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/lit/ - Literature

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3348465 No.3348465 [Reply] [Original]

Who here has been professionally diagnosed with a mental illness? What do you read? I'm curious to see if there's a pattern.

I'm Borderline and ADHD.
My favorites are Comedies and Historical Fiction.

>> No.3348474


You're just a stupid teenager.

>> No.3348485

Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD.
Whatever tickles my fancy. currently reading reminiscences: che, schopenhauer: essays and aphorisms, foucault's pen(dulum), Ishmael

>> No.3348495

Depression, ADD, Social Anxiety, OCD
Prose Poetry and stuff like Mishima, Kenzaburo Oe
Theater of the Absurd

>> No.3348507

That is a hilariously invalid opinion.

Any particular genre you lean towards the most?

>> No.3348522

You're fucking retard if you glorify being mentally ill

also there was no mental illness with any of the characters portrayed in OP image

>> No.3348525

To be fair, you did open with a photo of the three edgy-teers

once you hit about 19 you'll stop being impressed by faggots like Heath Ledger's joker and Tyler Fucking Durden.
Fuck Alex too.

>> No.3348527


I stick to short stories

>> No.3348542

Meh, sure, I'll give you that. I just chose the first image I came across that was marginally related.

>> No.3348548

>once you hit about 19 you'll stop being impressed by faggots like Heath Ledger's joker and Tyler Fucking Durden.
Yup. And then you mature. Only to find yourself in a job you hate, with a manager breathing over your shoulder, 3 screaming kids that you can barely afford to raise, a taxation rate that means you're struggling to pay the mortgage, and when you're around 35-40 the appeal of the rebellious anti-establishment hero that you admired as a teen begins to resurface. The balding middle-aged man, with a growing abdomen and a resentment of his daily rat-race now latches on to the care-free ideologies of the young insurrectionist, and rekindles his inner edgy... But only on his lunch break, or when the wife's asleep.

>> No.3348550

>having kids
>not being gay

Haw. I'll just be over here reading my Capote and musing over the leitmotifs of sexual identity.

>> No.3348554

>mfw americans think ADHD is a real disease
>mfw everybody on 4chan is convinced they suffer from depression
Oh you special snowflakes you

>> No.3348559

autism, originally just asperberger's
1 Depression episode

Fantasy, philosophy, science fiction, dystopia/utopia stuff is sweet.

>> No.3348564

How the hell does asperger's metamorphose into autism?

>> No.3348565

I haven't been diagnosed with anything but I'm pretty sure I'm psychotic due to hearing voices and I could also be considered to have social phobia because I get panic attacks when around strangers and thus I hide inside all day. I mean, you could also just say that I'm really shy.
I do like reading about insanity a lot. Stories but also stuff like Laing or reference books and at times I get obsessed with the DSM. I also like reading poetry.

>> No.3348568

As a child I had been diagnosed with ADHD. Thankfully I seemed to have grown out of it. That being said, as a youth I found reading quite impossible; my mind would wander throughout every sentence.I found after forcefully reading an entire page to somewhat of a mild understanding I was mentally exhausted and could not further continue my reading. However, there was a series that captivated me so much I read each book in one sitting, even today I am impressed at this feat. I had read, A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. So to a fellow ADHD suffer I suggest you read them, if you have not already.

>> No.3348570

Autism is the new everything. Wheeeeee!

>> No.3348571

>How the hell does asperger's metamorphose into autism?
Aspergers is already autism. Autism is a spectrum not a disease; It has Rain Man on one end and aspergers on the other.

>> No.3348575

*Autism is a spectrum, not a single disorder.

>> No.3348621

Guess we should all be sociopaths and not give a fuck about anything then right?

Grow up faggot

>> No.3348625

>Sociopaths are people who are discontent with their lives.

Looks like your grand theory needs revising, kid.

>> No.3348652

major depression.

>> No.3348659

and what do you like reading?

