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/lit/ - Literature

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3374443 No.3374443 [Reply] [Original]

Readers are meant to be 'smart' and 'intellectual', but presumably they do other things that are smart and intellectual, other than read. Go to art galleries. Listen to classical music. And, go to see plays. I'm just curious about what /lit/'s theatre habits are, if any.

1. On a scale of 1 - 10, how much do you like or dislike the theatre?
2. How often do you go? Weekly, monthly, yearly, what?
3. Who is your favourite playwright?
4. What's your favourite play?

>> No.3374484

>1. On a scale of 1 - 10, how much do you like or dislike the theatre?
0/10. There's no reason to watch real-life performances when recording is possible. A good movie performance is always superior to a good live performance for obvious reasons.
>2. How often do you go? Weekly, monthly, yearly, what?
A few times a year. Just to impress bespectacled the sluts. Most modern theatre is profoundly stupid.
>3. Who is your favourite playwright?
Of the XX, perhaps Brecht.
>4. What's your favourite play?
I don't have a favourite.

Now I'll also rate the woman in OP's picture. She's a definite 10/13 .

>> No.3374490

posting in a sunhawk thrad

>> No.3374492

Go to back bed, tripfag.

>> No.3374495

7-9, depends on my mood.

i never go to the theatre, what is this, 1885?


waiting for godot. yeah yeah yeah.

>> No.3374499

Waiting for Godot is hipster shit.

>> No.3374508

whatever cool guy, i direct you to

>yeah yeah yeah

>> No.3374524

It's hipster shit.

>> No.3374525


>1. On a scale 1 - 10, how much do you like or dislike the theatre?
I can't answer that.
>2. How often do you go?
Never, I prefer to read the plays.
>3. Who is your favourite playwright?
Antonin Artaud, but it's more for his poetry and essays on theatre.
>4. What's your favourite play?
The Government Inspector by Gogol

>> No.3374542
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>Just to impress bespectacled the sluts.


>> No.3374556

Were you confused by the minor editing failure or are you just plain stupid?

>> No.3374564

>Readers are meant to be 'smart' and 'intellectual'

That's what people who don't read say.
>presumably they do other things that are smart and intellectual

There are no activities, and I mean zero, that smart and intellectual people do that unintellectual and dumb people don't also do. You sound like an ABC morning show.
>Go to art galleries. Listen to classical music. And, go to see plays.

People go to art galleries either because they like art or because they think it's a thing that "smart and intellectual" people do. Which one does it seem like you are? Which one would you say is being pretentious?

More to the point, you're 27 years old. Go see a fucking therapist already. The theater is just another distraction.

>> No.3374579

>There are no activities, and I mean zero, that smart and intellectual people do that unintellectual and dumb people don't also do
You'll be surprised how little people actually read. I know a whole bunch of people who read less than one book a year, and I personally know a guy who's never, EVER read a book of fiction in his entire sorry life of 30 years.

>> No.3374581

1. On a scale of 1 - 10, how much do you like or dislike the theatre?


2. How often do you go? Weekly, monthly, yearly, what?

A few times per year. I don't live in a city.

3. Who is your favourite playwright?


4. What's your favourite play?

Twelfth Night

>> No.3374665


I hope you don't mind if I lift that for a poem/

>> No.3374675

That doesn't make it a "smart" activity. There are plenty of dumb people who read, as this board and places like r/books/ demonstrate.

>> No.3374746

Beckett won the Nobel Prize because of it.