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/lit/ - Literature

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3359150 No.3359150 [Reply] [Original]

How are everyone's classes for next semester?

I just recently transferred degrees so I can finally start taking literary classes!.

>> No.3359202

Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Computer Security
Linear Algebra
Calculus III
Native American History

>> No.3359207


PhD-student master-race has no courses

>> No.3359209

I have Literary Theory, American Literature, The American Novel II, Introduction to Logic, Latin American Literature.

>> No.3359210

phD in hwat?

>> No.3359216

What does a PhD student do? Just research a certain topic for 5 years?

>> No.3359217
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Fuck off calculator

>> No.3359239

Do you go to SBU?

>> No.3359244

None of those subjects have anything to do with calculation.

(ITT: 'literature' students demonstrating their blinding, massive illiteracy.)

>> No.3359246

Econometrics II
Economic Mathemetics II
Microeconomics IIA
Finance II
Commercial Law II

>> No.3359250

Sorry for not being a walking calculator with the cultural awareness of a 6 year old, STEM faggot.

Go back to /sci/

>> No.3359254

2-3 years

>> No.3359255


> implying I don't read in my free time
>implying I don't have cultural awareness greater then that of most liberal arts fags and I got a degree that will get me loads of $$$

>> No.3359256


Enjoying mine so far.

Philosophy of Aristotle
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Literature (pretty cool I guess)
Marine Biology

Speaking of which, I could use some input from you guys regarding my Lit course.

I have to choose ONE of the following novels and become an expert at analyzing the philosophical themes found within. It's a lol-tier course so it shouldn't be very difficult.

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies.
Camus, Albert. 1942. The Stranger.
Collins, Suzanne. 2008. The Hunger Games.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. 1880. Brothers Karamazov.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. 1866. Crime and Punishment.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World.
Persig, Robert M. 1974. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
McCarthy, Cormac. 1985. Blood Meridian.
McEwen, Ian. 2001. Atonement.
McEwen, Ian. 1998. Amsterdam.
Miller, Walter. 1961. A Canticle for Leibowitz.
Murdoch, Iris. 1978. The Nice and the Good.
Murdoch, Iris. 1970. A Fairly Honourable Defeat.
O’Connor, Flannery. 1952. Wise Blood
Orwell, George. 1984.
Rowling, J.K. 1997. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
Sartre, Jean Paul. 1938. Nausea.
Shelley, Mary. 1818. Frankenstein.
Tolstoy, Leo. 1869. War and Peace.
Voltaire. 1759. Candide.

>> No.3359257


Just a first year student, so it's all very broad at the moment.

>> No.3359264
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The History of Education
Topics in Math
Creative Writing II
Contemporary Lit

>> No.3359271

>the future is bleak
I concur.

>> No.3359294

>Business Calculus
>20th Century American Literature
>Teaching Creative Writing

It's decent I guess. I'm glad I'm finally beginning my MA. The math class is the only thing I have left on undergrad.

>> No.3359296


Interesting classes.

I'm taking 5 classes ( OP here ), do you think that may be to many? I've just transferred from Computer Science and I've heard business / economics class are quite easy in comparison to my engineering ones.

>> No.3359300


War and Peace bro. It'll take you a while to read it, but it has so much philosophy that it'll be easy.

>> No.3359319


5 is fine.

Don't take more if you don't have to, and do less if you can.

>> No.3359324

5 is easy to manage.

I'm in my second year, and entry-level economics/finance subjects are easy as fuck. If they weren't necessary for completing my degree I dunno if I woulda taken a lot of them though, its easy enough to teach yourself basic macro and micro out of a textbook

>> No.3359477

Experimental physik III
Theoretische physik II
Math analysis
I think optic and photonics

That's it probably.

>> No.3359502

College English 1
Business Ethics
Introduction to PC Productivity Tools


>> No.3359506

>Collins, Suzanne. 2008. The Hunger Games.

>> No.3359535

>Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
I'm guessing that was thrown there just because it has "Philosopher" in its name

>> No.3359543

>Wasting time with so called studies
>Not being able to understand books on your own and make an education out of reading a lot

>> No.3359551

>Hunger Games
>Harry Potter

You see, you just proved my point on studies.