>> No.3348662
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I'm currently in the progress of getting diagnosed. So far it's thought to be some kind of yet unspecified personality disorder. My goal is to get declared completely unfit for work so that I may live a happy life.

Currently into Hellenistic philosophy and the good simple life. Used to be more into nihilistic despair and pessimism trying to combat it with ever failing Nietzscheanism with short spells of fetishizing Eastern stuff.

>> No.3348674

Depression + anxiety

Modern/contemporary poetry, Philip K. Dick, angst literature (Knut Hamsun, Thomas Bernhard, Dostoevsky)

>> No.3348678

major depression with obsessive and borderline traits
i mostly read philosophy and pomo fiction

>> No.3348681

Confirmed major depression, multiple personality syndrome, anxiety issues.
I'm also passively suicidal.

I like horror mostly. Favourite book is Dorian Gray

>> No.3348685

>I'm hoping I'm crazy
>I'm a sociopath
>Proud I have ADHD
>I'm hoping to get mental disability and not work

Jesus Christ, it's like a race to the bottom with you people.

>> No.3348687

/lit/ needs an angstcore recommendation list.

>> No.3348689

Self-improvement is masturbation >:)

>> No.3348690

No, /lit/ needs an enema.

>> No.3348692

Our problems are more than their names, they are not just in us, they are around us, they are what we do more than simply how we or others think we are.

>> No.3348694

fiction: isherwood, nabokov, moliere, balzac, houellebecq, beckett, updike, cortazar.

nonfiction: urban biographies, histories of trade and social history, catholic theology, pop-linguistics or readable comparative linguistics and linguistic anthropology. canon philosophy.

sorry. i missed that part of the question.

>> No.3348696

>Proud I have ADHD
I don't know why people keep assuming this. ADHD is a shithole and anyone with it doesn't want it.

>> No.3348697
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>> No.3348701

What Tyler Durden forgot to mention is that masturbation is awesome.

>> No.3348703

Enjoy not being a tragic bohemian genius.

>> No.3348707
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>>Multiple personality syndrome

If you psych called it that I'd get a second opinion, not only is it an extraordinarily rare diagnosis, it is also not what the disorder (notice: not at syndrome) is called

>> No.3348710


>> No.3348714


So many self-diagnoses

>> No.3348716

Are characters like the Joker and Tyler Durden responsible for how all the kiddies nowadays boast of some sort of disability like it was a badge? It's like mental disability is the new black, and everyone's erroneously claiming they have something, just to feel 'special' or 'unique'.

It's pathetic, really.

>> No.3348718

I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac and a paradoxon.

>> No.3348719

Epilepsy, prosopagnosia, major depressive disorder, and I'm sure I could get ADHD diagnosed but I can't take uppers due to the epilepsy so I've never bothered to check it out (and also who can't get ADHD diagnosed?).

I like well-written essays and modern/post-modern fiction.

>> No.3348721

>Are characters like the Joker and Tyler Durden responsible

more or less. add to that the Serious American Drama formula (sociopathic white male with a very loose code of ethics) and pretty much everyone from the late 80s early 90s grows up thinking being mad gives you access to knowledge inaccessible by the horde (which is kinda like going back to the 1800s). also people like feeling special.

notice how no one boasts they only have one leg or how they're deaf in one ear.

>> No.3348723

Not really. It's always been like that.
"I'm so random! Sporks!" and that kind of thing.

>> No.3348726

That's weird, because I always think I wish I had a prosthetic leg.

>> No.3348727

that's because you have body dysmorphia. u weirdo.

>> No.3348729
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I have ass burgers. I mostly read fantasy and science fiction with a preference for the latter.

>> No.3348733

Go to bed Walter Bishop.

>> No.3348736


decadence / surrealism movements

>> No.3348738

I've been diagnosed schizoaffective: previously it was 'bi-polar with psychotic tendencies' six years ago, but I guess there's enough of a difference for the former considering some of the stranger things i've gone through.

