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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 155 KB, 400x654, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3359155 No.3359155 [Reply] [Original]

My friends is reccommending me the book, and I haven't read it yet D:

So any thoughts and opinions?

>> No.3359157


>> No.3359156

Read it and see for yourself. It is a good book though, so I can recommand it too.

>> No.3359204

You could be reading it now, instead of posting this.

>> No.3359456

Is it just me or is this the kind of book Americans should read during their high-school years in order to not grow up retarded?
Since European education is half decent and breezes through things like totalitarian governments.

>> No.3359517

this and Brave New World are required reading in most high schools (at least in CA)

>> No.3359533

How, then, can your country be so clinically retarded?

>> No.3359563


>Can't own guns
>calls greatest country in the history of the world retarded
>thinks he's free

Oh /lit/ never change :)

>> No.3359568

Yeah, that gun ownership is really doing you good.

How many dead at that last school shooting?

>> No.3359569

One thing Amerifats never seem to grasp is that a normal, mentally sound person don't WANT to own a gun.

That's the difference between Americans and Europeans.

>> No.3359575

I'm not a very big fan of this book. Relevant and visionary as it may be, it's not very well written. A better introduction for his work is probably Animal Farm.

>> No.3359577
File: 304 KB, 478x284, likeapimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, this is a /pol/ thread. Nothing to see here, move along. Don't feed the troll and don't forget to get that dirt off your shoulders.

>> No.3359585

>book about 1984
>doesn't mention MTV
totally inaccurate

>> No.3359593

>thinking guns somehow make you more free

please give me a convincing argument why

>> No.3359607

A great book. It won't mean much to you without context though. What do you know of the era the book was written in and the ideologies that were changing the world such as socialism?

>> No.3359612


>thinking a government not allowing you to own weapons to defend yourself with somehow doesn't make you less free

>> No.3359615

What about healthcare? Surely if healthcare is free then you're implicitly more free to not worry about putting money aside for it and you could be free to either work less or be free to spend your money on other things.

>> No.3359623

Also if there's the worry that criminals are armed with guns, there's a lot of pressure to get one yourself for self defence (as though it helps) so you're less free from fear and if you want to get around that you have to pay for a gun and ammo then you have to learn how to use and maintain it. Having specialists who take care of it for you (like the police) means you're free not to do that.

>> No.3359632
File: 28 KB, 350x450, mahmoud-ahmadinejad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw forbidden to build nukes
>tfw "land of the free" infringes upon my freedom

>> No.3359649
File: 100 KB, 540x720, murrca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preferring being armed to not being at risk
>treating symptoms to this degree

>> No.3359751


>Le slippery slope le reddit fallacy


>Le criminals follow laws so if we ban guns they wont have them fallacy

we dont live on a fucking island you retards

>> No.3359764

/pol/ please leave us the fuck alone.

>> No.3359775

Have you tried of having a civilized society instead of running around armed like tribals?

>> No.3359778


how are we in any way uncivilized? you do realize that these shootings that MSM feeds you to keep you calm and complacent in your lack of rights are very seldom, and only gun-hating liberals are affected by them. aside from that, most of the gun deaths are black on black. aka win-win

>> No.3359791

>very seldom
Compared to what? Somalia?