>> No.3359557

>Philosophy of Literature (pretty cool I guess)
>Marine Biology
>Speaking of which, I could use some input from you guys regarding my Lit course.
>I have to choose ONE of the following novels and become an expert at analyzing the philosophical themes found within. It's a lol-tier course so it shouldn't be very difficult.

This is bullshit, btw. You should point out to the teacher that analyzing the philosophies found within a novel is not philosophy of literature, but literature of philosophy.

If you were to think about the role of literature that is implied in Rowling's attempts to portray a goody-2-shoes mode of 'tolerance' in the Harry Potter books, that would arguably be philosophy of literature, but the philosophical content of the novel as such is not.

>> No.3359590

>300k starting

>> No.3359617

Biology and diversity of terrestrial vertebrates
Biology and diversity of non-arthropod invertebrates
Biology and diversity of phanerogams

And I have to finish my research project.

>> No.3359634

Apocalyptic Fiction
The Art of Writing (glorified creative writing course)
Literature 3: Geography and Identity (third part of our obligatory lit courses)

Nothing but reading and writing. Shit's gonna get stoned.
Am also considering supplementing my Math levels because I'm considering doing something sciencey as a minor.

>> No.3359650

>Apocalyptic Fiction
What are you reading for this class?

>> No.3359658

We only have a joint reading list so far because our university adminstration is shit tier at the moment. It goes something like this, but might be up for change:

"Primary texts: Martin H. Greenberg (ed.), The End of the World: Stories of the Apocalypse (2010) George R. Stewart, Earth Abides (1949) Richard Matheson, I Am Legend (1954) Nevil Shute, On the Beach (1957) J. G. Ballard, The Drowned World (1962) John Christopher, Empty World (1977) David Brin, The Postman (1985)
Reading for the first session is Robert Silverberg’s short introduction (“Dancing Through the Apocalypse,” 2010) and Arthur C. Clarke’s “If I Forget Thee O Earth …” (1951), both from the anthology. "

>> No.3359670

The Drowned World looks pretty damn interesting, and it almost seems like the plot of New Vegas might have been inspired by the Postman. Don't really care about that, though: might pick up the Drowned World.

>> No.3359675

>hard science

>> No.3359686


grow up will ya

>> No.3359692

High five man! I know that feel. So so good.

>> No.3359732
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>> No.3359749

Post-War British Fiction and Poetry
Literature and the English Civil War
English Radicals and Writers (late medieval history)
Moral Panics since c.1800 (again history)

>> No.3359798

>implying the massacre of the native americans wasn't incredibly well caclulated

>> No.3359799


Is there any money in computer science jobs though?

>> No.3359803

Calculus II
Discrete Math
Linear Algebra
Fiction & Film Studies
Physics (Mechanics)

Any other math majors here? Worthwhile degree?

>> No.3359814

Solid state physics
Objective-oriented programming
A larger project, centred on particle physics, for my bachelor's degree.

>> No.3359819

Arabic I
Art History from 1300 to the present
British Lit from 1616 to 1780 (half the class is Paradise Lost)
Studies in Literary Theory and Criticism: 1900 to the present

>> No.3359862

Ancient Rhetoric.

Roman History, Republic to Empire.
Plus dissertation classes. I have four 'hours' a week, plus group work I'll have to organise myself.

>> No.3359874

Mathematical Analysis Tools
Business Economics
Business Analysis
- Can't wait for this semester to end. I don't care for the mathematical cources I'm forced to take.

>> No.3359876
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wow look at all that shit, fucking panderers

>> No.3360182

Remedial Algebra for Retards (for the second time)
Classical Mythology
Magazine Publication
World History
Writing Poetry (favorite teacher again... yay!)

after this I just have two more maths and a science, then I'm transferring to my four year. So glad to be done with all of my general ed courses.

>> No.3360204

Second Semester Japanese
Psychology - Personality
Philosophy - Introduction to Asian Religions
Math 095 (lol uncredited remedial shit)
Shaolin Kung Fu

>> No.3360209


Psychology/Philosophy major.

>> No.3360215

Federal Income Tax
Administrative Law
Comparative Constitutional Law
Seminar on certain criminal law topics

And then some other law school related activities.

>> No.3360227

I'm finally taking care of some bullshit gen ed and degree requirements I'd been putting off, so this semester is shaping up to be kinda shit. International Studies/Islamic Studies btw

Oceans and Society
Intro to Logic (lel)
History of Islamic Civ
Environmental Policy
Islam and the Muslim World in IR

Only looking forward to the last two. I got the syllabus for the history course today and it included sample exams... I already knew everything on them like a bawss.

