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/lit/ - Literature

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3340152 No.3340152 [Reply] [Original]

"Science has established a radically new insight: that there is such a strong brain-vagina connection in women that many neuroscientists call 'a single system'"

"Realizing the nature of this brain-vagina connection led me, as a feminist, to have the next obvious insight: the vagina is not a sex organ at all, but a powerful mediator of female confidence, creativity and the sense of all connections between things. A profound connection between a woman’s brain and her vagina affects her greater sense of creativity—even her consciousness."

"Understanding the brain-vagina connection, I have learned, is not merely a key to more transformative sex for women – it is a key to female self-actualization, and thus to female power."

>> No.3340194

Giving the quarterback head behind the cafeteria dumpster.

>> No.3340190

>Brain is connected to an organ in the body
Where was Miss Wolf during her biology classes?

>> No.3340200
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And women say -we- think with our dicks

>> No.3340203

We had this thread when the book came out.

Hell, you were there. Were you the one that started it?

>> No.3340205

There have been studies about the GI tract having a "mind" of it's own, in the way that it communicates with the brain to dictate function/dysfunction. But the vag? Seems far-fetched and also, unwelcome for most sane vag owners.

>> No.3340212

If anything this is a blow to feminism. Woman want 'equality' yet claim they are biologically different as they think with their clunge.

>> No.3340220

>thinking with your dick

>> No.3340271

>that many neuroscientists call 'a single system'
You mean, like, I dunno, a... body?

>> No.3340288

Wolf-types don't care about equality, they need to sell books so come up with this kind of garbage.

>> No.3340683
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You're a very busy self-appointed moderator.

As to this book about vagins, it just shows, I really knew how to blow her mind, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3340691

>Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ shitposts
>twunny ten plus three pennies

>> No.3340695
File: 56 KB, 682x600, Andrea-Dworkin-Feminist-97565797184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best pic I could find when I searched "andrea dworkin facepalm"

>> No.3340706

Why does /lit/ only think fatuous, unsupported arguments about the mind are problematic when they come from a feminist perspective?

>> No.3340708


>> No.3340711

>Wolf-types don't care about equality
Feminists don't care about equality. They're pro-female, not egalitarian.

>> No.3340742

well duh it's a liberation movement. equality follows liberation.

>> No.3340749

misogyny + being uneducated = academic quality and intellectual honesty

>> No.3340774

>equality follows liberation
Unfortunately this is far from being true.

>> No.3340778

fortunately you're wrong

>> No.3340791

Unfortunately, you're mistaken.

>> No.3340858

let me save you bitches 9.99 off amazon.

the key to transformative sex is to have the guy hambone you. done.

>> No.3340901

what is hambone?

>> No.3340910


>> No.3340919
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I would never post such a thread.
And Wolf has obviously gone nuts with this book.


>> No.3342213

Well? What is hambone?

>> No.3343878

Reading that quote, and it's...it's like she just skimmed a headline, got all the details wrong, and vomited up this nonsense.

What studies are showing is how little actually control themselves, how so much of what we pass off as "rational thought" is really just rationalizations for giving in to our basest desires.

This is not a good thing.

>> No.3344527
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I've read a couple reviews about this book in Newsweek, Time, other literary reviews, etc. and almost everyone seemed to legitimately worry about this woman's mental health.

>> No.3344544

Why doesn't she just accept that gender isn't performative, and that most feminist theory since de Beauvoir was all bullshit?

This seems to be the unsaid implication, that gender is biological, not a social construct after all.

>> No.3345087

>Why doesn't she just accept that gender isn't performative

Because to a certain extent it is.

>> No.3345096
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>mfw if a man published this drivel, he would be called a misogynist and would get a pack of slutwalkers burning phallic crosses on his front lawn.

>> No.3345217

What is it with Jewish women and perverse feminism?

>> No.3345221


I don't know, but I have a thing for both Jewish women and feminists I can silence with the relentless thrust of my hardy masculinity. Keep it coming, I say! Make my tumescence turgid, you filthy slut.

>> No.3345253
File: 15 KB, 230x207, brianblesseddemandsabloodsacrifice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make my tumescence turgid, you filthy slut.

>> No.3345276

dude i love pussy