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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 435x444, schopenh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3374367 No.3374367 [Reply] [Original]

"To be human is to be enslaved by the whims and desires of our primitive mind" - Schopenhauer

How can one rid oneself of primitive thoughts?

>> No.3374379

Buy a poodle.

>> No.3374388

One stops reading babbys first pesimist.

>> No.3374384

killing oneself. there's no way to do it without throwing out the baby with the bathwater, as it were.

>> No.3374396

This, and when he really misbehaves you should call him human.

>> No.3374398

Aww, he doesn't want to be human...

>> No.3374403

Why do you want that?

>> No.3374408

Excuse me if I don't lend credibility to the ramblings of a delusional anti-natalist.

>> No.3374410

To think clearly.

>> No.3374411

Just go get laid, OP.

>> No.3374413

Think more and harder about what you're doing and why. You can't escape your primitive thoughts, but you can identify and analyze them.

>> No.3374425
File: 15 KB, 180x247, Arthur_Schopenhauer_by_Wilhelm_Busch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see we are on the same wavelength!

>> No.3374447

thinking includes in se its own flaws, you can't get rid of them and still 'think'

>> No.3374449


The cure for any guy who reads Schopenhauer before 21.

>> No.3374459

Either indulge in the desires plaguing your mind and use the few minutes given to you for thinking through cleary and planning your behaviour and thoughts, or try to follow a way of life that requires your mind to transcend the body - but I doubt you want to become a hermit and/or buddhist.

>> No.3374528

A life of asceticism, altruism and antinatalism. At least according to Schopy.

>> No.3374541

>Getting rid of primitive thoughts
>Hurr durr better get laid!

>> No.3375595

>implying that solves anything

>> No.3375632

you read nietzsche

>> No.3375640

That didn't even do Nietzsche any good.

>> No.3375661

People who can't really assume they are animals can't actually counter argument him.

>> No.3375671



captcha: Lost In Incorporated

>> No.3375698
File: 61 KB, 329x498, theory-of-moral-sentiments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be enslaved by the whims and desires of our primitive minds is freedom

>How can one rid oneself of primitive thoughts?

>> No.3375716


only read /mlp/

>> No.3375773

The mind itself is primitive, so it's a bit more than just removing thoughts- may as well start by cutting out sex & food. What makes you happy though may as well be cut out too.

>> No.3375859

Only the very few can. With the masses it is systematized and manipulated.

>> No.3375866

follow the teachings of jesus and socrates

>> No.3375874
File: 46 KB, 620x463, 1nowk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any year ever
>taking someone with a hairstyle like that seriously

>> No.3375881

Committing suicide is a pretty effective way.

>> No.3375900
File: 48 KB, 500x566, schoptao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer practically invented trolling as we know it today. The fact that anyone still takes him seriously astounds me.

>> No.3375915


Would you care to elaborate?
I think there is truth in a lot of what he says, and I could name quite a few talented authors who take him seriously.

>> No.3376020


>> No.3376036

If the world was his idea, why didn't he just imagine better facial aesthetics?

>> No.3376037
File: 193 KB, 352x500, argument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it neither of you have read this.

He pretty much invented "u mad bro?" and "lel i trol u" as strategies to win arguments.

>> No.3376043
File: 57 KB, 586x438, 1339778199485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give some examples.

>> No.3376054
File: 16 KB, 319x243, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little did Cam'ron know that he was actually channeling Schopenhauer that fateful day..

"Make your opponent angry. An angry person is less capable of using judgement or perceiving where his or her advantage lies."

>> No.3376055

that was satire
lel he did troll you hard

>> No.3376061

Try thinking Grand Thoughts, but without words. That is how you begin The Work.


When you rest your head into the dirt, trumpets will sound and you will rise.

>> No.3376066

Shh, you.

>> No.3376090

It is probably impossible to extinguish all of your primitive thoughts, but by realizing that your thoughts are primitive, you can become a detached observer of yourself. If anything, this view will stop you from taking yourself and others so seriously. Also, masturbate before making any important decision.

>> No.3376648

>subduing yourself to primitive thoughts by acting out those very thoughts

>> No.3376673

lobotomy and castration are always worth a try

>> No.3376691

After a lobotomy you won't really be alive anymore, so you'd might as well kill yourself, and castration doesn't really do much

>> No.3376739

>After a lobotomy you won't really be alive anymore
in most cases actual lobotomites didn't become the drones depicted in the media, there's even a guy who wrote a book about undergoing it as a child. anyway there's decadent libertine hedonism on one extreme and artificially self-loathing asceticism on the other, is it too moderate and pedestrian to simply accept the 'primitive mind' for what it is and learn to deal with it

>> No.3376761

Always thought Schopenhauer was a pretty bitter guy for having inherited a fortune.

>> No.3376769


>> No.3376770

Money can do that to a person.

>> No.3376783

A queschun for all y'all.

If you could take a pill that would kill your burdening sexual desire forever, but you could still fall in and feel love, would you take it?

>> No.3376799

my sexual desire is not a burden

>> No.3376808

Oh yeah, that sex sure is a terrible and burdening thing, ya know.

>> No.3376902

Not sex itself, the desire for it. Aristotle said that the male sexual urge is like being chained to a madman. Well would you want to be unchained

>> No.3376913

No and Aristotle was wrong. I guess he just didn't know how to take it easy

>> No.3376930

Aristotle was almost always wrong. It's what distinguishes him as a philosopher.

>> No.3377099

I read it.

>> No.3377105

For being such a wrong guy a lot of people sure believed him

>> No.3377116
File: 38 KB, 560x375, pope-benedict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's my favourite argument as well.

>> No.3377117

Why would you want to? The trick to life is to manage your whims and desires.

