arden", probably his most recognized recorded poem.
>I'll keep an open mind
You're neither fooling me or yourself about that, but eh.

Morrison is one of the only exceptions I'm aware of. I'm not trying to be judgemental, but musician provided literature ranges (as you said) from mediocre to awful.

>> No.3382486

what's with the mother talk in this thread

>> No.3382493

Are you going to obey your argumentative stereotype from /mu/ and just get people mad for 200-300 replies and then strut away? Are you doing this because you actually believe it or just shit and giggles?

>> No.3382499
File: 20 KB, 220x304, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Morrison is one of the only exceptions I'm aware of.

John Lennon wrote three books of poetry. Two of them are dull, but A Spaniard In The Works is pretty decent.

>> No.3382503
File: 31 KB, 385x257, Jim (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except I do not do that. /mew/ aggravates itself when presented with the wiry reality that they can not indeed debate to save their lives. When their arguments run scarce and can only rely on namecalling, it's obvious that it's not an argument anymore and I proceede to "strut" away.

>> No.3382504

holy fucking shit kill yourself
get that hippie, idealist hypocrite away from this board

>> No.3382506

we were buddies on /mu/ over the summer and my trip's in your favorites list, i'm not particularly against you or jim morrison. just interested in seeing what his poetry was like when he was at his best.
sh, this thread's fine, you're actually the one making it suck

>> No.3382512

Question: how much actual poetry have you read? Because you can't judge whether this guy qualifies as a great poet unless you've read a lot

>> No.3382514

Fuck your bad vibes, bro.

>> No.3382518

Sometimes bad vibes are necessary, especially when it comes to shitty poetry.

>> No.3382525
File: 36 KB, 665x404, Jim (264).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not particularly fond of Lennon or his work, be it music related or not.
I will read A Spaniard In The Works though, to further ciment my opinion.

Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Jackson C. Frank...all great poets that I admire despite them not working in said area.
There are more. I might compile a list of musicians who are literate enough to amaze me.

I wasn't aware of that, was under the impression that you were going to piss all over the thread because "hurr Morrison no peot xDD".

Too much. Enough to make this thread and state my business with confidence.

>> No.3382521

But that book contains some pretty decent poems. His other two are bad, but that ones good.

>> No.3382529

Not that guy, but at what age did you start reading poetry? What's your native language?

>> No.3382535
File: 181 KB, 1500x1909, bukowski3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this? The only poet we discuss round here is Charlie-B. Go back to mew.

>> No.3382538

I'm guessing you idolize Allen Ginsburg or something, because I don't see how else you could love all this crap

>> No.3382539

so i read far arden....... morrison must've really liked ginsberg huh.... because uh..

>> No.3382541
File: 28 KB, 500x400, Jim (158).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been reading since my memory walks with me, but if I had to make an educated guess, I'd say 6.
My native language is Swedish, but I avoid reading in it. I read poetry in Spanish, French, Portuguese (small, illiterate country with a small selection of outstanding poets), Romanian, Italian and of course English.

>> No.3382545

are you high

>> No.3382549

Don't worry bro, we've all read Pessoa and Eminescu and sheeit

>> No.3382554
File: 392 KB, 1600x1197, buk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3382562

There is only one great work of poetry to come out of Portugal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_as_she_is_spoke

>> No.3382563

>At one point Jim said to me during the recording session, and he was tearful, and he shouted in the studio, 'Does anybody understand me?' And I said yes, I do, and right then and there we got into a long discussion and Jim just kept saying over and over kill the father, fuck the mother, and essentially boils down to this, kill all those things in yourself which are instilled in you and are not of yourself, they are alien concepts which are not yours, they must die. Fuck the mother is very basic, and it means get back to essence, what is reality, what is, fuck the mother is very basically mother, mother-birth, real, you can touch it, it's nature, it can't lie to you. So what Jim says at the end of the Oedipus section, which is essentially the same thing that the classic says, kill the alien concepts, get back reality, the end of alien concepts, the beginning of personal concepts.

whoa thas deep!

