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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 600x389, kindle-fire-hd-89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3373938 No.3373938 [Reply] [Original]

How many of u guys have an e-reader, I have a kindle fire hd, not really sure the gb but probably like 13-14-15gb.

Do you guys like yours?

if you dont have one i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend getting one. I didnt even ask for one, but my parents got me it for christmas, and it changed my life.

>> No.3373965

The Kindle Fire HD is not an e-reader, you pleb, it's a tablet.

Reading on tablet screens is pig disgusting. E-ink or nothing, homo.

>> No.3373999

I gotted meself one of them their kobo thingymijigs the other day.

Read pretty much non-stop since.

>> No.3374027

yeah totally hd sucks man.

>> No.3374040

I'd like one but I don't have the money at the time.

>> No.3374149

i use my nexus 7 for my reading

>> No.3374157

I read on my kindle a lot. Once I put this chinese thing on their so it could read epubs and replaced the kindle ads with gook ipad knockoff advertisements it became worlds better to use.

>> No.3374164

I got my kindle paperwhite about a week ago, in this week i read more than i did in the last 3 months.

>> No.3374207

What about iPads?

>> No.3374210

I hate internet reviews. Kobo Glo or Paperwhite?

>> No.3374212

>I hate internet reviews
>asking the internet for reviews

get the kobo because i hate you

>> No.3374234

i use one, people don't like them because they don't like backlights, but they're versatile.

>> No.3374238

Internet official reviews =/= 4chan faggot opinions
dear god i hope you have friends you nitpicker

>> No.3374251

I have the paperwhite and am very happy, it accepts pirated .mobi files without any problems. Also the blotches are not noticable if you actually read with it, like I said, i am rather happy with it

>> No.3374252

How's the kobo mini?

>> No.3374248

kobo doesn't have the shitty blotches on the screen the paperwhite has

>> No.3374270

What can you tell me about the ads? I keep hearing about them being ad-filled. I don't care about blotches.

>> No.3374277

Amazon uses its products more as a delivery system for advertisements. In other words, it's got ads coming out the port-holes. Kobo has no or minimal ads.

>> No.3374278

I haven't got a paperwhite, just the kindle 4g ad-supported version that costs like $70. And if you install duokan you can actually replace the chinese ads easily with any pictures you want for the lock screen. Also installing it is as easy as dragging some files to the kindle and restarting it a couple times. It also lets you read epubs, has more and better formatting for pdfs and a wireless transfer mode so you don't have to plug it in to add more books. I'd rate the out of the box experience a 7 or 8 and with the custom firmware easily a 9 out of 10. All that's missing is a backlight.

>> No.3374279

The ads are on the lock screen and at the bottom of your books list. It's not like they pop up between pages or while you're reading.

>> No.3374283

>>3374270 only ads on the paperwhite are on the main menu screen, but they can be turned of in the options, no adds on the lockscreen

>> No.3374285

I've never encountered any ads on my Kindle. Is the ad-supported version an American thing? Is it cheaper than the regular version? I bought a Kindle Touch for about £109, and it doesn't have ads.

>> No.3374289
File: 16 KB, 652x367, amazon-com-hed-2012[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3374292

And as I mentioned they're easy to circumvent. Also the warranty is amazing. About a year after I got my kindle it stopped working, possibly because I read in the bath a lot. About five minutes on the amazon website and they were calling me and had a replacement in the mail with no questions asked.

>> No.3374293

why would amazon let people turn off ads if they get revenue and people chose to buy them with ads? this sounds like bull to me. Sister has a kindle touch and there's no way they're going to let you weasel out of ads

>> No.3374296

dunno, i just tested it and it worked without a problem, but from what i heard it's the kindle fire that has that ad problem

>> No.3374305

Maybe I'm getting a paperwhite guys. Thanks for the replies. I don't have enough money for a good tablet and I'm kind of tired of reading on a smartphone. I read the Kobo Glo's fine too but I'm getting no opinions on it.

>> No.3374333

kobo glo is god. the only reason people aren't commenting on it is because everyone here likes to suck amazon's corporate cock. get a glo which is better anyway.

>> No.3374345

The kindle's got a better dictionary

>> No.3374351

>implying kobo isn't also a corporation?

>> No.3374364

>implying kobo is as big a corporation as amazon

>> No.3374368

kobo's got a better frontlight and has native support of epub, the best, most popular ebook format

>> No.3374373

I have a Kobo Touch. I really like it, even though the screen has lost a bit of its sensitivity.

>> No.3374378

>implying they aren't still existentially required to increase profits
so you say they are better because they are worse at being a good company than amazon?

>> No.3374394

Hey man Kobo users. How does the library look like? if I have 400, Is it a pain to find books?

>> No.3374414
File: 282 KB, 325x496, AtlasShrugged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like the backlit non e-ink ones. If I want a tablet I'll just buy a tablet.

I have a 3rd gen Kindle 3 keyboard. It's almost the love of my life. It's increased my enjoyment of reading and ease of reading a thousandfold. I actually think it got me back into constantly reading every night before bed. I love that I can get free books, at a whim, and continue a series with just two taps of a button.

I don't really care about book-fetishists. I think it's silly to say print books are superior when the same words are being read by anyone, electronically or not. I'm actually glad I could sell most of my library and free up a lot of room. Now I have a nice couch where my bookcase used to be. It also made moving a lot easier.

I highly recommend the e-ink e-readers, if all you want is to read. My wife has a Kindle Fire (non-hd) that she uses for Netflix, mags, and comics, and she loves it as well.

>> No.3374426

>using calibre
Why not duokan?

>> No.3374421

>epub support
>Not having Calibre installed

Stay retarded.
Amazon currently makes the best e-readers for the price.

>back light

haha oh wow

>> No.3374434

>why not both
>why does it not matter what the fuck you use

>> No.3374440

Because duokan lets you read epubs on the kindle so you wouldn't need calibre anymore?

>> No.3374455

>Thinks Calibre is just a format changer
Do you turn off your computer every night as well?

>Doesn't support 3g
>Menu's are fucking awful
>It's literally the fucking same

There is 0 reason to use Duokan unless you are a chink, or an idiot who just like to dink the fuck around with shit.

>> No.3374485

I say that at the moment Amazon has a grotesque market share, and since /lit/ loves thinking of itself as anti-establishment, Kobo is the way to go for now.

>> No.3374494

native epub support =/= having to convert library to epub

stay gay, cowboy

>back light
do you even read?

>> No.3374498
File: 45 KB, 410x461, thorspray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh wow a Kobo and not the same old Kindle e-reader from that large company!"

Said no one, ever.

>> No.3374501

>Not owning a book light
>Not reading in the day time
>Having a backlight rape your irises

>> No.3374516

actually the backlight of the paperwhite is rather nice, you just have to keep it low if you read in a dark room, preferably with some ambiance light

>> No.3374523

God damnit this is 100% correct.
On full brightness it could light an arena though.

>> No.3374792


why the fuck do you faggots keep saying backlight? it's Front lit, it won't rape your eyes more than a book.

>> No.3374844

Hey guys, I have an idea

Lets take our really cool awesome discussion of e-reader technology to the 4chan technology board >>>/g/

Woooo! Yeah! Lets go! Awesome! Yeah! Follow me guys!