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/lit/ - Literature

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3350938 No.3350938 [Reply] [Original]

>Implying that plot is not the most important thing in a narrative

>> No.3350945

>implying a piece of literature is only a narrative
>implying music is only tempo
>implying painting is only shapes

so reductive it hurts

>> No.3350950
File: 92 KB, 500x335, Hipsteridiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol spergy hipster.

>> No.3350951

could care less about plot to be honest

always been more interested in the characters & atmosphere of the novel

>> No.3350955
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1/10 for getting me to reply

>> No.3350959
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>> No.3350968

Same here. Aristotle put plot before all other elements, but I disagree. Plot is sometimes totally immaterial to me in the same way that when I am talking with friends, I don't need cohesive storylines. I prefer to enjoy them and their word choices and tics. Character is numero uno for me, in just about anything.

In fact, I just had a thought that maybe all the authors I dislike are lacking in the character department. I must analyze this.

>> No.3350977

Suggest some books with good plots?

>> No.3350982

>could care less about plot to be honest

At least you care, that's the main thing.

>> No.3350989

Woah...the amount of edginess, hipsterness, and pretentiousness in this post impresses me.

Kudos good sir, kudos.

>> No.3350992

I believe that just to think of your own writing as a "collection of things"(plot, prose, each made of even smaller pieces) is already unhealthy to what comes out.

The form and the content, the plot, the prose, the characters, the media chosen, how you say it, what you say, why you say, the idea, the thoughts, the emotion. It's all combined, it's all one thing at once. If you don't have one or don't pay attention to one, is not that it's missing, it's just another thing entirely. Stop separating that shit.

sage because stupid thread with a stupid /b/ tier image

>> No.3350995

Plot's cool, character is cool, style is all.

>> No.3351002

Hey listen, just because the art of writing is too complicated for you, doesn't mean it's too complicated for those who have mastered it years ago.

>> No.3351005

saging in solidarity

this thread is shit in a can

>> No.3351006

ITT: Lazy writes who cant create an engaging plot, who think they can cover it up with verbose purpleism.

>> No.3351010
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>> No.3351012

Suggest some books without a proper narrative structure (besides the standard /lit/core) that are really good?

>> No.3351017

wasn't there an art film fan who got chased off this board because he only liked non-narrative artsy stuff?

>> No.3351036

if I had a dime for every time I saw an artsy film thread on /lit/, I'd buy 4chan just to ban everyone

>> No.3351043

le paysan de paris, aragon.

it's much harder to do a non-narrative in film, you end up doing brakhage things and filming music. they're different mediums with different strengths. not that narrative is the heart of film, but film uses it better than literature can.

>> No.3351046

this one stood out because of the speed that he broke down into mindless swearing at the whole board.

>> No.3351053

I bet you enjoy dubs threads too

don't check'em though, I'm aiming for eights