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/lit/ - Literature

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3350097 No.3350097 [Reply] [Original]

Name 10 books, that, if read, would render the reader an elitist. Not that I'm going to read them, just so dang curious that's all.

>> No.3350101

False premise, necessarily false conclusion.

>> No.3350103

arry potta

>> No.3350107


It's a paradox, OP. Only an elitist would read them but one must read them to be an elitist in the first place.

You silly lilly.

>> No.3350113

Your confused argument doesn't relate in the least.

>> No.3350124

i can see the logic in that, yet the post explains that op's not gonna read them

>> No.3350156

Atlas Shrugged.
Harry Potter.
50 Shades of Grey.
The God Delusion.
The Bible.
The DaVinci Code.
The Hunger Games.
A Game of Thrones.
And last but not least, Eeeee Eee Eeee.

>> No.3350183
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>> No.3350193

Do you actually write the numbers down when you want to respond to a post?

>> No.3350195

2 of those are good, 1 is okay, and a further 2 are readable. Step up your troll list, son.

>> No.3350199

Doesn't everybody?

>> No.3350202

i write them into my notes first with an inked feather for future reference. why, is something wrong?

>> No.3350217

Which ones are objectively bad?

>> No.3350257

le edgy Reddit 12 year old spotted

>> No.3350290

A real potential elitist would only need five books.

>> No.3350307

3 of which werent in his native language

>> No.3350696

How many books has Rand written?

>> No.3350713

Those are all exceptionally bad.

Which do you think aren't?

>> No.3350729

Hey, is that guy in OP's pic the same Karl Marx who used to borrow money from his friends and relatives and blow it on food & drink and then get really angry when people asked him to pay back the loans?

>> No.3350748

Well The Bible for starters.

>> No.3350752
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>the bible
>exceptionally bad

>> No.3350760

The Bible
Kiritk der reinen Vernuft
The Illiad
The Odyssey
The Brothers Karamazov
The Republic
Divina Commedia
Das Kapital
The Communist Manifesto

>> No.3350772

I overlooked it.

All but one are exceptionally bad, and the one that isn't is canon.

>> No.3351353

finally, thought /lit/ was retarded

>> No.3351355

No Longer Human

>> No.3351362

>Das Kapital
>The Communist Manifesto

Almost had me there, good chap. But the seriously, Replace those with Human Action and Wealth of Nations

>> No.3351376
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So, everyone ITT thus far simply agrees that just the act of reading some particular book or books constitutes being an elitist?
Really, /lit/?

Do I need to say it?

>> No.3351401

I'm sick of you guys thinking that elitism is only a /lit/ thing. Truth is, most people are insecure about their intelligence - people at universities even more so.

Perhaps you don't notice it, but there is plenty of dick-waving among professors. I've had many so far say 'I'm the only one that knew about Machado de Assis in my office', 'Stephen Pinker is a good friend of mine' or 'I don't think anyone outside of a university would read "Lolita"'.

This isn't unique to English professors either. I've had Art History professors say things like 'I don't think many others teach about Nanni di Banco' or that Titian is an overrated artist.

If these people were so confident in themselves, they wouldn't need to say these things. But everyone likes to think they're important, original, unique, well-acquainted or intelligent.

>> No.3352207
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/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.3352260

Thus Spake Zarathustra
Magick in Theory and Practice
Liber LXV vel Adonai
Liber AL vel Legis
Clavicula Salomonis
Liber XXXVI - The Ritual of the Star Sapphire
Emblems and Talismans
And a few others. These should be enough to make one feel like they're in a spacial magical club (OTO).

>> No.3352281

Here's 5.

The Antichrist. The anti-religious angle would lure in left-wingers.

Henry IV, pts. 1 & 2. A classic and thus not examined too closely; people prefer to use classics to support their ideas, no matter how tenuously. They are almost invisible in a sense, and thus immune to suspicion. The trojan horse idea it contains is about the duty of the high to reject the low and vulgar (in the Falstaff subplot,) and the realistic personal discomfort and unhappiness that entails.

Poetics. The utter plainness and naivety with which Aristotle speaks gives his ideas a "from the mouths of babes" kind of trustworthiness. The idea - so blandly expressed - that the low are by nature more comedic than the high rings true, with all kinds of aesthetic and psychological implications, if dwelt upon.

A Rebours. A bohemian staple, and seemingly apolitical. It teaches one to appreciate luxury, and also convincingly inveighs against vulgarity. If you think vulgarity merely means saying 'fuck' or 'shit,' you will be corrected.

Purgatory by W.B. Yeats. A short neoclassical play in blank verse about a self-hating peasant and his son.

I suppose the Book of the Courtier might also work, but I can't really recommend something I've only skimmed.

>> No.3352332


Maybe you are being tricky, but just in case you are serious: OPs post contains neither premise nor conclusion.