>> No.3360258


I would go for Blood Meridian or Wise Blood. For the love of god, don't choose Sartre or Camus or that godawful Shelley. War and Peace is okay but it's a children's book (it may or may not work for your interests)

>> No.3360266

>sitting in History of Islamic Civilization class waiting for lecture to start
>check /lit/

sup bro

>> No.3360272


confirmed for dropout white trash with no doctoral studies

>> No.3360277


Aww sheeit. Where do you go to school?

>> No.3360284

Classical American Philosophy(Pragmatism)
Philosophy of Art
Norwegian 102

>> No.3360296

>Gameplay and performance


>> No.3360326


>any job I want
>twice the starting salary of liberal arts fags

>> No.3360329

Caring about money is the litmus test for your level of culture. You are: babby level.

>> No.3360343


What if I study one of my passions in school so I can make lots of money and study my other passions in my free time.

>> No.3360355

This is what I'm doing. I mean, it's stupid to assume you're going to make a lot of money because who knows what the job market will be like when you graduate, but as long as you have a job and enough to live on it seems like one of the better ways to spend your life in this day and age.

>> No.3360376

Algebraic Topology
Compiler Design
Abstract Algebra
Algorithms and Data Structures
Computer Organization

>> No.3360380

get the fuck out, pleb

>> No.3360398

>Implying I have to be an English major to enjoy reading.

>> No.3360405

Local Politics & Government
Courts & Law of Canada
Globalization since 1492
Chinese History
Research Methods

>> No.3360412

general chem II
calculus II
lord of the rings (because why not)
abnormal psych

first year and also running startfag

>> No.3360425

Composition Techniques
History and Analysis of Western Music 1300-1600 (Separate classes, one History other Analysis)
Introduction to Etnomusicology

>> No.3360444

Contract Law
Family And Inheritance Law
Fundamental Human Rights

Two are going to be all work and no fun, the last is going to be great fun.

>> No.3360445

Will you take a real class next year?

>> No.3360451

Modern American History or something

>> No.3360461

>Gen chem II
>Calculus III
>Differential Calculus (had to get permission to take this and III at the same time)
>Linear Algebra
>Physics II (E&M)
>Intro to Signal Analysis

That's 20 credits, how many do you guys usually take? This is the most I've ever taken in one semester. Any tips? I want take more than this next Fall.

Inb4 STEM scum, I probably read more in a month than more liberal arts majors do in a year, and I'm talking about Classics and non-technical books.

>> No.3360462

Linear Algebra
Number Theory & Math Reasoning
Elementary Classical Greek I

>> No.3360464

Calculus II
Chem II
Physics I
Freshman seminar

>> No.3360470


My school doesnt allow people to take 20 credits. That said you are fucked

>> No.3360474


Part of me would like to take 20+ hours, but a bigger part of me likes having friends and down time.

>> No.3360478

International Monetary Economics
Global Political Economy
Global Security Politics
Advanced Spanish II
Colonialism in Asia
Mapping Migration in East Asia

>> No.3360483

Law Review bro?

For myself:
>Native American Natural Resources
>International Petroleum Transactions
>Secured Transactions
>Mineral Title Examination
>Advanced Legal Research

Yep, I'm gonna be an earth rape attorney.

>> No.3360490

Well I've taken 17-18 the last 2 semesters and done decently well (although I did have 1-2 BS classes those semesters, all technical classes this semester). We're allowed up to 18 without permission, after 18 you have to get approval by the dean of your major and the dean of that particular section of the university to get more credit hours.

I'm off-campus and hang around way more with my former high school friends and I see them during breaks and stuff, not a problem for me. Honestly like I said, I've taken 17-18 before and I had a TON of down time because I'm super lazy, but smart enough to get by with mostly As and a few A- and Bs here and there.

>> No.3360575

linear algebra
abstract algebra
mathematical statistics
mathematical technology
programming ii

itt: math majors are more well-read and cultured than english lit majors.

>> No.3360578

Game Theory
Information, Uncertainty and Risk
Advanced Microeconomic Theory

For now, these two got delayed for some reason:
Energy Economics
Environmental Econometrics

>> No.3360588

>going to college for the degree
>not going to college for 4 years of free pussy
>not realizing we have a surplus of STEM majors anyway

You guys, aren't as smart as you think you are.