I download and buy a lot of books or magazines, literary or philosophical works for example, depending on what I can actually find; some of my favorites are Litchtenberg, Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Wittegenstein, Baudrillard, Artaud, Marx, Brakhage, Boulez, Jarry, Beckett, Pynchon, Dostoevsky, and Borges.

>> No.3348740
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but I only just got up an hour ago

>> No.3348744
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No, you didn't. You just think you did. You're high on acid and have been up for 2 days.

>> No.3348752
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Preposterous, I.. oh my...

>> No.3348825

Diagnosed as schizophrenic when I was 17. I'd started reading typical /lit/ stuff about 3 years prior. I like lots of Russian literature and Tolkien. I'm also making an attempt to get more *into* philosophy this year.

I also love non-fiction books, particularly focusing on mythology and Ancient civilizations

>> No.3348852

I like to read about rape because I hate myself.

>> No.3348855

Derp also manic depression and minor schizophrenia

>> No.3348869

>Believing in this ridiculously labeled "mental disorders" that strangely resemble simple character traits

>Paying any attention to the incomplete "science" of psychology

>> No.3348891

Oh look someone who doesn't get psychology!

>> No.3348895

Apparently no one in this thread does.

>> No.3349227

clinically diagnosed with chronic depression and severe ADHD. I didn't read at all for ages, and when I did it was sad poetry. Now I am reading the classics, mostly to get ready for my degree in literature. If it was just me deciding I'd pick really awesome fantasy or sci-fi novels... like Dan Simmons.

>> No.3349486


you know that's classed as schizophrenia right

>> No.3349491

I'm lucky enough that they don't tell me what mine is. Anyone else like this?

I read dark satire.

>> No.3349503

>I'm lucky enough that they don't tell me what mine is.
That's not even legal. They're obligated, unless you're a minor, I guess. And what the hell, anyway. Have you eaten babies?

>> No.3349508

Sometimes, in the course of therapy, it's not helpful to receive a definitive, hopeless diagnosis. I don't ask anymore because I don't want to know.

>> No.3349519

That is pants on head retarded. If you don't know, you can't start therapy. What kind of fucked up whacko are you going to? Stop seeing him immediately.

>> No.3349522

lol, nice try, pup

>> No.3349527


>> No.3349533

Yeah. I have a team. Impenetrable.

>> No.3349540

So instead of focusing your own efforts as well, you're just doing what a group of people tell you to.

>> No.3349545

It's synergistic. Nice try, again. I enjoy watching someone swing and miss, almost effortlessly. It's beautiful.

>> No.3349550

You enjoy that.

>> No.3349557

I'm almost sorry you were ineffectual.

>> No.3349558

That is just wrong. Therapy is not based on a diagnosis, on the contrary, it comes before any diagnosis. That is assuming it's not just a "pills guy" you are seeing and actually someone trying to help you.

There is a great problem involving that actually. The symptoms are not the only thing that should be looked. If you go to your doctor and you say you feel miserable, wants to die and there is no pleasure in the world he might say you have depression and give you something to do about it. But a better approach is not to give an answer and go on to the origin of these conditions, afterall, pills won't solve your problem if you are still living in fear in a shitty home or doing a job that draws your energies and leaves you with no satisfaction.

The diagnosis, I'd say, is the least important thing there is here. It's common that a patient that gets a name for what they have begin either taking in other symptoms associated with the problem, or using it as an excuse, or getting to think it's their fault or a lot of other possible reactions to the diagnosis that are not good. Sometimes, it's the thing that helps them, but not all times, far from that. You identify yourself with it and new things comes to the table when you are diagnosed.

These things are not black and white at all. You are not a walking pile of symptoms.

>> No.3349560


Not always. You can hear voices if you're bi-polar and sometimes even with Major Depressive Disorder. The voices just don't tell you to kill your neighbour because they put arsenic in your coffee every morning.

