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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 326x500, Slaughterhouse-five+by+Kurt+Vonnegut[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3354337 No.3354337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have never been on this board before. I mainly am on /mu/ and /v/.

This is my best guess at the board's favorite book. How accurate am I?

>> No.3354356

Why do people from /mu/ always have to say they're from /mu/? I knew they were pretentious but not this pretentious.

>> No.3354365

People here like S5 but it's never discussed and nowhere near the collective favorite and we all agree that it's not even Vonnegut's best.

>> No.3354373

This is pretty accurate. It's well-liked, but nowhere near "favorite" status.

Nobody gives a shit which board you're from.

>> No.3354380

firstly sirens of titan is better dog, and this isn't like /v/ or /mu/ where there's a hivemind of approval for MGS3 or loveless, people can't agree on a damn thing here

>> No.3354383

Vonnegut is a terrible author and everyone here knows it. SL5 is his crowning achievement of shit.

I guess you're as far from being accurate as possible.

>> No.3354385

huh, I guess you're right: >>3354383

>> No.3354391
File: 284 KB, 600x558, 1356637581760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out please.

>> No.3354413

That book is a failure.

>> No.3354420

Mother Night was better imo.

>> No.3354423


You get out. Go back to /mu/ or reddit or whatever terrible place teenagers who like Vonnegut flock to.

>> No.3354425

Fuck you, choke on a dick.

>> No.3354434

I don't consider him the best thing ever but he's not that bad.

>> No.3354442

The board does not have a favorite book. There is literally nothing that even a majority of us could agree on as one of the best, so don't waste your time.

>> No.3354444


I've only read this and cat's cradle. Liked both. What is his best?

>> No.3354447

Depending on who you ask, either Cat's Cradle or Mother Night.

>> No.3354450

Sorry, OP. It's a three-way tie between Ulysses, Infinite Jest, and Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.3354454

>implying anyone here has read Ulysses including me

>> No.3354460

>if I can't read Ulysses, nobody can

Kids so cute.

>> No.3354464



>> No.3354466

>hey look at me I am mature and understand Joyce

>> No.3354470


I've actually read it. Like really, all the way through.

>> No.3354472

Vonnegut is babby's first pomo.

>> No.3354475

The board's meme book is Infinite Jest. Its most unanimously loved book is either The Brothers Karamazov or Lolita.

>> No.3354490

im also from /mu/! le plebs man le plebs

post pic please

>> No.3354496
File: 85 KB, 500x500, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3354502

No, I think the consensus for Lolita is that it's 7/10 at best, but it gets mentioned because durhur pedos.

Gravity's Rainbow is probably a unanimously loved book, though it comes close to being another meme book at times.

>> No.3354507

Lolita is a brilliant novel.

>> No.3354511
File: 7 KB, 126x125, 111a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a /fit/izen who reads a lot.
>Rarely, if ever, do I visit /lit/.
>Finish reading Slaughterhouse 5 for the first time last night.
>Was thinking about it a lot today.
>Decide to hop over to /lit/ to make a thread about it and see what /lit/'s over-all opinion of it is.
>This is the first fucking thread on the front page.

Am I on Tralfamdore or some shit because I'm genuinely creeped the fuck out right now.

>> No.3354515


This. I haven't heard many people on /lit/ bitch about Lolita.

>> No.3354519

Not "bitch," per se. But I've been in several threads where people agreed (me being one of them) that Lolita was a beautifully written novel without much substance.

>> No.3354521
File: 226 KB, 400x521, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /fit/, you boring whore.

>> No.3354524
File: 138 KB, 500x450, 1357308769870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture in question.

>> No.3354528

I actually said "apple."


>> No.3354535

So, /fit/ says 'vegetable' and /lit/ says 'apple'. Weirdly, this describes all too well the differences between the boards' intellects.

>> No.3354548

It's from /v/.

>> No.3354552
File: 161 KB, 340x580, 1352034851348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this black magic?

>> No.3354557


Is it weird that I also got creeped out just by reading that?

>> No.3354559

I'm obviously talking about the responses.

I don't understand why the reading comprehension on /lit/ is so dismal.

>> No.3354562

This. This same fucking thing. I read it in a single night last night.

Are you me?

>> No.3354564


If you guys are serious, something weird is going on.

Brb, /x/.

>> No.3354567

i said banana, what the fuck?

>> No.3354586

Or Sirens of Titan. Or Breakfast of Champions (but those people are dumb).

>> No.3354599

This is how I feel about the book and I'd still given it a full ten, I'd be willing to bet that's how others mean it, too.

