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3379352 No.3379352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Favorite book in the Dune universe?

Personally mine is Dune Messiah

>> No.3379396

Children of Dune but i think most people here like God Emperor

>> No.3379401

HA, trollin indeed.
god is best

>> No.3379430
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>most people here like God Emperor

>god is best

This just made my night; I finished Children a couple days ago and God is next.

>> No.3379493

Sandworms of Dune.

>> No.3379497

>Brian Herbert book

1/10 i responded

>> No.3379559


Is there even ONE Dune book, aside from the original six written by Frank, that are worth a read through?

Any at all? I've read the original 6 but haven't even attempted any of the 10+ written by Brian. Should I? And, if so, which one(s)?

>> No.3379739


No contest.

>> No.3379766

>being able to enjoy 50s-60s sci-fi
Who are you lying to?

>> No.3379773

So edgy

>> No.3379862
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>> No.3379887

I cant get into those books. I read like 40 pages of the original and the use of nonsensical made up words and terms was too much for me.

>> No.3379897

>I read like 40 pages of the original and the use of nonsensical made up words and terms was too much for me.

This seems to be an extremely common complaint; but you really need to keep reading. The book makes you think that there are going to be tons of terms and names that you need to remember right off the bat, but the important ones come up so frequently throughout the series that it's impossible to not know what they mean when the time arises for them to be central to the plot.

I've lent the book to 4 friends and they all came to the exact same consensus with the original Dune: It starts off very hard to get into and almost mind-numbingly dull, and by the time they are two-thirds of the way through it, it's one of the greatest books they've ever read.

>> No.3379914

If the plot is set in 2500 or something, who cares if it was written in 1954 or 2003? There's still gonna be a "dynamic baryonic converter" that does impossible stuff

>> No.3379918


Ill take your word for it bro. I pushed it back on my reading list, but I bought the book so im definitely going to read it eventually.

>> No.3380132

it is kinda like that
i recall reading about spiting into hands, for desert respect, sand planets, and think hm okay well i never though about it that way, guess pays to look before you leap, the guy spiting in your hand maybe complementing you...learn't something then
then a lot of fleeing into desert etc, stilches, etc...and it sort of all opens up like flower into blossom and you just want to read more and more, and you are so glad their are more books
and so many good tittle proverbs

>> No.3380139
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>yfw reading dune while extremely thirsty

>> No.3380143

They're trolling. God Emperor is terrible.

Unless we're comparing it with the Brian Herbert/other guy books, in which case it starts to look better.

>> No.3380164

Wait, so which Dune books are the good one?
I've only read the first one.

>> No.3380182


read them in order

>> No.3380195

The first book is the best. But Dune Messiah and God Emperor are really good too. And I can't remember which book it was, but I also enjoyed the one that goes into detail about the Tleilaxu.

>> No.3380199

They're all pretty good, he just gets a bit crazy after 5 and dies before tieing it together.

>> No.3380214

Only the first one is good, the rest is neckbeard RPG-campaign idiocy.

>> No.3380780

>neckbeard RPG-campaign idiocy.

That's ridiculous. You could say that about literally every fantasy/sci-fi story ever written.

>> No.3380792
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I prefer the first, the books after that are just not my taste.

>> No.3380793
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You could

>> No.3380815

>That's ridiculous. You could say that about literally every fantasy/sci-fi story ever written.
Well, no. Not 'literally every'; there are a couple that are genuinely good.

>> No.3381947

>there are a couple that are genuinely good.

What are the "couple" that you consider defy the previous statement?

>> No.3381989

I drank so much water and craved cinnamon reading it

>> No.3381984

This seems like a trap

>> No.3382034


lmao holy fuck this.

I read Dune like 6 years ago and I decided to try a tbsp of pure ground cinnamon in my coffee one morning and I loved it so much that I still do it to this day.

>> No.3382060

I haven't read them all yet, but Children of Dune gave me the hajeebies and I liked that.

>> No.3382079
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>spice coffee

Muh niggah.

>> No.3383945


>> No.3384403

If you've read Dune and Dune Messiah, you've read the only top-notch Dune books.

If you want more and don't mind a somewhat lower quality level, read the other 4 Frank Herbert books.

Whatever you do, don't read the Kevin Anderson & Brian Herbert books. They'll put you off the entire series for years.

>> No.3384451

only cared for the first 3 (really good as a stand alone trilogy)

and then i got to God Emp.

Holy fuck this book.

I 'nope'd' all the way back to town and shot myself in the fucking head.

goddamn i mean what the fuck

>> No.3384460

Heretics seemed really good when I read it, but it may just have been because it followed the awfulness of God Emperor.

>> No.3384463

>I 'nope'd' all the way back to town and shot myself in the fucking head.
Why was that so funny?

>> No.3385216

I fucking loved God Emperor. I don't understand why it gets so much flak from /lit/. It was more far-fetched and otherworldly than the first 3 books but it was a thrilling and exciting read nonetheless.

>> No.3385549


1. Dune
2. Heretics of Dune
3. Children of Dune
4. Dune Messiah
5. Chapterhouse: Dune
6. God Emperor of Dune

God Emperor was such a fucking slog, but I appreciate it in retrospect for the mythology.

>> No.3385690

Swap Children of Dune with Dune Messiah and you're spot-on.

>> No.3385709

Dune? wat dis?

>> No.3385728


It's a book about a planet. And also about sand.

Somewhere in there, it has a planet with some sand.

>> No.3385736
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Arrakis = Tatooine
Fremen = Tusken Raiders
Bene Gesserit = Jedi
The Voice = The Force
Crysknife = Lightsaber
Paul Atreides = Luke Skywalker

Dune = 1965
Star Wars Episode IV = 1977

>tfw George Lucas read Dune and it took him 12 years to rip it off.

>> No.3385762

But Star Wars is better than Dune

>> No.3385763
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Arrakis = Hogwarts
Fremen = First years
Bene Gesserit = Dumbledores and Snapes
The Voice = Wingardium Leviosah
Crysknife = Sward of Gryffindor
Paul Atreides = Hairy Potter

Dune = 1965
Potter's Philosopher's Stone = 1997

>tfw it took George Lucas 20 more years to dress up as a woman and rip off Star Wars

>> No.3385764

I tried to read Dune a few years ago. I consider myself to be a pleb reader - I like GRRM and entry level fantasy such as Raymond E Feist and David Eddings.

Is there any way I will be able to read it without it all whooshing over my head?

>> No.3385767

it should not whoosh over your head at all
but if you want you can first watch the movie / miniseries made about it

>> No.3385771

Yes, of course. Just don't give up if it seems tough at first.

>> No.3385799


Ok, thanks, your consensus has made me want to pick it up again.

I'm currently reading Eat, Pray, Love. I am actually really enjoying it. I'll schedule Dune in next on my list.

>> No.3385802

Better duck, son. Rage will be incoming.

>> No.3385820

well he did term himself a "pleb" reader. I never understood why /lit/ hates so much. It's like they are insecure about their status as a reader. Such fucking babies

>> No.3385994
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>> No.3386037

Herbert's other stuff is as neat and twisted.