When I was 24 a psychologist diagnosed me with bi-polar disorder. More recently, a psychologist diagnosed me with major depressive disorder. I think the latter is more likely, even if it is slightly less sexy.

I like to read classic fiction, magic realism, philosophy, history, and aesthetic theory.

>> No.3349572


The desire for a label, a diagnosis is narcissism and has nothing to do with a cure.

The synergistic approach of my psychiatrist and therapist is working as you described, nothing to do with a label followed by a magic pill. It's work, but it's the correct work.

>> No.3350017

lol psychology

>> No.3350258

>doesn't like free money

>> No.3350269

If you want to bump, bump.

Just don't pretend we believe one who doesn't like the subject would bump it from some pages away to say absolutely nothing.

>> No.3350294


Why would you craft something so wicked?

>> No.3351479

Why would you say I don't like the subject or am pretending so?

>> No.3351656

There are also quite a few people who hear voices and get along just fine. I don't think I'm schizophrenic, I have very few delusions that are outside the norm, I'm not terribly incoherent and I still know what's real and what isn't. I don't want the stigma either. One could also argue that hearing voices is just on one end of the spectrum of normal human behavior.

>> No.3351692
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Major Depressive Disorder with a suspicion of Bipolar Disorder wrote my doctory (who is apparently over-diagnosing Bipolars in my town).

Non-fiction: Jonathan Glover, Nietzsche (inb4 edgy), and a lot of books about history. Yeah, classic war nerd.

Favorite books and authors:
Rimbaud: Illuminations
Paul Auster: The Invention of Solitude
Orwell: Animal Farm
Bukowski: Ham on Rye
Tolkien: Children of Húrin

Yeah...I h-hope y-you like these...

>> No.3351699

Why do the mentally ill love to represent themselves as media icons so much? Seriously, if it's not the Joker or Tyler Durden it's Patrick Bateman or some other attractively powerful Hollywood invention.

>> No.3351701

Bipolar (diagnosed).
At the moment I'm reading the major texts of every major religion, as well as some core folklore texts, but typically I'd read 'heavy' classics or postmodern bullshit - note: if I didn't aspire to be a writer I'd only read postmodern bullshit.

>> No.3351706

Because they want to see themselves as powerful persons, but little wacky and charismatic.

Needless to say that they are not.

>> No.3351707

I don't really know what that means. Crazy people aren't inventing these figures. It's what not crazy people think crazy people are like.

Anyway, I do like crazy people in movies and books and shows, but far more subtle, if only for the reason that the moral ambiguity is so much more interesting than the common strain good vs. evil that is so predominant.

>> No.3351718

I try really hard to conceal my eccentricities from people, given that they'll otherwise take the same philosophy as yourself and group me in with said 'kiddies'. I deny most of it when I can because I'm happily aware that people only continue asking a question that's been established as 'invasive' because they're hoping to 'negate you by way of labelling you', to group you, or to in some way claim authority over your identity - to make some vague grab at power, effectively - and, well, saying I'm 'x' is bad enough, but then there's, 'diagnosed, though, so I actually am', as though you're obliged to prove anything to them (which, if you say 'I'm diagnosed', is the truth, or 'new truth', that you're confessing). All of which isn't very relevant because it'd be the case whether these Fight Club-descendants were playing crazy or not, but I fucking hate them, and you, anyway.

>> No.3351748

I tell people about my "illness" openly, because it's unfair to them, really, if they're going to be my friends. They should have the option to back out, or at the very least, know why I suddenly burst into tears.

>> No.3351795
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I was diagnosed with clinical depression.

I dont think I'm depressed but hey.

My favorite book is George Orwell's 1984.

Currently reading: Pic related.

>> No.3351805

The thing is that they're never going to know. Your 'explanation' will only tell them, 'crazy, therefore; Y'. You're only advertising to people that you're beyond hope, and you're encouraging them to believe that your misery is different, in such a way that it's lesser, than a 'healthy person's' misery. You're not required to walk on eggshells for their sakes and, if they don't want to be your friend, or if they don't mind upsetting you, then neither are they. At the very least, you don't have any responsibilities to a 'potential friend'.