>> No.3377127
File: 21 KB, 417x500, 1341168945788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being a paranoid recluse and doing nothing for 3 years and can't understand or focus on anything, can't even watch a movie or play a video game, reading is impossible now

>> No.3377136

>can't understand or focus on anything

That seems odd. Why do you think that is?

>> No.3377154

I would say I'm just stupid, but I used to think clearly. A tl;dr of my bizarre mindstate is after I failed out of uni I stopped watching movies/reading/listening to a lot of music/playing video because of this bizarre OCD or schizophrenic feeling that I'm not there and won't even pay attention or understand/have the experience of them.

Majority of my time has been here, just sitting in bed with my monitor facing me.

I was diagnosed with ADHD-PI as a kid, and taken different drugs for that, though I feel one I was on definitely contributed to me becoming the paranoid shut-in.

I dunno, I had my wonderful opportunities, and ruined them all. This is all my doing, and I deserve it anyway.

>> No.3377163

Nigga this ain't 1302. Go get help.

>> No.3377166

How do I get help?

What kind of help?

>> No.3377175

Go see a shrink. Your type of brainfog seems pathological.

>> No.3377183

How big a role did Schopenhauers inability to get laid play in his philosophy? He definitely wasn't an asexual and tried to connect with women but rejected.

Could a great mind be born from a /r9k/er

>> No.3377184


>> No.3377193

you need to

>up your dosage of aderall
>try to match yoursef on this new dosage (productive) when not on it.

you'll catch up to yourself someday

>> No.3377203

>>up your dosage of aderall
I was on Vyvanse back in 2009 and felt like I peaked mentally. Had a falling out with my parents who stoppped supporting me financially and ended up living in my car, though "made up" with them and they paid for college, but I had seen a different psychiatrist who put me on Dexedrien ER, which for some reason gave me a lot more anxiety and paranoia, which contributed to me fucking up my opportunities and failing out.

I guess I should go back onto Vyvanse though that too made me more paranoid and anxious though it helped me a lot and I tried to repress/ignore/hide my self-conscious anxiety. I've heard Modafinil is good too. I'm old though, wasted 3 years destroying myself, I'm 24 now. Dont' have the opportunities I used to. I just feel like I shouldn't even bother.

>> No.3377231

No one can answer your question OP.
And all the Schopenhauer haters ITT clearly haven't done ver good job of reading him.

>> No.3377232

hmm idk what to recommend for this ever-present anxiety you have without getting all spiritual....meditation does help people sometimes along with a change in diet. If you're eating pizza and chugging redbull alll day your going to feel shitty but idk what you eat..however you decide to get through it, alls not lost! the way you're talking sonds like you're 48 or something. Just take baby steps with life an try not to let things overwelm you

>> No.3377233

>inability to get laid
He got two women pregnant and had a close relationship with an italian donna throughout his life.

>> No.3377236

Listen to the whole thing:


>> No.3377239

>throughout his life
I think you mean "in the latter part of his life" there.

>> No.3377247

i think he met her when he was in his late twenties or mid thirties

>> No.3377271

You can't. Not accepting human nature is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

>> No.3377343

Your description is suggestive of mental illness to me. When ill see a doctor.

>> No.3378670

probably, yeah

>> No.3378684

this guy just sounds like a babbling monkey

>> No.3378693
File: 27 KB, 240x304, diogenes5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sexual desire is no burden at all. When I get the urge I only have to flick my wrist and I get pleasure with no downsides. When a woman happens to be up for it I get even more pleasure.

The urge for sex is like the urge for food would be if you could magically conjure up a nice, simple, healthy fulfilling meal whenever you like.

>> No.3378966

The first primitive thought you should rid yourself of is Schopenhaur's Idealist conception of history.

>> No.3378975

I disagree with this. To be enslaved means that you cannot escape whatever it is that's enslaving you. Through training the mind, whatever habits exist can be changed or reversed.

>> No.3378981

First rid yourself of schopenhauer's pessimism.

>> No.3378985

Fasting. You'd be surprised how well it works.

>> No.3378990

He was right here.

Real freedom is freedom from want, not freedom to satisfy wants.

>> No.3379030

do exactly this. Include meditation. Control yourself through suffering.

>> No.3379085


>> No.3379129

the word freedom gets tossed about quite a bit doesn't it

>> No.3379137

>Using an almost no-meat diet to see conduct an experiment on my body
>Roughly at the same time start to meditate because I felt like it
>Desire for meat almost gone, even though 2 months back I would've laughed at my present self
Damn, didn't know I was doing it right without any guidance.

>> No.3379448

Same with the word "Truth".

Gets a bit confusing when everyone and their mothers is going on about find the truth, or absolute truth, or just truth.

I don't even have a clue.

>> No.3379530

Just meditate OP. Replace your time spent on /lit/ with meditation and you'll certainly be a better person. It's hard to crack this /lit/ addiction though.

>> No.3379689

I don't even know what "freedom" and "truth" mean anymore.
I've reached the point where I just dismiss any abstract concept that can't be used to model reality.
>implying reality

>> No.3379711

Unless the concept is entertaining, I mean.
PKD is fun.
Just read Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.
Don't quite get it. The whole "God is evil" thing seems a bit played out but hey, this was 1964.

>> No.3379717

You should fast too. Just abstain from food/sex/drink between dawn and dusk. It isn't the 'not eating' but the denial your desires all day which trains you.

>> No.3380268

It really isn't hard to shift your priorities, habits are only as hard to break as your willpower (or lack thereof) permits. Here's ny advice: Love your fellow man, and seek Truth, Beauty, and Good. It will do you better than any of the ascetic advice in this thread, which will only lead to self-righteousness and a solipsistic coma.

>> No.3382356

fuck schopenhauer

fuck bitches get drunky