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3350316 No.3350316 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else unsettled by the way Bret Easton Ellis tries to act like rape is funny in his books?

>> No.3350342

While rape may be funny, it isn't in a BEE.

>> No.3350349

It's all consensual.


>implying prostitutes and harvard alumni are people

>> No.3350354

Who is Bret Easton Ellis?

>> No.3350362

Check out his Twitter page. He's a real nasty piece of shit.

>> No.3350391

The definition of SO EDGY 2DEEP4U

>> No.3350405

U mad Brett Easton Elis?

>> No.3350484

>Bret Easton Ellis (born March 7, 1964) is an American novelist, screenwriter, and short story writer. His works have been translated into 27 languages.[2]

That makes him very important

>> No.3350578


I liked his "it doesn't get better" rant about the bullshit "It gets better" movement.

>> No.3350588

I was going to read Less Than Zero and American Psycho at some point. Should I bother?

>> No.3350633


American Psycho is 300+ pages of characters who are comically racist and completely oblivious to the real world, yet fancy themselves superior to everyone else. Whether you like it or not depends on your interpretation of the characters. If you think Bret Easton Ellis is setting his characters up as role models (protip: he isn't), you probably aren't going to like the book.
Less Than Zero is just about indefensibly dumb kids doing dangerous things. Fairly realistic portrayal of twentysomethings going to parties.

>> No.3350644

not really, but i'm irritated by his twitter feed.

american psycho is to yuppies what less than zero is for college kids.

>> No.3350648


He is a hypocrite for calling Zero Dark Thirty amoral and fascist in spite of writing deliberately asshole/psycho characters into his writing.

>> No.3350661

The Rapes of Grath

>> No.3350662

>doesn't know what satire is

>> No.3350664


The Rules of Attraction is a better BEE representation of College Kids

>> No.3350663

i haven't seen zero dark thirty, but i think the criticism is that the movie is ideologically amoral and fascist, not that they've written amoral and fascist characters.

>> No.3350675


>ideologically amoral and fascist

Not that guy but this is what edgyfags and whiny hipsters (the people actually who think Obama ISN'T LIBERAL ENOUGH) say every time they see a positive portrayal of America's military/intelligence community and a realistically negative portrayal of America's enemies. I am sorry, but the hunt for Osama Bin Laden was a very clear cut case of good against evil, contrary to what liberals believe these things do exist in real life.

>> No.3350693


...and then there's this guy.

>> No.3350695

take it up with bee, idc.

>> No.3350705

>the hunt for Osama Bin Laden was a very clear cut case of good against evil

Jesus wept, there are actually people who think like this?

>> No.3350720

Clapistanis gonna clap.

>> No.3350727

There are, but they're generally the thoroughly uneducated who (luckily) don't really have all that much clout in anything. Modern day version of the peasant thinking hurricanes are because human sin, or a school shooting happens because the devil infected some soul with evil.

>> No.3350738


Nineteen men fly into buildings, killing thousands of innocent people. How are they not evil? How is the man who ordered this not evil? How are the people who sheltered and supported this man not evil?

How is killing one man responsible for the deaths of thousands, and those who support him, not just? There are good guys and bad guys, and I'll be damned if America didn't bring justice to one of the most despicable pieces of shit to live in our century.

>> No.3350743

>three thousand dead
>one of the most despicable pieces of shit to live in our century

you really have no clue about the world do you

>> No.3350745

And that justifies killing hundreds of thousands of innocent peoples.

>> No.3350756

The reason you bandy about the word "evil" is because you'd rather not think too hard about it. You are anti-intellectual. You don't care about the justification for 9/11, you'd rather just wave your hand and say, "evildoers," like some sort of obese adult whose worldview is informed by comic books.

You do know about systematic US involvement in and around the middle east, right? You know how the US high fructose corn syrup and titties culture has invaded pretty much every country on the globe?

Beyond that, how can you call Osama Bin Laden "evil" when your own government has murdered thousands of innocent civilians, destroyed their houses, and reduced their thriving cities into slums of abject poverty where people are still dying of hunger and disease to this day?

Are you fucking daft? In terms of bodycount, the US military is far more "evil" than OBL could have ever hoped to be.

>> No.3350762

it's only evil to kill americans

killing innocent brown people is ok, so the us is pure

>> No.3350775


>systematic US involvement in and around the middle east

I can name several examples and it all boils down to one thing. Pragmatism, my dear Watson.

>fructose corn syrup and titties

Yeah, because a few Arabs being exposed to hip hop, McDonald's and black market porn really warrants a revenge attack that kills thousands of Americans. I'm well aware that he wasn't crazy, as terrorists are typically rational and well educated. Doesn't make them any less evil. I am also aware that he operated on a different moral compass from what you or I would imagine to be acceptable. However, his actions were undoubtedly evil. Murder is evil, mass murder in the form of politically motivated violence even more so.