>> No.3360603


>> No.3360604
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I've got a survey o' English literature, English grammar, Phonology & Morphology, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and philosophy of literature.

A.K.A. everyone is stupid except me

>> No.3360639

Advanced mechanics
Advanced electrostatica
Programming for physicists
Analysis in more variables (like mathematical analysis, not the pussy physics type)
Ring and Galois theory
Introduction to topology

Still thinking about doing micro economics, professor is lame though.

>> No.3360650


>> No.3360665

History of the Christian Church, Compsci, Madness in Literature, Chemistry of Cooking

>> No.3360668

Fight my depression

What calendar software is that, by the way?

>> No.3360695

Advanced Electrostatica sounds like a Prog Rock album.

>> No.3360714

Advanced Graph Theory
Data Structures / Algorithms
Computer Organization
Advanced Linear Algebra

16 Credits Total.

>> No.3360733

Advanced Going to Work.

>> No.3360739

Also; A lot of International Baccalaureate shit for me.

>> No.3360752


> class only once a week

What kind of back-country school do you go to?

>> No.3360792

wow, a lot of science and math classes in this thread.

not that anyone will read or respond to this, but:
>Literary and Cultural Theory
>Language of Persuasion
>18 Century Literature and Culture I
>Introduction to Astronomy
>Issues in Life, Death, and Poverty

>> No.3360814

I'd recommend Blood Meridian.
I wouldn't recommend Wise Blood, unless you love O'Connor's short stories, because it's essentially a ton of her short stories stitched together to make a novel.

Iris Murdoch would be fairly easy to do without the feeling of beating a dead horse you might find with Camus

>> No.3360916

I started with Wise Blood and immediately fell in love with Flannery O'Connor. It's one of my favorite novels. Only a few of the chapters were originally short stories, and the stitching's not bad.

>> No.3360936

English 4
French 3
Spanish 4
Latin American Literature.
History of translation
Citizen formation

>> No.3361899

>going to college

>needing some dull, old uncreative drone to hold your hand through obtaining knowledge in this day and age

Honestly if you're in uni for anything other than getting a future job you really are a stupid person.

>> No.3361906
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Sotnybrook here, 2nd semester.

>> No.3361920

That schedule just looks like some sick cat next to the other ones.

>> No.3361923

Philosophy of Science
American Literature
Food Chemistry

three electives this semester, kill me. we just read Song of Myself by Whitman in the american lit class and I think the professor killed lyric poetry for me.

>> No.3361944
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Does this count?

>> No.3361978

I heard that place is horrible.

>> No.3362003
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Get a load of mine.

>> No.3362042

>50min long classes

Are these niggaz serious? Last time I had classes of that length was in high school.

>> No.3362619



I was doing 3 hour computer labs last semester.

>> No.3362626


That time table layout / design is heinous.

>> No.3362642

Phil 1500 - Symbolic Logic
CS 1501 - Algorithm Implementations
Russ 8## - Madness and madmen in russian culture
SA 110 - Foundations of Design

Pitt Phil department so good. I've loved every class I've taken. Logic is my shit.

>> No.3362650

>tfw can't take 20 credits because have to hold full-time job and like my sanity

Must be nice living on your parent's money though.

>> No.3362688

Don't feel like making a fancy schedule picture cause my schedule is nothing special

English Composition 101 - Tuesday & Thursday
American History to 1877 - Tuesday & Thursday
Beginning Algebra - Tuesday & Thursday

First semester. Got a 1 and half hour break between history and math. I'll use that to eat lunch and read in the student center.

>> No.3362697

>trying to make him feel bad for taking advantage of a great opportunity

Working full time while in school full time is a terrible idea.

>> No.3362700


blood meridian without question.

>> No.3362702

Yep ;)

>> No.3362710


>not taking out a subsidized loan and going to school forever so you never have to pay it back

Fucking plebs.

>> No.3362716

Don't have many other options bro.

Not going to school would be a waste of my skills, but since I'm not technically independent(under 24) from my parents yet I can't get financial aid.

