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3349322 No.3349322 [Reply] [Original]

what was your yearbook quote /lit/?

>> No.3349333


Go to bed, murrica.

>> No.3349337

I never got a chance to, because I moved out of the states, but if I'd gotten to, it would have been something suitably retarded, like: "Being the only sane person on earth makes you crazy."

>> No.3349338


Doesn't exist here.

>> No.3349344

No quotes, but my attitude back then was like: "To my future self: good luck in balancing out my laziness."

>> No.3349353

We didn't do the senior quote thing.

>> No.3349360

"Just as planned". It was a pretty big meme on /a/ back in 2009.

>> No.3349361

I'm not wiser than before

>> No.3349366

I am the Yiddish King. All shall love me and despair.

>> No.3349368

"#graduation #future #college #bewhatyouwanttobe"

Get with the times gramps.

>> No.3349370

Mine was
"It's not enough for me to be successful, others must fail"

>> No.3349371

Am I normal yet?

>> No.3349376

"Don't over-think strategy when dealing with Dragons." - Me

>> No.3349394

"dose me"

>> No.3349396

I'm in the UK and I had one. I thought it was common in every country.

>> No.3349400

You posted it, OP. "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" was destined to be my senior quote the moment I saw that episode.

>> No.3349403


(it was either that, or "sit on it", and apparently "sit on it" is offensive.)

>> No.3349409


>> No.3349414

>so I can write down anything I want here and it will be in the yearbook?

>> No.3349423

For our yearbook we had a whole page with a few questions to answer and we could edit (make it artsy) the page as much as we wanted.

My quote was a nonsensical sentence that I don't remember.

>> No.3349425

We didn't have yearbook, but we left a book to our head teacher (I don't know if that translates to English). Mine quote was: "A master doesn't train students, just masters". I forgot who said it.

>> No.3349427

"I earn more money than this guy ->"

>> No.3349429

"Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek! Kóax Kóax Kóax! Ualu
Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh!"

>> No.3349438

Forgot to pass in the sheet with all my information for the yearbook, so my portrait wasn't included in the section where everyone had quotes. It's kind of funny because there's all these crappy/awkward portrait photos of delinquents or new students and then there's a studio-quality photograph of me posing in the center of them.

I think it was going to be something from The Count of Monte Cristo though, kind of typical.

>> No.3349442

"There is nothing in the world that I loathe more than group activity, that communal bath where the hairy and slippery mix in a multiplication of mediocrity."

- Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.3349445


pic plz

>> No.3349455

#fiveyearslater #onthedole

>> No.3349465
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>not, "Be true to your dick" - Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.3349475

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

>> No.3349482

"Reader, I graduated."

>> No.3349485

I'm silk screening that onto a shirt.

>> No.3349487


>> No.3349490

Toilet paper is just for sissies.

I shit you not.

>> No.3349494

"9/11 was a hoax. Open your eyes sheeple"

Captcha: the layjun

>> No.3349515

wow who gives a fuck about yearbooks except for highschool teens and nostalgic college loners.

yearbooks are shit just to make a few extra bucks off of your sorry asses before you leave and waste more of your money on "higher education."

>> No.3349516

"While people are after conquesting women, i am after other type of conquest, world domination."
Just kidding, here we don't have that shit.

>> No.3349518
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>not, "Pearl Harbor was an inside job. Open your eyes sheeple."

>> No.3349538
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I didn't even go to the high school graduation party(aka senior prom in murrika) because i hated 99% of people and because we would need to pay, because the rent of the place was expensive and other type of shit.

>> No.3349847

"Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?"

>> No.3350022

I'm almost free

>> No.3350029

I had a quote from The Fountainhead.

>> No.3350035




>> No.3350032

Kill yourself.

>> No.3350038

Pretty sure mine was "Get knowledge. F**k bitches."

In other words, im a fucking idiot. At least I fuck bitches.

>> No.3350039

Get the fuck out of here Ginsberg/Jesus.

>> No.3350040
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>> No.3350041
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>> No.3350042

"Sometimes you just have to piss in the sink." - Charles Bukowski

>> No.3350087

It was such a great episode and that show was my personal heroine in freshman year.

>> No.3350094

>"I will kill myself one day"
I'm serious. I convinced the school it was a quote from some "book".

>> No.3350098


>> No.3350108

Which episode is that?

>> No.3350115

"It's said that youth's only tragedy us being unoriginal."

>> No.3350117


>> No.3350121



All the time.

>> No.3350137
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>not using the good ol' Descartes quote