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3370336 No.3370336 [Reply] [Original]

First thing I have ever written on my own (not for school) rip it apart /lit/ tell me what to improve on.....let me know if its shit..............................
'oh yes well done, very well struck' he cheered from his balcony.
'thank you Cyrus' the man called back up
The crowd cheered and clapped as the winner was motioned out of the pit, while the loser
was dragged.
'now if you would please welcome our next fighters' came from the PA ANNOUNCER 'welcome
the crowd erupted in applause shouting his name. Jagger made his way into the arena
keeping his eyes focused infront of himself. He chose his weapon, a two-handed sword and
activated it, green light erupted from the hilt of the blade. He took his bow 'thank you
Cyrus' and found a corner.
'next up welcome..........Phoenix!
again the thunderous applause shot from the crowd. Phoenix came running out of the tunnel
looking all around gesturing to the crowd, waving, his exuberance filling the arena. He
made his way to the center and chose his weapons, two single handed axes. a red light
glowed around his blades and he raised them to the crowd, 'thank you Cryus' he bowed and
went off to his corner.
'and absolutly not least........Merrick!'
boos and jeers rained from end to end as Merrick emerged from the tunnel. keeping his
head down Merrick made his way to the weapons table. he stood there for a few minutes
contemplating his choice.the boos getting louder and louder. finally he reached out and
made his choice a short sword and a small shield. yellow light shown around his sword and
hield.he muttered something that couldnt be heard over the crowd, took a trmbeling bow
and walked to his corner.
'Welcome, welcome to what sure will be another fantastic contest' bellowed Cryus from his
balcony. 'I thank you three'
Cyrus sat back down and rang the bell, the battle was on.

>> No.3371298


>> No.3371311

Is this a joke?

>> No.3371371

fucking lol'd hard at this comment

>> No.3371384

How do I potato?

>> No.3371409
File: 87 KB, 450x281, al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3371440

I could eat alphabet soup and shit out a better short story.

>> No.3371445

Please do not post on /lit/


>> No.3371492

"Are my boobs too big?" asked Megan Busty as she adjusted her bra, her boobs swelling up like two hairless cats, warm and soft.

"I–I don't know," said Chris, her best friend since elementary school. He adjusted the pens in his pocket. "Geez, Megan, if we don't hurry, we'll miss the bus. Also, I..."

But he didn't finish his question. Ten years. Ten years he'd wanted to make his move, tell his best friend that he was in love with her – in love with every inch of her ample bosom, a bosom he'd seen grow up from that of a perky little girl to a babe's body in which all the perkiness was centered on the nipples.

"Yea?" she asked.

"A-are you going to the dance? I mean, w-would you go with me?"

She sighed, her boobs collapsing like two balloons. "Oh, Chris, you know we're just friends. Best friends. Now help me with this bra strap."

>> No.3371578

>two hairless cats

I lol'd

>> No.3372117
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