What the fuck should I do? Work a dead end job and not get any training? How am I supposed to pay my rent and food without the job? I can barely even keep up with full-time pay.
>inb4 not your blog

>> No.3362719

>thinks college is hard

>> No.3362772


You wouldn't be Australian by any chance, would you?

I know you're classes as an independant at 22 and can acquire cash money for being a full time student from the government.

>> No.3362809

You can go to school part time or work part time and live with roommates.

Where do you live that you can't get financial aid because you're under 24?

>> No.3362959
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You go to Newcastle Uni?

....GTFO my /lit/

If I see you around Shortland Hub, I cut ya

>> No.3362970 [DELETED] 

wow /lit/ can sure be insecure about having a humanities degree

>> No.3363084

yet computer science has a higher unemployment level. weird.

>> No.3363495


I would have to declare myself independent from my parents and I'd stop getting their health insurance if I did that. So it's financial aid or health insurance.

My parents only agreed to pay any of my tuition if I went full-time.

It's not too bad, just have to smoke a lot of ganj.

>> No.3363497

>[citation needed]

>> No.3363499

>cultural awareness of a 6 year old,

>he has to learn culture through academia


>> No.3363500


>> No.3363531


Transferring to USYD next semester.

You mad?

>> No.3363543

>[citation not happening because it's a blatant lie]

>> No.3363549
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>> No.3364044 [DELETED] 

only if you are in UK because your CS schooling is a joke compared to US or even India


>> No.3364178

>everyone on lit are hard sciences or humanities

I think we can all agree that the real cunts are the business and social science kids.

>> No.3364257

I had to pick these classes.
>Japanese Religious Art
>French 16th century Prints
>Italian 17th century Paintings
>History of Museums
>History of 20th century Exhibitions
>Medieval Cathedrals
>Medieval Manuscripts
>English literature: Shakespeare's The Tempest

Next year I'm going to start my thesis about Japanese art and literature. The main theme will be about individualism.

>> No.3364289
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>> No.3364312
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brook up in this bitch

>> No.3364314


fuck you, I double major in chem-e and econ and browse /lit/ the most

>> No.3364341

judge people one their individual merits and actions

>> No.3364362 [DELETED] 

>Machine Learning
>Dynamic System Modelling
>History of Philosophy Modern

oh yeah

>> No.3364404 [DELETED] 
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Not shown: Japanese 204 (Independent Study)

Gonna be an easy as fuck last semester. Taking a history of films course (1940-present), so gonna get to watch a ton of movies in that. Also looking forward to the American Lit survey class

>> No.3364416 [DELETED] 
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Not shown: Japanese 204 (Independent Study)

Gonna be an easy as fuck last semester. Taking a history of films course (1940-present), so gonna get to watch a ton of movies in that. Also looking forward to the American Lit survey class

>> No.3364457

Apparently half of you study 4 hours per week.

Lazy fucks.

>> No.3364481

Well, i'm not sure yet, but as far as i know i wil take:

Introductory Topoloy
Probability and Statics
Linear Algebrea III

Logic I
Theorical Philosophy I
Contemporary Philosophy
Ethics I

And a couple more...

>> No.3364495

Constitutional law
Roman Law
History of Hungarian law
Islam theology in politics and law
Crisis management in the Balkans (REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab)

>> No.3364506

Linear Algebra
General Psychology
Computer Organization
Algorithms and Data Structures

>> No.3364514

Calc III
Linear Algebra
Math Reasoning
Philosophy of Language
Theory of Knowledge
Intro to Linguistic Theory

I think these sound ok. Probably going to take some more lit classes next semester.

>> No.3364567

What calendar software is it you all use in these pictures?

>> No.3364574

human a&p II
Ochem II
bullshit french class

>> No.3364581

>business calculus

>> No.3364586 [DELETED] 

ugh how do you all take 6+ classes, I max out at 5 before my learning starts to deteriorate in one or more of them

>> No.3364590

>wasting your time getting a degree

enjoy your minimum wage job you degree-less neckbeard

>> No.3364591


>> No.3364592

i remember my first year

>> No.3364595

Is it worthwhile?
>any job you want
>300k starting

you tell me

>> No.3364600

butthurt english/liberal farts major detected

>> No.3364607

I've done 18 credits/semester for the past 2 years, and while it takes up most of my time I've never gotten below a 3.5 (pharmacy major), and I typically have weekends free. You'll be fine

>> No.3364616

It can be, granted you're not taking liberal arts classes

>> No.3364648

You're a fucking dick. Yes, I'm on my parents money, but I also commute (pay my own gas/insurance, got the car when my mom got a new car for herself). I also go to a state school, so my tuition is ~8k/year with no boarding costs. I take half of that out in federal loans. My parents pay ~4k/year. Hardly what I would call "trust fund babby".