>> No.3382564
File: 111 KB, 501x764, Jim (45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, no it's not.
But I can certainly discuss Bukowski, Burning in Water Drowning in Flame is on my top 5.

I don't.
I have a soft spot for Rimbaud, though.

Eminescu is good, but it wears out from the mind pretty fast.
Try Lucian Blaga, Constantin Noica, Alexandru Paleologu and Octavian Paler for Romanian authors.
For Portuguese, go for their world-wide known Camões, Miguel Torga, Artur Dagge, João Tordo, Fernando Pinto do Amaral and...I can't think of anyone else right now, but there are many.

See above.

>> No.3382570

are you arguing over the depth of a drunk guy in his early twenties? a guy who hadn't matured as a writer at all? lmao

>> No.3382578

why do you even post on /mu/? serious question, you're obviously not dumb, what's the point of posting there and riling people up?

>> No.3382586
File: 89 KB, 810x581, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sounds like a confused stirner on weed
>I have a soft spot for Rimbaud, though.
who doesn't, rimbaud was a fantastic poet and alpha as fuck

>> No.3382593


That's great and all but have you even read any of the Romanian surrealists, I mean come one

>> No.3382597

are any of the romanian surrealists particularly good besides gherasim luca and gellu naum?

>> No.3382602
File: 44 KB, 428x501, Jim (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? I have a few minutes, hours to burn every day and I'm not always in the mood to write (even I do both in parallel most of the time), I don't feel like making music, don't feel like watching movies or TV and in most occasions I try to spend as much time alone as I can. It's amusing to make people you've never even met furious to the point where they wish you were dead.

I said Rimbaud because he was a major inspiration for Morrison. His poetry came quite difficult for a 14 year old, when I first got in touch with his work, for the whole self-inflicted sense turmoil didn't make sense at all at the time.

You name the ones swinging on the tip of your tongue and I will say if I crossed their words or not.

Was also going to say this, if these are the ones you're going to mention, stop right there.

>> No.3382612

>implying Morrison wasn't a good poet

Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and choose the sign of your day
The day's divinity
First thing you see.

A vast radiant beach and cooled jeweled moon
Couples naked race down by it's quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us.

Choose they croon the Ancient Ones
The time has come again
Choose now, they croon
Beneath the moon
Beside an ancient lake

Enter again the sweet forest
Enter the hot dream
Come with us
Everything is broken up and dances.

Indians scattered,
On dawn's highway bleeding
Ghosts crowd the young child’s,
Fragile eggshell mind

We have assembled inside,
This ancient and insane theater
To propagate our lust for our life,
And flee the swarming wisdom of the streets.

The barns have stormed
The windows kept,
And only one of all the rest
To dance and save us
From the divine mockery of words,
Music inflames temperament.

Ooh great creator of being
Grant us one more hour,
To perform our art
And perfect our lives.

We need great golden copulations,

When the true kings murders
Are allowed to roam free,
A thousand magicians arise in the land
Where are the feast we are promised?

One more thing

Thank you oh lord
For the white blind light
Thank you oh lord
For the white blind light

A city rises from the sea
I had a splitting headache
From which the future's made

>> No.3382628

actually that's pretty good

>> No.3382639

I don't know. people like CLT who get their info out of wikipedia to sound smart and who use big words o sound smarter aren't exactly what Id call beacons of intelligence. but some smart people post there and it's beyond me why they do it. it's hopeless for me because I failed college this year and I've never felt dumber but I've learned to recognize bright people and there are two or three jewels on /mu/ who have no place there.

>> No.3382643

If you like pretty-sounding nonsense of no formal or stylistic interest, maybe

>> No.3382646

Stop trying so hard breh

>> No.3382655

gb2 your nihilism thread.

>> No.3382657

You'd have to try very hard to enjoy that song, I'm afraid.

>> No.3382661

You're a tryhard, pseudo-intellectual cunt, breh
You've dismissed Morrison before even reading his work at all breh

>> No.3382662

Pretty sure I hid that one. Sorry, Anon, but you haven't got me pegged, as much as you would like to.

