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File: 28 KB, 432x363, christians are like nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3369936 No.3369936[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

thoughts? objections?

>> No.3369943

all of our glorious western culture was born of the church. deal with it faggot.

>> No.3369947

The Roman Catholic Church has done a lot better than the Third Reich.

>> No.3369948

My thoughts are that I object to this /pol/ in my /lit/
Delete your thread sir

>> No.3369962

Don't hate on the symbol, because, as the name sugests, it is much more than itself.

The cross goes for many things. The swastika, when not in an Eastern context, surrounded by that red area, it is only associated with nazism.

No objections to what it says, but the approach is damn ignorant.

>> No.3369965

Western culture was raised with the church(es) but it could have all turned out better.

They've had a longer period of time, I'd say.

>> No.3369967

hey all, ghost of chris hitchens just stopping by to apologize for absolutely everything i ever said or did during my lifetime and that god IS real. haha ok just passing through.

>> No.3369974


>> No.3369980

im being sincere. only in the spirit realm have a realized what a huge piece of shit i was in life. did you see what i originally wanted to title my mother theresa biopic? the sacred cow? haha what the fuck is up with that

>> No.3369981

Should be retitled edgy.jpg

>> No.3370015

the "and the other" phrase is such absolute trite

>> No.3370017

Statism has led to far worse atrocities than religion

>> No.3370034

abrahamic religions brought us everything that we have. music? yeah, church. art? yeah, church. literacy? universities? church

and best of all a strive to be god for we were created in his image and we pursue his perfection. this is above all why the west controls the world.

>> No.3370038

reminder that religion has had an immeasurable effect on philosophy

>> No.3370045

Well, almost all examples of music from before the birth of Christ were lost when the Library of Alexandria burned down, so we don't know for sure where the roots of that music came from.

>> No.3370046

reminder that philosophy has had an immeasurable effect on no one

>> No.3370047

church standardized musical notation / composition and created the mass. it basically made western music.

even if you argue it came from roman/greek culture, the reason that culture dominates is the church. everything we are is the church.

awesome another captcha phone number time to call

>> No.3370050

I'm an atheist, and you need to get back to >>>/sci/ little boy.

>> No.3370054


only by learning from religion and followed in its footsteps

replace one ignorant ideology with another

>> No.3370057
File: 31 KB, 384x459, puke1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>troll apologist

that's the best I can do.

>> No.3370063

blind hate is as a bad as blind faith

>> No.3370068
File: 8 KB, 237x307, 1321169428176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP posts a modest and true picture

Everyone knows that organized monotheism has failed humanity.

The question is now where do we go from here?

>> No.3370074

i like how the image tries to downplay how horrible nazism is but then the point of comparison in the image's title is "christians are like nazis"

it's like you don't even believe your own image OP

>> No.3370079

That would be a great post if that was the point of the image. But it isn't the point, and it wasn't a good post.

>> No.3370081

Art is evolved and grown by individuals not churches, religions or any organizations. Art belongs to their creators.

>> No.3370083

Ideas move the world. Most major world changes reflect the ideological shifts of the times, be they religious, epistemological, economic, etc. It's all philosophy.

>> No.3370088

Storytellers are the real leaders, stories lead to understanding, religion is an upstart.

>> No.3370092

With the advent of the singularity, religion will be rendered pointless and we won't need to worry about where to go from here.

>> No.3370096


I hope you're joking, but I don't think you are.

Are you old enough to remember the Y2K bug? What about Harold Camping? It's a similar story with the singularity, though it's got the benefit of not having a specific timeline.

>> No.3370098

>lel u r a kid xD

>> No.3370101

What do you think I mean by 'the singularity'?

>> No.3370104



>> No.3370107

Oh right, I see why you referenced Y2K and Harold Camping now.

No, that's not quite what I mean. I'm talking about a complete paradigm shift as a result of the exponential nature of technological advancement, not necessarily about AI.

I'm not talking about the end of the world.

>> No.3370109

>Largest association of genocide in history
What the fuck is an 'association of genocide'?
The people who killed the most were the Communists. If you look at this page on lists of genocides you'll see that Christianity appears almost nowhere. So no.

>Where people who thought differently were repressed by threats and psychological abuse...

Replace Christianity with just about every empire throughout history. Is everyone now comparable to Nazi's?

>Jews, homosexuals, the sick were massacred
In different parts of the world, other identity groups were massacred. Unless you only consider Jews, Homosexuals and the sick relevant, you must admit everyone is now comparable to Nazi's.

Atheist here telling you to fuck off OP, your chart is dumb and shit.

>> No.3370113


>I'm not talking about the end of the world.

Neither am I.

>I'm talking about a complete paradigm shift as a result of the exponential nature of technological advancement

So am I. It's an hilarious theory based on a childish understanding of technology, similar to the Y2K bug.

>> No.3370114

Do you live in the real world?

>> No.3370119


It's clear that only one of us does.

It's like you don't even understand basic mathematics.

>> No.3370121

I was going to post what i thought but then i saw this dude did it for me.

>> No.3370123

Oh we're seeing things just fine. No blindness here. That would be your problem, theist.

>> No.3370124

Don't be ridiculous. You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. There's no need to bandy around spurious insults like that in some vain attempt to justify your opinion.

We'll see who's right in the long-run, and then one of us will be laughing.

>> No.3370130

what would be a thoughtful criticism of religion then?

>> No.3370132



You really don't get it, do you. We're not talking about anything subjective here.

>> No.3370137

We really are. So long as it hasn't happened yet, this is completely subjective.

>> No.3370143

I don't agree. I'm christian and I'm laid back. No judgement, no bible throwing. I'm fine with other religions, although I don't believe in them. I see nothing wrong with gays. My best friend is a Jew and he is awesome.

>> No.3370146


Yes. In the same sense that the Earth continuing its spin tomorrow is completely subjective.

>> No.3370148


>> No.3370155


Scalding retort. I've soiled my knickers.

>> No.3370159

I'm sorry, I just find it amusing that you'd equate two things without the slightest resemblance to each other in an attempt to back up your baseless argument.

>> No.3370164


>without the slightest resemblance

We're talking about observation of reality through science and mathematics that enables us to make predictions.

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.3370168

No, what we're talking about is your inability to accept that your opinion is nothing more than that

>> No.3370178


I'd argue we share any number of opinions about the way the universe functions. I just happen to not find fairy tales amusing when they're making scientific claims that are ludicrous.

>> No.3370181

Daily reminder that Hitler had an agreement with the Zionists to establish the State of Israel.


Daily reminder that Hitler was the good guy.


>> No.3370212

Except that the Haavara Agreement was blocked from 1937 on -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ha%27avara-Abkommen

Daily reminder to go fuck yourself

>> No.3370222

Sounds like Germany leftist propaganda to me. Isn't it illegal to raise your hand in a certain direction in Germany?

>> No.3370225
File: 1.00 MB, 2048x1382, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3370227

Yep, and in Austria, and in the Czech Republic. That ensures that assholes like you keep their bullshit to the Internet.

>> No.3370230
File: 213 KB, 500x382, 1349370460694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts aren't bullshit. I'm guessing the video I posted is censored as well.