>> No.3364759

Argh I'm too curious, someone please tell me why all these schedules use the same template. Is it some common software system used across universities in the UK?

>> No.3364787 [DELETED] 

I'm in US and my university uses it. so yes

>> No.3364790

AP World History II
Honors English
Honors Biology
Honors Spanish II
Algebra II M3

>> No.3364801

Thanks :-) Eases my mind; guess I'm a tad bit OCD...

>> No.3364811
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Psych 101: Community Health Psychology
Psych 105: Social Neuroscience
Psych 95: Abnormal Psychology
Psych 216: Public Policy and Social Psychology -- Implications and Applications
CS106A: Programming Methodology

>mfw /lit/ cant into psychology, the noblest of traditions

>> No.3364845

Advanced poetry writing
Advanced fiction writing
Principles of biology w/ lab
English Literature undergrad assessment
Migration in literature and film (in French)

>> No.3364848
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should be fun

>> No.3364851

Cuny Hunter?

>> No.3364879

Comp Sci 1 (math requirement)
Russian 2
Russian History (1700s forward)
Creative Writing 2

>> No.3364902
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How watered-down are these introduction to philosophy courses? I'm going to be going to college in a year and a half and I'm genuinely worried about being bored to tears by these classes.

I've already read Descartes, Hume, and Kant; I don't think I could stomach a lecture that starts with the words "Philosophy is concerned with fundamental questions like blah blah blah." It'd either bore me to tears or make me look like a pretentious tryhard when I participate in class discussions/answer questions.

Is there any way to circumvent the introductory courses and get into something more specific (e.g. a course on Enlightenment philosophy) freshman year?

>> No.3364913

Please tell me you are a freshman

>> No.3364916 [DELETED] 

yes you can circumvent it and here is how: talk to the professors. Seriously. Talk to them. I got out of intro art history courses in my freshman year this way because I was able to explain my situation to the professor and demonstrate I knew what was up.

>> No.3364920

The course you have to take at my college in order to apply for the honors program is called Quest For Meaning, and it was essentially an Intro to Phil. class. It was actually really awesome. We read:
>Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
>The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas
>What's It All About? by Julian Baggini
>The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
>The Stranger by Albert Camus

Every night we were assigned reading. We'd come in the next day, take a quiz, and then spend the next two hours discussing the reading. It was fucking awesome. I really had a great time. But, I had a great professor and the class was full of bros, so that probably helped. Also, my university is on a block system, so I was only in the class for 3 1/2 weeks, which kept the pace up, which alleviated the boredom, I think.

>> No.3364922

What quad/dorm you in?

Tabler, Dreiser here.

>> No.3364923 [DELETED] 

yeah, all you need is professor's permission -- and assuming you don't need to take the courses to graduate

>> No.3364930

I'm not taking any Labs.

At Stony, it's either 3 53min classes per week, or 2 1hour 20minute classes. Plus recitations for some classes.

>> No.3364940

mendelsohn, ammann

>> No.3364941

I've never heard of any of these universities. Are any of these places even accredited?

>> No.3364944 [DELETED] 

yep, general to specific

>> No.3364951

My roommate deals and he's always going over to Mendolsohn. What year are you in?

>> No.3364953
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>Tfw you've already read both of the books by Camus and the one by Tarnas

This is what I'm worried about. But if it's something I have to do then I'll do it.

I think I'll give this a shot too. At least, it couldn't hurt. I could also easily scrounge up a letter of recommendation from my religion/philosophy teacher at school say that I know my shit.

Also: I get the impression that college works from general topics to more focused ones, is that correct? i.e. I'd be studying, say, Enlightenment philosophy freshman year but if I pursued a doctorate I'd be studying the work of Hume, in depth, almost exclusively?

Just trying to get a feel for how things work there.

>> No.3364961 [DELETED] 

letter of rec aint gonna help you with just talking to the prof, it's going to mean nothing. you need to convince them yourself (it's not hard)

>> No.3364964

Alright, thanks for the advice.