>> No.3382667

oh my god, please shut up, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.3382668

I dismissed the lyrics to that one song, you willful ignoramus. I don't claim to know anything about his work in general.

>> No.3382671

Please leave. Go and spew your angst somewhere else.

>> No.3382675

you aren't even making sense anymore, are parodying yourself right now?

>> No.3382686
File: 85 KB, 500x646, Jim (263).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLT is a Wikipedia scholar indeed. And I certainly hope you're not talking about Btrl.
But I don't know. I posted Anon on this board for a long time, since early 2011 and I even had a sting as "Jimanon" here. I don't know why I'm posting on 4chan as a whole, but I'll eventually stop.

I'll let this thread roll now, I have a date with a qt now.
Take care.

>> No.3382692

stop samefagging cunt

>> No.3382708

>Are you better than William S. Burroughs?
Aren't we all?

>> No.3382810

holy shit why the fuck did you allow this to happen, /lit/? how
what happened?

>> No.3382900

Yeah really, it's not like everyone wants to grow up to be gay heroin addict.

>> No.3382938

Musicians can often be great writers.
Michael Gira's book The Consumer is ridiculously good somehow

>> No.3382954

Wait, Michael Gira has a BOOK?
Please give me a download link.

>> No.3382957

He's not gay

>> No.3382967
File: 39 KB, 445x366, Nick-Drake-u02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does no one ever mention Nick Drake in these "lyrics are poetry" threads?

>> No.3382981

see >>3382525
who says jackson c. franks says nick drake, their style is similar

>> No.3382983


>> No.3382993

Because he's shit.

>> No.3383016

your mom is shit

>> No.3383022

Mark Twain is the one good writer from the USA.
European literature is GOAT.

>> No.3383027

This is very true. Nick Drake even covered Jackson C. Frank.

>> No.3383029

You had one to choose, and you chose Mark Twain?

For fuck's sake.

>> No.3383150

What's wrong with Mark Twain? What, you prefer Tom Wolf? Hemingway?

>> No.3383154

>Mark Twain
This nigga high ya'll

>> No.3383158

I'm not saying Twain is worthless, but to call him the greatest American author of all time..

>> No.3383170 [DELETED] 

Shane MacGowan is a fantastic poet and lyricist.

>> No.3383322

He is the best american author. That doesn't make him good at all.

>> No.3383332

Pynchon is probably the greatest American author, followed by Faulkner.

>> No.3383352

Melville's better than both of them.

>> No.3383359

Pynchon? As in Thomas Pynchon?

>> No.3383384
File: 62 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melville's good, but he's definitely no Pynchon

>> No.3383468

How the fuck do you Americans show your face in literary circles with this shit?

>> No.3383506

T.S. Elliot said Shakespeare is overrated, are you better than Elliot?

Nabokov said Hemingway is shit, are you better than Nabokov?

>> No.3383528

yes to the first, no to the second
I agree with the second

>> No.3383546

I read Hemingway once. I got bad feelings. It was quiet. It was easily done. Won't do it again for awhile.

>> No.3383586

They have Walt Whitman

>> No.3383598

I'll give you that. He's above mediocre at least.
European literature reigns supreme though.

>> No.3383648

>European literature reigns supreme though.
I don't know nor care which continent reigns. And I really like Latin American literature.

>> No.3383687

>I really like Latin American literature.
the one about hookers and drugs? yeah no thanks
andale andale orale mi cuate pendejo, yeah no fuck off

>> No.3383732

>the one about hookers and drugs? yeah no thanks
You're trolling or you have read nothing.

>> No.3383739

>Latin American literature
>about hookers and drugs

>> No.3384780

ill tell you a secret
(he was high on acid when he said that)

>> No.3384785

William S. Burroughs accepted Scientology.

>> No.3384790

What is a good poem anon?

>> No.3384805

>accepted Scientology


>> No.3384815

That's nice that you used a search engine to respond to my post. I'm not following your link, however. I'd like you to respond with your own original thoughts instead.

Did you have any? Or did you just gurgle and think that sufficed for a successful interaction?