>murdered thousands of innocent civilians

Iraq was an unfortunate mistake but U.S. involvement in Iraq is not a war against the people of Iraq. It was an attempt to bring down a brutal and corrupt government, and unfortunately rebuilding has been difficult.

>> No.3350776

Sorry, but you're government helped form the Taliban. You gave them their weapons so they could fight the soviets. You established them as a legitimate political party. Then you collapsed them after they had done your bidding. You turned their country to shit when the saudis and Iraqis showed more promise. You meddle in the middle east to your own benefit. From the president of Turkmenistan to Assassinating Iraqis, you fuck their shit up constantly. You have attacked Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen..You even attacked Bosnia and Yugoslavia. We don't even need to discuss Palestine. You're content to meddle in every other country, destroying the lives of millions as long as they remain productive to you. And you sit there and wonder why someone kicked back?

Jesus Christ, it's like you really live in a deluded bubble, and the only knowledge of outside countries is those evil brown people. "very clear cut case of good against evil" You dumb fuck. To the rest of the world you are the evil.

>> No.3350778

>I can name several examples and it all boils down to one thing. Pragmatism
>implying this makes it justifiable or good

are you retarded?

>mass murder in the form of politically motivated violence even more so.




>> No.3350794

i will argue a third point. the purpose of 9-11 was to draw americans out. they anticipated a response that they could use as a propaganda tool to make the united states look bad. well, it worked. afghanistan and iraq have been the single biggest recruiting tools for al qaeda because we basically gave them what they wanted and anticipated. something to make us look bad. oh the irony.

>> No.3350797

I think it's hilarious how 9/11, in your eyes was obviously "evil", yet Iraq is merely an "unfortunate mistake".

A mere 3,000 died on 9/11 and 100,000 have died in Iraq, yet the later is an "oopsie".

You truly are a drooling moron. A real credit to your country, you uneducated blockhead.

>> No.3350801

>Iraq was an unfortunate mistake
No, a mistake is making a typo, not fabricating evidence to start an illegal war. A mistake is spilling coffee, not lying to the United Nations Security Council to get res1441 passed.

>It was an attempt to bring down a brutal and corrupt government.
If that was honestly your incentive you would have 'helped' North Korea, Somalia, Turkmenistan, Sudan, the DRC, Liberia, or one of the other countries in a worse position that Iraq. Even Zimbabwe would have been an easier battle. You illegally Invaded Iraq because Saddam announced that he would be trading oil in the Euro, and you were set to loose billions from the federal reserve.

As a result you committed terrorist acts, (incidentally, you have attacked countries on 51 separate occasions since 1950) and killed and tortured more Iraqis than Saddam ever did. We also have to factor in your pandering to the nuclear-armed, non-NATO allies, your attempted prevention of the ideology prevalent in central Asia and the middle east, and your bizarre need for an external enemy figure for your citizens to fear.

I have honestly liked every American I have met on an individual basis, but your countries government is disgusting. 'You're a loaded gun pointed at the head of our planet.'

>> No.3350818

Can we stay on topic, please:

" I stare into a thin, weblike crack above the urinal's handle and think to myself that if I were to disappear into that crack, say somehow miniaturize and slip into it, the odds are good that no one would notice I was gone. No...one....would...care. In fact some, if they noticed my absense, might feel an odd, indefinable sense of relief. This is true: the world is better off with some people gone. Our lives are not all interconnected. That theory is a crock. Some people truly do not need to be here."

>> No.3350820

>on topic

are you new here

>> No.3350844

I guess I could have tried harder to get a relevant American Psycho excerpt, but BEE doesn't into world politics much. Maybe this works, let's imagine 3350801 is Bateman and the Axis of Evil anon is Bethany, because that's kind of what's happening here.

I killed Bethany, my old girlfriend, with a nail gun, and some man uh some old faggot with a dog last week. I killed another girl with a chainsaw, I had to, she almost got away and uh someone else there I can't remember maybe a model, but she's dead too. And Paul Allen. I killed Paul Allen with an axe in the face, his body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen.

>> No.3350855

so you are new

there is no on topic on /lit/

we're /b/ for pretentious people

>> No.3350864


>waaah, pretentious hipsters won't discuss my shitty pleb books

>> No.3350871

>we're /b/ for pretentious people
That is the most accurate description of /lit/ I have seen yet.

>> No.3350872

Are you okay, madam? Do you need me to call the nurse?

>> No.3350873

i'm not passing judgment, i'm only describing. i'm sure i can outhipster you.

>> No.3350877

Anon, I appreciate your guidance but I'm like /b/, doing it for the lulz. I must be so high that my jokes are only funny to me. Or you're dumb.

>> No.3350881

Challenge accepted, I'll see YOU in the typewriters are awesome thread, pronto!

>> No.3350894

>not writing with a dip pen
>anno domini MMXIII


>> No.3353037


There are actually people who use "doing it for the lulz" non-ironic? Damn, just, damn.

>> No.3353041

You leave him alone, you big meanie.