When I'm entering a relationship, of course, I give fair warning, or, when I'm very close friends with somebody, I'll allow them to talk about me in that way (which is the way any two friends handle their disparities - i.e. joking about race), but it's like the 'are you a humanist or an anti-humanist' thing, 'you have to be one or the other'. Those two labels are terribly inadequate when it comes to describing what you actually believe; they only assist the one who's asking the question in organizing you into one social group or another; in identifying 'your ilk' or the 'people like you'. That's what Kierkegaard meant when he said, 'Once you label me, you negate me'. They're trying to rob you of your individuality. Don't help them.

>> No.3351873

>When I'm entering a relationship, of course, I give fair warning
This is basically exactly what I was saying.

>> No.3351883

Yeah, I know, but I like talking.

>> No.3354756

The Collector.
Might give you some ideas.

>> No.3354776

Holy shit, this thread still exists.

I posted this: >>3348685
and I've been thinking about this thread since. I'm thinking about writing something about this thread--about how children grow up in the culture thinking that it's better to have illnesses and diseases (no matter how fake) to perpetuate this "I'm sooooo not normal" mentality.

I'm thinking about calling it The Race to the Bottom. Does this sound like a good idea?

>> No.3354779

just finished

don't know what to think about it... my opinion wouldn't really matter anyways

>> No.3354817

>Mental illness

It's the 'mental illness' equivalent of a minor allergy. Just dope up and go about your business like everyone else.

>> No.3354919

ever read Miguel Angel Asturias?

>> No.3355135


I exclusively read non-fiction. Mostly philosophy and neuroscience related but a fair amount of biology/evolution books. Currently reading "Being noone" by Thomas Metzinger, "How language works" by David Crystal and rereading "A breifer history of time" by Stephen Hawking.

It is essential for you to know that I am currently suicidal.

>> No.3355230
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depression, schitzophrenia

I enjoy Sci-fi novels and a lot of non-fiction, mostly philosophy

>> No.3355775

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

I like escapism. Anything with good world-building.

>> No.3355823

Not having to labour in factories and warehouses all your life is an excellent reason to hope to acquire disability.

Check your privilege.

>> No.3355873

>tfw diagnosed with depression because I don't want a job
>tfw I'm fine as long as I'm not working
>tfw if you don't want a job there must be something wrong with you
>tfw I get money
>tfw I've never been so happy as when I've been officially depressed

>> No.3355877

I have post traumatic stress disorder which I got after being trapped in a bar during a riot in which some of my friends were injured and we were robbed at gunpoint.

I have been getting treatment though and I'm nowhere near as bad as I was three months ago even.

>> No.3356670

Alex is good though

>> No.3356883

general/social anxiety

uhh last read baudrillard

>> No.3356886

How hard is it to get on the dole in the US? I've never bothered but I have an official diagnosis of depression and live with my parents.

>> No.3356891

oh and OP

that picture with this thread is pretty stigmatizing.

ever get "oh so you're like ____ character/villain' when yo utry and talk to ppl about this shit? sucks

>> No.3356899

clinical depression

I like vonnegut-tier stuff

>> No.3356904

>Our problems are more than their names, they are not just in us, they are around us, they are what we do more than simply how we or others think we are.

what is this?

>> No.3356913

Male Hypervigilant Disorder.

Mostly non-fiction.

>> No.3356923

what's the difference between male hypervigilance and female hypervigilance?

>> No.3356957

Do people actually say that to you?

>> No.3356998


I've never heard that women got hypervigilant disorder. I think theres something associated with childcare that has similar symptoms, but its transient.

>> No.3357036

a) if that were true, you wouldn't need to put "male" in front of it, either way.
b) that's retarded.