Though by substance, I mean philosophic and teleological substance, because there's plenty of substance, just nothing to challenge you in those regards. It's more technically excellent and only meaningful as a sort of commentary on literary conventions.

>> No.3354608

they call it the baader-meinhof effect
or synchronicity

>> No.3354665


>> No.3354673

I would never call BoC his best, but it's still my personal favorite.

>> No.3356098


>> No.3356111

Mother Night up in this bitch.

>> No.3356259

What does meme book mean in particular. Is it like /mu/'s 'In The Aeroplane Over The Sea' which most people like but is also made fun of because it's mentioned so often or is it just really bad?

>> No.3356286

Does anyone at all dislike Catch-22?

>> No.3356290


its really good so yes its our ITAOTS equivalent. Anyone who posts that DFW was a hack and IJ is trash is trolling

>> No.3356303

>it like /mu/'s 'In The Aeroplane Over The Sea' which most people like but is also made fun of because it's mentioned so often

That's exactly it. Funnily enough, without DFW fans there would be no /lit/. Back on old /r9k/ (in '08, I think) a group of us participated in one "Infinite Summer" and it was those threads where the idea to petition moot for a literature board originated. Along with Pynchon he was indisputably /lit/'s most beloved author until our more senior members started disappearing around late 2011 and were replaced with newfags who feel threatened by anything that doesn't conform to their narrow, classicist idea of what constitutes a novel. Now those former newfags are /lit/'s most numerous and influential demographic and the general attitude towards DFW has become markedly more negative.

>> No.3356313
File: 496 KB, 1208x3504, Lit_core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board doesn't have a favorite book, but here's what it talks about the most.

>> No.3356320


There's a few on this board who think it's okay but don't love it as much as everyone else does.

>> No.3356333



>> No.3356337

the only people who take it seriously are the aspies who get buttfrustrated over it, like you

>> No.3356338

> and were replaced with newfags who feel threatened by anything that doesn't conform to their narrow, classicist idea of what constitutes a novel.

Strawman, old chap? I have never seen 'Infinite Jest' attacked here because someone had deemed it to be something other-than a novel. Its most frequent critiques are certainly valid: that the prose strains and ends up severely deficient in aesthetics, that the subject matter is counter-productive to its intent, that it panders to a certain type of pseudo-intellectual (probably not unlike your "Infinite Summer" cronies) who think slogging through lengthy books make them smarter than a handful of shorter ones.

Address the points more pointedly, or don't address them at all.

>> No.3356344

You're not the only one. A lot of people respond banana weirdly enough.

>> No.3356345

>severely deficient in aesthetics

By what criteria are you measuring aesthetic worth?

>subject matter is counter-productive to its intent

What does this even mean?

>it panders to a certain type of pseudo-intellectual who think slogging through lengthy books make them smarter than a handful of shorter ones.

This is entirely conjured up by your imagination. Seems like you have something of a chip on your shoulder.

Your criticisms never get addressed because they are devoid of anything remotely resembling substance.

>> No.3356348

This post is the equivalent of an ostrich putting its head in the sand. I'll start a new thread about this, since this is a Slaughterhouse V thread.

See you there.

>> No.3356350
File: 2.21 MB, 200x174, WellThatTookaTurn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously in what way?

>> No.3356378
File: 28 KB, 800x600, 1357164798674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people can't agree on a damn thing here
I agree.

>> No.3356397

My favorite is Sirens of Titan, even though it's his most "entry level". Cat's Cradle and Mother Night are tied for my second favorite.

>> No.3356402

I "bought" Infinite Jest about a month ago, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. What should I expect? I heard it's particularly edgy.

>> No.3356404

>This is entirely conjured up by your imagination

go to reddit

>> No.3356435


stealing and using my gifs without premission

have u ever heard of copyrights nigger?

>> No.3356437

It's not "edgy" in the 4chan sense at all, though it does seem to have quite a large hipster following. It's a great book. Funny and sad in equal measures, with some important points to make about contemporary Western culture. DFW has a very neurotic writing style which alienates some readers, though (I love it, personally).

>> No.3356876


You ever heard of 17 USC § 107?

>> No.3357068

Stoner is /lit/'s favorite book, wake up people.

It's a piece of shit.

>> No.3357078

Mother Night was his best, Cat's Cradle was his second best. I really liked Breakfast of Champions. Sirens of Titan was bad.

>> No.3357131


I didn't think it was that great.

>> No.3357170

It was okay.

>> No.3357841

only on /lit/ do quads go unacknowledged for over a day, only on/lit/. Ending a sentence with a preposition, only on /lit/.