>> No.3365001


>> No.3365014


year 1

>> No.3365018
File: 33 KB, 612x409, ss (2013-01-16 at 09.57.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a meeting with my supervisor from 12 to 1 so tomorrow I have courses 9-17 with no break. Fucking hell

>> No.3365124


>> No.3365138

A lot of people don't take linear algebra until sophomore year, but other than that...why do you care? Sometimes I just can't fathom how pathetic some people are on this board to make fun of somebody's school schedule.

>> No.3365140

I fuckin' wish. I don't even know what I want to do after school. Thinking of switching to engineering.

>> No.3365146

I think it's more the "sequences and series" in particular. 3 of the classes sound like the belong in high school.

>> No.3365155
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Not a bad week to be honest.

>> No.3365166

is that an 8 hour class?

>> No.3365179

6 hours. It's a workshop for radio production. Usually we have to broadcast a news show every hour and gather the stories, record the interviews and edit the audio ourselves within the hour.

It's challenging but incredibly rewarding when you get it right.

>> No.3365185

yeah, i derped on the math. i added five to the difference of 9 and 12 for some reason. sounds kind of fun, though.

>> No.3365193

I have a good teacher and my classmates work hard but are also able to have a good laugh. So9 yeah, it's a lot of fun.

>> No.3365203

Calc II
Electromagnetism I
Physics lab I
Cell biology
Python programming

>> No.3365426

hahahaah, Wow, I wasn't expecting you to take that so seriously bro. I also get money from parents for tuition; I was just joshing you around.

I'm basically in a similar sitch, just I have to pay for my room and board because I live cross-state. (state school too)

Us new bourgeois gotta stick together.

>> No.3365477

modernist literature
contemporary literature

dissertation is gonna own

>> No.3365554

looks good, what's your dissertation on?

Literature and/as Illness
Art History

>> No.3365581


struggling on a title so the oh so broad 'the city in literature' will have to do

more specifically:

surreal cityscapes (aragon, breton)
objectified bodies (mainly j.g. ballard)
psychogeographies (baudelaire, poe's 'man in the crowd', maybe iain sinclair's london orbital)

using theory by benjamin, lefebvre and debord

it'll probably change slightly with different works used once i read more and in all likelihood one of the chapters will probably be chopped or merged

maybe merge the ballard + psychogeography

>> No.3365585


may also merge some film + art into it too if i'm feeling adventurous enough, metropolis maybe, george grosz also a possibility

>> No.3365595

>surreal cityscapes (aragon, breton)
>no dhalgren
bad show

>> No.3365620


word limits m8

plus the frenchies link easier with my baudelaire so

>> No.3365649


roth/gershwin represent... just kidding i hate it here.

>> No.3365651

I wish my college life were this easy.

>> No.3365659


Have you ever done MWF classes? Most of those are 50 minutes.

>> No.3365660
File: 46 KB, 871x412, Schedule Spring 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Everything.

>> No.3365663

I'm doing all night classes this semester. Weird how I'm going to be doing the same amount of work, yet it looks like I have so much more free time.

>> No.3365675
File: 305 KB, 383x500, Weak Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Less than 2 hours of class a day
> "Fuck everything"

>> No.3365684

do hunger games

>> No.3365686

whoa, newcastle?
the worlds pretty small

>> No.3365688

He's probably just mad because he has to get up early even though it's a good thing to get used to.

>> No.3365735
File: 31 KB, 655x618, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about getting up early for two hours of class
>not commuting ~1.5 hours, leaving at 6am just to make it to an 8am class
>not having ~5 hours of class a day, save for lab days

>> No.3365739

You're a trooper.

>> No.3365743 [DELETED] 

I wanna meet that dad

>> No.3365745

not really, even. last semester was worse, can't complain cause freshmen get shitty times anyways

>> No.3365776


A myriad of university's use the same software to display a time table for the classes you register for. Can't remember the name though.

>> No.3365789


Heh, don't pursue a degree just for the wage at the end. You'll end up loathing it.

I studied Computer Science for 2 years for the cash money and ended up burning out / transferring degrees back to what I originally wanted to do anyway.

>> No.3365904

Thanks. I'm curious now though! I now of ELOs like BlackBoard, Moodle? The schedules at our university (one in The Netherlands) seem to be formatted in Excel :-S